
New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

author:Chartered public chat entertainment

Mention the famous "Chainsaw Horror", which can be said to be a classic work that no one in the film circle knows.

This horror film directed by Wen Ziren and starring Ray Werner, Gary Elvis, Danny Glover, Dina Meyer, Monica Potter, Tobin Bell and others still impresses fans who have seen it to this day, and its thrilling storyline is a strong sense of suffocation.

And Russell Crowe's new film "Insanity" also has such a general feeling of suffocation.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

In "Insanity", Russell Crowe incarnates as a road rage boss who hunts down the heroine and her relatives and friends throughout the city, and this incident is triggered by a small action of the heroine.

The thriller of the film exploded, and an extreme sense of suffocation kept coming at the audience. It can be said that the story is full of creativity and a strong sense of stress. After reading it, people feel afraid for a while, and then drive on the road, and no longer dare to press the horn to urge people!

01. The movie is like "Chainsaw Horror", with a charm that people can't breathe

I'm not sure if Insanity should be classified as a "thriller movie," but for thriller fans, the film's creativity is definitely amazing and satisfying.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

The speeding car chase is just a gimmick in the movie, focusing mainly on how Russell Crowe went from a gladiator ghost warrior to a brutal uncle who could isolate people with only one mobile phone.

After a brief explanation of the background of the story, followed by a 90-minute horror pressure on the audience, this sense of excitement and despair, like being trapped in a cabin in "Chainsaw Horror" to resist the killer, has an unforgettable charm, simply put, I recommend this movie too much.

The film tells the story of Rachel (Karen Pistorius), a young heroine in a divorce lawsuit, who honks the horn of a car on the road because she is in a hurry, which is just such a small matter of life, but it brings herself to the disaster of killing. The driver decided to make Rachel and her relatives and friends pay a terrible price.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

Although the plot is very simple, it is the story of a madman with "road rage" who kills people, but the director actually puts enough effort into the setting of the story.

At the beginning of the film, a lot of information has been lost to the audience, such as people feeling stressed because of the poor economic environment, the proportion of marital losses has increased, the traffic jam has become increasingly serious, the police manpower is insufficient, the ambulance is constantly delayed due to road conditions, and the hot weather has led to people's temper tantrums...

02. The plot is simple, but full of fear

Many people died less than 5 minutes after the film started, and these shots were extremely impactful, immediately scaring all the drivers out of a cold sweat, and the audience had already constructed a pressure cooker world in their minds, which became the key to the whole movie.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

After a brief depiction of the character's current situation, the film immediately throws out the tipping point of "honking the horn", so the old man (Russell Crowe), who has just killed his ex-wife, begins a series of crazy acts.

The reason why the killer is angry, the reason why the heroine obviously drives the car but can't escape the car, the reason why the police can't help, etc., the audience automatically establishes a connection with reality and gives an answer.

Just when all the factors are in place, a "road rage" killer rampage in the big city has become a matter of course, coupled with the director's setting of the heroine's mobile phone was stolen, with the help of "findmyphone", the heroine who has clearly escaped from the car array is still trapped in the mastery of the killer.

The most powerful thing is that the heroine picks up the phone of the killer in the parking lot, and the killer forces the heroine to decide the next relatives and friends to be killed, otherwise she will kill the heroine's son.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

At that moment, the sense of despair of not being able to call the police, the fear of worrying about the child's victimization, the guilt of deciding the next victim, and the feeling of helplessness without the ability to resist all mixed together. Don't say that the heroine in the movie panicked to the point of vomiting, and even the audience watching the play was scared to the point of not being able to breathe.

03. The film has logic, and Russell Crowe's acting skills play a role in finishing touches

I think the director is definitely a believer in "Chekhov" and follows the principle of "if there is a gun in the story, it must be fired". From the scissors at the beginning, the elderly community where the heroine's mother lives, the game strategy that the son talks about... All the props and lines that appear in the movie have their own truth, making the whole movie seem very logical.

Because the police are insufficient, the heroine and her son (Gabriel Bateman) can only find their own way to deal with the enemy; because they said that the retirement community is like a maze, they go to the pension community to play hide-and-seek; because they have to set up a game to fight against the killer, they need to use the son's newly learned online game strategy.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

Guided by this pattern, all seemingly absurd plots will have a reasonable reason, so that the audience is taken into layer after layer of plot, completely unable to ask questions such as "what the police are doing".

Russell Crowe's acting skills are the finishing touch. That brave ghost warrior has become an American uncle with a big belly, and it is not the kind figure of Santa Claus, but the domineering appearance of less annoying me, otherwise one punch to kill you.

Coupled with his world-weary eyes and declaration that he wants to hunt you down to the ends of the earth, the mere look of taking tranquilizers in the car is stressful, even if liam Neeson of "Hurricane Rescue" or Keanu Reeves of "Ready to Fight" will not win.

New movie starring Russell Crowe: There's a suffocating feeling like Chainsaw Horror

This movie has a special rhythm and structure, obviously the heroine drives around in the big city, but still makes people feel trapped in a small room waiting to die, creative criminal methods and unconscious "box lunch" plot.

I think it's definitely a thriller fan's favorite, and I even think of "hoping to make a sequel" at the end. This film definitely has a great effect on promoting "driving etiquette". However, I suggest that the movie can change the car horn to the sound of a groundhog, perhaps more shocking.

In short, this movie is only because the heroine presses the horn 2 times, which then evolves into a horrifying killing, and the audience is really scared and can't breathe. Finally, remind friends who are driving on the road again, don't honk the horn again!

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