
At the beginning, she was newly married, and the princess directly kissed the princess to wake up

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

Tiansheng Dynasty, the eighth year of Emperor Yongjia, Shengjing.

The procession of greeting relatives moved slowly, obviously a great joy, but there was an indescribable sense of solemnity.

In the sedan chair of eight people, the bride Qin Yunxi opened her eyes faintly, and then was shocked to find herself in a closed and narrow space.

"What's going on?" She was a little confused.

The latest memory is still stuck in last night.

She has a penchant for reading novels before going to bed, especially sweet and shuangwen.

It just so happened that the tomato APP pushed her a novel called "The Legend of Yan Rong", and she liked it quite when she read the introduction, so she added a bookshelf without saying a word.

As a result, I fell asleep after reading a few chapters, and woke up to find myself in this small space.

Qin Yunxi shook her head, but there was a "clanging" sound of jade colliding on her head, and it took her a lot of effort to take off the things she was wearing on her head.

It is a gorgeous phoenix crown that looks very valuable, made of pure gold, and inlaid with various jewels and jade.

Qin Yunxi checked it, it weighed about ten catties, no wonder she almost broke her head.

Qin Yunxi, who majored in archaeology, could see at a glance that this phoenix crown was really priceless.

Her eyes lit up with excitement: "Good baby, good baby, how much is it worth to sell it on the black market!" ”

As if she had seen the rich woman's life beckoning to her, Qin Yunxi opened the curtain with a thief's heart, but she was shocked by the scene outside!

One, two, three, four, five......

All ancients?!


Before she could make the next move, a wrinkled face suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Miss Yunxi, retract your head quickly!"

That vicious and vicious expression reminded Qin Yunxi of Mama Rong and her old man.

Seeing that Qin Yunxi was disobedient, the old woman hurriedly pushed her head back, quickly lowered the curtain, and then kept saying threatening words next to the sedan chair.

"Miss Yunxi, don't make any more trouble! What is the noble identity of Princess Zhenbei, if it weren't for the coma of King Zhenbei, would it be your turn to marry? The Seventh Princess, the Lord of Huimin, and the eldest lady of the Wen family, Wen Yanrong, their identities are not more noble than you, and their talents are not better than you? Think about your own situation, are you worthy of being the king of Zhenbei? ”

"If you still think about the cousin of the Li family, don't make any more trouble, otherwise you and him will both die!"

These words of blow and intimidation made Qin Yunxi's face completely cold.

The hateful old woman, chirping crookedly, must be a bad person getting old!

But, wait, she poked her head out again and asked worriedly, "Wen Yanrong?" Is there really such a person? ”

The old lady pressed her head back again hatefully, and said angrily: "Miss Yunxi is stupid again! There are not only Miss Wen Yanrong, but also the Seventh Princess, the Lord of Huimin, ......"

Qin Yunxi couldn't hear what she said, because at this moment her eyes had become mosquito eyes, and her mind had exploded.

Wen Yanrong, isn't it the name of the heroine of the book "The Legend of Yanrong" she read last night?!

Although she only watched a little bit, she remembered that Wen Yanrong was a smart and kind woman, and she used her wisdom to help the male protagonist ascend to the throne, and she will be a couple for the rest of her life.

So, is she wearing a book?

Who is it wearing?

"Miss Yunxi......"

The voice of the grandmother outside came again, and Qin Yunxi suddenly realized that she was calling herself.

Could it be that the owner of this body is also called Qin Yunxi, because she has the same name and surname, so she crossed over?

Qin Yunxi, who felt that he had the truth, stroked his head and quickly thought about the situation in front of him.

She, crossed.

Moreover, it was worn on the way to the chapel to get married.

The groom official is the king of Zhenbei, and his identity seems to be very, very prominent.

"King of Zhenbei, King of Zhenbei," Qin Yunxi muttered to himself, "This name is full of a sense of familiarity." ”

Qin Yunxi thought about it, and finally remembered!

Isn't King Zhenbei the biggest villain in "The Legend of Yanrong", who is ambitious and bent on seeking a dynasty and usurping the throne?

She still remembers that his name is Leng Ye, and he is the biggest obstacle to the growth of the male and female protagonists.

But isn't he alone?

How can there be a concubine?

Suddenly, she remembered again.

In the first three chapters, it was briefly written that King Leng Ye of Zhenbei was poisoned and in a coma for two months, and his subordinates married him a princess Chongxi.

As a result, Leng Ye came back to life, but his newlywed princess died.

Qin Yunxi, not only is not the big heroine, but on the wedding day at the beginning of the book, she was killed by someone, and she typically doesn't survive more than three chapters.

She is wearing such a cannon fodder character who died early.

Qin Yunxi, who finally clarified the situation, quickly made a decision.

Although the villain is about to become her husband, the so-called dead friend is not dead and poor, she doesn't want to die, so let that prince go to hell!

Moreover, this villain is still a prince, he died, she just happened to inherit his huge royal inheritance with peace of mind, and when the time comes, she will have a stepchild, and that life is not too beautiful!

Besides, she was an orphan in her previous life, and it was nothing to pass through, at most there was one more article on the news that "a woman who lived alone died at home".

Qin Yunxi, who had figured it out, sat in the sedan chair calmly, looking forward to arriving at the Zhenbei Palace, she couldn't wait to see her inheritance.

The sedan chair walked steadily all the way to the Zhenbei Palace, and Qin Yunxi was supported all the way, entering the door, worshipping the hall, and entering the cave room.

It wasn't until after entering the cave room that the sound outside the door stopped.

As soon as Qin Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, the maids rushed out.

A more dignified grandmother said to her, "Niangniang, the prince will be handed over to you." The slaves and maids are waiting outside, and you can command them at any time if you have something. ”

Before quitting, he slipped a book into her hand.

It's an ancient version of the little yellow book, although it's not as good as the modern real drama, but there are various postures, and after reading it, you can completely learn it without a teacher.

However, the groom was obviously unconscious, and these ancients even wanted her to move on her own.

To a certain extent, the ancients were quite open-minded.

Qin Yunxi took off the phoenix crown, took off a cumbersome wedding dress, and left only the underwear to wear on his body.

After being relaxed, she finally had time to look at her husband, Zhenbei Wang Lengye.

When she saw the man lying quietly on the bed, even she couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration even when she had seen the big wind.

The person in front of him has eyebrows like a sword, a nose like a hanging gall, skin like jade, and a unique charm.

Because of the coma, his thin lips were pursed, his body was thin, and the feeling of paleness and weakness on his face added a bit of bewilderment to him.

This man, every cell in his body, looks earth-shatteringly handsome!

What to do?

The villain is so good-looking, should she be cool first and then think about the rest of the matter?

Qin Yunxi, who was bewitched by beauty, slowly sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his fingers, and pinched Leng Ye's handsome face.

It's like touching a piece of fine flawless jade, warm and smooth, and it feels very good!

Seeing that Leng Ye was pinched and didn't wake up, Qin Yunxi didn't know why, and there was a bold voice in her heart that was encouraging her.

"Closer, closer, the feeling of touching is already so good, wouldn't it be better if you kissed it?"

"He's fainted anyway, and there's no one else in the room, so no one will know what you're doing."

"Kiss it and don't break the law, Qin Yunxi, do it boldly!"

Qin Yunxi, who was tempted by this voice, involuntarily leaned down and imprinted his lips on Leng Ye's lips.

The moment the lips met, an electric current surged all over her body, and she seemed to hear a "ding~" sound, followed by a sound similar to the start of a computer.

Qin Yunxi raised his head in confusion, and met a pair of phoenix eyes that glowed with indifference and murderous light.

Leng Ye, wake up?

With a buzzing head, I had never died like this in my life.

Feeling of shame, Qin Yunxi blushed, and said resignedly: "That, you listen to me......"

Before she finished speaking, her throat was tightly choked by the man, and a strong feeling of suffocation swept over her, making her almost lose her breath.

This man wants to kill her!

What to do?!

Qin Yunxi panicked in his heart, and struggled desperately with his hands.

However, the man's hand was too strong, and she was like a mayfly shaking a tree, and she couldn't break free.

Damn, the original Qin Yunxi must have been strangled to death by him like this, and now that she has passed through, she still can't change this ending!

Just when Qin Yunxi was desperate, a milky voice sounded.

"Congratulations to 001, you have successfully matched the soul of the host, and you have become the first "Changing Your Life" system to be activated in the 30,000,000 worlds! ”



Changing your life against the sky?


What are these things?

"Host," Milk Meng's voice said urgently, "The situation is urgent, it's too late to explain!" You now have a chance to change the plot, remember, you can only change one word of the plot, and if you change it, you will survive! ”

When the words fell, a white light curtain appeared in front of Qin Yunxi's eyes.

On the light curtain, text is being displayed.

(King Zhenbei, who had been in a coma for two months, suddenly woke up, but saw a strange woman in white lying on top of him and trying to do something wrong.) He was so angry that he directly grabbed the woman's neck with both hands, wanting to finish her directly. But because he was in a coma for too long, his strength was limited at the moment, and the woman didn't die after pinching for a long time. Leng Ye's heart is horizontal, and he wants to ...... )

Qin Yunxi used up all her life's IQ, and she yelled in her heart: "Change 'want' to 'faint', quick!" ”

"Drop! The host Qin Yunxi uses the function of modifying the plot for the first time, and once the plot is modified, it will take effect immediately, and there is no remorse! ”

As the sound of the system fell, Leng Ye's hand was released, and the person really fainted.


Qin Yunxi took a big breath, fresh air poured into her nasal cavity, and she finally came to life!

Panting and breathing hard for nearly a minute, Qin Yunxi slowly calmed down.

