
Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

author:Pippi Films

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French is recognized as one of the most romantic languages in the world,

Every time you hear French, you can't help but think of the Eiffel Tower in Paris under the sunset and the Champs Elysées in the spring breeze.

But there was a movie that made me feel for the first time that the original French can sound so heavy.

The title of the film is "A Bag of Marbles", which is based on the autobiographical novel "Marble bags" by the famous French contemporary writer Joseph Joofou.

This is the second time the autobiography has been brought to the big screen, compared to the 1975 version.

The latest version of "A Bag of Marbles" is more faithful to the original work, and the handling of details is more moving. At present, the film Douban score is 8.1.

Today, Pigo recommends this movie to everyone

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10
Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

Director: Christine Dewar

Writers: Jonathan Allouche / Christian Duguay

Starring: Dorian Le Clech / Baptiste Fleuriel / Kevin Adams / Elien Begala / Patrick Brewer / more...

Genre: Drama / Kids / History / War

Country/Region of Production: France

Language: French

Release: 2017-01-18 (France)

Duration: 110 minutes

In 1941, the Nazi wave of persecution of Jews began to invade France.

In order to survive, a Jewish family began their own escape plan – divided into waves to flee to the free zone.

So Joe, 10, and Morris, 12, embarked on a desperate journey with 5,000 francs of entanglement and their father's advice not to tell anyone that they were Jewish.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

The brothers saw the persecution of Jews for the first time on the train, and immediately they met the Germans checking their documents.

This almost made the two brothers panic.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

In a time of crisis, a priest helps them through it, which gives a glimpse of the glorious humanity of that dark era.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

Having spent all their money, they finally approached the free zone.

Unlike the tense atmosphere in their hometown, the cafes near the Free Zone are crowded with Jews waiting for an opportunity to escape.

But the German soldiers on the street turned a blind eye to it, which gave Joe and Morris a great opportunity.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

They paid for a local guide to take them into the free zone.

At this time, Morris seems to have grown up in an instant, faded the playfulness of children, and began to show the shrewdness of the Jews.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

He silently wrote down the route, concocted it according to the law, and secretly ran back to the café to lead other Jews to flee the occupied area, earning 20,000 francs.

In the free zone, the family finally got together.

But the good times did not last long, and the anti-Semitic movement became more and more intense, and they had to start their own escapes again.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

In another escape, the two brothers were captured by the Nazis,

They thought they were going to die, but a priest in Nice rescued the two children with a fake birth certificate to a Nazi officer.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

In the end, Joe and Morris completed the great escape, and successfully reunited with his mother and two other brothers in Paris, but his father lost his life in the concentration camp.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10
Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

The film is not blindly denouncing that frightening era, but telling the best human nature in difficult times.

The brothers received help from many people during the escape, which allowed them to escape from danger again and again. But at the same time, they are also helping others.

For example, Joseph worked for a bookstore owner who supported Hitler, who did not know that Joseph was Jewish.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

When Liberation Day comes, in the face of people who are going to smash the bookstore,

Joseph stood up and said to everyone, "He helped hide a Jew," because of this sentence, the bookstore owner was rescued.

Years of persecution have not distorted the boy's personality.

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10
Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

There are many films that reflect world war II, and it is not uncommon to see small and big.

But "A Bag of Marbles" still deeply moved me. Because it's based on a biography, it has the kind of reality that other films lack.

Because it is a child's memory, from a child's point of view, it shows us the evil of World War II and the goodness of human nature, which is more impactful than other films.

The movie is introduced to this, like can find to see...

Sensationalism I admit it! Last year, this war film could be in the top 10

Text: Pippi Film Editorial Department: Zhang Changjin

This article is the original of Pippi Movies and may not be reproduced without permission!

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