
From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

author:Heart lamps live forever

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="1" > from "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what the hell is going on? </h1>

The first time I knew about Shen Tengmali's duo was because of a local station party. Shen Teng, alias "Hao Jian", played a fetus of Ma Li in the sketch. The sketch was made into the style of a series, and for three consecutive years, the audience could always see it on TV

The "Mama Mama" who worries about her children, and her son who is lively and playful.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

The second time I saw Shen Tengmali, it was because they participated in the Spring Festival Gala.

Shen Teng and Ma Li have been on the Spring Festival Gala many times, and each of their sketches revolves around social hotspots: "Today's Happiness 2" focuses on the issue of receiving gifts and gifts at work, and the next year's famous sketch "Help Not Help", looking at the name, you know that it is a human nature problem that has been on social news from time to time until now.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Shen Teng and Ma Li began to cooperate in 2005, and more than ten years have passed, and the two have encouraged each other in their work and are as close as family in life. The works brought by the two have made countless audiences laugh,

Some people say that Shen Tengmali's collocation is like Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan in the sketch world, and the phoenix legend in the song industry. They are the best partners in the hearts of the audience.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

But I don't know when it started, Shen Teng and Ma Li, in public, more and more avoid contact with each other.

In various works, the two rarely cooperate unless necessary.

Why did a pair of partners, who were originally intimate, gradually drift away after becoming popular?

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="91">01 </h1>

Mary played a javelin gunner in the movie "Charlotte Troubles". It's not the writers and directors fooling around. It's because Mary really has a sports foundation.

In her childhood, Ma Li's athletic ability was outstanding, whether it was a long and short cannon, or a basketball, a javelin, Ma Li was good at everything. But studying sports is really too hard, and Ma Lizhi is not in sports. When the famous sports team came to select people, Ma Li chose to pretend to be ill and refused to register.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Later, Ma Li developed a strong interest in acting, and with the support of her parents, Ma Li turned to the arms of the performance. Under the magnesium lamp, the men and women are beautiful, and all the hands and feet are elegant and sexy. What Mary wanted to live was originally like this.

But it wasn't until Ma Li began to study acting that she discovered that the classmates around her were all big beautiful women who had come out of nowhere. And Ma Li herself is really inferior to them in appearance.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

But Ma Li is an optimist, and she feels that she should simply become a drama actress, which is also good.

People who have seen the drama should be able to guess the reason why Ma Li chose the drama.

The drama stage is very empty, the distance between the audience and the actors is very far, and only the white skin of the actors under the makeup and lighting can be seen from a distance. In this way, Ma Li's shortcomings will not be exposed. I have to say that in this regard, Mary is a bit clever.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Beiying and Chinese Opera are the two most famous art schools in the country. Ma Li went to the North Shadow exam first, but regrettably fell off the list. Later, summing up the reasons, Ma Li felt that she might not be able to dress up. In order to participate in the interview of Beiying, Ma Li gave herself a big change, but unfortunately the direction was wrong, directly from the simple little sister to the female entrepreneur. An overly mature temperament makes Ma Li appear "too strong".

Later, when she was admitted to the play, Ma Li learned from the experience. With the professional ability to pass the pass, he got the admission letter of the Chinese opera for himself.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

In the years of Chinese opera, Ma Li's academic performance has always been among the best. But in the most important drama of graduation, the actress number one is not her.

Why isn't Mary the female number one? The teacher's words were cruel and true. She said that Ma Li's appearance is really not up to par, if she wants to go the path of an actor. You have to change the image, and it's best to get your teeth straightened.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

After graduation, Ma Li did not follow the plans of other students and went out to find an internship and a job. It's about "taking a year off." During the year, Mary's life was all about eating, drinking, and having fun.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Because her mother has a successful career, the family's physical store is well run. At this time, Ma Li was still the carefree little princess. But a year after graduation, a phone call from her mother made Mary suddenly panic.

The mother actually asked herself for money?

