
Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

author:Stock Picker APP

-Share the actual combat technology of the Floating Capital Overlord Gun

Prologue: Recently, many fans and friends have told Gun Brother that they are confused about the information hidden behind the Dragon and Tiger List, and do not know how to interpret the Dragon and Tiger List of those market leading stocks every day. Even if someone on the Internet occasionally talks about a few points of view, they still have a half-understanding of it, and they are often frustrated in actual combat.

No one has ever been able to systematically share the knowledge about the Dragon and Tiger List!

Therefore, in order to solve the common confusion of most cute gun fans, gun brother will focus on sharing and solving the following 3 problems in this article:

Follow Brother Zhao, will the new first-class big guy make money buying stocks?

Gun brother daily to see the dragon and tiger list, the main look at what?

Demystify a few core formulas that are the essence of the Dragon and Tiger List.

Because it is a technical teaching article, the review is the typical cases in the past 3 months, not the recommended stocks, but the use of these cases to illustrate from which aspects to deeply understand the Dragon and Tiger List, its thinking and combing process is more meaningful.


1. Follow Brother Zhao, will the new first-class big guy make money buying stocks?

Often some fans come to ask, obviously saw this stock big guy to buy, the result of the next day with the purchase but fell sharply, what is going on?

In fact, this problem has always bothered himself when the gun brother is still a mini small retail investor, and he always hopes to find a perfect solution through the Dragon and Tiger List.

But it took a lot of time to explore the secret of the Dragon and Tiger list seats, and the result was no result.

Incredibly, in many stock software also deliberately to guide this kind of thinking, gun brother believes that this is very wrong.

For example, there will be a label after the daily dragon and tiger list of Flush: what is the probability of the next day's rise after the XX sales department buys.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

For example, on Thursday, June 4, 2020, the Internet red plate space board leader Guangbo shares 002103 this dragon and tiger list, Guotai Junan Nanjing Taiping South Road Securities Business Department after the purchase of the probability of rising 53%, in fact, has been much stronger than the general business department.

This seat flush software shows that it is a well-known craftsman of the new big guy, and the new one is a master who is very good at guiding at the bottom and thus making a huge profit the next day.

Unfortunately, the next day, After the opening of the market, Guangbo shares were quickly pressed, and after the new big guy forcibly topped it, Guangbo shares were still pressed underwater, and finally fell to a stop and closed.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

Many people have such an illusion: buying with the big guy can make money, because the big guy has a lot of money, in case of being set, the big guy has the ability to save himself.

If you buy stocks according to this logic, maybe once or twice you can make money, but the probability of making money in the long run is almost 0, because about 70% of the success rate in stock trading is required to make money.

And the software has clearly told you that the probability of winning with the Guotai Junan Nanjing Taiping South Road Securities Business Department is 53%!

From the next day's Dragon and Tiger list, it can be seen that the new big guy went in 19.08 million and 18.28 million cut meat out, which is equivalent to cutting meat by 4 points to stop loss, not including the 5.54 million that continued to be put in on Friday in order to guide it.

The master itself is stopping the loss, but you are following the master's back, can you make money for a long time?

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

1) The stock market is a game of synergy, not a force

Recently, the provincial Broadcasting Group has risen very well, and its first wave actually follows the RCS concept, that is, the concept of rich media.

We can take a look at the dragon and tiger list of Jiabochuang in the popular stock of RCS in 2020.4.10, on this day we can see that the two genuine seats of the stock speculator family bought 31.38 million and 15.2 million respectively, and the owner of the Zhang Alliance also bought 16.18 million on the same day.

But the next day, the stock did not have any funds to relay, and the big guys were trapped in the whole.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

When did the big guys sell it?

We can see that after a drop stop, the big guys on April 16, 2020 have a chance to sell.

When the day was sold, the family 31.38 million became 28.08 million, and the 15.2 million became 1245, which is estimated to be that he had already lurked in before, but the average loss of this wave of high positions was about 15 points.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

Stock speculation to support the family is already at this stage you can see the small capital to become bigger the most powerful master, but also easy to take over such a high level, then do you think that following other levels is not as good as the big guy who supports the family, and buying behind others, can you guarantee that every time you will retreat?

