
Those days that lived like dogs

author:Summoning power

Who could have imagined what it would be like to be without dignity?


Weak water three thousand take a scoop,

Red Dust laughed foolishly.

Today Wojiuyuan,

He headed towards mount Tarzan.

Heaven forsaken me,

Horizontal flat business.

The undead heart is still there,

It can be made all over again.

In Yanjiao, there is a special group here: the families of leukemia patients from all over the country. Because Yanjiao has a legendary one of the best private hospitals in the country for the treatment of leukemia, people from all over the country gather here, where they all call each other patients, and most of their lives are saddled with huge debts because of the illness of children and relatives.

Those days that lived like dogs

Before coming to this place for treatment, the patient may actually have been sick for a year or two, and in the process their family's money and the money they borrowed from relatives and friends may have been spent. Most of the patients who come here need a bone marrow transplant, and other treatments at local hospitals fail, and this is their last hope. Yanjiao Hospital now has more than 500 beds, and at any point of the year, the hospital is almost full, and there are two to three times as many patients rented near the hospital. Even after completing surgery, they will need to live here after discharge to complete a long-term immune reconstruction process, in which there may be rejection, recurrence, and even re-infection. The patients could not go home. They need to be observed here, followed up, and visited the clinic every week to adjust the medicine. If the condition is slightly more stable, the frequency can be reduced to once a month. The total number of patients is more than 2,000, each person also needs at least one family member to accompany this side, in such a critical period as entering the cabin, it may take three or four family members to be able to get busy, so that the number of people living in Yanjiao for a long time is tens of thousands.

This is a special group that no one else can understand. It can be described in a description from Shawshank's Redemption that after staying in this part of the population for a long time, it is difficult to adapt to the outside society, so they often return to this group and continue to help other patients. In figure's interview, he once met a patient from Chaoshan in Guangdong Province, his own child died of leukemia, after which he did not leave Yanjiao in despair, he decided to open a small restaurant with other patients, and then return to this crowd to help them avoid the tragedy of their own encounter.

In order to raise money, patients are racking their brains to think of new ways, including taking to the streets, playing the gray wolf, or doing something out of the ordinary but can attract the attention of the public and the media. In the summer, there was a news that a family member of a patient in Sichuan dug a grave for their child, and before the child had died, they held it and let the child lie in this grave and adapt to death. In contrast, Yanjiao patients are a group of people who are more reluctant to give up, they at least have the courage to come to Beijing, really can't think of a way, just go to the street to make a human meat sandbag, passers-by can hit his body at will, punch a punch for 10 yuan. In ordinary people, this is a last resort, but in this special group of people, this kind of out-of-line behavior has gradually become a commonplace thing.

One of the most painful things for patients is to wait. Wait for hope, or wait for death. One patient described the latter possible psychological preparation for what they were waiting for: "Yes, there is none, but escapism is not OK, how about the child, it is okay at present, it is okay today, then it is necessary to live well." It doesn't matter tomorrow." In the past few days, the ambulance has once again stopped downstairs in the hospital inpatient department, and the patients told us that this is another patient who is leaving, they have given up treatment due to illness or financial reasons, they are finally going home, dying at home, after all, is a better way to die.

Those days that lived like dogs

Coming out of the hospital, the mother kneeling down to make amends for her son is not that the mother does not love you, it is really unable to pay the medical fee...


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