
Thank you, sir!

author:Nandu Weekly
Thank you, sir!

Whether Teacher Cang retreats or not is no longer important. In the youth of the boys, she has occupied a full place.

Wen ◈ Yi Xiaohe Photography ◈ Shao Xin

Today #Teacher Cang announced his retirement # on the hot search, the news came from Teacher Cang answering questions from netizens on Twitter:

@aoi_sola: Did Teacher Cang retire from the AV career?

@Aoi: Although I didn't shoot the retired work, I will not engage in the AV business again.

Thank you, sir!

Hearing this news, countless netizens sighed: the goddess who exists in the otaku ABCDEFG disk is finally going to retire now.

In the afternoon, Teacher Cang forwarded the netizens' questions on Weibo and denied the retreat message:

Thank you, sir!

Is a refund not a refund? Because this netizen did not clearly demarcate what the retired jianghu is, and Teacher Cang has stepped into the entertainment circle in recent years, receiving business performances and endorsements, mixed up, Xiaonan guessed that Teacher Cang will not quit the entertainment circle, the AV career will still retire, after all, it is also a fact that no AV works came out after 2010.

Thank you, sir!

In China, few people are as endowed with so many cultural symbols and characteristics of the times as Cangjing Kong. People who like her understand what she has done, but that liking is a provocative and rebellious appreciation. She is the outlet of a pluralistic aesthetic, someone who dares to express this appreciation openly– most of them are naturally seeking freedom, respecting individuality, and opposing shackles.

The hope of rebellion

During the Western sexual revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, young people adopted sex as a concrete way of human liberation. The iconic slogan at the time was that we wanted to have sex, not war.

Sociologist Li Yinhe told Nandu Weekly a statistic, "In 1989, the premarital sex behavior I surveyed was 15%, and most of them were fixed partners who were ready to get married; in 2012, the data I saw was 71%, which can be called a revolutionary change." ”

Behind the revolutionary data are the new values of Chinese society.

In a widely publicized incident, a Chinese Internet celebrity called Cangjing kong a "chicken."

"I stripped naked and lay in front of the camera to survive. And some people stand in front of the camera in full costume, but only for selfish desires and deception. In the face of doubts, netizens fabricated Cangjingkong's reply.

This passage is widely circulated, and it appears in many places on the Internet as a real thing, in a sense, it is in line with the rebellious hopes that netizens place on an AV actress, and as the writer Murong Xuecun said, "Before, we were in two systems, basically not worshiping academia, not worshiping knowledge, or even worshiping morality, but worshiping loyalty and other things." In this era when the system was also collapsing, people were always trying to find new idols, breaking such an idolatry tradition. ”

As for why CangjingKong is so popular, and why Cangjing Air Heat is still popular among cultural people, Murong Xuecun said: "It can be observed on Weibo that the heat of Cangjing Empty is definitely not premeditated, but just such a part of people invariably regard Cangjing Void as a force. ”

Scholar Fei Yong believes that "people who study contemporary culture in colleges and universities are not sensitive, and if they were in the United States, they could write a book on the phenomenon of Cangjing Kong." ”

From Ai Iijima, Aoi, Maria Ozawa to Yoshii Hatano... Japanese AV actresses have a high popularity in the hearts of adolescents, and are even given the meaning of "great" sexual enlightenment.

"Teacher Aoi, thanks to her hard work over the years, it is almost time to issue her a certificate of appreciation." He Caitou said, "After so many years, I can finally meet with AV actresses on Twitter, and for the first time I feel that the Internet is real. ”

Thank you, sir!

Appreciation of Aoi became the avant-garde of the Internet, because people who dared to express this appreciation publicly—they naturally sought freedom, respected individuality, and opposed shackles.

Liu Jia is one of them, born in 1990, she looks more mature than she was.

"I like Aoi, my parents know it. Although they knew Aoi's original profession, they didn't say anything. My mom also said that if she had time to come to Jinan, let her play at home and cook for her. ”

In fact, Japanese AV actresses and Hong Kong third-level film actors have swept China, but no one has ever been like Aoi. In October 2013, CangJingkong's search results on Google were 24,200,000, which was less than Jay Chou, but more than Han Han, Guo Jingming, and Li Yuchun. In contrast to the above idols, almost all of Aoi's works are only for adults and are prohibited from being publicly disseminated.

Li Yinhe said: "First of all, she is beautiful and sexy, which is all attractive, and there is her special status, an actor in an AV film, which is very new Chinese, because there is no such legal, pornography-related profession in China." And the cangjing came empty, and it also fell generously, appearing in public with honor and integrity. This shows that Chinese have this demand for consumer pornography. ”

The reality is that many die-hard fans in Tieba or QQ groups, including Liu Jia, have never seen Aoi's AV, and their liking for Aoi is based on a variety of other reasons.

Fei Yong said: "From the perspective of the direction of our academic research, the most interesting thing about this matter is deconstructionism, she is purely a language symbol, this language symbol is interesting that many people do not even know what she looks like, and a considerable number of people have not seen her works, only know that she is a Japanese actress, and many people take her as the focus of the topic." ”

3 days after Twitter's "Cangjing Empty Night", Yushu earthquake. In early June 2010, Aoi donated more than 100,000 yen raised through the sale of photo shoots to the Japanese Red Cross Society, and then to the Chinese Red Cross Society. Since then, "Virtue and Art Double Xin" has become another label that netizens have imposed on Cangjing Kong. Before that, in addition to official formal occasions, it appeared more in Guo Degang's cross-talk, as a burden.

Aoi once said in a blog post, "Even AV actresses, even wandering samurai, even THE NEET clan, no matter what kind of profession, have their own feelings." Man cannot deny himself, even though he is denied by all men."

