
Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

author:MusicRadio The Sound of Music
Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

Walk in the cold wind of a winter night

What floats and stomps on is dreams

This lonely moment is how to be sure that you have loved me

She is the powerful female voice of "Walking in the Cold Wind"

Emotional interpretation, directly hit people's hearts

I just want to hug you fiercely

Count my breaths of each hard hold on to you

She is the warm singer in "Embrace You"

Affectionate and melodious

Old dreams are so beautiful that you can only half-wake

Nostalgia holds on to the heart that collapses

And you fly in the smoke on a psychedelic trip

She is the soul singer in Half Awake

It's beautiful to hear and feel the heart's heart

Liu Sihan

Brand new album for 2020

《爱,未满 (Why Can’t U Love)》

Generally available

Use music to convey the power that moves people's hearts

Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

"Love, Not Enough"

"Hope this song

The more everyone listens, the happier they are,

Let's dance! ”

——Liu Sihan

The album's eponymous title, Why Can't U Love, was composed, arranged, produced and chorus by musician Haneda. Haneda added a lot of reggae elements to the composition and arrangement, using a very recognizable Italian characteristic oboe tone, and the overall style was light and bright exotic. This is also Liu Sihan's first attempt at a brisk-paced song.

Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

"The Joke of The Hand"

"I didn't know it could cause

How many people resonate,

But for me, the words are heartfelt. ”

"The Joke of The Master" is composed by musicians Xiao Han and Song Bingyang, and produced by Zhang Jianjunwei. People fearlessly express love in their youth, but as they grow older and more experienced, they become afraid. The lyrics of this song poke At Liu Sihan's weakness, and she hopes that people who hear this song can be touched.

Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

"Not Used to It"

"Even if it's just the time of this song,

I also want to be unbridled

Thinking of you again. ”

"Not Used to It" was composed by newcomer Moribai B.K., and Zhang Jianjunwei was responsible for the production. With the simplest arrangement, the simplest arrangement, convey the most profound feelings.

Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

Liu Sihan's song,

Which one hits you the most?

Liu Sihan: Love, not enough...

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