
There are always accidents in life, please take responsibility for your own life

author:Love people who are at ease

"You don't want your own face, do such a thing, in the future, can you not come back or do not come back, so as not to make people laugh..." Wanwan listened to his father's words, knowing that he was telling the truth, she did not say anything, turned around and packed up a few clothes she usually wore and left.

Bay Bay is Shi Dad's first child, if this did not happen, then Bay Bay should be Shi Dad's most painful child, even when she was five years old, her brother was born is not comparable, as long as you can buy Shi Dad will buy to send her.


In the early summer of 1991, ShiwanWan was born in this remote mountain village called Shijia Village, due to the lack of water in the five elements, he recognized a large stone by the river as a dry father, in order not to be the same as Shi Dad's name, the nickname was Shi Hai, and there were five or six people who called this name in the village, and all of them were boys.

In the village, the economic conditions of the Wanwan family are among the best, uncle and uncle are public officials of the town government, the second uncle went out to work before she was born, Shi Dad is a run dealer, of course, his own family land is also planted. For example, if you catch snakes and raise them to sell, all kinds of plants in the fields, grow in the mountains, as long as they can be eaten, as long as they can be put for a few days and will not be broken, Shi Dad basically collects them, and then pulls them to other towns to sell when they rush to the market. When he was two years old in Wanwan, he was crawled into bed by a snake, and when he got up, he was directly frightened, and he started a high fever that night, until the third day before he retired, and then Shi Dad sold all the snakes raised by the family and never raised them again.

From childhood to adulthood, Wanwan is not a child who loves to learn, when everyone is learning well, her grades have not been up and down, and even the teacher usually does not pay attention to her. With such a bland result, Wanwan went to junior high school, but when she took the middle school entrance examination, her grades were really average, and she was not admitted to a better high school, but some private high schools, and several of them sent her admission letters. Shi Dad didn't know what his daughter really thought, and when the school was about to start, he asked her: "Do you want to go to high school or learn a technology?" ”

At that time, Wanwan thought, "I don't like to read, I want to go out and work, I want to earn my own money and spend it myself." "However, Wanwan knows that if she dares to say that she does not study and wants to go out to work with the people in the village, her father will definitely not agree, and he may even lock her up." Then read a secondary school, at least Dad will not be too angry with her. In addition, the eldest uncle told her that if she went to study accounting, then she would arrange a job for her after graduation. So, she went to a technical school in the city to study accounting.

In the days that followed, Wanwan wondered more than once: "If I had gone to high school instead of secondary school, wouldn't that have happened?" "However, looking at her own temperament, I think that in fact, no matter whether she was in high school or went to secondary school, her temperament is still the same, there is no change, then no matter where she goes to school, the result is the same." What should have happened will still happen, and no one can change the fact of this person. Unless you change your nature, it is possible to have different results.

It was a new year's day that happened in 2007 and 2008. As the class leader, WanWan led several class cadres in the class to participate in the New Year's Day party performance held by the school. At the end of the party, it was actually more than ten o'clock in the evening, and according to the usual schedule of Bay Bay, it was time to prepare for sleep. But because she had a day off from school, she didn't go home, she could only call home. She didn't know that because of this call, it changed the direction of her life.

That day, she dialed her father's number to call home, and she was still thinking: "It's so late, I don't know if my parents are sleeping?" After the phone was connected, you could still faintly hear the noisy sound, at this time, Wanwan found that his parents were actually arguing, and the quarrel was not a small thing, but wanted to divorce.

Bay Felt Like His Head Was Buzzing All the Time... The ringing". She didn't understand what was wrong with her parents, how did they suddenly say that they were going to divorce? Bay Bay is very unacceptable! As a child raised by Shi Dad from a young age, she has always been as she wants, and she quarrels with them regardless of their disregard... After arguing for about half an hour, the other students had to rest, but Wanwan felt that she was still very angry and aggrieved, and she felt that her father did not love her. So when the man called her and wanted her to hang out, she went.

