
Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

author:Wen Ji Qiwu

Reserve potential

The feet are one fist wide apart, standing in parallel, the left hand counter-arm holding the sword on the side of the body, the elbow is slightly bent, the thumb, ring finger and little finger are holding the handguard disc separately, the index and middle fingers are straight to the hilt of the sword (or the index finger is attached to the hilt, the middle finger holds the handguard), the sword body is attached to the forearm, and the tip of the sword is up. The right hand is formed into a sword finger (the index and middle fingers are straight together, the ring and little fingers are bent to the palm of the hand, and the thumb is pressed on the third phalangeal bone of the two fingers) hanging on the side of the body, the palm is backwards, and the sword finger is slightly to the lower left side. Look ahead (Figure 1).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: When holding a sword, the forearms and the body of the sword should be close together, and perpendicular to the ground, the shoulders are loose, the chest is slightly straight, the abdomen is closed, and the knees are straight.

(1) The green dragon goes to sea

(1) Take a step forward with your left foot and bend your knees to form a left lunge. From the "Wuzong" public account, at the same time, the two arms are raised straight forward, the palms are down, and the distance between the two arms is slightly narrower than the shoulder (Figure 2).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Take a step back with your left foot, place it in place, and stand upright on your knees. At the same time, the sword is held in the left hand, the hilt of the sword is retracted to the right and downward to the left side of the body; the right arm is rotated downwards, and the front of the abdomen is twisted to the right, up, and left around the upper right of the head, shaking the wrist and the palm upwards. Look to the left (Figure 3).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(3) The right leg is bent and the knee is squatted, the left foot tip point is on the inside of the right foot, and the knee is bent into a ding step. At the same time, the left hand sword is bent to the chest to the left, up, and right, and the palm is down; the right sword is pointed to the right, down, and left to arc in front of the chest to change the palm and hold the handle of the sword. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 4).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: Ding Bu is completed at the same time as the right hand holding the sword.

(2) False step forward split

The left foot spans half a step to the left, the right foot steps up in front of the left foot, the toes point to the ground, and the legs crouch down into the right virtual step. At the same time, the right hand holds the sword, the wrist is rotated upwards, the sword is split forward, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward and down, the left hand changes the sword point downward, and the arc of the chest is backwards, and the wrist is shaken upwards. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 5).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The sword is swift and powerful, reaching the body of the sword. The body of the sword is in line with the arm.

(3) Stop and point the sword

The right foot takes a half-step to the right, the left foot immediately steps behind the right leg, and the legs are bent on the knees to squat into a rest step. At the same time, the right hand holding sword arm rotates to the left, up, and to the right; • From the "Wuzong" public account, the left sword points to the right, down, to the left, and upwards, shaking the wrist and pointing at the head. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 6).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: When taking a break to point the sword, the hands and feet move together. When pointing the sword, the wrist protrudes, and the point is strong and strong, reaching the tip of the sword.

(4) Stop and step left

(1) Turn the body 90° to the left, step up the left foot to the left front, and Qu Tengcheng left lunge. At the same time, the right hand is upside down, the arm is rotated to the left, forward, and upward, the sword blade is up and down, and the tip is higher than the wrist; the left sword points to the right, down, left, and upward flex the arm to the wrist. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 7).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Turn the body 90 ° to the left, step forward with the right foot, follow the heel forward with the left foot, and squat with both legs bent on the knees to form a rest step. At the same time, the right hand holding the sword arm rotates inward, upward, backward, downward, forward and upward, the thumb side is down, and the left sword points down, forward, and upward around the outside of the right arm. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 8).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: When the sword is drawn, the tip of the sword is in a straight line with the wrist, and when the step is stopped, the upper body is slightly tilted to the left. The sword is fast and agile, reaching the front of the sword.

(5) Raise your knees and hold the sword

The left heel falls to the ground, the left leg is upright support, the right leg is raised to the knee, and the tiptoe is "lifted knee balance". At the same time, the two arms are rotated apart, the arc is wrapped upwards around the chest to hold the sword, the right hand holds the sword, the palm of the hand is up, the blade is left and right; the left hand sword finger is attached to the right wrist, and the palm is up. Look ahead (Figure 9).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: Lifting the knee and holding the sword in both hands is done at the same time. Raise the knees to balance, the upper body is straight, the abdomen is closed, the waist is collapsed, and it is stable and powerful.

