
Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

author:His Royal Highness the Cat joked about Korean entertainment
Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

Group MOMOLAND member Li Huibin (25 years old) and the group UNB-born Marco (28 years old) began to fall in love openly, and Marco apologized for the false positions raised by fans about love.

Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"
Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

Recently Marco and the combination MOMOLAND Li Huibin wearing the same design of clothes, necklaces, hats, etc. photos spread through the network community and SNS, and the netizens who advocate that the two are in love with Li Huibin and Marco's couple items as evidence to put forward the love theory, so the Internet circulated the news that Li Huibin and Marco are in love, falling into the love doubts, but Marco said through the chat group with fans at that time: "I heard that I am in love, not at all, I haven't done a couples ring since I was born, so if there's a way to convince people, please say it! I will challenge. But only one day after acknowledging the love rumors with Hui Bin, it is a false explanation of love.

Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

Related to this, MMOD Entertainment, a company owned by MOMOLAND, said on the 17th on the Daily Economy Star Today: "The result of confirming to Li Huibin himself is indeed in love with Marco, but because the time of communication is a private life, so it is difficult to confirm in detail", officially acknowledging the fact that the two are in love, and Marco's attitude has triggered a controversy of "false explanation", in which Marco, which currently has no official brokerage company, has made an additional position through its own SNS. And apologize for that.

Therefore, Marco published a long apology on his own SNS on the 17th, apologizing for the fact that he used lies to deny it when the suspicion of falling in love with Li Huibin was raised.

Marco, who opened the box with the words "Let the fans worry, I'm sorry", said: "Yesterday my words and deeds in the public chat window made the fans who have always trusted and supported me feel very disappointed, I wanted to use lies to reassure the fans, but the result was my negligence."

He said: "I am very sorry for the fans who are hurt because of the fear that it will hurt many people, so I did not see the fact that my true attitude because of the love of the fans is taken for granted, and I am very sorry for the fans who have been hurt because of wrong judgments and false explanations."

Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

Then he added: "Although the words of apology have been spoken from me, the disappointment and sadness of the fans will not disappear, I will continue to reflect, I will not disappoint everyone again, nor will I forget everyone's condemnation of my ignorant behavior, I will reflect again." Apologies again, sorry. "

Although the times have changed a lot, some fans may accept that celebrities are in love, but the love of celebrities will still bring chaos to fans and bring a big blow, but using lies to cover up the fact that they are in love will only bring greater controversy, and the eyes of netizens are snow bright, although there is a lot of evidence, but the explanation of "covering the ears and stealing bells" still makes fans more angry.

Marco admitted to falling in love with the girl group Li Huibin and apologized for his false explanation of "covering his ears and stealing bells"

In addition, Hui Bin, who debuted as MOMOLAND in 2016, is loved for songs such as "Boom Boom", "Oh My God", "BAAM", "Ttums Up" and so on.

Marco debuted in 2017 as the group Hot-Blooded Boys, and then debuted again as UNB through the KBS idol talent show "The Unit". He recently starred in the web series Replay: Moments of Anew and began acting.

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