In the simple world of Bay Bay, the man let her go out to play, not just to take her, to show off to his friends, and then brag that this is his girlfriend, how... I really can't imagine that he will take her to the bar and drug the wine she drinks, in fact, even if he doesn't take the medicine, in terms of the body of Wanwan who has never drunk alcohol, a cup will basically be drunk...

Shi Dad is a person with a very traditional mindset, after growing up in Wanwan, he has always said to Wanwan, "Girls must love themselves!" Your own body is very important, can not let other men touch casually, if people touch, then it can only be with him, is to marry that person, because you have been good with him, so you must protect yourself, not like the person must not recognize him touching your body, and you are still young, later wait to help you find an in-law, you can only live with that man when you are married, and live together in the future. ”

Bay bay did not know that after she fainted, the man moved her, turning her from a girl into a woman. In the circle where Bay has been living, everyone is still relatively simple, and she doesn't know that such a thing has happened. When I wake up in the morning, I feel uncomfortable in every part of my body, especially underneath. At this time, the hindsight bay realized what she had lost, and she cried awkwardly, but the facts had already been caused, what was the use of crying? Nor does it change the fact that it has already happened.

The man comforted her and said, "You can rest assured, you will be good to you in the future, and you will never be wronged." And when you reach the age we will get married, and you will be my person from now on. "She didn't know that if she wanted to sue him for rape, then he would have to go in, and the things behind wouldn't be so complicated... It's just that Bay Bay doesn't know and has been with him all the time, leading to one mistake after another.

It was this that happened, and she didn't even tell anyone, including her parents. Originally, when I was in school, I told uncle's family that on weekends, Wanwan went to uncle's house to improve food. To this end, Shi Dad also paid a meal fee to the uncle. Wanwan was afraid that Uncle Dabo would find out about their changes and would scold her when they knew what had happened, and she had been afraid to go to Uncle Da's house for weeks in a row.

WanWan remembered what Shi Dad said, and she remembered what she said at the time: "No matter what happens, you can't just be with a man, let alone let a man want her body." Otherwise, you can only marry this man in the future. So much so that in the back, even if Wanwan understood the man, she still did not dare to resist.

Since Wanwan has not been to Uncle Da's house for several weeks, Uncle Dabo is worried about whether something is wrong with Wanwan, so he calls Shi Dad and asks Shi Dad to ask Wan Wan the reason. All along, Bay Bay was an honest child, never lied, and she would not lie or deceive. So much so that when Shi Dad asked, "Why don't you go to Uncle Da's house for dinner?" She was torn apart and couldn't say it clearly. Shi Dad found out that something was wrong with The Bay, I'm afraid it's not really a problem, right? He did not get angry on the spot, and even more did not force himself to ask Bay Bay what had happened, and he planned to see it for himself in the next two days.

One day, Shi Dad quietly came to the school and visited the homeroom teacher of Bay Bay, and found that Recently Bay often skipped class, sometimes even at night. Unfortunately, today Shi Dad came very time, she just happened to be called out by the man, not in the school, Shi Dad could not find Bay Bay, and could not contact her. He couldn't stay in the school for too long, after all, it was a school, and the impact was not good. In desperation, she could only wait outside the school gate to see if she could wait until Wanwan returned, or to see when she would return to school.

When Bay Bay sat in the man's car, ready to go back to school. In the distance, she found Shi Dad at the school gate, and WanWan knew that this was waiting for her. She was suddenly blindfolded and didn't know how to react. Wanwan was still thinking: "How did Dad suddenly come to school, did he know anything?" But for a moment, even, her mouth turned faster than her brain, and before the car reached the school gate, she said to the man, "Hurry up and turn around and drive away, my father is coming..."

The man was also a clever man, and when he heard this, he immediately turned around and left. Wanwan saw that Shi Dad seemed to be very angry, and she was very scared. She was thinking, "If Daddy catches me, I'll be beaten." She knew it was wrong, but she didn't know what to do. The first thing she thought of was to run away first, and then talk about it later, anyway, she didn't dare to go back to school for the time being.

