
The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

I. Astro Boy (1952) by Osamu Tezuka

In 1951, Osamu Tezuka published a novella on the topic of science in Shonen magazine, "Ambassador Astro Boy", and a year later, at the suggestion of the editor, he created a long-form work featuring Astro Boy. The manga portrays the cute little robot Astro Boy. From 1952 to 1968, Asby Boy was serialized for 16 years, setting a record for a manga series at the time. In 1963, the 193-episode TV version of the anime was broadcast with great success, becoming the first TV black-and-white animation film in Japan.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

2. Ultraman (1966) by Eiji Marutani

Ultraman is a feature filmed by Eiji Marutani, the first episode was broadcast on July 17, 1966, the plot of Superman vs Monsters was very popular, the work quickly swept Japan and other asian countries, the rating was as high as 42.8%, is the representative of superhero works.

The Ultraman series includes dozens of movies, hundreds of episodes of the TV series, and has been adapted into manga, stage plays, and fighting games, making it Japan's most successful idol hero. In 2007, the Hugo Award, a science fiction award, was presented in Yokohama, Japan, and the trophy was made using ultraman's image.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

3. Doraemon (1969) by Fujiko Fujio

Fujiko Fujio, the author of Doraemon, is a pseudonym shared by the two manga artists and was first published in six different manga magazines in December 1969. In 1980, the theatrical version of "Doraemon" was launched, and except for 2005, a theatrical version of the anime has been released every year.

The image of Doraemon has become a cultural symbol of Japan and was designated by the Japanese government as Japan's cultural ambassador in 2008. Doraemon is popular in Asia because of its strong Asian values, including respect for family and elders, and a value for friendship and courage.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

4. Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms (1971) by Hikari Yokoyama

Hikari Yokoyama began to create historical manga in the late 1960s, and his 1971 work Romance of the Three Kingdoms reached the pinnacle of his creative career. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms manga has been published for 15 years, with more than 60 volumes of monographs, and has been distributed in more than 60 million copies, and there are still new editions for distribution, making it one of Japan's most successful historical manga and has been adapted into a TV anime. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms series of manga is based on Eiji Yoshikawa's translation into Japanese of the Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and helped Yokoyama win the 1991 Japan Manga Artists Association Excellence Award.

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5. "Kamen Rider" (1971) by Shotaro Ishimori

The first episode of Kamen Rider produced by Shotaro Ishimori was released in 1971 and immediately became a superhero classic, a masterpiece of Japanese superheroes.

The modified artificial man has a unique superpower, becoming a Kamen Rider, the righteous Kamen Rider and the evil forces, their biggest opponent is the evil Kamen Rider Superman, each Kamen Superman is transformed in a different way, has different abilities, and can also evolve and upgrade.

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VI. "Drifting Classroom" (1972) by Kazuo Tsutomu

Drifting Classroom was serialized in Shonen Jump Weekly magazine from 1972 onwards, and by the end of the year, a total of 10 volumes of manga had been published, making kazuo Tsutomo's best horror manga work.

A group of elementary school teachers and students drifted with the classroom to the barren future world in an explosion and began a trembling journey, facing hunger, disaster, the fear of death, and mutual suspicion. In an extreme background setting, the struggle between humanity and Ugliness is vividly displayed.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

VII. "Iron Armor Almighty Man" (1972) by Hiroshi Nagai

As a masterpiece of super giant robot comics, "Iron Armor Universal Man" was very popular, leading a wave of Asian countries to produce giant robot animation, and many ideas were used by later robot animations.

Created by the unique ore in Mt. Fuji, the Super Alloy Z, the Iron Armor Almighty is a weapon used against the forces of evil, and in the face of the fierce attack of the Megani Empire intending to conquer the world, the Iron Armor Almighty is almost destroyed, and at the moment of life and death, the newly secretly built Iron Armor Almighty appears and shoulders the heavy responsibility of defending the world.

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8. "Space 战舰 Yamato" (1974) Author: Leiji Matsumoto

Space Battleship Yamato is the originator of Japanese science fiction animation, along with Yuki Tomino's Gundam series and Hideaki Anno's EVA, which is known as the three masterpieces of Japanese animation.