(6) Change steps and stab straight

(1) Jump up with your left foot, fall on your right foot, and lift your left calf back. Hold the sword in both hands and stab forward, the blade left and right. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 10).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) The left foot is supported upright, and the right leg is raised to the knee. From the "Wuzong" public account at the same time, holding the sword in both hands, bending the elbow to retract the chest, the blade left and right. The tip of the sword (Figure 11).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(3) Land on the ground with your right foot forward and bend your knees into a right lunge. At the same time, the sword in both hands stabbed forward, and the blade was left and right. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 12).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Key points: The left and right upper feet are coordinated with the sword and the sword.

(7) Stop stride sword

Turn the body 90° to the right, the right toe is abducted, the left heel steps, and the legs are crossed and bent to the knees to squat into a rest step. At the same time, the right hand holds the sword arm in the inner spiral frame of the sword at the top right of the head, the blade is up and down, and the tip of the sword is forward; the left sword finger is attached to the right wrist, and the palm of the hand is forward. Look at the front left (Figure 13).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: Turn quickly and the sword flat.

(8) Lunge stabbing

Take a step forward with your left foot and bend your knees into a left lunge. At the same time, the sword in the right hand stabs forward and down; the blade is up and down, the upper body is slightly forward-leaning; the left sword finger is still attached to the right wrist. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 14).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The sword is swift and powerful, reaching the tip of the sword, and the lower stab is not high enough to be knee-high.

(9) Turn around and hold the sword

Turn your body 90° to the left, step forward with your right foot to your left leg, and squat with your legs bent on your knees to form a rest. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the arm is rotated downwards and upwards, the arm is bent on the chest, the blade is up and down, and the tip of the sword is to the right; the left sword finger moves with the right hand. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 15).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Essentials: Twist the waist and cut the crotch when covering the step.

(10) Raise the knee and stab

Immediately up, the right leg is upright support] The left leg is lifted. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the arm is rotated inwards to the right side and the sword is stabbed down, the blade is up and down, and the left sword points to the left, up, and to the right. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 16).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The sword is in a straight line with the arm, the upper body is tilted to the right, and the sword is fast and powerful, reaching the tip of the sword.

(11) Cover step splitting

(1) The left foot falls to the left, the right foot steps from the left foot forward to the left, and the knees are slightly bent into a crossed step. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the arm is rotated upwards, the sword is split to the left, and then the downward and right is looped around the right side, the left sword is pointed to the left, down, right, and upward arc around the ring, and the straight arm is raised to the left. above. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 17).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Connect the movement, the left foot steps forward, the body turns 180 ° to the left, the right foot takes a step forward, and the knee is bent into a right lunge. At the same time, the sword in the right hand swings the sword to the left, up, to the right, down, forward, the blade up and down, the tip of the sword forward; the left sword finger arm is rotated downwards, and the left forehead is bent above the arm to shake the wrist, and the sword points forward. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 18).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The sword should go in a vertical circle, and the left hand should be coordinated.

(12) Raise the knee sword

(1) The body turns left, the right heel is abducted, the left foot withdraws half a step, the toes point to the ground, and the knees are slightly bent into a left virtual step. At the same time, there is a sword in hand, and the sword is rotated upwards and forwards and downwards in the arm; • From the "Wuzong" public account, the left hand sword finger falls and is attached to the inside of the right forearm. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 19).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Connect the upper movement, the right leg is upright support, and the left leg is raised to the knee. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the elbow is raised on the head, the tip of the sword is forward, the blade is up and down, and the fingers of the left hand fall down and stick to the inside of the left calf. The sun looks ahead (Figure 20).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The balance of the knee should be steady, and the body of the sword should be flat.

(13) Oolong turning over (walking and chopping)

(1) Step forward with your left foot and bend your knees slightly. At the same time, the right hand sword splits the sword to the right rear, the blade is up and down; the left sword is pointed to the left side and raised. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 21).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Turn the body 90° to the left, step forward with the right foot, skim the left tiptoe, and bend the knees with both legs. At the same time, the right hand sword is bent forward and elbowed, the blade is up and down, the palm is up, the tip of the sword is slightly higher than the hand, and the left sword points down, attached to the inside of the right forearm. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 22).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(3) Turn the upper body 90° to the right, and bend the knee slightly in front of the left foot to the right foot. At the same time, the right hand holds the sword upwards and left downwards, swinging the sword forward, the blade up and down, the thumb side facing down, and the left sword finger is attached to the right wrist, looking at the tip of the sword (Figure 23).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(4) The right foot steps up to the left through the left foot, the tip of the foot is buckled, and the left heel is lifted. At the same time, the right hand sword is split backwards and straight down, and the left sword is pointed forward and raised upwards. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 24).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: When walking, you must bend your knees and squat slightly. When making progress, the toes are sometimes swinging outwards, sometimes buckled inside, and each step must be coordinated with both hands.