In Ma Li's impression, the family is not very rich. At least not because of money. Now that the family's shop is not working, in order to relieve the pressure on her mother, Ma Li began to look for work everywhere.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

After stumbling, Mary finally found a job as a drama actress.

If it weren't for this job, Ma Li and Shen Teng would probably not be able to touch it. That day, Shen Teng happened to be going to the drama club to run an errand, and when he passed the stage, he saw Ma Li performing. Almost instantaneously, Shen Teng decided that Ma Li was very suitable for working with him.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

He sent an invitation to Ma Li: Happy Twist, come or not?

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="93">02</h1>

Ma Li's first impression of Shen Teng was "This person is very handsome." "Shen Teng when he was young was enough to describe it in three words: small fresh meat." Seeing Shen Teng's first glance, Ma Li quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

Maybe Ma Li at that time would not have thought that she and Shen Teng would become close friends later.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

According to the statistics of fans, the two have cooperated more than 30 times on large and small occasions. Whether it is a drama or a sketch, as long as Shen Teng and Ma Li appear together, they can always win the applause of the audience again and again.

Since the cooperation began in 2005, the tacit understanding between Ma Li and Shen Teng has long been engraved in the heart. In 2014, Ma Li and Shen Teng performed "Can't Help" on the Spring Festival Gala stage, Shen Teng had a poor memory, and when Ma Li finished his lines, Shen Teng was stunned.

Ma Li saw that the situation was not right, and quickly used a string of words to bring it over. Finally, I survived the mistakes on the stage of this Spring Festival Gala without any danger. Her heart palpitated, and she was under too much pressure, and After getting off the stage, Ma Li almost burst into tears.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

In front of the camera, one of Shen Teng's hands quickly wiped away her tears. Verbally, she is also looking for compensation for Ma Li: in fact, Ma Li cried on the stage.

Seeing that Shen Teng was talking nonsense in order to break the siege for himself, Ma Li ran out of the camera while laughing.

In the summer of 2015, "Charlotte Troubles" became the dark horse at the box office that year. At the end of the movie, "Charlotte" and "Ma Dongmei" have a kiss scene. But this kiss scene was filmed many times without success.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

When the kiss is not kissed, between Shen Teng and Ma Li, there is always a person who will laugh. It wasn't until the ninth time that the two were able to finish.

Ma Li asked Shen Teng: Why do you always laugh, do you hate me?

Shen Teng's answer was a bit humorous: If I hate you, will I shoot a kiss scene with you?

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Before the success of "Charlotte", it is reasonable to say that the cooperation between Shen Teng and Ma Li should be intensively arranged. Many viewers are looking forward to the next work of the "Shen Ma Group". But no one expected that the leading edge of the "Shen Ma Combination" was also broken from here.

In March 2017, Shen Teng and Ma Li jointly attended the press conference of the movie "Capital Successor". The movie "Capital Successor" can actually be regarded as the predecessor of "The Richest Man in Xihong".

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

After the press conference, all the press releases carried the name of Shen Tengmali, and the matter of Shen Tengmali's cooperation again in "Capital Successor" should have been a nail in the coffin, but the reality was caught off guard and shattered the dreams of CP fans.

At the start-up ceremony at the end of the year, Mary was gone. In its place was another actress, Song Yunhua. Many people suspect that Song Yunhua brought funds into the group and replaced Ma Li's role. Otherwise, how can the press conference scene not be the same actor as the boot scene?

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Shen Teng said in an interview afterwards that because the screenwriter found in the creation of the script that the role in his pen was not very suitable for Ma Li. That's why I decided to change the heroine to star. But viewers said they didn't buy it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="92">03</h1>

Shen Teng and his wife have known each other for much longer than Shen Teng and Ma Li. Shen Teng's wife, Zhang Qi, is also an actor, but far less famous than Shen Teng and Ma Li.

Her most widely known thing may be the frequent spat with "Shen Ma Group" CP fans on Weibo. And in a certain program scene in public to let Ma Li not come to the stage.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Let's start with the second thing. In 2015, Shen Teng participated in "Happy Comedians" and invited Ma Li as a guest of honor. At the end of the sketch, there is another "kissing scene", because Shen Teng and Ma Li turned their heads in time, so whether the two really kissed, others can not judge.