2) The essence of stock trading

Stocks are essentially a chip game, whether it is the trend of stock prices, or the dragon and tiger list, it is a game.

Stocks that are not good now and are likely to get better in the future may be real bull tickets.

Now it is not good, retail investors can not see, the main force can be low-cost financing.

The possibility of getting better in the future means that there is a wind waiting.

Buying stocks with the big guys on the Dragon and Tiger list is far better than buying stocks according to good companies.

Even the statement that buying stocks is buying good companies is incorrect, at least inaccurate.

First of all, the recognized good company, its good has been reflected in the stock price, how can it rise again?

Secondly, recognized good companies, chips will be pinched by retail investors, the main force has no way to absorb chips at low cost, so the possibility of a huge increase is not large, so contrary to your intuition, the recognized good company, its stock can not be a bull ticket.

The essence of stocks is a chip game, and chips are the core of stocks.

Even if everything is available, if the chips are not concentrated enough in the hands of the main force, it is impossible to increase significantly, because a sharp increase is tantamount to making a wedding dress for others.

Of course, the main force will not collect chips for a stock for no reason.

There are many reasons why the main force bets on a stock. For example, if the stock market is expected to go bullish, he might bet on securities stocks.

Another example is that if the economy is expected to deteriorate, he may bet on infrastructure stocks, because the economy is not good, the government will stimulate the economy, and infrastructure construction is often a means of stimulation.

Therefore, this is the reason why the gun brother has always emphasized that the purchase of stocks should buy "poor expectations", and it is necessary to buy those with weak to strong expectations.

Each of us is desperately trying to learn investment knowledge, hoping that we can have this ability to find bull stocks, but everyone's learning ability is different, which is also a process of continuous differentiation.

The first person who can see a trend change is definitely not a retail investor but a band main force;

The first to find out that stocks can turn stronger is definitely a master of daily prediction, not a retail investor who follows the trend.

The above content is only to correct some friends' misconceptions about the Dragon and Tiger List, and let's talk about where the real value of the Dragon and Tiger List is.

2, gun brother daily to see the dragon and tiger list, the main look at what?

1) Whether there is a mechanism or a large grapefruit that likes to lock the warehouse.

If we see institutions on the Dragon and Tiger list, or some large floating funds that like to lock up positions and have a pattern, we often think that the follow-up trend will be better.

Because this part of the funds do not easily smash the disk after coming in, it is often really optimistic, take a small band, and even sell after the complete deterioration.

Whether it is the Happy Coast, which was previously kidnapped by everyone's morality, or the Ningbo Sangtian of This Year's Dawn Shares and Jiangnan High Fiber, they have obtained a huge seat premium because of the lock-up behavior.

For example, on the day of Shanhe Pharmaceutical Auxiliary 2020.4.15, although the internal status of the plate is not good, it has led to new expectations because of institutional purchases.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

However, the institution buys today, does not mean that it will continue to buy tomorrow, and can only be considered that the probability of the institution locking the position the next day is relatively large.

So when after the plate adjustment, the funds flow back again, and there are funds igniting, we can consider following, which is the memory of the institution.

We see that after a day of adjustment at 4.16, the stock continues to rise and fall at 4.17, so the short-term funds in the market will wonder if the institution is continuing to buy, and it is actually safe to participate here.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

2) Dragon and Tiger List Capital Structure:

The purpose of analyzing the structure is to find out whether it is the floating funds, the Zhuang, or the Zhuangyou synergy that participated in the day, so that the purpose is to consider the way to relay the next day.

Usually gun brother likes to use 10% of the total transaction amount of the day as a reference value, if the floating capital buys in this proportion, it is considered to be the combined force of the zhuangyou, that is, the main force to guide, the participation of the floating capital.

Once this proportion reaches 10%-20%, the gun brother believes that the proportion of floating funds is a bit large, and a better market atmosphere is needed to relay.

Once the proportion only reaches about 6-8%, it means that this is a clearly retail dragon and tiger list, either the big Zhuang sub-account is not on the list, or it is retail.