In 2199, aliens destroyed the surface of the earth with radioactive weapons, with the infiltration of radioactive materials, humanity is only one year away from the fate of destruction, and in a critical moment, the silent Japanese battleship Yamato in World War II was excavated and transformed into a space battleship, becoming the last hope for mankind to avoid extinction.

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9. "Little Sweet" (1977) by Yoshiko Igarashi

"Sweet Sweet" is a masterpiece by teenage manga artist Yotsuko Igarashi, the most successful shōnen manga of the 1970s and 1980s, which swept Japan and Southeast Asia. Xiao Tiantian faces hardships, but still maintains an optimistic and cheerful personality, becoming a fashion in girl comics, and the image of a self-reliant girl has completely changed the traditional characteristics of girl comics and new vitality.

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10. "Mobile Suit Gundam" (1979) by Yuki Tomino

Yuki Tomino produced the TV version of the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" in 1979, thus opening a new era of robot animation, the emergence of "Mobile Suit Gundam" changed the concept of robot animation, the traditional super series robot anime gradually changed to the real series of robot anime, and future robot anime were more or less influenced by Gundam, including the 1990s animation masterpiece "EVA".

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11. The Battle of Venus (1980) by An Yanlianghe

Venus Wars, also known as Venus Wars, was originally a manga drawn by manga master Yasuhiko Ryo and in 1980, and was adapted into a theatrical version of the anime in 1989 by himself, which is a classic in the universe's science fiction animation.

In 2002 AD, humans carried out the Venus migration plan and built a factory on Venus to neutralize seawater and separate oxygen. In 2018, the first immigrants arrived on the continent of Venus, which began in the first year of Venus. The settlers gradually formed two camps on Venus, Ishtar and Avrodico, who fought for dominion over Venus.

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XII. "Baseball Heroes" (1981) by Anda Chong

Serialized in Shonen Sunday Magazine from 1981 to 1986, Baseball Heroes is the most well-known sports manga by anime master Anda Chong, with a single circulation of more than 60 million copies.

Baseball is the most frequently dealt with in manga and is also the best baseball manga in Japan, along with Yuhiko Inoue's Slam Dunk Master and Yoichi Takahashi's Soccer Boy, which is known as Japan's three major sports manga.

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13. "Chrono Fortress" (1982) by Haruhiko Mikimoto

Haruhiko Mikimoto's famous work "Chrono Fortress" is a representative work of Japanese cosmic science fiction manga, enjoying no less influence than "Mobile Suit Gundam", and its theatrical version of the anime is still released. The first version of "Chrono Fortress" was a TV version of the anime that aired in 1982 and caused a sensation throughout Japan. The beautiful girls and mutant robots designed by Haruhiko Mikimoto in the anime have become classics in the hearts of countless anime fans, and the protagonist in the film, Akimi Hayashi, is voiced by the popular idol singer Makoto Iijima in the 1980s, and her ethereal singing voice has touched a generation.

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14. "Akira" (1983) by Katsuyo Otomo

The "Akira" manga officially debuted in 1983, a total of 8 years in a series, more than 2,000 pages, can be called Katsuyo Otomo's science fiction masterpiece.

Because of an accident, the young Tetsuo of the Biker Party opened up the mysterious power hidden in his body, and his strength was gradually strong enough to compete with the army, and he could do whatever he wanted according to his own will, but behind all this was the conspiracy of the military department. The Japanese military once secretly conducted Akira's research, but stored it because it was too powerful, and the young Tetsuo was the key to awakening Akira.

