
The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

author:Positive energy every day

"Don't worry,

Please wait patiently in line according to the order,

I can't help you, please drink some mineral water..."


A nucleic acid testing point in the new urban area of Hohhot City,

The 60-year-old fu shuhe sweated profusely and put mineral water,

Distributed to residents awaiting testing.

The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

Fushu River delivers water to residents who are lined up for testing

Fu Shuhe makes a living by collecting waste and scavenging,

He sent more than 80 boxes of mineral water to the residents this time.

It costs 2000 yuan.

And this 2,000 yuan is his income for most of the month.

The epidemic is relentless but people's hearts are warm,

A daily positive energy reward,

Salute to this simple help and watchful eye in the predicament!

It is understood that

Fu Shuhe makes a living by collecting waste and scavenging,

Rent in the Zhongshan East Road office

A rental house in Zhongshan Community,

Nearby residents are no strangers to him.

The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

20 years ago,

Fu Shuhe came from his hometown in Hebei to Hohhot to make a living,

This has become his second home,

In the face of the sudden epidemic,

He especially wanted to do something about the city where he lived.

The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

Early in the morning of October 24,

When he came to the nucleic acid testing site to collect,

Discover the staff responsible for collecting nucleic acids

as well as community workers and police officers at police stations

All are in a state of uninterrupted work, especially hard,

Individual residents waited in long queues

There is anxiety,

So I had the idea of sending mineral water for everyone.

The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

Fu Shuhe said,

I make a living by collecting waste and scavenging,

There is about three or four thousand yuan of income per month,

In the reserved out him and his wife

And in addition to the minimum cost of the child going to school,

Decided to take out 2,000 yuan to buy water for everyone to drink.

On the one hand, to contribute to the fight against the epidemic,

On the other hand, I would like to thank the residents who take care of their family's life on weekdays.

From about 10 o'clock to about 17 o'clock,

Fu Shuhe sent more than 80 boxes of mineral water to the residents,

The total value is 2000 yuan.

According to the scene to maintain order

Zhongshan East Road police station police introduction,

As of 17:40 on the same day,

The nucleic acid testing site has completed the collection of nucleic acids by more than 600 people.

The collection site is in good order.

The residents were touched by fu shuhe's "warm water delivery" behavior,

Everyone gave the old man a thumbs up.

"Positive Energy Says"

residents queuing for nucleic acid,

The old man was sweating profusely to deliver water.

He lives by collecting waste and scavenging,

In the face of the sudden epidemic, I am anxious.

"I can't help much,

Please drink some mineral water..."

This simple word of heart,

He was put into action and put into the streets.

The epidemic is merciless, but humane is warm.

Life may be fragile,

But with tomorrow comes,

More than accidents,

And the watchmen who are close by.

Alibaba Daily Positive Energy unites with Northern New News

Awarded Fu Shuhe Daily Positive Energy Special Award

and 5,000 yuan positive energy bonus

The old man who scavenger bought mineral water at his own expense and sent it to the testing point, sweating profusely, warming everyone

Thank him for using bottles of water,

Soothe the anxiety of the crowd.

Salute to the strength he can,

Guard your homeland!

- End -

Daily positive energy (zhnlali) synthesizes itself

Northern New Daily reporter Zheng Huiying