
The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

author:Old Park movies

Say goodbye to bachelorette parties

The bride-to-be fell in love with a man at first sight

Face the belated Son of God

Women are hard to resist

How will she choose?

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Women work at fast food restaurants

Six months after falling in love with her boyfriend

Agreed to his marriage proposal

In a French restaurant

When it comes to a farewell singles party

A waiter told her

France has a tradition

The bride can be at this party

Pick a man

Dedicate your last kiss

Look around

The woman was finally chosen

As soon as she walked in, she took a video camera and photographed her man

The two kissed

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Didn't expect this kiss

Heavenly thunder stirs the earth fire

The two are oblivious and engaged

Until the waiter's cutlery fell to the floor

The two men let go as if they had just woken up from a dream

The woman ran out of the restaurant

Vent your emotions

In the kiss just now

She felt that men were her true son

It's a pity it came too late

He had agreed to propose

It is impossible to give up everything and choose again

The man was at home watching the video taken

Obviously it's not all about women

At this time, the landlord came to collect the rent

The man who has been in arrears for two months

Pay it off

The landlord even suspected he was selling drugs

Where does his money come from?

Finally the man still couldn't hold back

Found a fast food restaurant

As soon as the woman saw him

Turn around and run

Men are chasing after them

In the end, women can not avoid it

I had to stop

The woman noticed that he had been holding up the camera

He said in case he couldn't see it

You can watch videos to solve your lovesickness

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

The woman told him she was getting married

That kiss wasn't anything

The man said

Your husband will see you for the rest of his life

And I just want to see you this time

Even kneeling down and begging for women

A woman who comes home alone

It always felt like someone was following me

She was so frightened that she cried at her boyfriend

It turned out before

The woman once had a scumbag ex-boyfriend

He was violent toward women

Even if it is a breakup

Also looking for women

Women are just trying to hide from him

Just came here

The boyfriend told her that she had booked a marriage registration

If she wasn't sure

It can be cancelled and postponed later

The woman said

I wanted to marry him

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Men wait for women in cafes

The woman did come

Came up and gave him a punch

Knock the man straight away

She blamed the man for causing her to lose her job

The man coaxed her

After going to the pharmacy to treat the wound

The two went to the hotel where the woman had worked before

Use the phone in the hallway to call the front desk

Pretend to be a guest to order food

The restaurant staff found it

In the back of the chase

The man managed to escape

The woman was caught

The man returned to the hotel

Press the fire alarm

At the time of the hotel chaos

Rescued the woman

Woman who forgot her coat in the hotel

Put on a man's coat

The two of them were so close that they almost kissed

Reason pulled the woman back

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

She was already a bride-to-be

The two said goodbye

Back home, the boyfriend did notice the coat

The woman said it was a friend's

Your own coat falls where you work

The boyfriend insisted on taking her to get it

She quickly stopped her boyfriend

It turned out that the boyfriend was worried about the stalking incident that the woman had said

Call the fast food restaurant

It was learned that she had been fired

So the woman's lies were seen through by him at a glance

The woman went to return the coat to the man

The man took out the red wine

The two men began to drink

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

The man took out a video camera

Asked how she met her fiancé

Woman facing the camera

Tell the story of her and her boyfriend

At that time women danced in nightclubs

There were guests harassing her

She has a strong personality and is not polite

Raising your hand is a slap

I'm being looked at by my boyfriend

This beautiful and wild girl

Conquered him at once

The beautiful girl swayed left and right between the two men

Gentle and affectionate fiancé

The belated true son of heaven

What are the consequences of this complex triangle?

The woman got a job dancing in a restaurant

The man slipped into the dressing room to find her

Give her a book

It just happens to be a woman's favorite

It is worthy of the true destiny

Is this the heart of the rhinoceros?

The man stood in the doorway waiting for the woman to change her clothes

I heard a strange noise inside

When I opened the door, I saw her run through the window

He blocked the woman

The woman said that although she liked him

But don't want to spoil everything with your boyfriend

She still chose to get married

The wedding was on this Saturday

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Heartbroken men go to meet friends

Friends started to make up their minds

Even let him rob the marriage

Back home, the boyfriend apologized to the woman

Say you shouldn't distrust her

The woman interrupted him

Confess that you have met men

But now she won't see men again

The boyfriend decided to move to the hotel before the wedding

Give her an independent space to think

The man came to the restaurant again to watch the women dance

The woman on stage was radiant

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Men are deeply fascinated by her

