
Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

author:Purple gold beam
Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

Hello, old irons, I am Zijin Liang, and I am meeting you again!

My sister Xiaoya sent me a message on WeChat, "Brother, Yanyan actually ignored me." Xiao Ya has just graduated from college, and Yan Yan, a good female classmate during college, shared a small apartment in the provincial capital and worked hard in the city together.

In Xiaoya's words, Yeon-yeon is her best girlfriend, divided in a dormitory when she was in college, taking classes together every day, shopping, visiting the library, taking the fourth grade, and doing her graduation thesis. After graduation, the pair of good girlfriends meet in the city where the university is located to work hard and rely on each other.

The younger sister Xiaoya looks sweet, and Yanyan is slightly more mature, like a big sister who cares for Xiaoya everywhere. Xiao Ya is lively, Yan Yan is careful, one of the two loves to move, one person likes to be quiet, complement each other in personality, and help each other in life.

When I first met Xiao Ya and Yeon Yeon's friends, I often mistook them for sisters.

"Brother, you say, what did I do wrong, why did she ignore me for many days?" Today, I tried to learn to make her favorite steamed cake, and she ignored me, saying that she was tired and wanted to be quiet in the house. ”

Looking at the message sent by my sister on the phone, it really makes people wonder. According to Xiao Ya, she and Yeon Yeon did not quarrel, both are single, there are no emotional problems, and their work is also very smooth.

Let's put it this way, the two were just twenty-three years old, in their youth, enjoying a good time, and lucky, and they both found a job they liked. Although I have just graduated and my income is not very rich, it is no problem to meet the two girls eating and drinking in the city.

So what exactly went wrong?

Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

I continued to chat with my sister Xiaoya for a while, and gradually understood the reason.

It turned out that Yan Yan especially liked Xiao Zhan, and she had liked it since college, a pure true love fan. Girls who are more mature are more rational, but once they like someone, they are often full of their own love beans.

A few days ago, the two were in the apartment, watching the New Year's Eve party together, and when Yanyan saw Xiao Zhan appear on the stage, she was excited. When Yan Yan saw that someone on the scene used a laser pointer to illuminate Xiao Zhan's eyes, she was angry and touched the screen like a fool, afraid that Xiao Zhan would be hurt.

Every time Xiao Ya saw Yan Yan, who was usually intellectually mature, look like a flower fool when she saw Xiao Zhan, her heart was a little sour, and she couldn't help but say, "Yan Yan, seeing your appearance, I finally know why Xiao Zhan was hacked." He was a big man, illuminated by a laser light, and would not die. ”

At that time, Yan Yan was just stunned, staring at Xiao Ya shyly, staring for a long time. Before the party was over, Yeon-yeon said she was tired and went back to her room to rest.

Xiao Ya's nerves are relatively large, and she is not very cold to the rice circle, so she did not find Yan Yan's abnormality. Until recent days, Yeon-yeon had ignored her, and she had been unable to figure it out.

If it weren't for the bitter appeal on WeChat today, she wouldn't know the situation until now.

"Brother, just because I said Xiao Zhan, Yan Yan ignored me, how could it be?" Although she helped Xiao Ya find the crux of the problem very keenly, she was still a little incredible.

What a silly sister. Next, while helping Xiao Ya come up with ideas to make Yan Yan happy again, he told Xiao Ya, the three major taboos of sisterly interaction, so that she would not be confused about the situation.

Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

First of all, the first taboo of girlfriend interaction: absolutely must not divulge each other's secrets.

In the process of getting along, girlfriends often share their little secrets with each other, which is a way to express trust between girlfriends and can also enhance the intimacy of the two.

Xiao Ya and Yan Yan are like this, once, Xiao Ya brought Yan Yan back to her hometown, and Yan Yan accidentally said that she heard from Xiao Ya about the "brother ugly thing".

Of course, this is harmless, because YanYan is in front of Xiao Ya, and when Xiao Ya knows, the troubles of others that she says do not involve the secrets that Xiao Ya keeps in her heart.

For example, Yeon-yeon never told a third person about Xiao Ya's privacy.

