
Can I say that I am the most reliable Tarot master?

author:The constellations speak the language of the people

What do you think of as tarot masters?

Lately people keep asking me about my experience. It seems that everyone is still quite interested in this issue, and today I will share with you my personal experience.

First introduce yourself Ha, from the tarot interested in self-study has six years of time, but also from a divination, because the confusion about the direction of employment at that time through the introduction of friends to know a tarot master, four years ago the price of her divination should also be considered medium, 400 divination once also have to make an appointment in advance for a long time, after divination feel as if I have my own inner confusion to the text of the expression out, after a long time I think the divination should be accurate, at that time said that may continue to be confused, Reality is also has been constantly choosing not to determine the direction, because has been interested in the occult on a whim asked the fortune teller if it is okay to learn with her, when she replied that it is okay, the tuition fee is 180,000, which was told to me four years ago, without any exaggeration, so I thought I could only learn it myself, at that time the concept of this tuition fee felt really expensive and at the same time felt that this Tarot master seemed to be indeed a master.

Tarot learning to say simple is very simple, but to measure how the result is not so simple, because now each card of the card is everywhere on the Internet, 78 cards are mastered, it seems to be able to divinate, but the real learner tarot people know, even if you memorize very well, but when you solve the card still feel impossible to say, because the meaning of the card can often be understood but to apply it to different problem situations and put together with other cards, how to be able to analyze and solve the problem Is really not easy, For a simple example, to divinate whether it can be compounded, draw the fool's card, the fool's key word is to have the spirit of adventure, innocence, freedom, my own way, travel, etc., this is more like a character depiction, how to give a result, their own association play, so that can ensure the accuracy of it, it will be very confusing, sometimes even if combined with other cards in the card array you still find that it seems that the meaning of the card is not very consistent with the problem you want to divinate, and even sometimes draw two cards of contradiction and conflict, How to solve the cards, so it is difficult to really do divination just by teaching yourself, because the card array has skills, positive and negative interpretation has skills, more importantly, you need professional and practical experience teachers to give you the right guidance, of course, you can also accumulate practical experience, but this situation is sometimes difficult to confirm how your divination level is, because divination is facing different people's different problems can not be limited with their own limited experience to do limited interpretation, some people do divination in order to pursue psychological comfort, But the direction I have always been very sure of is the accuracy rate and how to do comprehensive and effective consulting analysis through divination to help the confessor solve the problem, so I began to take classes continuously to study real cases, because the solution of cards is sometimes not only the elements, skills, and meanings of tarot to combine the process of analysis, but also to have a certain wisdom and experience of life or the need to combine psychology and even the knowledge of other disciplines, and the tarot card is not only 78 cards is a rigorous and systematic logical discipline. Whether it is the basis of a large number of real cases or the basis of other theoretical knowledge, the solution of the card is definitely not a piecing together text by feeling, but a serious analysis and study of the process from the whole to the details from in-depth simplicity.

Whether they are studying tarot or interested in divination or friends who need divination to help them guide themselves to solve problems, everyone can understand the true meaning of tarot divination, and those who treat it with a sincere and serious attitude will definitely be able to reap more results than they expected.

About divination, I am still constantly learning to accumulate practical experience in the process, behind the knowledge system that can be connected is very large, continuous learning, if you have the need for divination can talk to me Ha, it is recommended to try to communicate the simple background situation and then do divination, of course, if it is only entertainment or psychological comfort, it can also be ignored.

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