
Spring and Autumn Legend: Wu Zixu recommended Sun Wu for revenge, and Sun Wuzi beheaded Mei Ji to train into a female soldier

author:The boss of the Xiao family

Spring and Autumn Legend: Wu Zixu recommended Sun Wu for revenge, and Sun Wuzi beheaded Mei Ji to train into a female soldier

Spring and Autumn Legend: Wu Zixu recommended Sun Wu for revenge, and Sun Wuzi beheaded Mei Ji to train into a female soldier

After Qingji was stabbed, he was very happy. So, feast on the courtiers. Wu Yuan wept and said, "All the plagues of the great king have been removed, but when will the vengeance of the courtiers be repaid?" Bo Yao also wept and asked the soldiers to cut down Chu.

"Wait until tomorrow." ”

  The next morning, wu yuan and Bo Yao saw Lu Lu in the palace. "If a widow wants to send troops for the Second Secretary, who can be a general?" ”

  Wu Yuan and Bo Yao said in unison, "Only the king uses it, dare not serve his life!" ”

  Lu Lu thought to himself, "Both of them are Chu people, but they are only repaying their own personal vendettas, and they may not do their best for the State of Wu." ”

  So, without saying a word, he sang to the south, and sighed again. Wu Yuan had already peeked into his intentions, and then said, "Is the Great King worried about the number of generals in the Chu State?" ”

  "Yes." ”

  Wu Yuan said, "If the minister recommends one person, he can guarantee victory." ”

  Yan Lu asked happily, "Who is the person that Qing Qing is citing?" How can it be? ”

  Wu Yuan replied, "The surname is Sun Mingwu, and the Wu people are also." ”

  It is said that the Wu people have joy. Wu Yuan played: "This person is proficient in Tao Strategy, has the opportunity of ghosts and gods, and the magic of heaven and earth is hidden." He wrote thirteen articles in the Art of War, and the world did not know what he could do. Hidden in the east of Luofu Mountain. Since this person is a military master, although there is no enemy in the world, what is the point of Chu Zhao? ”

  "Qing Tried to summon the widow." ”

The soldier replied: "This person is not a light person, he is not comparable to an ordinary person, and he must be hired with courtesy before he is willing to obey." "Shut up."

Therefore, he took ten gold picks and a pair of white bi, ordered the soldiers to drive a horse, and went to Luofu Mountain to hire Sun Wu. When Wu Yuan saw Sun Wu, he prepared for the admiration of King Wu. But they follow each other out of the mountain, and they see each other. He descended the stairs to greet him, gave him a seat, and asked for the art of war. Sun Wujun wrote thirteen articles, the second of which was advanced. Lu Lu ordered the soldiers to recite it from the beginning, and each final one was praised. Thirteen articles: one is the "Initial Plan", the second is the "Battle" chapter, the third is the "Planning for the Government", the fourth is the "Military Form", the fifth is the "Military Posture", the sixth is the "Virtual Reality" chapter, the seventh is the "Military Struggle", the eighth is the "Nine Changes" chapter, the ninth is the "Marching" chapter, the tenth is the "Terrain" chapter, the eleventh is the "In situ" chapter, the twelfth is the "Fire Attack" chapter, and the thirteenth is the "Use Room" chapter.

  Yan Lu looked at Wu Yuanyue: "Looking at this "Art of War", it is true that the talent of the heavens and the earth is also complete. But how can it be that the little soldiers who hate the widow country are small? ”

  Sun Wu replied, "The "Art of War" of the subject can not only be applied to the pawns, but even if women and women are ordered by our army, they can also be used for expulsion." ”

  Lu Lu clapped and laughed: "Sir's words, what a pedantic also!" Where in the world is there a woman who can make her practice war? ”

  Sun Wuyue: "If the great king takes the words of his subjects as pedantic, please hand over the harem maids to the courtiers for testing." If they do not do so, they will be willing to be deceived. ”

  Lu Lu immediately summoned three hundred palace women and ordered Sun Wu to perform. Sun Wu said, "You need the two of the Great King's favorites, think of themselves as captains, and then order Fang to unify." ”

  Lu Lu also announced his favor for the two of them, known as Right Ji and Left Ji Zhiqian, and said to Sun Wuyue: "Can this widow who loves him serve as a captain?" ”

Sun Wu said, "Yes." However, in the matter of military service, the first strict order, the second reward and punishment. Even if it is a small test, it cannot be abolished. Appoint one person to enforce the law, and two to preside over the affairs of the edicts of the military officials; two people to be worthy of drums; and several people to be soldiers, as tooth generals, with axes and swords, and listed on the altar to strengthen the army. "Lu Lu promised to be selected in the Chinese army.