After leaving, they returned to the man's house, and it was only then that she suddenly reacted that she should not have run away. If you sincerely admit your mistake at that time, with Shi Dad's love for her, he would at most teach her a lesson, but the follow-up things will definitely help her deal with it.

Thinking of this, she used the man's mobile phone to secretly call Shi Dad and told Shi Dad about the events at that time. Shi Dad was very angry when he heard this, and he wanted to scold this brainless girl. "This stupid daughter, if you let people sell it, you have to help others count money." He put up with it, calmed down a bit, and then said to Wanwan, "Don't think about anything, come back now, Daddy will take care of it." She whimpered and said, "Okay, I'll go back to school right now, can you wait for me?" Shi Dad said, "Hmm."

Bay Bay asked the man to send him back to school, and she said", "It's all right, my dad isn't mad at me anymore." It's just that she didn't expect that when the man knew that she was going back to school, he was unwilling to send her away, saying that he was worried that her father would be angry and would make her wronged. Anyway, it was to find various reasons not to let her leave, and in order to prevent her from sneaking away, the man had been staying by his side.

At this time, Bay Bay knew that it was afraid. Until then, men had been cajoling her. What about wanting to marry her and treat her later... She actually believed him like this, and had to say that she was really stupid and naïve, but what was the use of knowing now? It is too late for Wanwan to regret it, now it is impossible to leave if you want to, you can only resign yourself to fate, and then you believe that your father will find her and take her out of here...

Shi Dad waited for Bay Bay at school for a long time, and she did not appear until it was dark. Shi Dad knew that either WanWan didn't want to come back, or the man wouldn't let her come back. Out of his understanding of his daughter, Shi Dad felt that the latter was more likely. Because, as long as it is something that Wanwan promised, then she will definitely do it no matter what, even if this thing is something she is not willing to do, then she will do it first, and then say something else.

Time passed in a hurry, And after inquiring about it, Shi Dad and Uncle Shi finally found the man's home, and they wanted to come and bring Wanwan home. However, it may be that they did not pay attention along the way, so that the man found out in advance, he did not let Wanwan go back with Shi Dad, and he did not tell Wanwan that her father had come to find her.

The man said to Wanwan, "You stay at home every day, are you bored?" I'll take you outside to play, okay? "Bay Bay is also a fool, and he believes whatever he says. So he took Bay Bay with him. Went to a relative's house who was married to another province and hid her there, afraid that Bay Bay would find a way to go home, he stayed by Bay Bay's side all the time. In the end, it was a young and bloody hairy boy, two people tossing and turning every day for half a night, and basically unable to get up before noon the next day.

During the time they lived there, Shi Dad always called Wanwan and wanted her to go back. It may be that the man does not trust Wanwan, and is afraid that she will tell Shi Dad the current address, as long as it is Shi Dad's phone, or do not let her answer, or answer, but also to listen to her and Shi Dad on the phone, because of this, she does not dare to talk too much with Shi Dad, afraid that men will toss her.

In fact, men think too much, rest assured that it is okay to let Bay Bay call, Bay Has never been out of the outside since coming here, and does not know where it is now, that is, it is impossible to say it. The man asked Wanwan to tell Shi Dad that she did not want to go back, and if she had to go back, she would agree to marry the man, otherwise she would not go back. But in fact, she wanted to go back, but she couldn't say it, and she didn't dare to say it. Afraid that the man would beat her, or she would be desperately tossing her at night, and she couldn't stand it...