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15. "City Hunter" (1983) by HojoJi

City Hunter is the best work of manga artist HojoJi, depicting the adventures of detective Han Yuliang and criminals in a realistic style, with a witty and humorous component. The comics have been translated into many languages and disseminated around the world, including English, Chinese, French, german and so on.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

Juroku, Hokuto Shinken (1983) Author: Tetsuo Hara

"Hokuto Shinken" is the originator of the fighting manga, created by manga artist Tetsuo Hara in 1983, telling the adventure story of the descendants of the "Hokuto Shinken" who used boxing to defeat the evil forces, and before Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball, "Hokuto Shinken" has always been the pinnacle of juvenile manga. The painting style of "Big Dipper God Fist" is tough, the lines are thick, the realism is exaggerated, and the reading is blood-boiling, which has a huge impact on the later juvenile comics and fighting games, and the line "You are dead" in the comic has become a classic.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

17. Dragon Ball (1984) by Akira Toriyama

Almost no one who mentions Dragon Ball knows that the success of this manga can be said to be unprecedented, and the author Akira Toriyama has become a big taxpayer, and even after he stopped creating, other manga artists have drawn a large number of Dragon Ball fanworks. Dragon Ball comics and animation have become popular around the world as a cultural phenomenon, and in 2009, Twentieth Century Fox Pictures in the United States filmed a live-action version of Dragon Ball movies.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

XVIII. "The Apple Nuclear War" (1985) by Shiro Masamune

Apple Nuclear War is a manga work published by Masamune Shiro since 1985 and his first commercial work. "Apple Nuclear War" combines elements such as transforming people and cyberspace, exploring philosophical, political and sociological propositions, the content is slightly obscure, but it is very popular with science fiction anime fans, and won the 1986 Nebula Award.

On April 17, 2004, the theatrical version of the anime film "Apple Nuclear War" based on the manga was released in Japan, and the film was shot in 3D technology and received wide acclaim. In addition, "Apple Nuclear War" has also been adapted into a number of games.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

19. Saint Seiya (1986) by Masami Tsutomu

Saint Seiya is a manga series by Masami Cheda that began serialization in 1986. The whole story is mainly based on Greek mythology, but does not stick to the classics of Greek mythology. In addition to Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Indian mythology, Buddhism, and ancient Chinese legends have also been cited. Soon after its birth, the work swept the world. It was named one of the "15 Classic Masterpieces not to be missed in Japan in the 20th century" by Shueisha.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

20. The Fantastic Adventures of JOJO (1987) by Araki Hiruihiko

In 1987, Araki published the work "The Fantastic Adventure of JOJO", which established his status as a master. "JOJO's Fantasy Adventure" constitutes a huge adventure epic in which Araki Hiruihiko constructs a jojo world, using rich imagination and exquisite plot to capture the hearts of fans.

The characters in JOJO's Fantastic Adventure have distinct personalities, each with unique superpowers, and the story is set in a very grand setting, spanning more than two hundred years from Europe in the middle of the middle to the United States in the 20th century.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

21. "Tomie" (1987) by Junji Ito

"Tomie" is the early work of horror manga artist Junji Ito, and because of its unique story charm and delicate drawing style, it has been adapted into a live-action movie many times and put on the screen.

The young girl Fujiang is born beautiful, pretentious, watery Yanghua she seduces men everywhere. During an off-campus teaching, Yamamoto and Tomie had an argument, pushed her off the cliff, and the people who had been resentful of Tomie for a long time wiped Out Tomie's corpse, but unexpectedly, after returning to school, Tomie appeared in front of everyone intact. From then on, Tomie began his own revenge plan, gradually turning the people around him crazy.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

22. "Totoro" (1988) by Hayao Miyazaki

Totoro is a 1988 animated film by Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki's third work at Ghibli, in which the cute totoro image has become a household name, the most classic character created by Miyazaki, and totoro is also the symbol of Studio Ghibli. In this film with a simple plot and suitable for all ages, Miyazaki draws everyone's childhood dreams, expressing his love for nature and resonating with the audience's deep hearts. After its release, the film won a number of Japanese animation awards, the National Film Association of Japan Best Picture, Best Director and other honors.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

23. "Movie Girl" (1989) by Gui Zhenghe

"Movie Girl" is a work published by cartoonist Gui Zhenghe in 1989, centered on the love between young boys and girls, with some fantasy colors. As one of Gui Zhenghe's best works, "Movie Girl" has a delicate painting style and a slightly adult plot, but his grasp of the girl's form is praised.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

24. "The White Book of Youyou" (1990) by Yoshihiro Fuken

"The White Book of Yu Yu" is a famous work by Japanese manga artist Yoshihiro Fuken.