(14) Lunge flat chop

Turn your body 180° to the left, straighten your right leg, and bend your left leg to form a left lunge. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the arm is rotated outward and the body is turned to the front flat, the blade is left and right, and the left hand sword finger falls down to the inside of the right wrist. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 25).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: Turn around quickly and steadily, and the sword body of the sword should be flattened and reach the sword body.

(15) Raise the knee and flat wipe the sword

Shift the center of gravity back, the right leg is upright support, and the left leg is raised to the knee. At the same time, the right hand holding the sword arm rotates inward to the right to wipe the sword, the palm of the hand is down, the blade is left and right, the tip of the sword is forward, and the left hand sword finger is flat on the left side of the body. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 26).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: Lift your knees smoothly. The sword should be soft in the middle of the sword, and the strength should reach the body of the sword.

(16) Pull grass to find snakes

(1) Fall under the left foot, tiptoe out, and squat with both legs bent on the knees to form a left stop step. At the same time, the two arms are twisted outward to the chest and the flexed arms are flattened forward, the blade is left and right, the palm is up, and the tip of the sword is forward. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 27).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) The right foot steps forward and squats on the knee, and the left heel is lifted. From the "Wuzong" public account , At the same time , the right-handed sword arm rotates inward to the right side of the sword, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward; the left hand sword finger is placed on the left side of the body. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 28).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(8) Step forward with your left foot, squat on your knees, and lift your right heel. At the same time, the two arms are rotated outward, and the arms are folded to the chest and the arms are bent forward, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward, and the palm of the hand is up. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 29).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(4) Step forward with your right foot, squat on your knees, and lift your left heel. With the same elbow, the right hand holding the sword arm rotates inwards to the right side, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward, and the left hand sword finger is placed on the left side of the body. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 30).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: The above four decomposition actions are called "pulling grass to find snakes". Each movement needs to be coordinated up and down.

(17) Jump with sword

(1) The body rises slightly. At the same time, the two arms are rotated inwards, and the front of the sword is flattened and stabbed forward, the blade is left and right, and the tip of the sword is forward. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 31).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Turn the body 360 ° to the right, jump with the right foot, fall forward with the left foot, step forward with the right foot, and bend the knee into a right lunge. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the arm is rotated backwards with the body, and the sword is placed in front of the body, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is lower to the left, and the sword finger of the left hand is attached to the right wrist with the turn. Visual sword tip (Figure 32)

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: Jumping steps should be jumped while turning, not stopping, with the power of the sword to reach the sword body.

(18) Lunge forward stab

Turn your body 90° to the left, shift your center of gravity to the left, and bend your left leg to form a left lunge. At the same time, the right hand is upside down, the arm is rotated inward and stabbed forward, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward, and the sword finger of the left hand is attached to the right wrist. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 33).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: Ibid.

(19) Turn back with a sword

Turn your body 90° to the left, take a step back with your left foot, and slap your left leg into a left lunge. At the same time, the sword is held in the right hand, the sword is carried to the left by the outer arm, the elbow is bent on the chest, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is down to the right, and the left sword finger is attached to the right wrist. Visually view the tip of the sword (Figure 34).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Point: Turn around and retreat at the same time as with the sword.

(20) Lunge sword

(1) Shift the center of gravity to the right, step forward with the left foot, tiptoe out, cross your legs and bend your knees to squat into a rest step. At the same time, the right hand sword is wrapped around the side of the thumb, and then back to the right front, the thumb side is down, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is obliquely up and down to the right front, and the left sword finger is attached to the outside of the right arm. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 35).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

(2) Connect the movement, the right foot steps forward to the left foot, and the right leg bends the knee into a right lunge. At the same time, hold the sword in the right hand, rotate the arm outward backwards, swing downward and forward, swing the sword forward, the blade is up and down, the tip of the sword is forward, the left sword is pointed upwards and backwards, and the bent arm is crossed on the upper left side of the head. Visually look at the tip of the sword (Figure 36).

Takeko Plum Blossom Dragon Sword (Part 1)

Points: When the right lunge is used to draw the sword, the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints should be relaxed, and the sword should be soft, and the strength should reach the front of the sword.

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