In this way, they waited there for more than half a year. Until it was confirmed that Bay was pregnant and had passed the stabilization period of three months, this time the man asked Bay to go home. But instead of letting her go back in the car by herself, he drove her back directly on a motorcycle. The purpose is to know the specific location of her home. On the way back, the man said to Wanwan, "You and your father said that you are now pregnant, almost four months old, we will have a banquet first, and when you reach the age, we will go to the certificate." We've all been together for so long, and we have children, who else can I marry if you don't marry me? ”

Shi Dad loved Bay Bay, pampered Bay Bay for more than ten years, and watched her grow up. No matter what reason Bay bay had worried him for so long, it was a fact that he had been looking for so long. He was really disappointed in this daughter, especially now that he was almost four months pregnant, he had to be a mother to know that he would come back, and he still wanted to marry the man. Shi Dad really didn't want to care about her business, but in the end he was still a little unbearable. After the man left, he asked WanWan very seriously: "You honestly answered me, do you really want to marry that man?" After that, I spent time with this person? Your days ahead are still very long, have you really thought about it? ”

Wanwan whimpered and said, "No, I don't want to, every time you call me and ask me to go home, I want to go home, but he looks at me every time, if I say I want to go home he will beat me, and sleep with me, I am afraid... So when I called, I didn't dare to say, only that I didn't want to come back, and if I was asked to marry him, I would come back, but that was not my intention! Then Wanwan asked Shi Dad, "But now that I'm pregnant, what will I do if I don't marry him?" Will anyone ever want me in the future? ”

Facing the bay, Shi Dad didn't say much, only said, "I know, you stay at home obediently first, don't do anything, I'll deal with other things." On the other hand, he asked Uncle Wanwan to help inquire about the hospital in the city. Bay Bay is still a minor, now the pregnancy has been almost four months, the child has basically taken shape, many hospitals are not willing to help with induction surgery, there is no way but to leave...

After many efforts and the help of the great uncle, on the Eleventh National Day of 2008, Wanwan underwent induction surgery at the Municipal People's Hospital, and she doubted that she had gone to life at that time...

Mama Shi asked her, "Do you know it hurts?" Do you dare to do it in the future? Wanwan cried and said, "Don't you dare!" I don't dare anymore! Whoops..." Mother Shi said, "Then you remember, you must pay attention in the future, take good care of yourself, and don't be stupid again." "After the operation, Bay Bay was hospitalized in the hospital for four days of observation, plus what was checked when he just came down, and stayed in the hospital for a week before returning home.

When he came home from surgery in Bay Bay, about a week later, the man came, he wanted to see Bay Bay, wanted Bay to go with him, Shi Dad did not agree to let him see Bay Bay. He came a few more times, but he didn't see Bay once. Shi Dad would tell WanWan every time, but Wanwan did not want to see the man, in fact, if Shi Dad did not talk to her, she might not know that the man came to her, because she did not like to go out, afraid that the people in the village would laugh at her.

As the days passed, after a month of recuperation in Wanwan, Shi Dad sent her to the home of the third aunt in Luo Province and let her work in the small textile factory there, so that the man would not always come to her. Bay stayed there until the twenty-ninth year, when Bay Bay took the car back to the house. The textile factory was about to start construction on the third day of the new year, and Bay bay had to go down to the three aunts before the start of construction, but she did not like to stay there.

On the night of the first day of the New Year, WanWan and Shi Dad said: "I don't want to go down to the third aunt, I want to go to Wanshi to find a job by myself." Shi Dad asked, "Are you sure?" Bay Bay said "Hmm.".

Before leaving the bay, Shi Dad said to Wan Wan: "You don't have a face yourself, do such a thing, in the future, can you not come back or don't come back, so as not to make people laugh..." After Shi Dad finished speaking, he gave Wan Wan a thousand yuan, let her go on her own, and then did not say anything else to Wan Wan. Wanwan listened to his father's words, knowing that he was telling the truth, she didn't say anything, turned around and packed up a few clothes she usually wore and left.

Not long after Wanwan went out to work, Shi Dad and Shi Mama finally separated, and the family could not go back to the past. After two years of divorce, Shi Dad married a new person, and Shi Mama was still alone, but from then on they had no connection except for their children.

