
Han Hanyu, Ma Ying-jeou, Wu Dunyi, and Hong Xiuzhu hugged each other in unity and embraced each other, "no longer let people see the stitches and needles"

author:Straits Herald

Former Taiwan regional leader Ma Ying-jeou, KMT Chairman Wu Dunyi, and KMT 2020 candidate Han Kuo-yu shared the stage in Tainan tonight, and Xie Longjie, chairman of the Tainan City Party Department of the KMT who served as the moderator, asked Ma, Wu, and Han, former kmt chairman of the KMT and Candidate Hong Xiuzhu, former kmted chairman of the KMT and candidate for "legislator" in Tainan, to hug each other, "so that people can no longer see the needle in the seams" and resolve the "knots" in the party.

Han Hanyu, Ma Ying-jeou, Wu Dunyi, and Hong Xiuzhu hugged each other in unity and embraced each other, "no longer let people see the stitches and needles"

Ma Ying-jeou, Wu Dunyi, Han Hanyu entered the scene at 7 o'clock tonight, the supporters crowded the scene into a watery place, after taking the stage, everyone made a concerted effort, after Ma Ying-jeou and Wu Dunyi's speech, Xie Longjie asked Ma, Wu, Han, and Zhu to hug each other, the 4 people at first seemed a little surprised to hear it, looked at each other, and smiled, Han Hanyu first extended his right hand to the right Side of Wu Dunyi hugged, Ma Ying-jeou hugged hong Xiuzhu on the left-hand side, and then 4 people hugged each other, Xie Longjie and shouted "So you can't see stitches again."

After Guo Tiancai, chairman of the Campaign Headquarters of Yu Tainan City, presented the battle flag to Han Hanyu, Ma Ying-jeou and Wu Dunyi had to leave because of their rush, and waited for about half an hour, Han Hanyu took the initiative to shake hands with Ma Ying-jeou and Wu Dunyi first, and then the two people left first.

News source: Taiwan's "United News Network"

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