
Life always has accidents, accidents are also the norm, less preset "should" less encounter "unexpected"

author:Horse snort pineapple

Recently, several girlfriends have taken a turn in their jobs, some have been promoted and raised, and some positions have not been guaranteed.

Sister A has been working hard for many years, holding several positions, charging into the battlefield, and not giving treatment. At this time, the willow is finally dark and bright, which is gratifying and congratulatory! But now, she didn't have any joy, only resentment, and felt that she had been suffocated in the past few years, and that the delay she deserved was simply an insult. At one point, he was so angry that he often comforted God's old mother in the air, and he was relieved of his depression.

The other B and C, both fifty years old, caught up with the reorganization of the unit, the department was abolished, the two sisters have not yet sat firmly in the hot official position overnight, either choose to take the resignation compensation to leave, or go to other departments to be general managers, even downgraded four or five levels, and this opportunity if not graduated from Peking University, are rare, but also need to coordinate competition. People who have been in the system for a long time, for the first time, have seen the determination and ruthlessness of non-state-owned enterprise practices, and they cannot accept it at all!

Life always has accidents, accidents are also the norm, less preset "should" less encounter "unexpected"

The first thing we do as human beings is to listen to the conversation, and even mainly to unprincipledly echo and comfort sympathy, not to talk about the big truth of right and wrong. The last is to guide persuasion education, in fact, for adults, most of them are superfluous.

After listening to the long and short and short talk, until I heard a sentence, I finally couldn't help but start to reason. The phrase that was slapped was called , "This is not a reward, it is the minimum respect that a cadre should receive." ”

I want to say, sisters and sisters, things in this world, where there are so many things you set should not be!

A lot of what you should be supposed to be is just self-consolation. And what we can do every day, which one is not trying to reduce regrets with heart, and to meet impermanence with a strong smile?

You told me that spring should be red, so how to explain the frost raid in June. Summer needs rain, grain is good grouting, autumn looks like a sunny day and sunny day, this bone eye flood hail is not a matter of the whole army? In winter, there should be no winter, unless the snow is white and the heavens and the earth become a fairy tale world! Omarga!

The natural world is still so changeable that it does not always appear in the form of laws that you foresee, let alone the complex human world.

Life always has accidents, accidents are also the norm, less preset "should" less encounter "unexpected"

I said to Sister A, what you should do today, isn't it timely fun? Thanksgiving, just celebrate. Twenty years of work, still struggling with fairness and justice?

If the ending is in line with expectations, it is your luck, not in line with it, and what you see as unreasonable may also meet the expectations of others.

Let me look back on the past for her.

A girl, when she went to school, did not work too hard, although she entered a second-rate school, but with first-class classmates, four years of wonderful. Graduation do not have to put their own resume to find a job, there is a family arrangement from Beijing into the southern first-tier cities, is a good unit with less personal idleness, and later married a handsome and forced to rise step by step good husband, the family of the elderly healthy, the son is healthy and lively, the daily thoughts and troubles are just undecided about which country to travel to, which LV bag to buy.

When the vast majority of people, even if they have smashed all their youth in the workplace, they can't move forward at the bottleneck period, and they have to start counting down the wheels, and you have to become a workplace promotion again...

The help of the family has made you lie down to win in general among the top ten percent of luck, the individual is only a little effort, although the good things are more grinding, after all, they will get their wishes, where do you regret it?

You have to know that the female colleagues around me, who are good at fighting in the market and abandoning their homes, may have experienced being oiled; if they work hard and hard, they will be rewarded with a lot of hard work every day; commuting on the road are gray-headed and dirty-faced wearing pants for a few hours, over forty years old, which is not a white hair, not dyed has been unable to see, not to mention the makeup in the office every day?!

Living in a good family environment should be easier to satisfy and be happy. Why bother worrying about the part you didn't get?

As for B and C, I actually have nothing to say, maybe the leader needs to sit in the town, this ending they actually knew on the last day, and did not feel tormented in the waiting process, so extremely disappointed, and we as subordinates have a premonition that the mountain rain is coming, and left a year early!

Most ordinary people, perhaps, should face up to the fact that individuals talk too much about some topics that are too much and too luxurious. There is no eternal spring, let alone always think that you are the one who upholds justice, so you enter the safe. When the flood came, the mud and sand fell, and no one was spared. Predicting self-help in advance and moving to a slightly safer place is better than "not expecting" the end of the matter.

Girlfriend said, why are you so transparent? When we were in school, we were strong and competitive, you said "husbands are not in contention, so the world can not fight with", when we graduate and separate, we must die and live, you also said "it is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes"...

I said that this is not transparency, but I am grateful for the current situation that is more than enough in comparison, and I agree with the ending of my fortunate loss of my life, and I hope to survive in this state.

There are many accidents in life, and it is normal to have accidents, so we can't help but improve our perception, execution, and blunt sensitivity, so that we are not always surprised by accidents, and we are not too afraid of fright. The world has never been as good or bad as you think.

I think so, but also because I have no ability, I can only personally test the water for my child's early wading, and the pool she is about to enter is deep or shallow, cold or hot, and it is up to her to experience it herself.

Now, I have these superficial experiences of the world in which I live, which I have realized after losing my health, the lives of my loved ones and my job, and I hope that she will not understand that even if she does, it will come later.

Life always has accidents, accidents are also the norm, less preset "should" less encounter "unexpected"

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