
【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

author:To be a famous writer
【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

Animal protection video: White-fronted terns on the sand and gravel surface of the estuary Tirelessly incubating eggs, after the summer sun exposure and torrential rain, finally successfully hatched the baby terns

See today's headlines for details

【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】
【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】
【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】
【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

In the upper reaches of the river, dozens of kilometers from the mouth of the sea, the mother kingfisher is also carefully hatching her baby. ↓


【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

Mother Kingfisher dug a small hole in the riverbank ↓

【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

Unfortunately, the torrential rain caused the flood to rise, and the hydropower station opened the floodgates to discharge the flood, and the flood flooded the Kingfisher Cave in an instant.

When the flood receded, the animal protection personnel came to the kingfisher cave, and the mother kingfisher lay cold next to two broken bird eggs ↓

【Mother's Love Story - Seaside Terns and Riverside Kingfishers】

Life rotates and lives on end. Grateful for motherly love

—Yang Di—

October 15, 2021

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