It tells the story of the fourteen-year-old teenager Yusuke Urai, who was unfortunately killed by a car in order to save a child, and because the spirit world did not anticipate his death, he was given a chance to be reborn. After the test, Yusuke Urai returns to his body and becomes a spirit detective, and together with Kuma, Feiying, and Kuwahara, he enters the demon world to fight with the youkai.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

25. "Crayon Xiaoxin" (1990) by Usui Yiren

Crayon Shin-chan is a manga written by Eijin Usui. In August 1990, the serialization began on Weekly Comics Action.

Only happy people can transmit happiness. Decades have passed since 1993, when Crayon Shin was broadcast, and so many people are still attracted to this eccentric five-year-old boy. His happiness not only enriched the children's childhood, but also touched the adults.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

26. Cherry Pills (1990) By Cherry

Cherry Pills is one of the most well-known and influential anime works in the world. Its animation has been among the top three japanese animation ratings for more than 20 consecutive years, and it is a national animation in the hearts of Japanese men, women and children. This work is based on the author's childhood life, the story revolves around Xiao Maruzi and her family and classmates, there are about family affection, friendship, or some small things in life, including laughter and tears, reminiscent of childhood childishness.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

27. "Slam Dunk Master" (1990) by Yuhiko Inoue

"Slam Dunk Master" is a positive and blood-boiling youth work, which has triggered a basketball boom in Japan and other Asian countries after its launch.

The characters in "Slam Dunk Master" have distinct personalities, the funny Sakuragi Hanamichi and the handsome Kaede Yasukawa are classic images, and the sales of peripheral products have been prosperous for a long time. Along with Anda Chong's Baseball Heroes and Yoichi Takahashi's Soccer Boy, Slam Dunk Is hailed as the three pinnacles of Japanese sports manga.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

28. Sailor Moon (1991) by Naoko Takeuchi

In 1991, the girl's manga Sailor Moon was published in Kodansha's manga magazine, and the idea of combining space and uniformed girls was a big hit. The manga was serialized for five years, a total of 18 volumes, and immediately swept Japan, East Asia, Europe and the United States, triggering a wave of beautiful girls, and was the originator of the beautiful girl manga works that transformed into the battle system.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

29. "Detective Conan" (1994) by Tsuyoshi Aoyama

Manga artist Tsuyoshi Aoyama first published the manga "Detective Conan" in 1994, causing a sensation, the work has been serialized in the "Shonen Sunday" weekly magazine, the manga version and the TV version of the anime are very popular, and after being introduced Chinese mainland, it quickly set off a "Conan fever".

In recognition of Aoyama's manga career, his hometown of Kitae Sakae City erected a statue of Conan and named a bridge after Conan, and in March 2007, Aoyama Tsuyoshi's Manga Museum was also opened in Kitae Sakae City.

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30. "The Sword Heart of Langke" (1994) by Nobuhiro Hezuki

The Sword Heart of Rangers is Nobuhiro Wwazuki's most successful manga work.

After the Meiji Restoration, the young kenshin met the beautiful girl Kamiya Fumi, and the two encountered the evil guards between the two, and just when Kamiya Fumi was dying, kenshin suddenly transformed into a samurai armed with a blade and killed the evil guards. Kenshin reveals his origins to Kamiya Fumi, who turns out to be the heir of Kamiya's living stream, and in the face of the turmoil of the country, Kenshin, who embraces the spirit of a samurai, begins an adventurous career of punishing evil and promoting good.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

31. Ghost in the Shell (1995) by Oshii Mori

Ghost in the Shell was originally an authentic manga work by Shiro, telling a science fiction story in the future online world. Oshii created the Ghost in the Shell movie based on the manga in 1995, and in 2004 released a sequel, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. Compared to the original manga, a film that incorporates a lot of Oshii Mori elements has pushed this anime to the pinnacle of science fiction anime, and even today, this work from 15 years ago is still very advanced. After the release of the work, it triggered the "shell fever" in Japan, Europe and the United States, and is a classic in the hearts of science fiction fans.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

32. Evangelion (1995) by Hideaki Anno

Hideaki Anno's 1995 TV version of Evangelion, or EVA for short, is one of the greatest works in the history of Japanese animation, and together with Space Battleship Yamato and Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, it is called the three climaxes of Japanese animation history.

