
Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: I wish compatriots on both sides of the strait a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and hope to realize family reunion and unity of heart on both sides of the strait as soon as possible

author:Interface Alerts

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference today (15 July). At the meeting, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said: The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and on behalf of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, we would like to extend festive greetings to compatriots on both sides of the strait and wish compatriots on both sides of the strait a happy holiday and a full moon and a successful event. We would also like to extend our special greetings to the compatriots who have been separated from the two sides of the strait due to the epidemic and other factors, and hope that with the joint efforts of everyone, the reunion of families and the unity of the two sides of the strait can be realized as soon as possible.

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