
What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

author:Know the constant

#西方文明与中华文明本质区别是什么 #

This topic is very large, Zhi Changrong does not know much about Western civilization, according to this requirement to write this article is a little sincere, but fortunately not in academic journals, just rely on their own very superficial cognition to express their own views, you feel that you can make sense.

I think that the civilizations of the East and the West will eventually merge into one civilization, which is a big trend, and now several large civilizations are actually the fusion of countless small civilizations, some of which have been eliminated, some of which have been assimilated, and some of which have become important components.

Civilization is slowly formed in the long-term life of human beings, not falling from the sky, and what kind of living environment affects people's perception of the world.

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

For example, urban people and rural people are not the same, urban people are more rules, in the city life to abide by countless rules, why rules are so important, because the city is a stranger's society, everyone comes from all directions, there is no rules that will be messed up, so there are many urban rules.

Rural people are more important to family affection, rural people live on the land, who also protect their own interests, naturally rely on the clan, so that blood relations are particularly important, sometimes encounter rules and family conflicts, often give priority to family affection, which is why "righteousness to destroy relatives" is advocated. But everything that is advocated is what is missing in real life.

Comparing the cultural differences between the East and the West, we can start from the living environment of the East and the West.

Chinese civilization is a typical farming culture, the most typical feature of farming culture is that the resources are fixed, and the only thing that people can do is how to make the resources play a greater role.

The main resource is naturally land, how to make the land play the greatest benefit, that is naturally to adjust the wind and rain.

Keeping the sky has become an important thing, and when you don't keep the sky, you will naturally go against the sky and there will be no harvest. From this sentence you should be able to feel the greatest characteristics of our culture.

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

The idea of going from day to time, sowing in the spring and harvesting in the autumn, and hiding in the long summer and winter has affected all aspects of the entire social life, and finally becomes the core of culture. We study the heavens, and we make the rules of the heavens our greatest rule and call them the Tao.

This is the opposite of Westerners.

The development of Western civilization mainly depends on the ocean, and one of the most important characteristics of marine civilization is that the resources are unlimited, as long as you have enough courage. For example, your ship is particularly good, the navigation level is particularly good, and the luck is also particularly good, so that you can harvest a lot of resources.

They need to study the hours, but the scenes are constantly changing, not as useful as studying the hours of the days as farming cultures do. What we think of as the "Tao" doesn't have much effect on them, they prefer "skill."

"Technology" and "personality" are more advantageous to them than "Tao".

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

For example, the difference between the people on the Wenhuang Plain in Taizhou's former Shitang Zhenshan dachen and the Wenhuang Plain is more obvious, because the Shitang Zhenshan side is dominated by fishermen. You can see a big difference just from drinking, of course, the difference is not very obvious now, because of the flow and fusion.

There is no use in being disciplined on the ocean, everything is variable, but farming culture bravery and individuality are not your first choice, conformity is the first option. The resources are fixed, and if you are brave, you will plant so many acres of land, and if you are not brave, you will also be so much.

In this way, the East and the West have a disagreement in their choices:

The East chooses an orderly life under the rules (Heavenly Dao), pays attention to the overall situation and then talks about personality, so the personality of the Orientals is relatively introverted.

The West chooses to live a life based on individuality and technology, focusing on individuality first and then talking about the overall situation. Therefore, the personality of Westerners is relatively unrestrained.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > the East takes the Tao as the first choice, and the West takes technology as the first choice. </h1>

Who is better and who is worse? That's a bit of a moment.

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

There have been periods of unity between religion and secular regimes in the West, but not in China, why is there such a big difference?

The world is orderly, not disorderly, and when Western civilization emphasizes individuality, a large group of adventurers meets and conflicts arise, because the scramble for resources creates conflicts. How to resolve conflicts? War cannot be solved, so create a rule, and this rule must be recognized and kept by everyone, which is the foundation of religion. Keeping is a contract, the spirit of the Contract in the West that some scholars have desperately advocated and praised.

The most important thing is that everyone keeps the covenant, because only if everyone keeps it, this rule is useful. Therefore, the West is equivalent to creating a "Tao".

Why can't it come out of the Chinese land?

Because we already have a consensus, our consensus is the "Tao" and there is no need for other consensus. The tao, or the later ascended heavenly representatives in the world, are imperial powers, and their self-proclaimed self-proclaimed son of heaven can explain a lot. (I won't expand on it here, it involves too much content, and I have written a lot of articles, I believe that people who read it often should be clear).

That's roughly the difference.

Here's a summary:

Western civilization is the "Tao" before the first, and Eastern civilization is the first "Tao" after the people.

Let's talk about who is better and who is inferior.

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

If you open the history book, you will find that the entire history book is the history of the struggle between agricultural civilization and nomadic civilization, starting from Yanhuang, to the struggle between the Zhou Dynasty and Di and Rong, the battle between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu, the Sixteen Kingdoms of the North after the Rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Western Jin Dynasty, the confrontation between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the inextricable relationship between the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Xianbei people, the battles between the Song Dynasty and the Khitans, Dangxiang, Jurchen, Mongolia, the conquest of Daming and Mongolia, the wars between Daming and Houjin, and so on.

Overall, there are wins and losses, but who is the last to laugh?

When we refer to the Chinese civilization, do we mean agricultural civilization or nomadic civilization?

The answer is self-explanatory.

Western civilization is also a kind of nomadic civilization in the eyes of Zhi Changrong, nomadic civilization grazes cattle and sheep, and Western civilization grazes marine life, which in my opinion is more primitive. Nomadic civilizations also need to manage their own cattle and sheep, and they can just get the boats and courage.

Why did it end up like this?

There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching: The beginning of the nameless heaven and earth. Famous as the Mother of All Things. It says it all.

What is the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? The East regards Tao as the first choice, and the West regards technology as the first choice.

When we gain from superstitious technology and courage, we will ignore the proposition that heaven and earth are our masters, and assume that we are the masters of heaven and earth. Their greatest emphasis is not on living in harmony with heaven and earth, but on man's victory over heaven and on transforming the world, that is to say, they want to become creators, in fact, from the current development, they are indeed moving in this direction.

But ignore something that even elementary school students know, a person can't leave the earth with his hair, without the help of external forces.

Man is born of this heaven and earth, and this world is born, so how can he in turn dominate this world? Logically doesn't make sense.

After creating too much "have", too many uncertainties will be formed. (People who often read my articles should be clear about the meaning of this sentence, and friends who read it for the first time may be confused) I give an example, such as the examination system is indeed good, it can be fairly selected talents, but it is also a kind of restriction on talents, restricting their thinking, limited to a certain recognized scope, and at the same time falling into serious involution. Eventually the whole system will become rigid and abolished.

This is true of institutions, and it is also true of technology. The same is true of the overly egotistical personality.

Let's talk about it for the time being, as to whether it is right or wrong, everyone's opinion is different.

Don't stand for decades, hundreds of years to see, but stand in the long river of thousands of years of history to see, you will understand the best Chinese civilization.

For example, when standing in the confrontation between Song Jin and Song Liao, people of insight in the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years may have doubts and do not feel how good the agricultural civilization is, but Liao and Jin perished before the Song, but they can explain many problems.

Some of the pictures originate from the Internet, involving invasion and deletion!