
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns

author:Travel with the Mago image

August 24 left Lhasa to go to Yangzhuoyong Lake, arrived in the afternoon, parked at the closest distance from the lake, Yanghu Lake is said to have hundreds of millions of pounds of fish, but there are no birds, see 2 or 3 gulls flying, since the parking is then put up the bird fighting equipment, see a Mani pile on the lake (Tibetan called Duobang, is a stone built up) there is a gull bird, I will take a few steps to stop for a while, so slowly approaching, so that it feels that there is no danger, and finally stopped 30 meters away from it, is a sub-adult bird (do not know what kind of gull), Pressed a few shutters, flew an adult bird, stopped on the mound of rumbles by the lake, only to know that it was an ordinary tern (it was not certain at the time), an adult bird flew over the bird and circled, causing the bird to scream, and after a while to leave, far away to see it on the lake to catch fish, it first hovered on the surface of the water, and then plunged straight into the lake, the distance was far away, failed to shoot, and the next scene was more interesting,... The big bird swooped down on the fish close to the bird, the bird kept calling, just hovered in front of the bird, I began to think that the wind was strong, it was not good to feed, and then I learned that it did not feed it at all, as if to lure it, so that the scene was repeated 4 times, and finally the bird flew up, the big bird stayed on the Mani pile stone, the bird flew away, the bird kept calling on the stone, the big bird did not come back, I was ready to shoot a video, but the big bird did not come, and finally the bird also left, just share a few photos.

Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns
Yang Zhuoyong Lake encounters ordinary terns