She looked at Leng Ye with an unkind face, the villain was really a villain, and he didn't hesitate to kill her!

Qin Yunxi looked around, wanting to find a murder weapon to strike first.

"Host, no!" The voice that had just saved her continued to ring in her head.

Immediately after, a miniature Teletubbies appeared in her sight.

"Host, your current fate has been tied to the king of Zhenbei, if you kill him, you will also die. You can only live if he lives in peace. ”

Qin Yunxi frowned, she grabbed the thing in front of her, and said fiercely, "What are you?" Why should I be tied to the villain?! ”

"Host," the thing's expression didn't change much, but his voice was pitiful: "I have just introduced, I am 001 of the Rebellion Changing Life System, you can call me 001 or you can call me Yiyi." ”

"System?" Qin Yunxi was stunned.

She has read a lot of novels, so she naturally understands the meaning of the system, but is there really such a thing?

After thinking about it, even wearing a book can happen, and no matter how many systems there are, it's nothing.

"Host, have you figured it out?" 001 asked expectantly.

Qin Yunxi clasped his hands around his waist and asked calmly: "You said that you called the Heavens Changing Life System, since you bind me, you are here to change my life?" ”

"No," 001 waved his hand again and again, and said weakly: "Host, changing your life against the sky is not changing your life, it is changing the life of your husband, the king of Zhenbei." ”

Qin Yunxi: "??? ”

She was shocked: "You say it again? ”

"Your husband, King Zhenbei, should have been the emperor's order, but he was cut off by the male and female protagonists and ended up in a human end, such a fate is too tragic, so it must be changed."

A bad premonition flashed in Qin Yunxi's heart: "What do you mean, do you want me to go against the male and female protagonists?" ”

"Yes! Snatch your husband's imperial fortune back from the hands of the male and female protagonists and change his ending. ”

"Don't!" Qin Yunxi waved his hand again and again to refuse.

The male and female protagonists of each book are the author's big sons and daughters, and they can't be beaten or scolded, and even the world was born around them, isn't it self-defeating to go against them?

She thinks that she is an ordinary social animal, but she can't afford to go against the male and female protagonists!

001 was embarrassed: "If you don't accept the mission, you will be obliterated." ”

Qin Yunxi glared angrily, why should she be at the mercy of others!

001 saw that her face was uneasy, and hurriedly threw out the temptation: "There is a punishment, and naturally there is a reward." ”

"What reward?"

"After the deed is completed, you will get a rich and handsome husband for free, and you can also become a queen worshiped by the world, isn't it fragrant?"

Qin Yunxi thought for a while and pouted: "It's almost meaningful." ”

001 was silent for a few minutes before continuing: "Then if you still don't like it here after the matter is completed, let you go back to modern times and buy lottery tickets to win 100 million." ”

Qin Yunxi blinked, "One hundred million? ”

"100 million is already the maximum amount I can get, and it can't be more!"

Qin Yunxi's gaze instantly became resolute: "It doesn't matter if you have money or not, the main thing is that I like to be helpful." ”


Qin Yunxi's heart blossomed, isn't it just to help an ancient man change his life against the sky and let him go to the pinnacle of life, there is a golden finger of the system, what is she afraid of!

100 million, she can't resist this temptation!

Because of the motivation, her attitude has also changed one hundred and eighty degrees, and she smiled and said, "Dear Xiao Yiyi, what should I do next?" ”

Leng Ye has already fainted, since he wants to change his life, does he have to gain his trust first?

Looking at the handsome face on the bed, Qin Yunxi at this moment seemed to be immune, and he couldn't afford to be lustful for him.

She attributed this to the fact that people only have love for a mobile money printing machine.

"He has been fainting for so long, he was forcibly woken up just now because I was born, you should hurry up and call the doctor over now and check his body."

Qin Yunxi nodded, "You hide first, but you can't be seen." ”

"Don't worry," 001 patted his chest, "Only the master can see me, no one else can see me." ”

Qin Yunxi was surprised, she stood up and walked to the door, pretending to be surprised, opened the door and shouted: "Quickly pass the imperial doctor, the prince, the prince is awake." ”

When Leng Ye came to his senses, he saw his most trusted staff, and Mr. Gao's face showed an unprecedented look of excitement.

And behind Mr. Gao are his loyal generals.

"Lord, Lord, you have finally woken up!" Everyone said excitedly.

Leng Ye wanted to get up, but found that his body was extremely weak.

Suddenly, he remembered the strange woman in white, and hurriedly said: "Sir, there was a woman in white here before......"

"Lord Wang, you're talking about me."

Leng Ye heard a lazy and soft voice coming, tugging at his heartstrings.

Everyone got out of the way, and Qin Yunxi, who had been standing behind him, was exposed to Leng Ye like that.

This is the second time Leng Ye has seen Qin Yunxi, the neatly dressed woman at the moment, the bright smile on her face almost dazzles his eyes.

"Lord," Mr. Gao explained to him, "this is your princess, thanks to her, you can wake up!" ”

Rao is Leng Ye's self-control is amazing, but when he woke up and suddenly learned that he had an extra princess, he couldn't help but be shocked.


"Yes, master!" Leng Ye's personal servant Zhao Song said happily: "You were poisoned and unconscious, and the imperial doctors said that you were hopeless, so we thought of a way to marry a concubine for you, but I didn't expect it to really work!" When you wake up, even the imperial doctor says it's a miracle! ”

These words made Leng Ye's brows lock tighter, and he said in a deep voice: "Chongxi? It's nonsense! ”

Zhao Song whispered: "If you don't rush to be happy, you may not be able to live......

Seeing Leng Ye coming over, he quickly shut up and didn't dare to say more.

But he didn't say it, but someone said: "Master, how can it be considered nonsense!" You can wake up, thanks to the princess. People saved you, but you almost strangled people to death, if you don't treat the princess well in the future, my old Li Tou will be the first to refuse. ”

These words made Qin Yunxi feel a little good about this person, and she smiled and said, "Thank you General Li for speaking up." ”

General Li hehehe

Leng Ye frowned so badly, how could he wake up, all the people around him were talking to the new princess, and he didn't even know the name of this princess.

"Lord Wang," Mr. Gao explained when he saw that he was puzzled, "You have been in a coma for two months this time, if it weren't for the princess, I'm afraid something would be wrong." ”

"Two months?!" Leng Ye was shocked.

With his identity and ingenuity, of course, he knew what it meant to be in a coma for two months.

The emperor had already had the heart to get rid of him, and it was indeed a miracle that he could still live after being in a coma for two months.

Thinking of this, he revisited his new princess, only to be startled by the dark handprint on her neck.

For the first time, he felt guilty.

Everyone saw that the little couple was looking at each other, and wanted to tease their prince, but Mr. Gao stopped him: "Eh, everyone." The prince has just woken up now, so let him take care of it, and we'll talk about it tomorrow. ”

"Haha, Mr. Gao is right!" General Li agreed: "Tonight is still the night of candles in the prince's cave room!" The Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, let's not hinder the prince from playing here. ”

In a word, everyone was full of black lines.

It is said that the prince is weak now, where can he act.

General Li is really, this is not the demolition of the prince's platform.

Leng Ye's face also darkened a little.

After a few more words, they hurried away.

When only Qin Yunxi and Leng Ye were left in the room, Leng Ye said in a low voice: "Princess, is your neck okay?" ”

"Lord Wang," he heard her soft voice echoing in his ears, "I told you the truth, I was almost strangled to death by you, and God loves me to live." ”

In fact, it is really very likely that Qin Yunxi in the original book was strangled to death by Leng Ye.

"I'm sorry," Leng Ye coughed lowly, "I'll make it up to you." ”

Qin Yunxi suddenly smiled, "Thank you, Lord Wang." ”

After thinking about it, she introduced herself again: "Lord Wang, you just woke up, and you must not know who I am." I'm your princess, so please allow me to introduce myself. ”

"The little woman's surname is Qin, and her name is Yunxi."

After being silent for a while, Leng Ye wondered: "It's over?" ”

They are also husband and wife, the princess shouldn't say more, at least who the parents are and where they come from, you must let him know, right?

How can it be so simple?

He didn't learn anything from it.

Qin Yunxi also knew that this self-introduction was a little simpler.

But what can she do, she just came through, and she doesn't know a lot of information!

So she could only hide her embarrassment with a smile, "Lord Wang, I'm a little tired, let's rest first." You are a patient, you sleep in the bed, I can sleep on the couch next to me. ”

Leng Ye looked at the cramped couch next to him, he couldn't do anything to let a weak woman sleep on the couch.

"I'll sleep on the couch, you will sleep on the bed."

After speaking, without waiting for Qin Yunxi to respond, he walked to the couch and lay down.

Qin Yunxi touched his nose and took the quilt to him.

So, on the wedding night, the two people who didn't know each other much slept on the surface.

In fact, Qin Yunxi turned her back to Leng Ye and asked System 001 to sort things out for her again.

In a few words, Qin Yunxi finally knew the ins and outs.

According to the meaning of the system, this body is the eldest lady of the Zhongguo Mansion, and was assigned by the emperor to marry the only king with a different surname in this dynasty, Leng Ye, the king of Zhenbei, as a concubine.

Leng Ye is the god of war in Tiansheng, he was wounded by the enemy's poisoned arrow on the battlefield two months ago, and the imperial doctor judged that he would not live for three days, but I don't know why he didn't die for two months.

It's just that although the person is not dead, he has been unconscious.

The ancients were more superstitious, and when they saw that he was not dead and did not wake up, his subordinates proposed to the emperor to give him joy.

Even if he can't be saved, he can be regarded as finding a wife for the prince, and when the time comes, he will have a child under his name, and he will be considered to have a queen.