Its influence is no less than that of Gundam of that year, the two heroines Ling Boli and Asuka have become classic animation images, toys, handmade and other peripheral products are still selling well, and what is more valuable is that the philosophical and religious ideas expressed by Hideaki Anno in the animation give the animation a rare depth.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

33. InuYasha (1996) by Rumiko Takahashi

InuYasha is a magical work created by the famous female manga artist Rumiko Takahashi.

In the Warring States period, the Great Youkai Douya King of the Western Kingdom and the human princess Sixteen Nights gave birth to InuYasha, half-human and half-demon, he wanted to get the Jade of The Four Souls to become a real youkai, and the Jade of the Four Souls was protected by the witch Kirito, and the two gradually became in love, but because of the trickery of the yokai Nairo, Inuyasha was banned and Kirito was killed.

Five hundred years later, Kirito was reincarnated as a middle school girl, Ge Wei, and traveled from the dry well to the Warring States Period, where he met the sealed Inuyasha, and the two began their journey to find the Jade of the Four Souls.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

34. One Piece (1997) by Eiichiro Oda

One Piece is a long-form juvenile manga created by Eiichiro Oda and was greatly influenced by Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball. Serialized in Shonen Jump magazine in 1997, it is one of Japan's most successful shonen manga, triggering a "pirate fever" around the world. The work is full of elements of classic bloody manga, and is known as a Japanese juvenile manga tonic that inherits the spirit of the era of Osamu Tezuka and Zero Matsumoto.

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35. "The Boy of the 20th Century" (1999) by Naoki Urasawa

20th Century Boy is a scientific adventure manga created by manga master Naoki Urasawa.

It tells the story of a group of 20th-century teenagers who love rock and roll and toys get together every day, fantasizing about the end of the world, and then stepping up to fight against evil organizations and maintain peace on earth, and the protagonist Kenchi writes their fantasies into a book of prophecies. Who would have thought that one day the imagination of the teenagers would gradually become a reality, and the events in the prophecy book would continue to occur. Sage and his friends are on a mission to save the world.

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36. Naruto (1999) by Kishimoto Kishimoto

In 1999, Kishimoto Beshi began serializing the feature-length work Naruto in Shonen Jump Magazine magazine, telling the adventure story of the growth of the teenager Naruto in the ninja world, which quickly caused a sensation throughout Japan, and was also very influential in other Asian countries, Europe and the United States, and Kishimoto Kishimoto became one of the most prominent commercial manga artists in Japan.

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37. NANA (2000) by Ai Yazawa

As a fashion manga master in the field of girls' manga, Yazawa Ai's pinnacle "NANA" is the most well-known girl manga work of the 21st century in Japan, triggering a "NANA fever" throughout Japan. In 2000, the manga NANA was published in Shueisha's magazine Cookie, which immediately attracted attention, and the avant-garde girl's image even led the Japanese fashion industry, and the work has been serialized to this day, but it was interrupted due to yazawa Ai's health.

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38. "Millennium Actress" (2001) by Toshi Imamoto

"Millennium Actress" is a famous work by Japanese animation master Imatoshi, which describes the legendary life of a female star, the film is vivid and touching, caused a sensation after its release, and won the best animation of the year in Japan together with Miyazaki's masterpiece "Spirited Away".