So what happens if a secret that can only be shared between girlfriends is leaked by one party?

Sorry, once the leak occurs, such as the sisters' girlfriends will appear a layer of plastic-like insulators, severing the feelings of the two people, and it is really difficult to recombine.

If such a thing really happens, you can only admit your mistake sincerely and carefully repair the relationship. However, to tell the truth, the rift has arisen, and it is difficult to gain the unconditional trust of the girlfriend, and it is difficult to confide in each other again.

It is recommended not to divulge little secrets that are only for you and your girlfriends.

Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

The second taboo of girlfriend interaction: try not to participate too much in each other's feelings.

Even for the purpose of protecting girlfriends, it is also necessary to gently let the girlfriend accept, do not squeeze in, let yourself, girlfriends, girlfriends' boyfriends, all three parties are embarrassed.

Blindly think that you are for the good of your girlfriend, and interfere with the feelings of your girlfriend, in the eyes of your girlfriend, either you are not good, or you have a misunderstanding of other people's boyfriends, or you are afraid of the loneliness after your girlfriend leaves.

Among girlfriends, once the party whose feelings are disturbed has a bad idea, the mind will be like a bean sprout, and it will be chaotic overnight, resulting in irrational behavior and affecting the feelings of the two people.

After all, a girl falls in love, has an IQ of only three years old, and only has the smelly man around her in her eyes.

As a girlfriend, don't look like you are all good for others, don't forget that no matter how good your girlfriend is, you are not people's mother, don't mix too much.

There is a good example of girlfriends getting along, that is, in the recent hit TV series "Flowing Golden Years", Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun's girlfriend style.

When Zhu Suosuo intuitively felt Zhang Anren's scumbag attributes, he did not nag and nag in front of Jiang Nansun to let Nansun leave Zhang Anren, but used the actions of Zhengda Guangming to defend his girlfriend's feelings.

For example, when Yuan Yuan, the so-called green plum bamboo horse in Zhang Anren's hometown, inserted Nansun's feelings, the lock did not count the scumbags Zhang Anren, but just stood firmly by Nansun's side to protect Nansun.

In a word, you can dislike your girlfriend's boyfriend, but you have to firmly defend your girlfriend's choices and feelings.

Speaking of Xiao Ya and Yan Yan, both of them are single, and they do not have the idea of getting off the list, but they do not have to deliberately avoid lightning.

Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

The third taboo of girlfriend interaction: avoid denigrating the girlfriend's love beans.

Xiao Ya and Yan Yan's small friction is because Xiao Ya touched the third taboo.

Girls have a fairytale princess dream in their hearts, in which the castle and Prince Charming are dreamed. Otherwise, now married, why should the woman want a car, although it is not a real castle and a white horse, it can not be less form.

Love beans well satisfy the fantasies of girlfriends. The girlfriend also knows in her heart that this is just a beautiful fantasy that can only be hidden in the bottom of her heart, but it is the source of people's sweetness and a forbidden area in the bottom of her heart.

Girlfriend with love beans in the heart to build a warm honey jar, you have to come out, poke hard to break people's sugar cans, but also said prominently, "I will say that this is an unrealistic fantasy, like a bubble, a poke will burst."

Isn't it a bubble, don't your girlfriends know in their hearts? People are also adults, do not need you to remind, you are people's girlfriends, you do not have that deep inner romance and fantasy, do not be the evil queen in fairy tales, ruin people's princess dreams.

However, then again, to become a girlfriend, the relationship between the two must have a good foundation, this third taboo to say a petite, apologize, girlfriend is still easy to recover.

Perhaps, after the small friction caused by the love beans, learn more about each other's love beans, and become a rice circle girl with your girlfriend.

Therefore, the unpleasantness between Xiao Ya and Yan Yan can be easily resolved, as long as Xiao Ya holds up Xiao Zhan's poster tomorrow and admires Yan Yan in the room like a flower, the two can be reconciled as before.

However, the first and second taboos must be avoided.

Do three points, sisterly feelings as sweet as honey, improper plastic insulators

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