
How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

author:Suspenseful pursuit order

A woman with a marriage contract

Falling in love with strange men at first sight at bachelor parties

The two kissed sweetly

Like a couple in love

The restaurant is full of "melon eating masses"

Girls have fiancés

How would he feel if he saw it?

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

Until the waiter knocks over the plate

The two woke up like a dream

Xiaomei was ashamed and indignant

She's getting engaged tomorrow

Now he has a heart for a strange man

It's a public punch in the face

The woman hurried out of the restaurant

She slammed the iron door hard

Pull down the wig

I knew I shouldn't have participated in this broken game

A few minutes ago

Xiaomei and her friends were partying in the restaurant

She wanted to enjoy the last single night

The waiter proposed

If you want to play, have fun

Better to pick a random man here

Then give a deep kiss

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

Xiaomei instinctively wanted to refuse

Can't stand friends booing

She glanced around

The restaurant was full of crooked dates

Only the little handsome man who just came in looked okay

The two men raised eyebrows

After that, they naturally hugged each other

Xiaomei didn't expect it

A joke actually moved her heart

Afterwards she confessed to her fiancé

Kissed a strange man himself

Curly-haired man gentle gentleman

He bandaged Xiaomei's wound

Nothing else is said

This makes women more and more guilty

On the other side, Xiao Shuai repeatedly watched the video taken

He was still savoring that heartwarming kiss

It's not easy to meet someone you like

The little marshal did not want to wait

The next morning he found the burger shop

Xiaomei works here

The other party saw him come in and fled in fear

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

The little marshal chased the camera to the backyard

In pursuit of true love

He didn't even want dignity

The man threw himself on his knees with a thud

Believe me I know what humbleness is

Xiaomei was frightened to take a stand

I'm going to get married

It is impossible to have a relationship with him

Men humbly pleaded

Even if you don't talk

Just say hello from afar

Xiaomei was amused by his tone

But she didn't understand

Why does the little marshal always hold the camera

Men explain

If one day I don't see you

At the very least, you can watch videos to ease your thoughts

Xiaomei was deeply moved

She promised to meet in the evening

But on the way to the appointment

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

She always felt like someone was staring at her

Suddenly, a heavy object fell in front of me

Xiaomei was so frightened that she turned around and ran

She returned home to seek comfort

The fiancé is gentle and soothing

This area is often infested with stray cats

Maybe they touched the flowerpot upstairs

Don't be afraid of accidents

The fiancé's face was full of affection

Xiaomei's conscience found out at this time

There are such good men who love themselves

Why bother with others?

Moreover, the condition of the curly-haired man is good

It is typical of the rich and handsome

Marry him for a lifetime without worrying about eating and drinking

At this moment, Xiaomei made up her mind

She wants to get up the spirit to live a good life

The man was overjoyed

He finally met the goddess in his heart

But the girl gave him a backhand punch

The man covered his mouth and scolded the mother

Damn it

Xiaomei shot decisively

But men are like dog skin plasters

Once it is stained, it cannot be shaken off

Xiao Shuai followed behind and said sweetly

Women eat his set

After a while, Xiaomei smiled again

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

The two also went to the pharmacy to treat their wounds

To say that this little beauty is also wavering

Say yes is to come over and cut off contact

Turn around and take the person to the hotel

Xiaomei used to work here

She "took" some food and red wine

The two ate halfway through

The security guard came out to block it

Several people tossed back and forth and almost overturned the hotel

The little marshal deliberately made it bad

He overthrew drunk driving

This was the only way to get out

After this experience

The two men's emotions heated up

Xiao Shuai deliberately put on a coat for her

It's this men's coat

It brought big trouble to Xiaomei

In the evening she went home to rest

The fiancé has been waiting for a long time

He asked Xiaomei whose coat it was

The curly-haired man only learned today

The fiancée has been fired from the restaurant

The two didn't even have basic trust

Is there still a need to get married?