Wanwan stayed in Wanshi for four years, during which time he could only do some jobs that did not require a diploma and did not require high age requirements, entered the factory to do general workers, sold things in small shops... She changed jobs one after another, each one without doing more than half a year.

In a year or two, she went to an electronics factory as a merchandiser, where she met Brother Nine, they met the second day when they just arrived at the factory in Bay Bay, she was not familiar with everything, Brother Nine came to pull the goods, and checked the production of parts ordered there, she was a copy there, so they met and met. Because Brother Jiu often had to go there to pick up goods, they were familiar with it as soon as they came and went, and after working there for four months, Wanwan once again wanted to quit because she didn't think it was fun. After the ninth brother knew, he asked Wanwan, "Do you want to go to work there?" ”

Bay Bay said, "You can try it." "It's only after knowing that he has academic requirements there and that he has to have certain skills." Wanwan said to Brother Jiu: "I should not be able to go to your company to work, first of all, I can't pass the degree, I am a junior high school student, and you said that I don't understand or learn those professional knowledge." ”

Brother Nine thought about it and said, "Otherwise, I'll help you find a school, and you go to the school to learn an accounting." What do you think? If you want to go, I'll help you find a school. Bay Bay said "Good! "Then after three days, Wanwan completed the resignation procedures in this factory, and then Wanwan went to the school where the Jiugeto people were looking for...

Time passed quickly, AndWan studied in school for three years, during which she understood a lot of things, no longer had to live as well as before, and knew that she had to think about her future life. She always thought that she would go to work at Brother Nine's company after she came out of school, but the plan could not catch up with the changes, and in the end she did not go to work in Brother Cheng's unit.

Because Bay Bay is going to get married, marry a former classmate. It turned out that when she was studying in Bay Bay, she got in touch with some of her former classmates, so she fell in love with a classmate who had played well with the school before, and now she finally cultivated and was going to get married. She had always thought that she was unlikely to get married in the future, but Wanwan did not expect that Tang Chun did not mind her past, after all, it was originally a school, and Tang Chun could not not know some of her previous things. All along, he stayed in bay very well. Slowly, the two people came together. Since they are going to get married, it is certainly impossible for the younger two to live separately, so she can only return to his side to work.

In the four years that Bay went out, she did not go home once, not because she did not want to go back, but every time she wanted to go back to see it, she remembered that thing, plus every time she called Shi Dad, he was light, and he didn't want to let Wan Wan go home, in fact, Wan Wan also knew that Shi Dad was disappointed in her, but things have happened, and now they have passed, can only look forward, think too much and just make themselves unhappy.

After four years, it was not until Bay Bay was about to get married that he was able to return home. It was only after the banquet that Shi Dad said, "You are also married, and in the future, don't come to the house if you have anything to do, and live your own little life." Then he left, and there was no other advice.

After marriage, Shi Dad's relationship with Wanwan is still not good, and she usually does not call Shi Dad for more than a minute, and every time it is light... No matter what happened to Bay Bay in the past, now her life is still going on, and I hope she can live happily in the future...

There is no regret medicine in this world! Everyone must be responsible for their own life!

Life is like a stage play, no rehearsal, no pause, no repetition... Everyone is the protagonist, and everyone is someone else's supporting character. Someone will always show up, and someone will leave. Time always passes quietly, life always goes on, no one has to stay in place for whom, everyone can only accept the reality and look forward...

There are too many accidents in life, too many last resorts, and at the same time there are too many darknesses that you can't imagine! I advise those children in the rebellious period to take good care of themselves, not to make decisions easily, and not to trust others too much. Don't be afraid when you encounter things, angry, scolding are all a momentary anger, they just hate iron is not steel. No matter what happens, be sure to tell your family in time, because only your family is the person you can trust most and will be good to you unconditionally. In your future life, you will guide you in the direction of progress, and do some life planning for you that will help you... All of this is just the love of your parents for you!

This concludes

The first time I wrote such a short article, I don't know if anyone will like it. I will always learn and improve. Hope to write better in the future!

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