Imatoshi became an international star in the Japanese animation industry after Miyazaki, Katsuyo Otomo, and Mori Oshii.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

39. Fullmetal Alchemist (2001) by Hiroshi Arakawa

Fullmetal Alchemist is a feature-length manga created by Japanese female manga artist Hiroshi Arakawa in 2001, which revolves around alchemists in the alchemy world, with fantastic and bloody content, and by the end of the series in June 2010, a total of 108 chapters had been published, becoming a fashionable work that triggered the "steel smelting" boom.

Fullmetal Alchemist is not only a hit in Japan, but also popular around the world, in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe and the United States.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

40. "Death" (2001) by Kubo

Death is a long-form juvenile manga created by Kubo since 2001, featuring high school student Kazuho as the protagonist, telling the story of the battle between death and evil spirits, and after its publication, it set off a craze and became one of the most popular manga works at the moment.

Published in Shonen Jump magazine, Grim Reaper has over 400 chapters and 44 volumes in a single volume, and has been translated into many languages and distributed in other countries. In 2004, "Grim Reaper" was adapted into an anime broadcast, and has exceeded 270 episodes, forming a huge world of death.

The Most Complete Japanese Anime Chronicle: How Many Classic Lines Can You Remember?

41. "Death Note" (2003) by Ken Obata

Death Note is a work published by manga artist Ken Obata since 2003, conceiving a notebook whose name would kill people, and the manga was serialized in Shonen Jump Weekly magazine for three years, with a total of 108 chapters and 12 volumes. After the release of the work, it set off a "Death Note fever" in Asia.

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42. "The Other Side of the Clouds, the Agreed Place" (2004) by Makoto Shinkai

"The Other Side of the Clouds, The Promised Place" is a feature-length animated film created by Makoto Shinkai after leaving the Falcon Game Club, and after its release in 2004, it received praise from the anime industry and won the 59th Japan Best Animation Award by the Mainichi Shimbun. Makoto Shinkai has brought into full play the animation skills accumulated over the years, and is praised for his brilliant scenes and fresh style, and his grasp of dreams is excellent.

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43. "Gintama" (2004) by Hideaki Kuchi

Gintama is a juvenile manga by Japanese manga artist Hideaki Kuchi. In 2003, the editor of Hideaki Kuchi originally hoped that he would take advantage of the boom of the "new writing group" to create a comic, originally planned to be a wizarding work similar to "Harry Potter", but later gave up because of the difficulty and turned to the idea that Hideaki Kuchi already had, so the pseudo-historical science fiction comic "Gintama" was born. The manga has been featured in Shonen Jump Magazine since December 2003 and has been serialized ever since.

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44. "Fairy Tail" (2006) by Hiroshi Majima

Fairy Tail is a juvenile manga created by Japanese manga artist Hiroshi Majima.

In a world full of magic, fairy tail, a guild of magicians with many powerful magicians in the kingdom of Fiore. Under Naz's guidance, Lucy joins the Guild and becomes acquainted with many powerful magicians. Subsequently, Lucy forms the "strongest team" with Naz, Gray, Alyssa, and Hubby, creating countless legends in the world's noisiest, most violent, but also happiest guild.

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45. "Summer Wars" (2009) by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

Summer Battle is a 2009 animated film directed by Hosoda Mori, with Yoshiyuki Sadamoto as a character designer as a member of the core team. The film is produced by CG technology, the painting style is delicate, telling the science fiction story of fighting hackers in the virtual network world, and at the same time it is full of life, portraying the family affection between the family, and the thinking of the relationship between people and people in the online world brings depth to the film.

"Summer Battle" caused a sensation after its release on August 1, and the box office reputation was double,000, and the then Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama also watched it with his wife after work.

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46. Attack on Titan (2009) by Isayama

Attack on Titan is a juvenile manga created by Japanese manga artist Isayama.

107 years ago (743), the world suddenly appeared human predator "giant". The remnants of humanity, faced with an existential crisis, fled to a place and built a three-fold huge wall. People enjoyed peace in this isolated environment for more than a hundred years, until when Alan Jaeger was ten years old, the 60-meter-tall "super giant" suddenly appeared, destroyed the city gate with overwhelming force, and then disappeared in an instant, and the murderous giants rushed into the wall in droves to prey on humans.

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