
Wu Shanzhuo's comedy "Call Her Department Head" exposed the Chinese character trailer


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Wu Shanzhuo's comedy "Call Her Department Head" exposed the Chinese character trailer

Time Network News The comedy "Call Her Department Chair" starring Emmy winner and Korean-American actress Wu Shanzhuo will be launched on Netflix on August 20. David Morse, Jay Duplace and others also starred.

The protagonist of "Call Her Head of Department" is Dr. Kim Ji-yoon (Sam-cho, Wu), who has just become the head of the English Department at the prestigious Pembroke University and is trying to adapt to her new position. As the first female director in the history of the English Department, and one of the few people of color among the staff, she is bound to deal with challenges that ordinary people will not face.

Wu Shanzhuo's comedy "Call Her Department Head" exposed the Chinese character trailer
Wu Shanzhuo's comedy "Call Her Department Head" exposed the Chinese character trailer

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