However, the king of Zhenbei has a noble status, and the women of ordinary families are not worthy, and it is impossible for a worthy family to marry their daughters.

When everyone was embarrassed, Zhongguo Gong took the initiative to stand up and say that the eldest lady of their Qin Mansion and Qin Yunxi could be the concubine of King Zhenbei.

Qin Yunxi is the only concubine of the former Duke of Zhongguo, and the Duke of Zhongguo is one of the only two first-class dukes in this dynasty, so such an identity is naturally worthy of the king of Zhenbei.

And so all sides rejoiced.

Only the original body was unwilling, and tried all kinds of ways to make trouble, but in the end she couldn't resist the Zhongguo Mansion, and a cup of ecstasy sent her to the sedan chair.

It was under such circumstances that Qin Yunxi crossed over.

"Since I am a noble person, how can I be reduced to the point of giving people joy?"

The system looked at her cautiously and discussed, "If I say it, you have to promise not to kill me." ”

Qin Yunxi: "......"

According to 001, Qin Yunxi in the book, although he was born in the mansion of the first-class prince of Zhongguo in the capital, but his father died on the battlefield, and his mother also followed, and the current Zhongguo Gong is her father's half-brother, her grandfather is no longer there, her grandmother is a step-grandmother, and her uncle has no one, so she is almost a helpless orphan girl.

Such an identity looks noble, but he doesn't live as well as a subordinate.

It is precisely because of this that when Zhongguo Gong said that he wanted her to give Leng Ye Chongxi, the emperor agreed without hesitation.

Leng Ye was the most powerful king with a different surname in the Tiansheng Dynasty, and his merits were jealous of the emperor and he couldn't move, so he tried to weaken his power as much as possible.

And giving him a princess who looks decent but doesn't help much is one of the emperor's ways to weaken him.

Qin Yunxi, who figured out the ins and outs of the matter, finally had a down-to-earth feeling.

She smiled at the system, "001, happy cooperation." ”

001 was instantly moved, "Woo, master, you are so good!" I will definitely do my best to help you. ”

At the mention of this, Qin Yunxi was curious: "How do you want to help me, do you have any golden fingers for me?" ”

"You have a chance to revise the plot."

"Be specific."

"To be specific, you have the opportunity to revise a word that didn't happen once a day."

"A word? Just one word? ”

"Master, don't underestimate this word, often when it is critical, it can turn things around and help you win!"

Qin Yunxi touched his chin and thought for a while, "What you said makes sense!" So apart from modifying the plot, what else can you help me? ”

After a short silence, a somewhat weak voice sounded: "Dear master, don't always think that I will help you, you have to work hard yourself!" ”

Yes, it's her delusion!

What is the "change of life" system, it should be called the "lying to win system" is almost the same.

"The hosts, the people were very useful. They are super-technological systems that have been developed through countless scientific experiments......"

Qin Yunxi rolled her eyes, she better wash and sleep.


The next day, as soon as Qin Yunxi opened his eyes, he heard a maid shouting: "Niangniang is up, go and call Aunt Yuanzhu." ”

Soon, a serious-looking woman who looked to be forty years old led in with a group of maids.

"Niangniang, slave maid Yuanzhu, the prince sent the slave maid to serve you."

Qin Yunxi took a closer look and found that it was the grandmother who stuffed her with the little yellow book last night, she looked around a little embarrassed and asked, "Where is the prince?" ”

"The prince got up before dawn, and the mother wants to get up now?"

Qin Yunxi nodded.

The two maids walked over and helped her up to sit on the dressing table, and Yuan Zhu said in a soothing voice: "Niangniang, the slave maid is good at grooming, and if you want to comb your hair in the future, you can call it a slave maid." ”

Yuanzhu's hands and feet were neat, and after a while, he combed out a flying bun.

Qin Yunxi looked at it again and again with satisfaction.

Well, although she is a cannon fodder princess who died early, this face is really good, with a white jade-like face, slender jade hands, a pair of peach blossom eyes, and a smile, beautiful and moving.

is a beautiful woman with a bright temperament, and her previous face is somewhat similar.

It's just that Qin Yunxi's face fell.

The trace of Leng Ye pinching her last night has not disappeared, and it still looks obvious.

"Don't worry about Niangniang," Yuanzhu took out a small jade bottle and introduced: "This is the jade skin cream that the prince ordered someone to take, Niangniang used this to apply it to her neck, and it can be eliminated in a few days." ”

Qin Yunxi happily took it, dug a small piece and applied it to the traces, it was really comfortable.

Yuan Zhu brushed her neck with powder again, and those marks were finally covered a lot.

"As long as you don't get close, you won't feel abrupt." Yuanzhu comforted her.

Qin Yunxi also felt quite satisfied.

Seeing that she was relieved, Yuan Zhucai reported: "Niangniang, someone came early in the morning and waited to see you, after breakfast, do you want to meet them?" ”

As soon as Qin Yunxi heard that someone wanted to see him, in line with the good habits formed in modern society, he blurted out: "How can you make people wait?" Take me there. ”

After hearing this, Yuan Zhu was a little surprised.

As the eldest daughter of the Zhongguo Mansion, this princess's temperament is too soft and kind.

But when I think of this person's life experience, I feel understood again.

She smiled and said: "You are the princess, the biggest hostess in the palace, not to mention letting them wait, but letting them serve you for dinner." ”

Qin Yunxi raised his eyebrows, he still has to serve when he eats, isn't it fragrant to eat by himself?

But she was curious about who was going to see her early in the morning.

Although she hasn't read this book, the system has said that Zhenbei Wang lost his father and mother as a young man, and there don't seem to be any close relatives in the family.

And as the most powerful prince of the Tiansheng Dynasty, Zhenbei Wang Lengye has two in his twenties this year, not to mention heirs, and there doesn't seem to be even a woman around.

The huge Zhenbei Wangfu seems to be the only one master.

The maids brought more than a dozen sets of dresses and waited for Qin Yunxi to choose, she picked out a red dress casually, and after dressing it neatly, she followed Yuanzhu to the side hall.

In the side hall, there were already people waiting.

After Qin Yunxi sat down on the main seat, he began to look at the people below.

There were four people sitting on the left and right sides of the bottom, except for the first place on her left, a woman who looked to be in her thirties, and the other three were all young and beautiful young women.

In this situation, it was difficult for Qin Yunxi not to think about Leng Ye's concubine.

Unexpectedly, Leng Ye looked like a dog, cold and ascetic, and he had three concubines, and he was not afraid of exhausting himself to death?

"Master, your husband is still a child." 001's voice rang out.

"Ahem," Qin Yunxi, who was drinking water, said angrily, "Don't spy on my heart." ”

"I didn't," 001 said aggrievedly, "it was your expression that told me what you thought." ”

Qin Yunxi retracted his mood and tried his best to make himself look calm.

Seeing that she was coughing, the oldest woman opened her mouth and said with concern: "Princess, but you are not feeling well?" ”

Qin Yunxi shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

After a moment of silence in the room, someone finally spoke up.

"Princess, thanks to you coming, you will be fine as soon as you come to the prince's illness. Princess, you don't know how happy the little girl is. A woman in a pink shirt covered the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, as if she was really happy about Qin Yunxi's arrival.

"Zhao Meiren, you are really good at talking, our palace has not had a hostess for a long time, the princess is here, not only you, we are also very happy. You can't get close to the princess alone just because you are the same person as Niangniang who was rewarded to the prince by His Majesty the Emperor. ”

The woman in green sitting next to the woman in pink also spoke, but why did this sound so awkward!

"Presumptuous, daring to talk about the emperor and the princess, it is a great crime of disrespect, Miss Liu is cautious!"

When the woman in green saw Yuan Zhu speak, she hurriedly shut up and got up to make amends.

Aunt Yuanzhu is the person next to the prince, and she has always said nothing in the palace, she can't be messed with!

"Hehe, Aunt Yuanzhu, don't be angry, Sister Liu has no malice, she has always been straightforward and fast-talking, and she speaks without measure, but her heart is good."

At this time, the gentle woman sitting next to the beautiful woman said.

Qin Yunxi looked over, this woman turned out to be wearing a red gauze skirt, her appearance was beautiful and magnificent, and she was a good person to get along with.

She noticed that Qin Yunxi looked over, so she returned a gentle smile and said, "We have been talking for so long, and we haven't seen my cousin-in-law speak, I don't know what's wrong with my cousin-in-law, why haven't you been talking?" ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were all focused on Qin Yunxi.

Being watched by several beauties at the same time, Qin Yunxi only felt that his eyes were also spent.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with the same smile: "I didn't know that there were so many beauties in the prince's mansion!" ”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned, and for a while, they didn't know how to react, Zhao Meiren smiled shyly and said: "It turns out that the princess is actually a person who likes to joke." ”

"Who is kidding you, do you think this palace is not beautiful, or do you think everyone is not beautiful?"

Zhao Meiren choked and couldn't speak.

When the others saw this, they couldn't touch the princess's temperament for a while, so they just sat quietly.

Qin Yunxi looked at Yuan Zhu beside him and motioned for her to introduce herself to the people present.

Yuan Zhu blessed his body, pointed to the beautiful woman on the left, and introduced: "This is my aunt, the sister-in-law of the princess and princess." ”

My aunt and grandmother hurriedly stood up, saluted Qin Yunxi, and whispered: "Aunt Yuanrong has lifted me, where can I be called an aunt and grandmother, it is already my honor to have the princess call me Su." ”

When she said this, no one else had any expression, but a look of humiliation flashed on the face of the beauty in red, although it was very fast, it was still captured by Qin Yunxi.

