
"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

author:The world of Ala White Books

Luo Yufan, a hot-blooded grandmother, is committed to reporting and exposing various violations in the community, and the residents of the community regard her as a "ghost". Grandma Luo and the new grassroots civil servant Park Min-jae played and quarreled, and the more they got along, the more harmonious they became.

Grandma Luo has always had a great passion for learning English, and she has a dream to go to the United States herself and tell people around the world about her experience as a comfort woman for herself and all the women who have been trampled like herself.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

Judging from the filming of the film itself, starting with laughter, the main characters are outlined in detail, and the plot is peeled off layer by layer according to the timeline, step by step.

This movie is not perfect, for example, the first half of the preparation time is too long, the excessive routine techniques are used to show Grandma Luo's lonely life and the inaction of government agencies, which are not strongly related to the theme, slightly redundant; for example, the relationship between Grandma Luo and park Min-jae brothers is the usual routine of the touching bridge, but the actor's emotional investment and interpretation style are still very moving to make up for these defects. From rejoicing in the enemy to the friendship of the year, to the theme of comfort women, the audience got to know Grandma Luo: an old man who has a reason to spurn the world, but chooses to embrace it unconditionally.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

Grandma Luo has been reporting illegal incidents in the community for decades, and there are more than 8,000 incidents that she has reported.

Except for the holidays, I have had to report them every day for more than 20 years.

It seems that the old lady of the city who only cares about winning people's attention is loaded with the people around her in her heart, thinking of ways to silently help the neighbors.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

"I have a younger brother who went to the United States after we were separated as a child, but he couldn't speak a word of Korean. I wanted to make a phone call, but I couldn't communicate. I don't know if I'm having a good time, I don't know if I'm old or not. Are they healthy and how are their children doing? There are so many things I want to know, so I want to learn English. ”

She wanted to learn English because she missed her brother and because she wanted to expose to the world the Japanese's trampling on human morality.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

One of the scenes that impressed me was when Park Min-jae told Grandma Luo about his past experiences in English.

He said: "I hurried back for the funeral, and when I left again, I didn't know anything about the situation at home. Because I was afraid that I was worried, my father kept it a secret from me. I didn't know until a year later that my father died. Originally, my dream was to become an architect, and I dreamed of another day when I would design a majestic building myself. But now, you should also know that you are now just a civil servant who handles petitions related to construction. ”

Grandma Luo didn't know English, but after listening to the sigh, she said, "It turns out that there was such a sad story." ”

Park Min-jae was surprised and asked, "What?" Do you understand? ”

Grandma Luo said, "No, just listening to your voice can understand." ”

This is the magical ability to feel the emotional changes of others, and I have always believed that this is the ability of the most virtuous.

Imagine that all the bad guys can feel the feelings of others, how can they kill and rob people?

This is also the sincere emotional exchange between Grandma Luo and Park Min-jae, which does not require language, but only needs to be quietly felt.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

Judging from the theme of the film, frankly, the topic of carrying "comfort women" with comedy as the carrier made me see the end of the film with a very complicated mood.

Cutting from the comedic life of a community grandmother to a grand historical event may feel awkward, but it is a good attempt to use a commercial comedy film with a star to spread history and tell a heavy story with a relatively relaxed taste.

"We don't ask too much, just admit our mistakes." While we are still alive, is it so hard to give you a chance to be forgiven, an I'm sorry? Don't leave a heavy burden to future generations, admit your mistakes and apologize as soon as possible. Please, all of you, remember what we have been through and remember that this sad history cannot be repeated! ”

"After 10 years, Japan still did not apologize..."

Everyone is shouting "apologize," except for the part of the people who should apologize, which is the biggest regret of the film.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

China is the main battlefield of the Japanese Army in World War II, about the comfort women, I saw some records on the Internet:

"The 11th Army has a total of more than 2,000 officers, including 56 generals, and each general must be equipped with a comfort woman for a long time, so 56 comfort women are needed. There are a total of 800 officers of the rank of junior and above, and every two juniors need one comfort woman service, which requires 400 comfort women, a total of 1200 lieutenant officers, five lieutenant officers have one comfort woman, and 250 comfort women are needed. There were a total of 310,000 soldiers, a hundred soldiers were equipped with one comfort woman, 3100 comfort women were needed, and the 11th Army needed a total of 3800 comfort women. ”

In addition to the numbers, the Japanese army also made arrangements for the working hours of the comfort women.

"Officers at the rank of lieutenant are arranged twice a week for two hours at a time, and officers at the rank of second lieutenant are arranged twice a week for one hour at a time. The comfort women in the comfort station were with six people during the day every day, and after eight o'clock in the evening, the lieutenant could be alone with the comfort women, and each comfort woman in the comfort station had to work at least 24 days a month. ”

You know, among these people who need to bear a high-intensity "workload", many are teenage girls, ignorant children who even know nothing about "sex".

What is even more painful is that after these comfort women returned to normal life, they spent the rest of their lives in a state of anger, inferiority, despair and shame, and even were disliked and looked down upon by their own countrymen.

There are very few comfort women left, but history has no end, and as long as future generations are willing, history will be clearly drawn.

Retracing history is not for revenge, but for self-improvement.

Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a deviation from the country.

"I can say": Forgetting history is not a crime committed by time, but a departure from the country

Finally, back to life, this movie gave me the deepest feeling: respect for the dreams of the elderly.

Throughout our lives, many people have obsessions, but we must not look down on or ignore the obsession of an old man.

Because people are old, it is time to let go of obsession. If an old man is still obsessed when he is old, he is racing against his own life, fighting for time with the god of death.

The above text is original, the picture comes from the network, thank you for reading.

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