
After the Hunan retirement official was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes, his "post-80s" mistress was sentenced to 2 years in prison

author:The Paper

Tan Jun, chief reporter of The Paper

After Sun Min, a former member of the party group and chief economist of the Hunan Provincial Land and Resources Department, who had amassed nearly 10 million yuan, was sentenced to 11 years in prison, his "post-80s" mistress Duan Wei was also sentenced to 2 years in prison by the Hongjiang Municipal People's Court in Hunan Province.

On November 1, 2020, the judgment published by the China Judgment Documents Network showed that duan wei, born in 1981, and Sun Min, born in 1955, developed a lover relationship and accepted more than one million yuan from a real estate boss in Hunan, which was a joint bribe with Sun Min.

According to public resumes, Sun Minsheng was born in October 1955, and since entering the Hunan Provincial Land Surveying and Mapping Administration in 1993, he has served in the Hunan Land System for 21 years, successively serving as deputy director of the Cadastral Department of the Hunan Provincial Land Surveying and Mapping Administration, director of the Construction Land Division of the Hunan Provincial Land and Resources Department, deputy chief and chief of the Law Enforcement Supervision Corps, member of the party group and chief economist of the Hunan Provincial Land and Resources Department. On November 21, 2018, Sun Min, a former departmental official who had been retired for four years, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Hunan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission. Less than a month later, his mistress Duan Wei was also placed in liuzhi by the Supervision Commission of Hongjiang City, Hunan Province.

The Hongjiang court found that in the first half of 2008, defendant Duan Wei developed a lover relationship with Sun Min, who was then a member of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Land and Resources Department and the chief of the law enforcement supervision corps. Later, knowing that Liu Guanghui, the legal representative of Hunan Fengyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. and the actual controller of Changsha Sheng'ao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., gave the property in the hope that Sun Min would use his position to seek benefits for him, he still jointly accepted it with Sun Min. Among them, on May 26, 2008, Liu Guanghui received 500,000 yuan in cash through bank transfer to pay part of the housing payment for the property on Guihua Road in Yuhua District, Changsha City; in the first half of 2011, he accepted two sets of real estate in the Jinling family community in Changsha developed by Liu Guanghui who paid 528,870 yuan to buy. The above equivalent of RMB totals 1028870 YUAN.

During this period, Sun Min repeatedly accepted Liu Guanghui's entrustment and took advantage of his position as director of the Hunan Provincial Land and Resources Department, chief of the law enforcement supervision corps, chief economist, and member of the party leading group to greet Wang X, former director of the Changsha Municipal Land Bureau, Liu X, deputy director of the Changsha Municipal Land Bureau, Zhang X, chief economist, and He X, deputy governor of Changsha Yuhua District, who had a relationship of subordination and restraint, to provide assistance to Liu Guanghui in the process of developing affordable housing in poyang community in Changsha Yuhua District.

After being investigated, on July 30, 2019, Duan Wei, through his relatives, returned all the stolen money of 1,028,870 yuan to the court.

The Hongjiang court held that the defendant Duan Wei, as a specific associate of Sun Min, a state functionary, knew that Sun Min had taken advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, and still colluded with Sun Min to illegally accept 1,028,870 yuan of other people's property, which was a huge amount.

On September 17, 2020, the court ruled that defendant Duan Wei was guilty of accepting bribes and sentenced him to two years' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 200,000; the 1,028,870 yuan of stolen money that had been returned was confiscated in accordance with the law and handed over to the state treasury; and the two houses involved in the case were handled by the sealing organs.

Previously, on May 7, 2020, the Intermediate People's Court of Huaihua City, Hunan Province, sentenced Sun Min to 11 years' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 1 million in the first instance for accepting bribes. The court found that between 2003 and 2016, Sun Min took advantage of his position to illegally accept property totaling RMB9,838,870.

Editor-in-Charge: Cui Xuan