
[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life

author:Brother Tao @ excerpt sharing
Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, focusing on headline excerpts and sharing. Thank you Toutiao Jun for letting us meet here, click on the upper right corner to follow [Bixin] [Bixin] [Bixin], share my excerpts and insights every day, learn with you, and share happiness!
[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life

On the road of life, don't just look down and hurry, you also need to look up at the sky and appreciate the beauty of this life!

Today is the 39th day of the 100-day challenge of copying books. The theme of today's excerpt is "Take your time, feel the beauty of life", welcome to enjoy it while leaving a message in the comment area to discuss, grow together, and learn together!

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life

Wine is easy to get drunk, and the full moon is easy to lack, and it is precisely because of regrets that beautiful things will be particularly precious.

Although the food is beautiful, it is difficult to taste the fullness, and it is precisely because of the delicious food that it is desirable.

Life taboos seek perfection in everything, half poor, half rich, half comfortable, half busy, half idle and half comfortable. Slowing down is a kind of realm.

Lao Zhang had a cerebral hemorrhage of 17ml, and the city hospital had no choice, but fortunately, the provincial hospital rescued him in time and picked it up.

After 61 days in the hospital, when he was discharged, the doctor told him to adjust his emotions and recuperate.

After 61 days at home, Lao Zhang was impatient and bored, and he struggled to ride and exercise, and on the 64th day, he returned to the hospital!

If you want to do everything quickly, you can't do it, you will use too much force, and you will be in a hurry to achieve your life attitude, but you will get yourself into trouble.

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life

Taking your time is an attitude to life and a reverence for time. Wait for the flowers to bloom slowly, watch the rain fall, watch the clouds roll up, listen to the ebb and flow of the tide, feel the beauty of nature with a quiet heart, and enjoy the beauty of life with a calm and open-minded attitude.

Walking slowly is a state of mind and a respect for life. Slowly wait for the leaves to be green, enjoy the light wind, look at the ups and downs of the mountains, smell the birds and insects, have an indifferent feeling, appreciate the charm of the world, hold a calm and free attitude, and taste the tranquility of the years.

Human growth is a slow but steady process, and if you want to succeed, you should put in the time.

Lao Wang is always three points slower to speak, and others urge him to get results, so he can only give an answer after thinking about it for a long time.

Lao Zhang's speed of speech is always a few seconds faster, he speaks like a machine gun, reacts quickly, and the result is out in seconds.

For the same thing, the disposal plan given by Lao Wang is flexible and operable;

Although Lao Zhang's proposal can solve the problem, there are many troubles in the follow-up, and solving one thing becomes solving many things.

The development of things is regular and feasible, from youth to maturity, it needs to be gradual and urgent!

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life

The most comfortable state is to live your life slowly, pay attention to the process, and see the results clearly.

The fat of the body is eaten day by day, one bite at a time, and I want to lose my target weight.

It takes long-term persistence, step by step, to implement the plan one by one, in order to find the desired answer.

The so-called extreme things must be opposed, and being too anxious about one thing will make you full of loopholes.

Life is a process of experience, accumulation, and precipitation, and life is only once, so it is necessary to live a wonderful life and live a value.

Resonate with the stars and the sea, accompanied by the passion of dreams, the years are long, or walk or stay, or look at the clouds, or smell the tide.

In this endless journey of life, we are both dreamers and watchmen.

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of nature at every moment, feel the pulse of life, and savor the depth of time.

Let us take the persistence and love in our hearts to appreciate every sunrise and listen to every wave.

Let life become a never-ending symphony, playing our own melody!

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 39th day]: Take your time and feel the beauty of life


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