
Once a man changes his heart, the beast is inferior, and once a woman is fierce, she seals her throat

author:I want to love once

Hello, teacher. I am a woman forced to divorce because my husband cheated on me and my young son is at the top. I was oppressed for a long time. Now, I'm finally getting my revenge done, which is reassuring, but I can't tell the people around me, so I want to talk to you.

My name is Ai Hui. I am 38 years old. I was born into an ordinary family in a third-tier city, but I was beautiful.

When I met my ex-husband Chen Feng (pseudonym), he was still fat, 180 cm tall and weighing 200 kg. But I like his straightforward, sunny personality. In addition, his conditions are also very good. He had a house, a car and a stable job.

After getting married, I strongly asked Morrowind to lose weight, continuously improve the quality of life details, apply a mask to him, buy expensive clothes with expensive skin care products, and buy brand-name clothes. In the end, I turned a rough man into an elegant gentleman.

His girlfriend joked that his own man could take advantage of material gain. Aren't you afraid of being picked by others? I laughed and said, no, he won't.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, I was slapped.

Chen Feng is having an affair. The name of the other party is Lisa (pseudonym). He is the middle level of the superior unit. He has real power and is still the G-2 generation.

It is said that when she was young, she was sensitive to the sky. She couldn't see how many young geniuses had been introduced to her. As a result, she fell in love with Chen Feng, a married man in his 30s.

Although I was miserable and I didn't want a divorce, the morning breeze embarrassed me. She said it would be easy to solve this problem if Lisa was an ordinary woman, but she was used to the wind and rain. Now she wanted to marry him, so he had to get a divorce.

I was angry: "Do you love her or are you afraid of her?" Chen Feng said that both were.

I thought about it. Lisa was a mid-level employee of her unit and should care about her reputation, so I went to her unit to find her. I think that's a big deal. I'll be making a big fuss like a bitch. She should have some scruples and consider breaking up with Chen Feng.

Unexpectedly, Lisa's unit was strictly managed. The security guard would not allow outsiders to come in. I can't take out my ID card to register. So I said unceremoniously, "You called Lisa, and she seduced someone else's husband, and his wife came to the door." ”

I thought the security guards would be interested in posting these gossip, and the troops would soon spread it. But the security guards immediately became alert and forcibly took me away. Then a security guard started calling Lisa.

Lisa should call Chen Feng later. Anyway, Chen Feng came in a hurry and looked very ferocious.

I was about to speak. The morning wind hit me in the face. I cried and reported to King. He suddenly knocked me down, then called a car and shoved me into the car.

Back at home, I cried breathlessly and called my mother-in-law.

Soon, many fathers-in-law and mother-in-law and other relatives came, but instead of coming to help me speak, they reproached me for being ignorant and should not go to Lisa's unit. It was also said that Lisa's family had a background. I dare to report to Jing. They could have killed me and implicated my honest parents.