Yuan Zhu pointed to the red-clothed beauty again and continued: "This is Miss Wang, the daughter of my aunt. ”

Miss Wang stood up, saluted Qin Yunxi, and said with a smile: "The princess is fine, the little girl's name is Wang Yuxue, and the princess can call me Xiaoxue." ”

Qin Yunxi nodded, "I'll still call you Miss Wang." ”

Yuan Zhu pointed to the last two beauties and introduced, "These two are Zhao Meiren and Liu Feifei. ”

Zhao Meiren is a woman in a pink shirt, Liu Feifei is a woman in green, these two beauties, one is like a weak willow Fufeng, and the other looks delicate and straightforward, they are both beauties.

Qin Yunxi nodded at them, and wanted to say something, but the people outside the door came in to tell him, saying that the prince was going to come over and have breakfast with her.

As soon as the news that the prince was coming over, several people in the room had different thoughts.

And at this moment, Qin Yunxi's voice also sounded in his head: "Master, good opportunity, remember to behave well in front of King Zhenbei and strive to gain his trust." ”

Qin Yunxi supported his chin in boredom, the system said it easily, but to gain the trust of a cold-blooded villain, how could it be so simple?

While she was pondering, Su Shi stood up and said goodbye: "Niangniang, the slave family will not disturb the Niangniang and the prince to dine, I hope Niangniang will approve the slave family to retreat first." ”

Qin Yunxi nodded, and was about to open his mouth to ask everyone to retreat, but a discordant voice sounded in the room.

"Gurgling ......"

Zhao Meiren stood up with a flushed face, and Nuo Nuo said: "Princess, the little girl got up late this morning, and she hasn't eaten breakfast yet, and her stomach is empty at this time, and she is a little hungry, I hope the princess will forgive her for the rudeness of the concubine." ”

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Feifei next to her said sarcastically: "If you want to stay and see the prince, just order it directly, why bother with these excuses, it's not ashamed." ”

Zhao Meiren was not to be outdone, and the two immediately quarreled.

Qin Yunxi looked at it with interest, and didn't say anything to stop it.

As soon as Leng Ye walked outside the door, he heard a woman's quarrel in the hall, he frowned, stopped his subordinates from reporting, and walked in directly.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a woman in a pink shirt and a woman in a green shirt chattering and making noise, while his princess sat in the first place "at a loss" and did not even dare to care.

His heart sank, and the expression on his face became cold.

He already knew Qin Yunxi's identity, and even looked at the investigation sent to him by the secret guard.

Qin Yunxi, the eldest lady of the Qin family, is a cowardly person with no opinions.

With such a temperament, how can he be his princess.

Today's situation also shows that the concubine he is marrying in the media does not even dare to reprimand the nonsense of the people below.

What a headache!

The first to notice Leng Ye coming in was Yuan Zhu, and she immediately saluted respectfully: "See the prince!" ”

When the women saw this, they all got up and saluted.

Leng Ye looked at Zhao Xinya and Liu Feifei coldly, and looked at the second daughter coldly, before he said in a deep voice: "What are you arguing about?" ”

Liu Feifei said bluntly: "Lord Wang, it's Zhao Meiren......"

Before she finished speaking, Leng Ye sat directly beside Qin Yunxi, stared at her and said, "Princess, you come here." ”

Qin Yunxi was stunned for a moment, and then told truthfully: "They know that you are going to come over to have dinner with me, so they also want to stay, so they are arguing." ”

Yuan Zhu secretly glanced at her, thinking in his heart that this princess was sincere.

"You're being sincere." Leng Ye chuckled, seemingly satisfied with this answer.

He looked down, and a gleam flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes, "This king and the princess have a meal, and they don't like outsiders to disturb, so you retreat." ”

The following people listened, except for Su Shi, who breathed a sigh of relief, the other three were a little reluctant.

However, they didn't dare to show it, and they all answered "yes" and retreated.

After the women all retreated, Leng Ye looked back at Qin Yunxi again, and said indifferently: "Princess, let's go." ”

After that, without waiting for her to respond, he got up and went directly to the dining room.

Qin Yunxi could only follow him out.

Breakfast had already been set up on the dinner table, and Qin Yunxi sat down peacefully.

Although it was breakfast, there were nearly twenty large and small plates combined, which was really scary for Qin Yunxi, who only ate two buns, an egg, a carton of milk and some fruits for breakfast.

On the dinner table, there are steamed buns, steamed buns, porridge, and all kinds of dim sum that look very tempting.

Qin Yunxi looked at so many delicacies, and he didn't know which one to eat first for a while.

After thinking about it, she decided to drink a bowl of porridge.

But the porridge was a little far away, and her hands couldn't reach it, so she could only fall into deep thought on the porridge opposite.

Leng Ye saw her in a daze, so he gave Yuan Zhu a look.

Yuan Zhu comprehended, so he bent down and asked, "Princess, what do you like to eat, ask the slave to serve it to you." ”

Qin Yunxi's eyes moved, "I want to drink porridge." ”

A bowl of fresh porridge was quickly brought to her.

In the next time, there was no need for Qin Yunxi to speak, as long as her eyes looked at which plate, that plate would be brought to her.

This ultimate "service" made Qin Yunxi can't help but suspect that if there is a need, these people can be directly fed into her mouth.

Ah, what a terrible feudal society, look what people are used to!

But this kind of "service", she really can't help but enjoy it a little, cool!

Leng Ye quickly finished breakfast, and when he saw that Qin Yunxi was eating happily, he suddenly said, "Those women, it doesn't matter." ”

Qin Yunxi paused, she looked at Leng Ye, and said suspiciously: "What?" ”

Why did you tell her this all of a sudden?

Leng Ye continued: "The husband of the Su clan is a subordinate of my father, and he died on the battlefield in his early years. The mother saw that they had no support, so she took them into the house to raise them, and she was just a nominal aunt. ”

Qin Yunxi was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is that Miss Wang also a nominal cousin?" ”

Leng Ye hooked his lips and smiled, "There is no need to call cousin, the mistress of this palace is only you." ”

Yuan Zhu's eyes flashed with surprise, the prince would actually say this?

Qin Yunxi was also stunned by the meaning conveyed by this Leng Ye.

According to the system, she, the princess of Zhenbei, was given by Leng Ye's most hated emperor, although she seemed to save him, but he was so cold-blooded, he should still reject himself.

How could he say such words to himself now, "The mistress of the palace is only her"?

Could it be that he is actually quite satisfied with himself?

After Leng Ye finished saying what he had to say, he saw that Qin Yunxi was in a daze, so he said unhappily: "Qin Yunxi." ”

Someone's conditioned reflex: "In!" ”

"Since you have become the princess of Zhenbei, you have the right to dispose of the people in the palace. I don't want to see you climb on your head again, understand? ”

Qin Yunxi is a little innocent, what does it mean to let people climb on her head, she doesn't!

But seeing that the man's expression was cold and alienated, she didn't want to explain.

He loves to think and think!

Seeing her attitude, Leng Ye frowned, stood up and wanted to go out.

According to the rules of the ancient aristocracy, the husband has already left the dining table, and the wife must also get up.

But Qin Yunxi hadn't finished eating the snacks in the bowl yet, and she didn't have that consciousness, so when she saw Leng Ye get up and leave, she waved her hand and said, "Let's go." ”

Then, continue to eat with your head down.

Leng Ye saw that she was so rude, so she directly calmed her face: "Princess, women eat a lot, I am afraid that they will be obese, pay attention." ”

After speaking, he said to Yuan Zhu: "Send two grandmothers over to teach the princess court etiquette." ”

Qin Yunxi watched him stride away, speechless.

What kind of person, she doesn't eat much, okay!

And, what he meant by this, was he saying that she was a rude?

She's not that bad, is she?!

The depressed Qin Yunxi didn't eat either, went back to the room directly, withdrew from the people, and said to the system in annoyance: "Won't this task be too difficult?" The thoughts of the ancients are simply inexplicable, and this prince doesn't look like a good person to get along with! ”

"Come on, master! If you are free now, let's take a look at the next plot and find out the reason! ”

"How far in advance can I watch the story?"

"Because of you, the one who crossed over, the plot changes every day. Especially about Leng Ye, it has developed in an uncontrollable direction. ”

"So, the host, you can know in advance what is going to happen that day, but the detailed and specific plot can only be known half an hour in advance. Also, the synopsis of the day is updated at twelve o'clock every day. ”

Qin Yunxi nodded, opened the reading interface, and read the outline of today's content first.

(Leng Ye, as the most powerful prince in Great Xia, controls one-third of the world's soldiers and horses, and the emperor is jealous of him.) )

(Because of his noble status, he has developed a temperament that he says the same.) As the god of war of the mansion, he dislikes weak people the most, and has always found women troublesome. )

(According to the investigation, his new princess Qin Yunxi is timid and cowardly, which makes him somewhat disliked.) )

(Today, he also asked Yuanzhu to bring these women over, the purpose is to see the ability of this new princess, whether she can manage a palace.) )

(For now, it seems that the new princess's approach is acceptable, and she is not too weak to tell the truth.) Although he was still not very satisfied with her, he could barely accept it. )

(In short, let's adjust it slowly in the future.) )


After reading today's plot, Qin Yunxi knew that the play in the morning was actually jointly performed by Leng Ye and Yuan Zhu.

She was speechless and said: "This Leng Ye, where is the princess, he should marry a housekeeper." ”

The point is, he still wants to femdom her?

It's beautiful to think about!

"Master," 001 said, "you're going to have to brush up on your presence in front of the subject of the task!" Also, the practices of ancient people are different from those of modern times. Here you are the princess, and you have the right to decide the life and death of others, so you have to show the princess's spirit, don't let people look down on you. ”

Qin Yunxi pursed her lips, in fact, she was not without courage, she was just a little lazy.

