
Out-of-pocket water for nucleic acid testing points Fu Shuhe won the "Daily Positive Energy Special Award"

author:True North Net
Out-of-pocket water for nucleic acid testing points Fu Shuhe won the "Daily Positive Energy Special Award"

On October 25, the North News Zhengbei Network published the news "Hohhot: A Waste Collection Elderly Received "Warm Water Delivery" for the Nucleic Acid Testing Point at His Own Expense" was praised, and the 60-year-old man who earned a living by collecting waste products paid 2,000 yuan out of his own pocket to deliver mineral water to the staff of the Zhongshan Community Nucleic Acid Testing Point of the Zhongshan East Road Office in the New City of Hohhot City and the residents queuing for the good deeds of the staff and residents queuing for mineral water. Readers have praised the old man's good deeds. On October 26, Alibaba Daily Positive Energy also paid attention to this matter and decided to award Fu Shuhe the "Daily Positive Energy Special Award" with a prize of 5,000 yuan.

Fu Shuhe rents a house in Hohhot and makes a living by collecting waste and scavenging on weekdays. 20 years ago, he came to Hohhot from his hometown in Hebei Province, which is already his second hometown, and in the face of the sudden epidemic in the capital, he especially wants to do something for the place where he lives. On the morning of October 24, when he came to the nucleic acid testing point to wait for collection, he found that the medical staff on the spot, community workers, and police officers at the police station were working particularly hard, and the residents were anxious because of the long queues, so they had the idea of sending mineral water to everyone. Fu Shuhe said that he earns a living by collecting waste and scavenging on weekdays, and has an income of about three or four thousand yuan per month, and in addition to setting aside the minimum cost of going to school for him and his wife and children, he decided to take out 2,000 yuan to buy water for everyone to drink. On the one hand, we contribute to the fight against the epidemic, and on the other hand, we also want to thank the residents who take care of their family's life on weekdays. From 10 o'clock to 17 o'clock, Fu Shuhe sent more than 80 boxes of mineral water to everyone, with a total value of 2,000 yuan.

"Residents lined up to test nucleic acid, and the elderly sweated to deliver water. He usually makes a living by collecting waste and scavenging, and he is anxious in the face of the sudden epidemic. 'I can't help much, please drink some mineral water...", this simple heart sentence was put into action by him. The epidemic is merciless, but humane is warm. Life may be fragile, but with tomorrow comes those who are close by. Alibaba Daily Positive Energy decided to join hands with Northern New Daily to present Fu Shuhe with a special prize of daily positive energy and a 5,000 yuan bonus, thanking him for using a bottle of water to soothe the anxiety of the crowd. Tribute to him for guarding his homeland within his power. Alibaba Daily Positive Energy wrote in the award speech.

On October 26, when the reporter met Fu Shuhe, he had just sold the waste he had received in the morning. "I didn't expect to give a mineral water to win an award, which surprised me and was very excited!" Fu Shuhe told reporters that he only did what he should do when he sent water at that time, which was insignificant.

Alibaba Daily Positive Energy Project is a well-known public welfare platform jointly built by Alibaba Group and more than 100 mainstream media across the country, including "Northern New Daily", which aims to promote the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, spread positive energy in society, let more people see the beautiful side of society and human nature, and make "good people have good rewards" a social consensus, fashion and trend by discovering, disseminating and rewarding positive energy figures or events in society. Since 2013, the cumulative number of rewards for "Daily Positive Energy" has reached tens of thousands of people, and the winners are ordinary people in society, and their good deeds and righteous deeds have spread throughout the north and south of the river, inspiring more people to be good.

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