
When people reach middle age, they dare to ask where the road is

author:Diligent reading

A female friend once asked me: For a person, how do you think it is success? Frankly, how a "person" can be considered successful is a well-answered question.

Mr. Ma Yun is successful, holding the government in his right hand to fall in love, holding a jujia in his left hand to hand over a glass of wine, and Zhenzhen'er can't find an opponent with a telescope. Master Nebula is also successful, one flower and one world, one leaf and one like the same, practicing to achieve nirvana.

When people reach middle age, they dare to ask where the road is

Even my cousin, who sells fruit in a "Five Signs" agricultural tricycle, I think he is successful. Imagine a small trader who even had a hard time mixing with junior high school to graduate, getting up early every day and getting dark, talking to you about Haruki Murakami when he was sober, talking to you about Maria Ozawa when he drank too much, and the key was never to be short of two pounds.

Industrious and rich, both literature and martial arts, husband and wife!

However, for "me", how can it be considered successful?

Mr. Chow Yun Fat once said in the advertisement of "Stella": "Success? I'm just on the road! ”

This advertising slogan is simply scorching, especially let people to middle-aged I have no place to look at myself, did not expect to work for half a life, I thought I had been cooking smoke, it turned out that I was still drilling wood for fire, buried in cooking, a "really good" shirt unceremoniously sent me back to the Stone Age. That's really depressing enough.

So, that day, I replied to her with a smirk, "Live the life you want." Friends do not forgive, so what can call the life they want?

When people reach middle age, they dare to ask where the road is

This is a send-off question.

Airplane yachts, beautiful wine and beautiful women, to say a word from the heart, this kind of life is really not very rare, after all, the family has an "evil" wife and a mortgage, and people cannot be too greedy.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain, this kind of life is not bad, but planting peaches and plums planting spring wind, Tao Yuanming at least served as a county order. Besides, people and Zheng Banqiao belong to the same rare confusion and fairy wind Dao bone, and I and other small people in the city who are entangled in mundane things are pure fly camp dog Gou generation.

Let's say that the big is hidden in the city, and the small is hidden in the mountains.

Again...... When people reach middle age, they suddenly find that there are countless more mistakes in life. Not only is he busy whitewashing the peace for his own nine-to-five, but his heart is extremely eager to rise up; he wants to shake his fists and the rivers and lakes, but he is also afraid of overturning the ship in the gutter, and the family is accompanied by singing embattled songs.

It's an incredibly awkward season.

To put it nicely, when a person reaches middle age, he should go in a boat. If it is ugly to say, people are middle-aged and are a Patient with Parkinson's Syndrome. Thinking of the heavens and the earth, alone but weeping!

Suddenly a joke came to mind. To say that a billionaire has published a marriage notice in the newspaper is naturally like a cloud. As a result, he finally selected three candidate women, and these three women were very beautiful and indiscriminate, so the rich man who was undecided simply gave them a thousand yuan each, and then asked them to find a way to fill the house.

The first woman bought a thousand dollars of cotton.

The second woman bought a balloon for a thousand bucks.

The third woman bought a candle for only a dollar—she was going to fill the house with candlelight.

So now the question is, who did this rich man choose in the end? Obviously, if from my point of view, the first woman is not smart enough, but the cotton represents cold and warm, is chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, indicating that life is very practical; the second woman is not practical enough, but the balloon represents romance, is orange yellow green blue purple, indicating that life is very pleasant.

The third woman is a charming "little goblin", both smart enough and romantic enough, but unfortunately she ignores two principle issues, one is that candles are easy to cause fires, which is the same as men like water and more offenses. What's more fatal is that they will also save money for private rooms, which will definitely make most men sweat on their foreheads and feel that they sleep on the edge of the cliff every day...

Of course none of this matters, because the rich man ended up choosing a chest-sized one. This is probably the "desired life" we are looking for.

When people reach middle age, they dare to ask where the road is

- Thinking that the head is the Tao, in fact, it is chaotic and confused.

When people reach middle age, this is a barrier. We have found the center of gravity of life, but we have also lost the direction of power, every day like a headless fly, we have to live and live in the jokes we have woven, far can comfort everyone, and can talk about masturbation. Or if there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, then there will be nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine jokes in the eyes of ten thousand middle-aged people, and the remaining one can be called life.

Of course, that's someone else's life. Later, at a dinner party, while I was drunk and hot, I cheekily interviewed two abominable-looking guys. One is a young man who buys "Apple Plus" with a mortgage of four hundred yuan a month, in his early twenties, handsome to the third in the country. After listening to my question that day, the young man was suddenly shocked, and his eyes lit up with a big demon, why was he so eager to succeed?

"Of course you can soak up a lot of chicks!"

The word bubble girl, graceful and colorful. Beijing dialect is called Pat Mother-in-law, Cantonese is called Picky Girl, Sichuan dialect is called Sister, Shandong dialect is called Hanging Concubine, Chinese medicine is called adrenaline secretion excess, rioters say that it is a lady gentleman who is good, if translated into Thai: swipe my drop card!

I was impressed by the boy's frankness and honesty, so while drinking with him, I wished him success, thinking that it was "a lot of girls", the young man was young and energetic, and it was estimated that he could take it away after eating. The second interviewee was my junior high school classmate, Brother B.

Brother B is one year older than me, three years ago he launched the whole family to raise mink in the old and small enclosures, and he got up at four o'clock every morning but still could not catch up with the morning sun.

Of course, suffering and suffering fell in the second place, the key is that the current fur business is in a difficult situation, people are worried about losing a circle, mink is worried about losing two circles, eight hundred thousand bank loans are about to expire, he grumbles while gritting his teeth with me, "If it is really successful, the first thing is to pinch those minks one by one 'gaga' to death!" ”

Sometimes, life is so simple and rough.

In middle age, we are always looking for a mirror called success. Some people dance in it, some people beat their chests in it, it carries half of our lives, and we give it thousands of magical powers, but for most people, in the end, it can't dilute a tear that we shed.

Thinking about it, I suddenly remembered Mr. Chu Shijian.

Mr. Chu laoshi's career has just begun to start when he is in his forties, he has become the "King of Chinese Tobacco" in his fifties, and the fate of his sixties has turned sharply and he is imprisoned, but when he is in his eighties and is still open up to ten thousand acres of land after he is released from prison, singing "Chu Orange", whenever fresh fruits are hung on the branches, what will he think in his heart? What is his success for? Is it for the daughter of heaven? Is it to prove yourself?

Or is success just an immortal desire, and how to live is the heroic dream we chase all our lives?

When people reach middle age, they dare to ask where the road is

On the way home that day, I kept asking myself,

What about you? Why are you so eager to succeed? For parents? For the sake of children? For yourself? Or although you know that the road is under your feet, you have never seriously thought about how to be truly successful for "me"?

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