Because there were still marks on his neck, Qin Yunxi didn't want to go anywhere, so the first day of the wedding passed quickly.

On the next two, third, and fourth days, Leng Ye didn't appear in front of her again.

According to Yuanzhu, Leng Ye was in a coma for two months, and when she woke up, she had a lot of official business to deal with, and she couldn't take the time to come to see her.

This can make 001 anxious, and she is nagging in Qin Yunxi's ear all day long, asking her to work hard to "do business", and take the initiative to brush up on Leng Ye's presence.

On the fifth day that Qin Yunxi walked through, the marks on her neck completely disappeared, and she could move freely!

It's just that before she could figure out how to visit the palace, Yuanzhu told her that she wanted to get acquainted with the people in her courtyard.

The place where she lives is called Asaka-in, and the place is very large and there are many people.

However, after she walked through, almost all of them stayed in the room, in addition to Yuanzhu, there were two maids, one was called Chunye and the other was called Xia Yu.

The two maids are both good-looking and beautiful, with soft spring leaves and calm personalities, and bright and lively characters in Xia Yu.

It stands to reason that people of her status were accompanied by dowry maids when they married in ancient times, but she didn't have any of them.

It can be seen how miserable the original life was in the Zhongguo Mansion.

With the support of Yuanzhu, she slowly walked to the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, Qin Yunxi looked at the group of people who were pressed by the black pressure, and sighed in his heart, who said that there were few people in ancient times, look at this small princess courtyard, there are more than 100 people, the entire palace, how many people do you have?

Qin Yunxi gestured to Yuan Zhu with his eyes, Yuan Zhu comprehended his heart, coughed his throat, and the people who were making a commotion below immediately quieted down!

"Gather everyone to come over today to recognize the master, which are the first-class maids in front of the princess, come forward!"

As soon as the words fell, four pretty sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls stood up, walked to the forefront in turn, and bowed to Qin Yunxi:

"Slave Snow Fly"

"Slave Girl Pure Spirit"

"Slave Summer Language"

"Slave Chunka"

"Meet the Princess!"

Qin Yunxi squinted and looked, except for Chunye and Xia Yu, who she had already seen, the other two maids were also outstanding, especially the one named Xue Fei, who was dressed as a young lady, where did she look like a maid who served people?

I am a newcomer, I have no power in the house, and there is no credible person around me, and everyone next to me is fine, but this big girl is a person who serves closely, so I have to take a good look at it.

Thinking of this, she said lazily: "Get up~"

"Tell me what each of you is good at and why you were sent to my hospital."

After a moment of silence, the maid named Xue Fei was the first to stand up.

She said in an impassioned tone: "The slave's surname is Li Xuefei, she is the son of the house, her mother is the kitchen steward's mother, and her father is the Li steward of the house, and the slave is good at it, and she is good at ......"

When it comes to what she is good at, she can't say any more.

Qin Yunxi glanced at her with a sneer: "Don't you know what you're good at?" Then why can you be the big maid of this palace?! ”

Xue Fei's face turned red, since she was born, she had not been blamed in public like this.

Although they are minions, they are also hierarchical!

She is the son of a family, and her parents are also considered to be the leading figures in the palace, and her status is more open than that of ordinary masters.

This princess, I heard that she has no father and no mother, and she married Chongxi.

Although the prince woke up, according to the people in the house, the prince was furious on the wedding night and almost strangled her to death, so he has not come to see her in the past few days.

is such an unfavored princess, and she still wants to teach herself a lesson?

She was able to become a princess, but she was just a little lucky and was appointed by the emperor to marry, and she really thought that she could sit firmly in the position of princess.

Her father and mother told her that she would be the prince's person in the future, and when she became the prince's concubine and had another son, would she still be afraid of the unfavored princess?

Thinking of this, she felt some confidence in her heart, so she said with some pride: "Although the slave maid is not good at anything, the eldest maid who can be sent over to be the princess is agreed by the prince, and the princess can't say anything about this!" ”

Qin Yunxi pretended to be angry and said, "Presumptuous! Who gave you the guts of the dog to dare to move the prince out, what are you! This palace is the princess's concubine, do you dare not put this palace in your eyes, that is, you don't put the prince in your eyes! ”

"The slave and maid don't dare, but the slave and maid are telling the truth, and I don't understand why the princess makes things difficult for the slave!"

Xue Feiren knelt down, but her heart was not convinced, this princess has no power, if it weren't for the fact that she could see the prince, she wouldn't come here to serve!

"Very good, Yuanzhu, tell me, what is the crime of the slave and maid colliding with the master?"

"Back to Niangniang, at least you will be beaten with 20 boards to show punishment, and at worst you will be ......"

She paused for a moment and said slowly, "Capital offense!" ”

Qin Yunxi smiled coldly, and when Xue Fei saw this, Fang was a little flustered and said: "You dare, I am the son of a family, serving the palace for generations, my father and mother are in charge, you ......"

"Come on, Xue Fei made disrespectful remarks to the palace, pulled out to play twenty boards, reduced to a fire maid, and expelled from Chaoxia Courtyard."

As soon as the voice fell, no one stood up to carry it out.

There have been too many rumors about the new princess in the past few days, a new, powerless princess, a princess who was almost strangled to death by the prince, what she said is naturally not a deterrent.

Qin Yunxi also understood this truth, so she looked at Yuan Zhu, the prince's henchman.

Although Leng Ye still doesn't fully trust her, and the purpose of sending Yuanzhu over is not clear, what does it matter?

As long as she is the princess of Zhenbei, many times, Yuanzhu has to stand on her side and maintain the dignity of the princess of Zhenbei, she understands this truth, and Yuanzhu naturally understands it!

Therefore, Yuan Zhu looked at the people below and scolded in a deep voice: "Are you all deaf? I didn't hear what the princess said, if you don't obey, you will be guilty of the same crime as Xue Fei! ”

Several mothers-in-law rushed forward and dragged away Xuefei, who was shocked.

Qin Yunxi was very satisfied with this result, she swept over the people below, and said slowly: "This palace is the princess of Zhenbei who is married by the emperor, as long as you sit in this position for a day, you will be your master, if you don't obey, you will commit the following crimes, what is the crime of the following, Fang Cai Yuanzhu has already said, you don't want to end up with Xue Fei, just be honest with this palace." ”

"Also, this palace has a bad temper, lacks patience, and is neither kind nor generous, so be careful not to offend me, do you hear clearly?"

"Hear clearly, slaves/slaves follow the princess's teachings!"

"Yes, the children can be taught! Go on! ”

"Slave and maid, meet the princess. The slave maid had just entered the palace a month ago, and because she knew a few words, she was valued by the steward and sent to the princess. ”

"Are you literate? Very good! Do you see the pen and ink next to it? You sit here, and when it's someone's turn to introduce them, you simply write them down, mainly noting down their names, origins, what they are good at, what mistakes they have been punished for, and what they have been praised for, remember? ”

"Yes!" Qing Ling walked over and sat down at the desk.

"Whoever thinks he has a good memory, stand up!"

A round-faced girl in a green dress stood up and replied, "Princess, slave Dongxue, is a fourth-class maid, not long after entering the mansion, she was clever in her work, and she was sent by the steward. ”

"Well, yes, it looks like a pleasing one, this palace promoted you to a first-class maid today, and you went to record it with Qing Ling."

"Yes, the slave is grateful to the princess for her great kindness!" Dong Xue, who had been promoted, walked to the side of Qingling and stood with an excited face.

When the people below saw it, they looked at each other, and the new princess did everything according to her preferences!

After the examples of Xue Fei and Dong Xue, the people didn't dare to despise Qin Yunxi anymore, and the next introduction became extremely smooth.

In the end, in the princess's Chaoxia courtyard, there were 4 first-class maids, 8 second-class maids, and a number of other third-class and fourth-class miscellaneous servants.

Looking at the four first-class maids who remained, Qin Yunxi was very satisfied: "From today on, the four of you will be the personal maids of the palace." I don't care what you did before, who your master is, from now on I am your only master. My honor and disgrace are together with your honor and disgrace, you must remember this at all times, if something happens to me, then none of you can escape, remember? ”

"Yes, the slaves and maids swear allegiance to the princess!"

"Today is a good day, this palace wants to rename you, just divide it according to the season, the names of spring leaves, summer language, and winter snow don't have to be changed, and the name of Qingling will be changed to autumn spirit."

"Slave and maid, thank you princess for her name."

"Okay, it's nothing, you guys go down."

After the people went out, the room was calm again.

"I hope one of the four can be useful." Qin Yunxi muttered to himself.

After a while, she spoke up, "001, what do you think?" ”

"I'm sorry, master," 001's voice said apologetically, "I can only show you the plot about Leng Ye at the moment." ”

When Qin Yunxi heard this, his eyes lit up: "So, can you show me other people's plots in the future?" ”

"Master, the secret of heaven must not be revealed."

Qin Yunxi pursed his lips, secretly disgusted in his heart.

On the other side, in the study of the king of Zhenbei, Yuan Zhu respectfully stood in front of Leng Ye and replied: "After the princess sent Xue Fei, the subordinates did not dare to ignore her, and then she promoted a new fourth-class maid to the first-class maid, and ordered two first-class maids to record everyone's background and resume, mainly to remember the strengths and mistakes. ”

Mr. Gao touched his gray beard and exclaimed: "Lord, the princess's actions are very clever, punishing evil slaves, and promoting a little maid to the position of a clear reward." and then record the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the book to deter the people below, such a royal strategy is not simple. ”

"Sir, do you think that the princess's actions are consistent with the cowardice and lack of opinions we investigated before?"

