
Zhou Huajian's mixed-race daughter kissed her foreign boyfriend once been bluntly opposed by her father to enter the entertainment circle

author:All-media news News
Zhou Huajian's mixed-race daughter kissed her foreign boyfriend once been bluntly opposed by her father to enter the entertainment circle

In the early days of his debut, Zhou Huajian was known as the "Sunshine Wanderer" because of his sunny, healthy, positive image and style; Later, because of his strong singing ability and popularity, he won the reputation of "National Song King" and "Heavenly King Killer", and was one of the most influential Chinese singers in the 1990s. Recently, a photo of Zhou Huajian's 20-year-old mixed-race daughter was exposed, kissing her boyfriend and abusing a single dog.

According to reports, a few days ago, the well-known blogger "Southern Tang Widow" posted a recent photo of Zhou Huajian's 22-year-old mixed-race daughter Zhou Houen. In the photo, Zhou Houen and the boyfriend of a foreign painter kiss with their eyes closed and deeply engaged. In addition, "Southern Tang Relic" also posted a photo of Zhou Houen and her boyfriend playing in the snow, and the two took a close selfie, which was very sweet.

Previously, Zhou Huajian had bluntly said that he would not let his daughter enter the entertainment circle, preferring her to become a veterinarian, and it was too hard to take the road of singing. With the exposure of his daughter's photos, Zhou Huajian's past bits and pieces have also been ripped open by netizens. Zhou Huajian has always been a singer who is widely liked by the audience, so his super ability to absorb gold is beyond doubt, but who knows, Zhou Huajian has also had conflicts with his own brother.

A few years ago, Zhou Huajian's third brother failed to operate "Wanghao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.", and the debt was heavy, Zhou Huajian had to pay off the debt for his brother, accumulating even tens of millions, pulling money will inevitably hurt feelings, so that the relationship between the brothers has gradually become estranged, until it is like a strange road.

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