Sun Wu ordered the palace ladies to divide into two teams on the left and right. Right Ji governs the right team, and Left Ji rules over the left team, each wearing a weapon. Explicitly state the military law of Israel: first, no chaotic conduct, second, no verbal noise, and third, no violation of restraint. Tomorrow's five drums, all gathered in the teaching field to listen to the exercises. King Wu took the stage and watched.

The next day, five drums, two teams of palace women, all came to the teaching field. Each one was covered in armor, wearing a hood on his head, wielding a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. Erji topped the armor and acted as a general, separating the two sides and waiting for Sun Wu to ascend to the account.

Sun Wu personally drew rope ink and laid out a posture. The herald was ordered to divide the two sides of the yellow flag into two sides, and lingzhizhi was the forerunner; after the women followed the captain, five people were in the company, and ten people were the general. Each should follow the steps one after the other, advance and retreat with the drum, circle left and right, and not be chaotic. The message was completed, and the two teams obeyed the order. Shao Qing ordered: "When the drums are heard, the two teams rise up in unison; the drums are heard and the left team is right and the right team is left; and the drums are heard and the drums are three, and each sword is a battle trend." Listen to Mingjin, and then retreat. All the palace ladies laughed.

The drumman said, "Sound the drum." ”

The palace maids are either up or seated, uneven. Sun Wu left the table and said, "The restraint is not clear, shen ling does not believe, and the sin will be committed!" "Order the military officer to apply for the previous order again."

The drummers beat the drums again; the palace ladies all stood up, leaning toward each other, and their laughter was the same. So Sun Wu rolled up his sleeves, personally exercised the hammer to beat the drum, and affirmed the previous order; Erji and the palace maid all laughed. Sun Wu was furious, his eyes widened, he sent a crown, and called out, "Where is the law enforcement?" "The enforcers kneel before.

Sun Wu said, "The restraint is unclear, the shen order does not believe, and the sin is also committed; it has been restrained again and again, and the soldier does not need to die, and the soldier's sin is complete!" What about military law? ”

  The enforcer said, "Behead! ”

  Sun Wu said, "It is difficult for a soldier to be cursed, and the sin lies in the captain." ”

  Gu Left and Right: "You can show the female captain to the public!" ”

  Seeing that Sun Wu was angry, he did not dare to disobey the order, so he tied up the left and right Erji.

  Watching Sun Wu's exercises on the Wangyun Platform, He suddenly saw his second concubine, and urgently made Bo Yao hold the festival to save him, so that he said: "The widow knows the ability of the general to use soldiers, but this second ji is very suitable for the widow's intention." The widow is not this two ji, the food is not sweet, please forgive the general! ”

  Sun Wu said, "There is no joke in the army. The subject has been appointed as a general, and will be in the army, although the king's order shall not be accepted. If the king is condemned and the guilt is released, how can he serve the people? ”

Drink order left and right "Quick slash two Ji! "The head of the owl is in front of the army.

As a result, the palace ladies of the second team were all discolored and did not dare to look up. Sun Wu took two more men from the team and became the left and right captains. Re-order the drumming: one drum stands up, two drums rotate, three drums fight together, and the sound of gold is collected. Left and right, round and round, all in the middle of the rope ink, no difference. From beginning to end, there was silence. So he ordered the enforcers to report to King Wu: "The soldiers are neat, may the great king look at them, but the king will use them." Although he went to the soup to fight the fire, he did not dare to retreat. ”

  This erji was buried in Hengshan, and the shrine was sacrificed, and the name was Aiji Temple. Because he missed Aiji, he had the intention of not using Sun Wu. The soldier entered: "The subject hears the 'soldiers, and the murder weapon also."' 'Don't talk about it. If the killing is fruitless, the military order is not. The great king wants to conquer Chu and dominate the world, and he thinks of a good general. Liang will be able to take Guo Yi as his ability, not Sun Wu's general, who can wade through Huai and cross the Si, and fight for thousands of miles? It is easy to get good, but it is difficult to find good. If you abandon a sage because of Erji, how can you love the grass and abandon Jiaheya! Lu Lu began to understand.

(End of this article)

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