"The prince is saying that the princess was pretending to be before?"

"Whether it's pretending or being real, she is the princess of Zhenbei, as long as she is the wife of this king, do her duty, this king will not tolerate her!"

"What the prince said is very true, with her, she can still block the emperor's sight."

"Well, Yuanzhu, go down, take care of the princess, don't let her do anything that will damage the face of the Zhenbei Palace."

"Yes! Rajah. After hesitating, Yuan Zhu finally said: "Lord, the princess doesn't seem to have any intention of returning to the door, I don't know if she is waiting for you to speak." ”

"Lord Wang," Mr. Gao suggested, "since you doubt the princess's temperament, it doesn't hurt to go to the Guogong Mansion." ”

Leng Ye frowned, he didn't think about going back to the door with Qin Yunxi, but thinking of Qin Yunxi's temperament, it seemed that it was very different from the investigation.

"This king knows, you go and tell the princess that this king is going to have dinner with her tonight."

Yuan Zhu listened and retreated with a happy face.

Mr. Gao looked at her back as she left and sighed, "It seems that our new princess is a very good master." ”

Leng Ye raised his eyebrows: "Because of Yuanzhu?" ”

Mr. Gao nodded: "Yuanzhu is not a soft-hearted person, but the princess can actually let Yuanzhu speak for her in just a few days, doesn't the prince feel strange?" ”

Leng Ye's eyes became dark, Yuan Zhu was his mother's concubine, and he was serious, so he wouldn't easily help someone speak.


After Yuan Zhu returned to Chaoxia Courtyard, he directly found Qin Yunxi.

When she saw that the princess was actually fishing in the pavilion, and the four maids beside her were also full of interest, she couldn't help but smile in her eyes.

"Niangniang," she walked over to Qin Yunxi and saluted, "The prince came over to dine with you tonight." ”

Hearing this, Qin Yunxi only nodded lightly, and his attention returned to the fishing rod in his hand.

Remembering the unpleasant experience of the last time she had dinner with someone, she didn't want to eat with him anymore.

It's just that she doesn't want to, but the people below are very excited.

Dongxue chirped: "Niangniang, let's go back and prepare, the slaves and maids will definitely dress you up beautifully." ”

Qin Yunxi smiled lazily: "It's just a meal, you don't have to be so excited." ”

"That's exactly the reason," Yuan Zhu smiled obviously: "Our prince doesn't like girls who are dressed up in fancy clothes, and the princess is very good like this!" ”

"Aunt Yuanzhu is right," Qiu Ling directly suggested: "Let's prepare more meals that the prince likes to eat." ”

"It's okay," Qin Yunxi nodded: "Call someone from the small kitchen over, I'll order some food." ”

Yuan Zhu looked at Qin Yunxi with relief, the princess finally got her senses, rare!

She smiled and said: "Niangniang, the prince likes to eat slightly light things, he doesn't like things that are too sweet, he doesn't like sour and spicy ones, there is no particularly taboo food, just go down, and the kitchen will pay attention." ”

Qin Yunxi comprehended in his heart, and when he summoned the people in the kitchen, a series of menus were ordered.

After everything was done, Qin Yunxi stretched his waist and looked at the fishing rod in his hand intently!

Soon it was dinner time, Leng Ye stepped in, and saw that more than 20 dishes had been set up in the dining room, and his princess invited him to take a seat with a smile.

"Lord, knowing that you are coming, I specially instructed the kitchen to make a few of your favorite light dishes, you see, this is stir-fried cucumbers, shallots mixed with tofu, stir-fried radish with mushrooms, and a seaweed egg drop soup."

Leng Ye frowned and looked at Qin Yunxi, and then looked at the big table of dishes in front of him, the light dishes were all vegetarian, and those meat dishes were almost all spicy!

"Princess, what does this mean, do you plan to make this king a vegetarian in the future?!"

"What are these words, prince!" Qin Yunxi was frightened, and wanted to cry: "I specifically asked Yuanzhu, she said that the prince likes light, so I ordered the kitchen to make these, if you can't get used to it, don't accompany me." ”

Leng Ye looked at the woman in front of him, he should have hated it, but he didn't know why, when he caught her flashing cunning expression, his heart was strangely soft.

"Let's eat."

Qin Yunxi looked at Leng Ye's deflated expression and ate happily.

Today's dishes are all made according to her taste, and all the dishes for Leng Ye are light vegetarian dishes, she doesn't believe it, Leng Ye will want to eat with her again after eating this meal.

"Princess, what kind of dish is this?"

Qin Yunxi was eating happily, Leng Ye almost choked her when she made a sound, she looked at Leng Ye, and saw him looking at the spicy chicken in front of her curiously, so she had to reply: "This is spicy chicken, very spicy and spicy, not suitable for you!" ”

"Oh? Is there anything else this king can't eat? Give me one and I'll taste it. ”

The corners of Qin Yunxi's mouth twitched, and she once again felt that there was a hundred generations gap between her and the ancients!

She reluctantly took a piece of diced chicken and put it in his bowl, Leng Ye looked at the red and oily chicken in the bowl, picked it up and tasted it, the unprecedented sense of stimulation spread throughout the body, the diced chicken was fried fragrant and flavorful, after swallowing it, the spicy taste choked on his throat, and he couldn't help coughing.

Qin Yunxi hurriedly got up, quickly poured a glass of water, and while feeding him, he patted him on the back and complained: "Don't eat if you can't get used to it, spicy is not something that everyone can eat, you drink some water quickly." ”

The woman's palm patted her back gently, and a soft voice sounded in her ears, Leng Ye seemed to return to the scene when he was a child, when his mother sang a ballad and patted him to sleep.

Thinking of his mother, Leng Ye felt a little sad for a while, and coughed even more.

Qin Yunxi hurriedly motioned to Dongxue to bring the dish of sweet and sour pork ribs, picked up a piece, and said temptingly:

"Lord Wang, hurry up and eat a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and spicy!"

She just wanted to put the pork ribs in the bowl and let someone eat them by themselves, who knew that Leng Ye's mouth was faster than her hand, and she swallowed the sweet and sour pork ribs with her chopsticks at once.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little ambiguous, Qin Yunxi looked at the empty ribs in his hand in embarrassment, and saw that Leng Ye didn't say anything, so he had to ask out loud: "Lord Wang, are you better now?" ”

"Hmm!" Leng Ye responded, and pushed Qin Yunxi away a little embarrassed.

Qin Yunxi shrugged his shoulders and walked back to his place to continue eating.

While she was eating, she listened to 001 praising her in her mind: "Master, well done, the wave of operations just now has successfully made Leng Ye interested in you, keep up the good work!" ”

Qin Yunxi was puzzled: "What interest?" ”

"I'll show you the plot."

As soon as 001 finished speaking, the tablet interface automatically opened, and the next plot also made Qin Yunxi's eyes widen.

(Leng Ye was warmed by the princess's actions, and he told himself that he shouldn't be prejudiced against her.) Looking at the woman in front of him, her beautiful face aroused the desire in his heart, and he obeyed the voice in his heart and slowly approached her...... )

, Leng Ye is this, this is to kiss her?!

Yu Guang glanced at Leng Ye's eyes at this time, there was no doubt that the plot was happening.

Qin Yunxi, whose brain moves faster than his body, shouted at the system in his heart: "001, I want to use privileges and change the word "desire" to "disgusting", quick!" ”

"Drop, the host Qin Yunxi uses the privilege of modifying the plot for the first time, once the privilege is used, it will take effect immediately, and there is no renegriny!"

As soon as 001's voice fell, Leng Ye only felt a churning in his stomach, and before he could get close to his princess, he fell on the table and retched.

Looking at Leng Ye's painful appearance, Qin Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, what are you doing!" 001 exclaimed bitterly, "What a great opportunity! ”

Qin Yunxi ignored her, she pretended to be concerned and asked, "Lord Wang, what's wrong with you?" Was it spicy to the stomach just now? ”

This time, Qin Yunxi stopped stepping forward to help pat her back, she just sat in her place and looked at Leng Ye.

Leng Ye waved his hand, and the strong feeling of nausea made him speechless.

"Lord Wang, I see that your face is not good, why don't we take a look at the doctor."

After a period of chaos, Leng Ye was taken away, and Qin Yunxi returned to his room and lay comfortably on the chaise longue.

After Yuan Zhu came in, he saw Qin Yunxi looking like he didn't care about himself, and couldn't help but say loudly: "Princess, what do you mean by this, you obviously asked the prince about his preferences, but he came the other way around." You should have left the prince just now, but you asked the little servant to send the prince back to the main courtyard, and the slave really couldn't understand you. ”

"Yuanzhu, I think I should be able to decide for myself how to do things, right?"

After hearing this, Yuanzhu looked at her deeply, blessed her, and didn't dare to say more.

Qin Yunxi waved his hand, and the maids in the room all went out.

After the room was quiet, 001 asked the doubts in his heart: "Master, I don't understand, what are you thinking?" Why did you modify the plot like that? ”

Qin Yunxi squinted his eyes and was straightforward: "I'm not a cold machine, I have no feelings for Leng Ye, how can I let him kiss me." ”

001 was stunned for a few seconds before reacting: "Master, your words have connotations to me." ”

Qin Yunxi smiled slightly: "You think too much." ”

After a moment of silence, she suddenly figured out something.

"001, on the wedding day, I kissed Leng Ye inexplicably, are you a ghost!"