On the scene of the cover, Aoi Kong seemed very cooperative, a casual sentence can make her laugh, she is very concerned about whether her different shapes of pose is professional, one of the close-ups need tears, she refused the prepared eye drops, almost as soon as the photographer finished counting, tears rolled out of her eye sockets.

Liu Jia was disgusted that some media once said that she was "full of posters on the walls of her home", and she said that she was definitely not that kind of brain-dead fan. She felt that her liking and pursuit was very rational, caring about Aoi's every move, remembering every word she had said, and gathering all the information. Because in her eyes, Aoi Ishi is an ordinary person with no sense of distance, and she is not yet the concept of an idol in my heart, she is completely the sister next door."

She even felt that Aoi was a simple and fragile girl, never going to fight back against any outside attacks on her, "Sometimes when she was in a bad mood, she would broadcast live on Twitter: she was lying there, crying in front of the camera, preferring to be silently sad than to fight back against others." ”

Thank you, sir!

Negative idol

However, in the era of the writer Murong Xuecun, "idols" and "role models" had the same standards as models.

Murong Xue, who was born in the 1970s, came from the countryside of northeast China, when there was no Internet or smartphones, and all information could only be sourced through newspapers and television.

"When we were in elementary school, film and television were not so developed, and there were no such movie stars. But what "Legend of the Eagle Hero" and "On the Beach" have begun to be released. Therefore, I worship Xu Wenqiang, that is, Zhou Runfa, and worship Weng Meiling, and at that time, many students would paste Weng Meiling's head in a pencil case. At that time, there was also a female classmate who said that she must marry Zhou Runfa when she grows up. ”

He remembered the positive female images in society, "all of them are heroic and cool, and the kind of women who are charming, fragrant, and soft are generally the images of female spies and spies, and they are not good people anyway." ”

After graduating from university, Murong Xuecun went to work in Guangdong and was exposed to Hong Kong television. Occasional exposure to the Internet is also possible. Moreover, Guangdong is more enlightened, and the newspaper is also a little more radical. I began to understand more and more about the diversity and complexity of the world, "And by the age of twenty-five or six, I had begun to question things that I took for granted. ”

In May 2011, the China Youth Research Center conducted a random sample questionnaire survey of student idols, selecting six provinces and cities across the country, including Beijing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan, Liaoning and Guangdong, and randomly selected one primary school, one junior high school and one high school, from the third grade of primary school to the second grade of high school.

The survey found that 68.4% of students most admired entertainment stars, sports stars and models. The selection probability of stars at all stages is the highest, more than 60%.

Because of the topic of Cangjing Kong, the reporter also had contact with some other cultural people and college students, asked their views, a post-70s intellectual immediately said: "Our generation is a repressed generation, if life comes again, I will also like an idol like Teacher Cang when I am young, and bravely say it." ”

Murong Xuecun said: "The fall and dissolution of traditional idols and the establishment of such idols as Cangjingkong are two sides of the same coin. For traditional idols, after a long period of analytical thinking, people begin to have brains, people find this kind of idol to be ridiculous and vulnerable, and they know what kind of spirit this worship is actually worshipping. I'm sure there won't be a few people with brains doing this again. But usually, the crowd still needs to have a certain idol, and at this time, there will be a variety of idols, and this is the case with Aoi. ”

Thank you, sir!

There is no dangerous resistance

On November 3, 2011, an international competition was held in Beijing to launch the transfer to China, cangjing kong, Yang Lan, Song Zuying attended as a guest, and the appearance of the three on the same stage immediately became a hot topic on the Internet.

Some people have pointed to this as the most nonsensical "trio" in history. A well-known scholar questioned why Japanese AV actresses like Aoi Khoi can become popular in China. Officials and the media were called upon to block it.

Netizen WuYue Sanren mentioned in the article "Why Is It Difficult to Be Difficult Cangjing Kong": Perhaps many people do not realize that when doing so, they are not pursuing a former idol, but refuting the absurdity of a society. But it is enough to have this gesture, and we can see a crack in the wall that is noblely camouflaged. At the same time, I would like to say to a true gentleman who really does not like this state: If you can understand this truth, don't go to the difficult teacher Cangjing, and ask about this hypocritical world.

But in Liu Jia's eyes, there has never been any "Sino-Japanese difference" here. She also has a lot of contact with Aoi's fans in Japan. Each time in order to make Aoi understand their messages, they would ask fans who were proficient in Japanese to translate them, or find a translator to translate them into Japanese and then post them online.

But more, like Cangjing Kong on Weibo has also become a gesture, Liu Jia feels that "Cangjing Kong is a person who lives around you, while traditional idols are like martyrs, they are more like a more distant concept."

Since she learned to climb over the wall in college, Liu Jia said that she will also screen the truth and falsity of many news, and their generation does not care much about famous historical figures.

Liu Jia is willing to pay attention to some sunny and interesting things on Weibo, and as for the "public knowledge" of Weibo, she adopts a "respectful and distant" attitude: "Don't pay attention to them at all, and see it as pure." ”

In fact, as Fei Yong said, so many intellectuals, college students, and elites are willing to discuss Cangjingkong, and a large part of the reason is that "she is safe and has a certain distance."

This view is also in line with Murong Xuecun's belief that "there is no danger in talking about Cangjingkong, and there is no danger but it can express a little resistance."

✰ Intern reporters Zhao Yangyang, Li Shuang, and journalist Yu Lili also contributed. This article was published in October 2013. Today, Cangjing's Tieba no longer exists, and its Weibo still has 17 million followers and remains updated.

Thank you, sir!