But it was a hug, another "strong kiss", and it was enough for the audience to boil.

However, what many people don't know is that Shen Teng's wife Wang Qi was also offstage at that time. After Shen Teng and Ma Li's sketches were completed, Wang Qi was invited to the stage to communicate, and the host chatted about other topics for a while. On the last question, the host asked Shen Teng and Wang Qi to "kiss one" on the stage.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Shen Teng and Ma Li kissed before, out of work needs. But the kiss between Shen Teng and Wang Qi should be counted as a matter of two mouths, a matter of two mouths, how can it be "acted" in public?

On the stage, Wang Qi could not handle the host's questions, seeing her husband and others kissing and kissing in public, it was actually normal for the wife to have resentment in her heart.

But she didn't have much experience in comedy acting, and it was difficult for her to ride a tiger for a while. In the end she rejected the host's offer. Said, "Because Shen Teng just kissed another woman." So clean it before you can kiss her. ”

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Such words hurt Mary's heart. Therefore, many people believe that shen teng and Ma Li's later cooperation decreased because Wang Qi hindered it. So this leads to the first thing, the war of words between Wang Qi and some netizens.

Many netizens complained that Wang Qi had hindered Shen Teng's career, so they commented on Wang Qi's social page that Wang Qi had "broken up the Shenma Group".

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

But is the relationship between Ma Li and Wang Qi really that bad?

It is true that Wang Qi's remarks at that time did seem to be very emotional intelligence, but In other interviews, Ma Li once said that she and Wang Qi were good friends who talked about everything. On her social page, Ma Li also affectionately calls the other party her girlfriend.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

The relationship between Ma Li and Wang Qi is far from being as bad as the audience thinks.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="94">04</h1>

Why is the Shenma combination gradually drifting away? Some people think that it is because of the mismatch between the strengths of the two.

Although Ma Li became popular by starring in comedy, she herself did not want comedy to be the only label attached to her. She wanted to change her style, so Ma Li independently took over many films without working with Shen Teng, but unfortunately the response was not as good as one.

The "Fortune Diary" cooperated with Song Xiaobao only landed on the online theater line. "Sunshine Robber" actually entered the cinema, but unfortunately, the box office on the first day of release was only more than 20 million, and then it became lower and lower, and finally the box office did not reach 50 million, and the netizen rating was only 3.7 points.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

In contrast, Shen Teng, an independent development of Shen Teng, continues to cooperate with well-known directors, and the box office of the films he has participated in has repeatedly reached new highs. Today, the total box office has reached 20 billion, far more than Ma Li.

From 2017 to 2020, these four years are a relatively important stage in Ma Li's personal relationship. In these four years, Mary completed a series of things such as public love, announcing marriage, pregnancy and childbirth.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Although pregnant, Ma Li still did not give up her career, and she and Shen Teng cooperated again in the spring evening, considering Ma Li's physical reasons

The screenwriter simply arranged for her to lie down. In this way, Ma Li's physical burden can also be reduced.

But even with the heat of the Spring Festival Gala, Ma Li could not catch up with Shen Teng's footsteps.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

In addition, Shen Teng, who left Ma Li, seems to have a new partner named "Jia Ling" on the screen. Jia Ling's appearance is extremely affinity, and she herself is full of vitality on the show, which is in sharp contrast with the lazy shen Teng. The duo won enough attention in the course of the show, but this time, Shen Teng rarely had any gossip with the other party.

From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? From "best partner" to drifting away, Shen Tengmali, what is wrong? 01 020304

Shen Teng and Ma Li, the best partners, are gradually drifting apart. But the reason is that if Wang Qi is blamed entirely, it is unfair to Wang Qi. Now that Shen Teng's career is smooth, Ma Li is also trying to find a good script. Perhaps Ma Li's success again, in the near future, when the strength of the two matches, maybe the "golden partner" will return.

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