001's movements naturally flew away from Qin Yunxi, "It's because you have this idea in your heart that I can tempt you to succeed." ”

Qin Yunxi jumped up, grabbed it and sneered, "Okay, it's really you!" I'll just say it! I like handsome guys, but I'm not hungry to that extent! ”

"Hey, hey! My good hosts! You have to kiss Leng Ye before I can be born smoothly! Anyway, you've already accepted the mission, so don't worry about 001! ”

After speaking, he put on a cute expression, trying to sprout Qin Yunxi's heart.

Qin Yunxi flicked the line on its head, "Don't take it as an example!" ”


After a while, Qin Yunxi said again: "I don't know if Leng Ye is okay, you can quickly open the plot and give me a look." ”

The white light curtain soon opened.

(The prince had dinner at the princess's place, but there was a problem with eating, and the news immediately spread wildly in the palace!) The women who had thoughts about the prince began to rub shoulders one by one, wanting to go to the main courtyard to show their concern. Especially Wang Yuxue, after listening to the report of the people below, she was very happy that the princess offended the prince, she ordered someone to go to the kitchen to get some tonics, and personally brought them to the main courtyard...... )

"Drop, master, don't lie down! Let's go to the main courtyard quickly, otherwise Wang Yuxue will take the lead. ”

"I'm not going, how could Wang Yuxue get into Leng Ye's bedroom."

Seeing that Qin Yunxi looked like he wanted to continue lying down, 001 was embarrassed: "But this is a task, if you don't accept it, you will be punished!" ”

Qin Yunxi could only get up from the chaise longue, and she said hatefully: "001, I really suggest that you change your name, don't call it the Heaven Changing Life System!" ”

"What's that called?"

"Matchmaker system!"



When Qin Yunxi slowly arrived outside the main courtyard where Leng Ye lived, he saw Wang Yuxue standing there like a flower.

Dressed in a light Luo skirt with a decent smile on her face, the whole person is radiant and makes people feel happy.

And the maid beside her was reasoning with the guard: "Brother guard, my master heard that the prince was sick, so he specially boiled soup and wanted to go in to take care of the prince." ”

The guard said expressionlessly: "The chief manager has instructed, the prince is unwell, and he doesn't see any unrelated people, so please go back." ”

The maid had the intention of retreating when she heard this, but when she saw the master beside her, she gritted her teeth and continued: "My master is the cousin of the prince, and there is such a relationship, how can it be regarded as an irrelevant person?" ”

The guard answered the question in silence.

The maid wanted to say more, but was stopped by Wang Yuxue beside her: "Xi'er, forget it." ”

She looked at the guard brother who blocked the door and apologized: "The maid doesn't know how to be polite, I hope you will forgive me." It was the mother who was worried about the prince's body, so she let the little girl come. Since it is inconvenient for the prince to see each other, please ask the eldest brother of the guard to help tell the prince, we will be here. ”

After speaking, she bowed her head slightly and turned to leave.

Who knows, as soon as I turned around, I saw the princess standing not far away.

Qin Yunxi wore a long embroidered dress with gold trim today, embroidered with complicated lines, and wore a phoenix hairpin inlaid with rubies on her head, the whole person was lazy and noble, like a blooming peony flower.

"!" The two hurriedly saluted.

"Get up," Qin Yunxi said with a smile: "Why did Miss Wang come to see the prince too?" ”

Wang Yuxue secretly gritted her teeth, and a feeling of jealousy surged in her heart.

But on the surface, she smiled kindly: "Back to my mother, it was my mother who asked Yuxue to come over." ”

Qin Yunxi nodded, and led the maids to want to go past her.

The ghost sent the gods, Wang Yuxue blurted out: "Niangniang, the guard at the door just now said that the prince is not seeing anyone now." ”


Qin Yunxi's eyes fell on Wang Yuxue, who replied with a gentle smile.

"Haruba, go ask what's going on."


Watching Chunye walk to the guard step by step, and then the guard really shook his head, Wang Yuxue breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, the prince rejected Qin Yunxi!

After Chunye finished asking, one of the guards followed Qin Yunxi's side.

Wang Yuxue looked at him calmly in her heart, she really liked to hear the words of the prince rejecting Qin Yunxi from the mouth of this guard.

"The slave sees the mother, the mother, please come in."

Qin Yunxi said unexpectedly: "Didn't your prince say that he couldn't see anyone?" ”

"The prince has already commanded, except for the princess, no one else is seen."

Qin Yunxi was stunned, wasn't Leng Ye uncomfortable, and he even had time to give such an order?

Besides, how did he know he was coming to see him?

According to all the thoughts in her heart, she smiled at Wang Yuxue and said goodbye, and under the leadership of the guards, she walked all the way to Leng Ye's bedroom.

And after she entered the main courtyard, the stiff smile on Wang Yuxue's face disappeared, replaced by coldness and disgust.

Qin Yunxi, why can you go in?

In the glow of the sun, she slowly returned to the courtyard where she lived.

As soon as she went back, her mother, the prince, happened to be doing needlework in the yard, and seeing this scene, Wang Yuxue's face became not very good-looking.

Obviously, it is dusk and the light is dim, but her mother is even more diligent than the people in the palace.

"Mother," she cried out in a deep voice, "didn't you say that you should stop doing this kind of needlework?" ”

When Wang heard his daughter's voice, he raised his head happily and said, "My mother is fine, my mother's eyes are fine." ”

Wang Yuxue snorted lightly and let Xi'er go down.

Then, he walked over to Wang Yuxue and helped her take the needle and thread back to the room.

"Xue'er, my mother is fine." Wang lit the candle and continued to do it, while chattering: "Seeing that you have reached the age of marriage, my mother will do more needlework so that I can give you a dowry." ”

Wang Yuxue pouted, "You don't have to worry about it, I have my own opinions." ”

Wang Weixue, who was in front of the Wang family, was less reserved than usual and a little more squeamish.

"Alas, what can you claim from a girl's family." Wang sighed: "It's a pity that I'm just the cousin of the eldest sister, if it were the sister of the in-laws, our situation would not be so difficult." ”

The eldest sister in her mouth is Leng Ye's mother concubine, the former princess of Zhenbei.

Wang Yuxue was also bored in her heart, she wished she was the prince's cousin more than anyone else!

"Xue'er," Wang looked at his daughter lovingly, and instructed: "Now that there is a princess in Zhenbei Wangfu, you should walk around in front of the princess more in the future, so that she can have a good impression of you, which is also good for you to marry, you know?" ”

"Mother," Wang Yuxue said angrily: "I said you don't have to worry about me, I have my own ideas." ”

Seeing that Wang seemed to be frightened, Wang Yuxue softened her voice again, she hugged Wang's arm and said coquettishly: "Mother, don't worry!" I will definitely let you live a good life and be your dependent! ”

Wang sighed, her daughter grew up and became less and less obedient to her.

She just wants her to be well, but don't do anything stupid.


On the other side, Qin Yunxi followed the guards and walked all the way to the outside of Leng Ye's dormitory.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, all the people who were inside turned their faces to look at her.

General Li, who was full of beard and tall horses, immediately said happily: "Niangniang really cares about the prince." ”

Qin Yunxi smiled awkwardly.

Mr. Gao smiled: "Since Niangniang is here, let's withdraw first." ”

After saying that, a bunch of people, like the wedding night, all left at once.

When Mr. Gao passed by Qin Yunxi's side, he stopped and said to her: "Niangniang, the contemptible surname is Gao, and everyone in the mansion shouts Mr. Gao." ”

"Mr. Gao." Qin Yunxi also bowed.

In her opinion, Mr. Gao has the aura of a hidden master, which makes people involuntarily want to listen to his opinion.

"Niangniang, the imperial doctor said that the prince had gastrointestinal discomfort and would have to drink medicine for a few days. Later, when the medicine comes in, I hope you will watch the prince eat it. ”

After speaking, he also showed a meaningful smile to Qin Yunxi before going out.

Qin Yunxi felt that Mr. Gao had something to say, but she didn't take it to heart.

After everyone went out, only Leng Ye and her were left in the room.

"Why are you here?" Leng Ye asked, his voice a little tired.

Qin Yunxi smiled softly, "I heard that the prince is unwell, I came over to take a look, didn't disturb you, right?" ”

She was so good-looking, and with this bright smile, the dim room was a little brighter.

Qin Yunxi looked at Leng Ye who was sitting on the edge of the bed on the bed, his face was still so good-looking, but he was a little prostration.

I heard that after leaving her, I pulled it many times, can I not collapse?

Thinking that the cold and handsome noble son also had diarrhea one day, she couldn't help but feel funny, and the expression on her face softened.

"Lord Wang," she cautiously probed, "are you alright?" ”

Leng Ye lifted his eyelids, glanced at her lazily, and nodded slightly.

The two didn't get along much, and Qin Yunxi didn't know what topic to talk to him about, so he could only be silent.

And Leng Ye himself is an indifferent and reticent character, and he will not take the initiative to speak.

For a moment, the two looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, Leng Ye still said loudly: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to Ningning tomorrow?" ”

"Huh?" Qin Yunxi blinked, not understanding why he suddenly said this.

001 reminded her: "Guining is the meaning of a woman who married in ancient times and returned to her parents' house after the wedding night." It is usually on the third day, but you can also choose the sixth or ninth day. ”

"Oh, tomorrow happens to be the sixth day." Qin Yunxi suddenly realized.

"When Leng Ye went over to have dinner with you at night, he was supposed to talk to you about this, but it didn't happen because you modified the plot and made him have a problem."

Speaking of modifying the plot, Qin Yunxi was a little weak-hearted, "He had diarrhea because he ate spicy chicken, it has nothing to do with me modifying the plot, right?" ”

001 said solemnly: "Modifying the plot has increased the role of spicy chicken, otherwise how can it be serious!" You should be careful not to joke about other people's bodies in the future. ”

When 001 said this, Qin Yunxi felt guilty in his heart.