Xiaomei panicked

She hurried to find Xiao Shuai

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

Coats can be dispensed with

The Golden Turtle can't give up

But she had just entered the door

The little handsome greeted him with a smile

She couldn't resist sitting down

The two delved into life ideals

During this time, the little handsome recorded with a video camera

He wanted to know how Xiaomei and the curly-haired man fell in love

Maybe there is no love between them

Xiaomei needs money to live a stable life

Curly-haired men covet beauty and marry a beautiful wife

This explanation is reasonable

Xiaomei retorted loudly

She thinks she and her fiancé are truly in love

To prove this love

Xiaomei confesses everything to her fiancé

She said she had contact with Xiao Shuai

But that was just a whim

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

The curly-haired man didn't care either

He chose to believe Xiaomei

The two agreed to get a license to get married on Saturday

Xiao Shuai's side also got the news

He rushed to the scene on the day of the wedding

Unfortunately, Xiaomei's heart has been decided

The two can only be friends

Supposedly, the wedding night

It should be a moment of sweet love for the little couple

But it was Xiaomei's turn

It turned into endless quarrels

Her fiancé had to give her a job

Even when to have children is arranged

Xiaomei advocates freedom

How could she bear such humiliation

The two quarreled endlessly

She had to seek warmth elsewhere

Wedding night

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

The beautiful bride actually fooled around with other men


The legitimate husband stood in the doorway and watched the two entangled

Xiaomei failed to keep the bottom line

She followed her inner thoughts and came to Xiao Shuai's house

After the passion

It was only then that she remembered the poor curly-haired man


The two had just gotten married

She put a green hat on her husband

Xiaomei put on her clothes and hurried home to admit her mistake

The curly-haired man was angry to death

He was now green enough to glow

Even a gentlemanly man can't stand it

The curly-haired man growled loudly

You go

Xiaomei felt guilty

After all, he had done something wrong

She didn't even take her luggage

Hurriedly ran outside

But as soon as she came downstairs, she heard gunshots

The curly-haired man couldn't think of it for a moment

He actually shot himself

Xiaomei was frightened

She could only go to xiao Shuai

The other party heard that a human life had been committed

Hurry up and call the director

Xiaomei was completely confused

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

What's going on here?

It turned out that Xiao Shuai was an actor

A few months ago he went to the crew for an interview

The director is also very satisfied with his way of acting

But this time the film is quite difficult

Xiao Shuai wants to play a male junior

And the heroine did not know that there was a camera shooting

This is exactly the sense of reality that the director wants

Xiao Shuai heard that this was immoral

He had wanted to refuse

Helplessly, the other party gave too much

The little marshal had to take over the task

So he goes on a date with Xiaomei every time

All with video cameras

Actually, it was to finish the shooting

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

Xiaomei was shocked when she heard it

Who the hell is this director?

At this time, the curly-haired man pushed the door in

Xiaomei was frightened and retreated one after another

Could it be that the wronged soul came to ask for his life?

The little handsome took a look

Isn't that the director

It turned out that the director himself was on the battlefield

He plays Fu Er Dai close to Xiaomei

Then a big drama is exported

Even suicide is self-directed

Xiao Shuai reacted to this

He lied to everyone

There are even hidden cameras in Xiao Shuai's home

He warned the director

Without the consent of the actors

He couldn't bring private images to the big screen

The director had already thought of this

He clipped the power of attorney into the wedding agreement

Xiaomei didn't look closely at the time

Randomly signed his name

The director took all the material and swung away

He was also counting on the film to hit the grand prix

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

I have to say that the director captured the curiosity of the audience

The film received many positive reviews as soon as it was released

As a director, he also won various awards

Soon the crew held a celebration

As an absolute star

Xiaomei and Xiaoshuai dressed up in full costume

But when the director came on stage to speak

The little marshal actually pulled out a pistol

Shoot directly at the director

Change comes too quickly

People didn't even react

The director collapsed in a pool of blood

The living life is gone

Afterwards, Xiao Shuai was taken to the police station for interrogation

He showed that this was all arranged by the director in advance

He wanted to hype it up

Thus creating momentum for the promotion of the film

So find someone to lay down a hidden camera

He also gave the gun

Saying that it is a simulated gun is not very lethal

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

I don't know what went wrong in the middle

It was replaced by someone with a real gun

Perhaps the assistant who was with him knew the inside story

The two assistants looked flustered

They are only responsible for filming

Never touched a pistol at all

But the camera captured the whole process

The long-haired assistant ended up holding a real gun

The two could not argue

The police identified them as the murderers

How miserable is it to offend a woman? The movie "Ainu", which cannot guess the ending, has an extremely deflating ending

Soon The young marshal was acquitted

Xiaomei drove a luxury car to pick up the man and take him home

The two looked at each other and smiled

The eyes were full of triumph and joy

In fact, they are the biggest winners

The night of the incident

The little marshal pulled out a simulated pistol as required

His shot was certainly uncanny

The real fatal thing is the real gun in Xiaomei's bag

She took advantage of the chaos to shoot and kill the director

The scene was chaotic after the gunshots rang out

Xiaomei seized the moment

Put the real gun in your assistant's pocket

There is nothing wrong with this trick

Afterwards, she put her gloves and purse in the incineration

At this point, all the evidence was destroyed

A few months later

The two walked onto the red carpet

Become a hot film and television rising star

The director has been calculating all his life

It's just a pity that the organs have been exhausted

Instead, he sent himself to the brink of extinction