For example, Hekang Xinneng 2020.4.1 this day's Dragon and Tiger List, the day's all-day turnover of 1.1 billion, the purchase of free capital is about 100 million, it is considered to be a combination of Zhuangyou, then the next day there is a weak to strong expectation, as long as there is capital guidance in the back There is still room.

It should be emphasized here that Hekang Xinneng has gone 3 boards after that, but there will not be 3 boards in the follow-up of Zhuangyou cooperation, please don't be confused.

Generally speaking, this structure, the next day the difficulty of the main force to guide is relatively small, the opportunity is relatively large.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this
Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

3) Signs of short-term peaking:

The sign of the short-term peak of the gun brother is: the big grapefruit bought a lot, but it cannot be sealed, indicating that the throwing pressure is particularly large.

The divergence between large funds is often more serious.

If it is a Zhuang shipment, but the market sentiment is good, it is easier to undertake.

If there is a divergence between large grapefruit, then the overall operation of the market will be more difficult.

For example, on the day of Kodi Dairy 2020.4.8, the concept of consumption was at a climax, and some floating funds thought that they could continue to do it, but more floating funds felt that it was going to end.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

Therefore, on this day, there was a big divergence between floating funds, for example, the buyer owner is mostly The owner of The Chapter Alliance, but the seller is determined to ship the stock to support the family.

Judging from this dragon and tiger list, Zhang Meng's master took over the goods of speculating in stocks this time to support his family, and directly fell to a halt the next day.

Maybe here it feels like the boss of the chapter has lost, but here you don't know if the owner of the chapter has a lot of other positions lurking at a low level, and then use the help of pulling up the shipment?

So the big guys have a lot of tricks to play, if you just track one or two seats is actually useless.

But for a popular stock, the big divergence between free money at a high level is often a signal of end.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

The above content is some views on the Dragon and Tiger List, the purpose is to correct the previous wrong perspective for everyone.

Nearly three thousand words of the article, the gun brother took out the fragmentary time to read the disk word by word, from the idea to the writing of a total of about 10 hours, here feel that there should be a tip.

But the gun brother likes to be frank and tell a complete story in the public area, rather than mother-in-law and mother-in-law, hidden.

The following content is equivalent to the sequel of the story, mainly a summary of some commonly used rules, analyzing what kind of dragon and tiger list can be bought, what kind of avoidance, according to what to make expectations, the actual combat is relatively strong, it is recommended that friends with different foundations can take a look at it according to their actual needs.

4, reveal the essence of the Dragon and Tiger list of several core formulas

1) Poor sentiment + large proportion of free money = risk

Remember a principle: when the amount of floating money is very large, if the market is poor, it must not be easy to relay.

We know that the main force of a stock is equivalent to a manufacturer, and the floating capital is equivalent to a wholesaler, when the wholesaler has a large inventory, but the market is poor on the day, and it is impossible to find more consumers who expect more, which is actually a problem here.

The common way to play is to make a false guide for the next day, and then ship it with the trend.

For example, on the day of Science and Technology Innovation Information 2020.3.23, the first board of free money accounted for more than half, and the market sentiment on that day was very poor.

Then we will see if the market can get better the next day, and if it is good, we can think that we have found a takeover from the perspective of free money.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

The next day, the market sentiment is high and low, so the floating capital at this point in the afternoon will be shipped smoothly.

If you go here to pick up the plate, it's basically standing guard.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

In fact, according to the experience of the gun brother, if the purchase of free money on the low 1-2 board is too large, unless it is a particularly explosive subject, it is often difficult to relay the back.

Because if I am taking over the funds, I am very reluctant to receive the goods in the hands of the floating funds.

Just like that used car advertisement that you often see: XX used cars without middlemen.

The more middlemen, the more you buy at the time itself is not optimal, then of course you can not expect big meat.

2) Poor mood + retail structure = hidden main force?

If the market sentiment is poor one day, but you see a large-capacity stock shaking up and down, this is certainly not something that floating capital and retail investors can do, it should be the main force.

For example, on the day of Ling Pharmaceutical's 2020.4.13, the total transaction amount was 3.3 billion, but the total proportion of dragon and tiger list purchases was less than 5%, far lower than the 10% we said earlier.