She diligently moved a stool, sat on the edge of Leng Ye's bed, and asked for warmth: "Leng Ye, thank you so much!" Where are you uncomfortable, does your headache hurt, if it hurts, I'll help you massage it! ”

Leng Ye looked at Qin Yunxi, who suddenly changed her face, her heart tightened, and her eyes stared at her: "What do you call me?" ”

Qin Yunxi was taken aback by his sharp eyes, "I'm sorry, I accidentally called your name, I really can't call it like this, right?" ”

Leng Ye clenched his fists, "No, you are the concubine of this king, so naturally you can call it that." ”

Qin Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good." ”

It scared her to death, and she thought she had committed some kind of taboo.

"001," she shouted in her mind, "You show me the plot, I want to see what Leng Ye is thinking." ”

With a "ding", the light curtain opened in front of her eyes, and now the plot is also spreading out in front of her.

(Faced with the fact that his princess called his name, Leng Ye's heart was touched.) Since he replaced his father as the king of Zhenbei, it has been a long time since anyone dared to call his name. )

(And now, it was surprising that his rumored cowardly princess would dare to call him by his first name.) )

(He looks at the woman sitting next to him, and a longing swells up in his heart.) )


"Princess, didn't you say you wanted to give me a massage?"

Leng Ye's deep voice sounded in his ears, and Qin Yunxi heard that he was saying exactly the same words as in the plot.

Seeing that Qin Yunxi was indifferent, the man emphasized again: "Come here, I have a headache." ”

"Okay." Qin Yunxi stood up speechlessly and walked over to Leng Ye.

Originally, she was just polite, but I didn't expect this guy to really want her to massage!

As she approached, a faint floral fragrance swept into Leng Ye's nostrils, relaxing his tense mood a little.

But immediately, his body became tense again, because Qin Yunxi's hands were already covering the cerebellum on both sides of him.

The moment Qin Yunxi's hands touched him, he instantly became vigilant, but as the other party began to massage, he quickly relaxed again.

The woman's hands were incredibly soft, the cool touch rubbed against his skin, and the headache was magically suppressed.

It turns out that massage is such a comfortable thing!

Leng Ye, who enjoyed this "service" for the first time, couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it.

While massaging, Qin Yunxi carefully observed Leng Ye's expression, and said happily when he saw him relaxed: "It's very comfortable, right?" ”

"Hmm." The man replied lightly.

"That's good! I can tell you, I don't usually help people massage easily, you have to know how to be grateful! ”

"Who else?"


"Who else have you helped with a massage besides me?"

Qin Yunxi thought about it seriously, "No, I've just helped you so far." ”

There was a hint of satisfaction in Leng Ye's voice: "I am not allowed to help others in the future." ”

She is his concubine, and no one deserves her massage except him.

Qin Yunxi pursed his lips, "The massage hands are very tired, and I'm not stupid." ”

If it weren't for the diarrhea you caused because I changed the plot, do you think I'd give you a massage?

After pressing it for a while, Leng Ye felt that the force on his head had decreased, and he immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Use some force." ”

As soon as he finished speaking, his weak and cold hands left him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that his princess was looking at him angrily, protesting angrily: "Do you think the massage is not tiring? I've been pressing it for so long, I don't have the strength anymore, I need to rest, you find someone to press it for you. ”

After speaking, I saw her leave the edge of the bed and sit on the table a little far from the bed, and poured herself a cup of tea.

Leng Ye hooked his lips and said softly: "It's hard." ”

"If you know, it's good."

The two were silent for a while, and after the sky had completely darkened, Chunye finally came in, and Zhao Song, Leng Ye's personal servant, also came in with a bowl of medicine.

Zhao Song is the son of Zhao Zhenye, the chief housekeeper of the palace, he has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, every time Qin Yunxi sees him, he has a smile on his face, and he is also very funny.

As soon as he came in, he said happily, "Master, the medicine has been fried for you, can you take it while it's hot?" ”

Leng Ye didn't raise his eyes, but said coldly: "Just put it on the table." ”

Zhao Song's eyes rolled, and he suddenly came to Qin Yunxi's side and whispered, "Niangniang, why don't you take it and give it to the master?" ”

Immediately afterwards, he squeezed his eyebrows and added: "Our master, I'm afraid of hardship." ”

Qin Yunxi almost laughed.

She beckoned to Haruba and whispered a few words to her, and Haruba turned around and went out to get a food box and put it on the table.

Qin Yunxi opened the food box, and inside was a plate of small and delicate red dates and osmanthus cakes, and the sweet and greasy aroma instantly filled the entire room.

She ordered: "Zhao Song, help your master over." ”

Leng Ye got up and got out of bed by himself, "I'm not that fragile yet." ”

He sat next to Qin Yunxi and wanted to eat the osmanthus cake on the table.

Qin Yunxi quickly knocked off his hand, "Drink the medicine first, otherwise you are not allowed to eat osmanthus cake." ”

Leng Ye was unhappy at the moment, his face was calm and unhappy, "Order me?" ”

Qin Yunxi said with a smile: "I brought this osmanthus cake here, I can give it to whoever I want, and whoever is disobedient, I will not give it to anyone." ”

"What's the matter, the dignified prince of Zhenbei, are you still afraid of drinking a small bowl of medicine? Do you want me to add some sugar to you? ”


Leng Ye, who was aroused by his temper, picked up the bowl and hesitated before starting to drink.

As soon as the medicinal juice was in his mouth, the bitter and astringent taste immediately spread on his tongue, making his tongue numb.

Qin Yunxi looked at him sympathetically, to be honest, she was so afraid of drinking Chinese medicine!

Pray that she will not get sick during this time in ancient times!

She saw Leng Ye drinking slowly, so she persuaded: "You have to kill it in one go, otherwise the longer you delay, the more bitter your mouth will be!" ”

Leng Ye's brows furrowed into Sichuan characters, but he still obediently drank it in one go.

Qin Yunxi saw that he had finished drinking, so he quickly picked up a piece of osmanthus cake and put it in his mouth.

The osmanthus cake is sweet and soft, and the sweetness melts in the mouth, dispelling the bitterness.

After eating a piece, Qin Yunxi continued to pick up another piece for him, "How is it, isn't it bitter?" ”

"Hmm." Leng Ye responded.

Chunye and Zhao Song watched the intimate actions of the two, and they withdrew outside at the same time with a tacit understanding.

"That's great!" Zhao Song said with a smile.

Haruha looked at him expressionlessly, asking with his eyes, where is it good?

"Sister Chunye," Zhao Song said with a smile: "Don't you think, according to the prince and the princess, we will soon be able to usher in the little master?" ”

"I hope so."

Haruka thought of her princess's daily attitude, and she didn't think that the princess would easily like the princess.

In the room, Qin Yunxi saw that Leng Ye had finished drinking the medicine, so he got up and said, "Okay, see that you're okay, then I'll go back first." ”

Leng Ye's Adam's apple rolled and blurted out: "I'll send you." ”

Qin Yunxi hurriedly waved his hand: "You are crazy, what are you sending to a patient, have a good rest." ”

"Then, you have a good rest, and I will go back to the Zhongguo Mansion with you tomorrow morning."

Qin Yunxi stood up and staggered, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped her.

She really wouldn't want to go back if she could!

After all, she has a different core inside, and no one in Zhenbei Wangfu knows her, so no one doubts her.

But if she returns to the Zhongguo Mansion, how will she fool the past?

There are two major mansions in the Tiansheng Dynasty, namely the Zhongguo Mansion where Qin Yunxi is located, and the Fuguo Mansion where the heroine of "The Legend of Yanrong" is located.

The Zhongguo Mansion was born in the military, and most of the children in the clan are military generals, and the current Zhongguo Justice is Qin Yunxi's uncle Qin Tianrui.

The Fuguo Mansion is based on Wen, and most of the children in the clan are Wenchen, and the current Fuguo Gongzi is Wen Chengyue, the father of the heroine of the original book.

Since the last Zhongguo Gong, that is, Qin Yunxi's biological father Qin Tianhao, died on the battlefield, the Qin family's military power has almost been carved up, and now the Zhongguo Mansion is declining, and its status in the court is not as good as before.

However, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and although the Zhongguo Mansion is now inferior to the Fuguo Gong, its status is still extremely noble.

This information was all just told to Qin Yunxi by 001, in order to let her know the current situation of the Zhongguo Mansion.

At this time, Qin Yunxi was already sitting in the carriage to the Zhongguo Mansion, and Leng Ye was reading a book not far from her.

The carriage was big enough that even if two people sat in it, they wouldn't feel cramped at all.

One of the two was reading a book, and the other was in a daze, and it was strangely harmonious.

"001," Qin Yunxi said the conditions in his mind: "I advise you to give me a hanging, otherwise I will be easy to goof!" If I wear a goof, it will inevitably arouse Leng Ye's suspicions, and when the time comes, I will finally accumulate some goodwill, but I will have to clear it all! ”

She looks like "you think it through" and succeeds in shaking 001's heart.

"What do you want to drive?"

As soon as Qin Yunxi saw that there was a play, he hurriedly smiled: "It's very simple, just let me know the simple information of everyone in the Zhongguo Mansion and what their relationship is with the original Qin Yunxi." ”

After a moment of silence, a chime sounded in her head.

"Di, the character recognition function has been turned on for the host Qin Yunxi, and the function is valid for one day, and it will expire after twenty-four o'clock tonight."

Qin Yunxi pursed his lips, 001 is really stingy, give a gold finger to deduct and search.

But something is better than nothing, one day at a time!

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