It's Saturday

The woman and boyfriend are about to get married

Men hesitated

Decided to prevent women from marrying other women

But he was a step too late

Go to the restaurant to celebrate afterwards

The newlywed couple returned home

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

The boyfriend excitedly pulled out two tickets

Take a woman to your honeymoon

Women can't get up about it

The two broke up unhappily

The woman leaves the house

Went straight to the man's house

Two people who should never have seen each other again

A relationship occurred

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

All this is seen by the boyfriend who follows

After passion

The woman asked if the person she had been stalking before was him

Men deny it

Women don't believe it

If not men

Could it be an ex-boyfriend

Think of that scumbag

Immediately after that, I thought of my affectionate and gentle new husband

The woman suddenly understood

What a big mistake I made

She hurriedly got dressed and hurried home

Apologize to your boyfriend

Tell him it's all over

I wouldn't see the man again

The boyfriend simply can't accept it

He chased away women

Record a video suicide note for yourself

Choose to kill yourself with a bullet to end your life

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

A woman sitting on the side of the road

A police car was found driving towards his home

Suddenly things don't go well

I hurried home and saw only a trail of blood on the wall

She was horrified and heartbroken

Tearfully go to the man and tell him the news

The man panicked when he heard it

Said he was going to call Ande

It should all end

The woman was stunned

Who is Ford? What does it have to do with these things?

It turned out to be a poor man before

Find a well-paid job

Participated in the filming of a triangular relationship film

Ford is the general director

The two men who had always been by his side before

Not his friend at all

It was Ford's assistant

Ford asked for men

Without the knowledge of an unmarried couple

Go meet the woman

Stir her heart

Let her be undecided between the two of them

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

At first men felt that such behavior was immoral

Select Reject

But the burden of life overwhelmed him

He eventually took the job

That's why he always holds the camera

He also wanted to stop it all

But the sky-high liquidated damages deterred him

That's how things got to this point

Women didn't expect it at all

There is such a truth behind it

Then the door was opened

The intact boyfriend walked in

Didn't he just commit suicide by drinking a bullet?

The woman cried out in surprise

The man next to him also shouted Ford

What's going on here?

If you find that your life is all fake

He was arranged by someone else to follow the script

What would you do?

Do you choose to accept or resist?

Ford and her boyfriend are the same person

A boring rich man

Bored enough to come up with such a way to make a movie

Play with two people between the palms of your hands

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

That night

He paid the waiter to keep all the other handsome men out

It is to make women only a man this one choice

He himself met the woman

It was also arranged long ago

The so-called suicide by drinking bullets

It's also fake

The boyfriend took all the cameras

Even the woman's authorization

He was also prepared

When a woman signs the relevant documents for marriage

Absent-mindedness, no closer look

And there's a power of attorney in between

He left triumphantly

The boyfriend's unique film was released

This amazing film was indeed a huge success

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

Before the awards ceremony begins

The two assistants took out the camera again

God mysteriously stirred up

Do you want to record the picture of the award?

The award ceremony begins

This unique film won the award

Women and men also attended

Just as my boyfriend walked up to the podium

The man suddenly stood up

Pull out a gun and shoot your boyfriend

The scene was suddenly chaotic

The woman pounced on her boyfriend and cried bitterly

The man was arrested on the spot

In police situations to interrogate men

Tell the amazing truth behind it

He told the police it was a propaganda tactic

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

In the boyfriend's script

The woman goes back to her boyfriend

Men are jealous in their hearts

At the awards ceremony

In a fit of rage, he shot and killed his boyfriend

Because it is a pre-designed plot

So the boyfriend is still suspended

The men used the starting gun of the game

Such an operation will make them occupy the news headlines

It is an advertising effect that cannot be bought with money

But the police were puzzled

Since it is false

So why did the boyfriend really get shot and die?

The man said he didn't know either

Ask your boyfriend's assistant

They had proposed all of this

Police found another pistol from the scene

Just been used

Obviously, it was the one used to shoot my boyfriend

Both assistants said they hadn't seen it

But the police told them

The pistol had the fingerprints of his assistant Konishi on it

Konishi didn't admit it

But they had been holding cameras before

The camera faithfully captured it

Xiao Xi's hand was holding the gun

Konishi said he found it in his pocket

But the evidence is conclusive, and there is no way to argue

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

The man was acquitted

When he walked out of the police station

Women have been waiting for a long time

It turned out that all this was the two men's counterattack plan

When Konishi came up with this propaganda plan

The two decided to settle the score

When a man shoots with a starting gun

The woman secretly pulled out a pistol and killed her boyfriend

Take advantage of the chaos

Put the pistol in Konishi's pocket

Afterwards, all the evidence was taken

All are put into medical waste incinerators

Eliminate everything from the invisible

And that movie that used her boyfriend's life to compose was a big hit

Both men and women became

Hot movie stars

The 2003 film AiNu

Directed by director Matthew Parkhill

The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely comfortable ending, do not offend women

The first half of the film tells a love triangle story

Innocent affectionate fiancé

Pretty wayward fiancée

And a belated true destiny

The girl swayed between the two men

This eventually led to the suicide of her fiancé

The second half of the peak loop turns

From a romance film to a suspense film

Uncover the truth behind it

It turned out that everything was fake

It's the fiancé who controls all this

Pity this person who loves to play with others

In the end, it was calculated by others

Even lost his life

The original leader becomes the one who is toyed with by the story

The original actor became the writer of the ending of the story

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