Then this can be considered that there are main forces who are unwilling to be on the list.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

The next day, you can pay attention to the undertaking of individual stocks, especially whether there is funds to undertake in the market panic, to determine whether the main force exists in the end.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

When Yiling Pharmaceutical obviously saw the opening market diving the next day, it was obvious that there were funds to maintain the red disk, and in the afternoon, it followed the index to rush the board, which was very strong.

After confirming his judgment of the main force in this kind of intraday, it is perfect to directly go to the low suction.

3) Good mood + retail structure = weak to strong

When the market sentiment is very good one day, but a stock with a very obvious volume shows the characteristics of retail accounting, then we must pay attention to whether there are short funds to do weak to strong the next day.

Because in essence, the amount here is a wash of the money lurking in front of it, and a full exchange of chips.

When there are expectations for the next day on the short term, many floating funds like to exchange this chip for sufficient stocks, because there is no risk of smashing the market.

For example, Jin Jian Rice Industry 2020.3.27 received a quantitative holiday yin line, and the next day's high opening is directly able to go.

The key to this method of buying is to consider the expectations of the next day, as long as there is an upward expectation, then you can buy directly.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this
Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

4) Good mood + free money = acceleration

This is actually very easy to understand, that is, when everyone is optimistic about the back market, the floating capital works together to create a market leader.

Unlike those who want to sell stocks at every turn, the floating capital is to go in one, lock the position; and then go in another, continue to lock the position.

Until the end of the market, one is sold out.

In fact, the accelerated faucets we see are all played like this, but the operation requires understanding, which is more risky for Xiao Bai, and it is easy to take over if it is not good.

But the reason why the gun brother wrote it here is to hope that everyone can know the gameplay here, and it is not limited to chips.

The first thing that determines the shrinkage of a leading stock is the position of the index, secondly, whether the direction of the funds is correct, and finally whether a stock has a market position.

For example, the recent rise of the better and better Provincial Guangzhou Group, 4.20-4.22 for three consecutive days, each day the reason is different.

4.20: The market rebounded collectively, and it is normal for the provincial Guangzhou Group to follow the trend and repair.

4.21: On the day of the market adjustment, there was an outbreak of the data center sector, which just matched the direction of the Provincial Guangzhou Group. When the index confirmed that it could not fall in the afternoon, there were sensitive short-term funds to do a reseal.

4.22: The market opened low on the day, and a certain amount of energy was put at the opening, which was not bad. On this day, a new theme of rural e-commerce appeared, which was related to the Internet celebrity and media sectors, so the Provincial Guangzhou Group followed and won a day, and the Guodian South Zi on the same day continued to fry due to the weakening of the new infrastructure.

Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this
Hidden gold! The dragon and tiger list in the eyes of the secret tour capital is like this

5) Write at the end:

The purpose of writing this article is to correct everyone's usual misconceptions about the Dragon and Tiger List, if you feel that you have no problem, then congratulations, your short line can already be considered an entry.

The Dragon and Tiger List, like many technical indicators that sell out the mysteries, does not have a particularly certain significance.

The Dragon and Tiger List just helps us find out who bought that day, and you need to think about why the master made this decision that day, which is more important.

Over time, you find that you often buy with a certain big guy in the Dragon and Tiger List, or bury it together, which is actually a happy thing!

Gun Brother wants everyone to remember: the market direction + capital synergy is far greater than the role of the Dragon and Tiger List, which is your primary concern!

The road that the return to the gun brother once walked, the first doubling, the second doubling, the first one million, the second million, the first time on the list, are like a movie, vividly remembered.

Therefore, Brother Gun squeezes out time every week to write a heart-to-heart teaching, believing that there will be friends who will be encouraged and eventually embark on the road to success!

I also hope that you can help more people in the future, and help those friends who are still trying to grope in the dark.

I am a professional investor with more than 15 years of experience in the stock market, follow and subscribe to me, take you to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible!

This journal may be updated in the disk, receive update reminders, please pay attention to Overlord Gun.

For an introduction to the author, please .

The author does not hold the stock in the article and does not plan to buy.

This article only represents the views of the author and does not represent the position of stock selection treasure. Opinions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice

* Risk Warning: The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market