
Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

author:Future Star Violin Education
Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

♬ Video | Everyone loves Beethoven and enjoys playing the violin

Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405
Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

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Maverick band commander

We know that Beethoven himself was also very good at conducting orchestras, often conducting orchestras to play their own symphonies.

According to the history of music, one of the characteristics of Beethoven's conducting is that he likes to use his "height" to express the strength of the strength.

When he played a weak tone, he would bow down, and if it was extremely weak, he would basically lie on the ground. As he grew stronger, he would slowly get up from the ground, and when he reached his climax, he would tiptoe up and even jump up.

Once, when the conductor was playing to a weak note, the players couldn't find the conductor at all, because he climbed under the table. Later, in the crescendo clip, he came out from under the table.

Today, many of us worship "Le Sheng", which was the image of this conductor back then, which challenged our nerves. I don't know which contemporary conductor will imitate Le sheng's "original conducting style"...

Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

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I've already eaten

One more anecdote about Beethoven.

Beethoven came to the restaurant to eat, and after ordering, he suddenly had the inspiration to grab the recipe on the table and compose a song on the back of the recipe.

He was completely immersed in the beautiful melody. Watching Beethoven was very engaged, never daring to disturb, ready to wait a while before serving him.

About an hour later, the waiter came to Beethoven and said, "Sir, is it okay to serve?" ”

Beethoven woke up like a dream and immediately looked for money to settle the bill.

The man cried and laughed and said, "Sir, you haven't eaten yet!"

"No, I've already eaten." Beethoven could not listen to the explanation, he paid the price on the menu, rolled up the notes full of notes, and rushed out of the restaurant.

Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

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Anecdotes about the Moonlight Sonata

The story of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, although a legend, is very interesting

It is said that Beethoven was walking in the countryside one night when he overheard the sound of the piano coming from a simple wooden house. Stop and listen, and the tune is exactly one of his piano sonatas.

In such a poor country house, someone played such a difficult piece of music, which made him very curious, so he went out of the window to listen.

Suddenly the piano stopped, and a girl's voice sighed: "Oh no, this section is too difficult, I can't play it well." How nice it would be to hear Beethoven play. ”

Another man said, "Well, if I hadn't been so poor, I would have managed to buy a ticket so you could hear him play." ”

Beethoven was so impressed that he knocked on the door and went in, and in front of him was a shoemaker who was still working, and by the worn-out piano, sat a blind girl.

Fang Zhi shoemaker is the brother of the girl, the two depend on each other, the girl listened to the neighboring noble family play the piano, remembered the "great musician Mr. Beethoven" this piece.

Beethoven said: "I am also a musician and want to play a tune for this girl. ”

On this old piano, he played the music that the girl had just played. The music was incomparably beautiful, and the music was completed, which moved the blind girl to tears.

Suddenly, the night wind blew out the candles, and the bright moonlight invaded through the window, covering the blind girl and the piano keyboard. Beethoven was so touched by such a quiet scene that his thoughts welled up, and he immediately improvised the Moonlight Sonata on the piano.

At the beginning, the sound of the piano is beautiful and quiet, like a bright moon rising into the sky, sprinkling silver light on the forest and mountains. In the second section, the tune becomes brisk and lively, like a mischievous elf playing in the moonlight. Finally, the music rushes towards the vast and turbulent ocean.

Beethoven got up and rushed out the door, ran home, and wrote down the music he had just played on the stave all night - the immortal "Moonlight Sonata" was born!

And the poor brothers and sisters were immersed in the joy that fell from heaven.

Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

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There was only one Beethoven

In 1807, Beethoven was staying at the home of Duke Lishnovsky in Vienna.

One day, a large number of guests came to the Duke's house, all of whom were French officers who had been stationed by Napoleon to occupy Vienna.

The Duke wanted to invite the guests to music, so he sent someone to invite Beethoven, but did not explain the situation to Beethoven. Beethoven came with his newly written "Enthusiastic Sonata" with great interest.

Entering the parlor, there was a group of occupying troops, and Beethoven immediately refused the Duke's request.

The Duke was so ashamed and angry that he put on a face and gave Beethoven the order to play.

Beethoven was so outraged by Lisinovsky's shameless treason that he took up the sheet music in spite of the torrential rain of the night and left in disgust, smashing a bust that the Duke had given him.

The next day, the Duke received a letter: "Duke! You became a duke only because of your accidental origins. And the reason why I became Beethoven is entirely on my own. The Duke has it now, and will have it in the future, but I, Beethoven, will always have only one! ”

Five of Beethoven's musical short stories 0102030405

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His bitter childhood tempered his strong character

German musician Beethoven, one of the most famous musicians in the history of European music, was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770, and when Beethoven was young, his father had very high expectations of him, hoping that his son would become a Mozart-style musical prodigy.

When Beethoven was only 4 years old, his father put a bunch of sheet music in front of Beethoven for him to play, and sometimes Beethoven practiced his small hands and did not dare to rest.

One day, the church bells had already rung 12 times, Beethoven was still practicing, he had to wait until his father came back to check his music before he could go to sleep, and his mother looked at Beethoven, whose eyes were narrowed into a slit, and said to him pityingly: "Child, it is 12 o'clock, go to bed first." ”

"No, Dad will come back and see that I haven't practiced and will beat me."

The mother had no choice but to hold Beethoven and cry at the piano, and soon Beethoven fell asleep in his mother's arms, and his mother carried him to bed.

When the bell rang again, Beethoven's alcoholic father returned, "What about that little bunny cub, why don't you practice?" ”

"Don't you look at what time it is, and let the child practice, you have to kill him before you give up?"

"Yes, you are right," Beethoven's father said as he came to Beethoven's bedside and lifted Beethoven up, but his mother could not stop him.

Beethoven played the piano in a daze and closed his eyes, but despite this, Beethoven's piano sound was still very smooth and natural.

"Okay, that's a bit mozart." Father said happily on the side.

A few years passed, Beethoven grew from 4 years old to 8 years old, after 4 years of hard practice, his piano level has been greatly improved, his alcoholic father is also satisfied, so he let him hold a solo concert at the conservatory, this performance is very successful, the father enjoyed the joy of his son's success.

When he was 17 years old, Beethoven came to Vienna, he met Mozart with great reverence, Mozart gave him a difficult piece for him to improvise, Beethoven's performance was affirmed by Mozart, he said: "You have to pay attention to this child, he will shock the whole world in the future." ”

Thanks to his hard work, he finally occupied a place on the Viennese art stage, often performing as a pianist, and playing his own works, which was affirmed by people.

Just when he was soaring, he suffered from an ear disease and later became completely deaf, which was a cruel blow for a musician, however, all this did not defeat Beethoven, he still created a large number of excellent works with tenacious perseverance, and in his Symphony of Destiny, we can all hear his voice fighting against fate.

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