
Shi Zang Zhengshi , New Yuan History , Qing Ke Shao Chen: The Tenth book of the Benji Dynasty , Shizu Kublai Khan Volume 10 The tenth of the Benji

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Shi Zang Zhengshi , New Yuan History , Qing Ke Shao Chen: The Tenth book of the Benji Dynasty , Shizu Kublai Khan Volume 10 The tenth of the Benji

Shi Zang Zhengshi ,新元史· Qing Ke Shaochen ( 清 · Ke Shao chen): The tenth Shizu Kublai Khan of the Present Dynasty

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > volume ten 10</h1>

  ○ Ancestor IV

  In the spring of the fifteenth year, on the first day of the new month, Alao Wadin led his troops to shuduancheng. He who is in charge of the people in Zhulu Prefecture and the governor of Zhulu Prefecture and the consular posthumous retains, and if the official hides and changes horses and smuggles women, he has no home. It is forbidden to buy and sell the children of the Liang family in Jiangnan. At noon, Ten Thousand Households Bald ManDa'er, Hao Za Thorn No Flower and other Kelu Prefecture. Gengji, deputy marshal of Dongchuan, Zhang Derun, was in Fuzhou.

  On the afternoon of February, the ancestors of the ancestors, the Mongolian sons cultivated the fields. 癸海, ordered the political affairs of Pingzhang in Huainan Province, Atahai, and Ali to choose the honest and capable officials in Jiangnan to eliminate redundant personnel and incompetents. At noon, Fujian Road Xuanwei instigated Duke Chaozhou. Ritsutaishiin. Xia Gui, Fan Wenhu, and Chen Yan, the governors of Huainan Province, were the governors of Huainan Province, and Huangzhou Lu Xuanwei made Tang Wudai and Shi Bi concurrently participate in the provincial governorship.

  In March, he was busy with the ancient belt, instigating the capital, and Pu Shou Gengxing Zhongshu to save trouble in Fuzhou. The thorn belt is used to negotiate Guangnan with a boat master. At noon, the Privy Council of Sichuan province summoned Chongqing Road. Gengzi, the marshal of the capital Li Ting asked himself to please Zhang Shijie, from there. Nong Yin, with the age of the roads is not ascended, free from the rent of the field and silk silver this year. 癸卯, The Capital Marshal Yang Wen AnKe Shaoqing Province. Otomi, Quang Nam West Province Xuanwei Division summoned Lei, Hua, and Gao Sanzhou. Song Zhang Shijie ran to Gangzhou as the Lord of Song. Counselor and Governor Mi Li Ku Xin and Zhang Shouzhi concurrently served as the Secretary of the Great Division of Agriculture.

  In the summer of April, the marshal Liu Guojie used his troops to fight to the north. Bing Chen, Jin Jun begged Yunnan Barbarians. At noon, Zuo Shui XiaGui and others in Jiangnan Province inspected Qiangu, and Those who were in drought in Cha County, those who were honest and able to do so, and those who were poor and disabled and did not perform their duties were dismissed. Jiazi, Song Lord Gang died in Gangzhou. Gengwu, Zhang Shijie and others set up their brother Wei Wang fu. Ding Ugly, Yunnan Lin'an, Baiyi, and Mud City Walled One Hundred and Nineteen, Weichu, Golden Tooth, Fallen Soldiers and Civilians Thirty-two Thousand Two Hundred, Bald Old Man, Gaozhou, and Junlian Prefecture City Walled Nineteen Came and Fell. At noon, Lixing Zhongshu Province was in Jiankang Province. Changed the name of Beijing Xingzhongshu Province to Xuanwei Division.

  In May, The Scholar of Zhao Hanlin and Li Huosun will henceforth use Zai Zhi and generals to discuss with the elderly Confucians. Yi You, Fujian Xuanwei made Shi Ge use his troops to beg Zhang Shijie. In the case of Ji Hai, Jiangdong Province, according to the envoy Ah Bachi, falsely played a consolation to make Lü Wenhuan secretly hide his soldiers, and ordered the Tai Yushi Dafu to follow him. Shi Bai, exempt from Aba Chiguan.

  In June, King Wang of Goryeo came to the dynasty. Bing Yin, one person each from the march and the honest and honest officials of the people, led the Defense pass of Jiangnan. Jia Shu (甲戌), a redundant official in the south of the Jiangsu Province, was dismissed except for the officials who were set up in the department of propaganda and consolation, and still cut the old titles of each official. Strike the Tea Transport Division and the Yingtian Division, and subordinate them to the Propaganda And Consolation Division. Strike the Shipping Division. It is subordinate to Zhongshu Province. The governor-general offices of each road shall set up officials according to the number of households inspected, and the upper, middle, lower, and lower grades shall be set up. Those who died in the Song Dynasty were hired by the Ministry of Paying Officials. Strike Jianghuai Xing Zhongshu Province Counselor Governor Shi Bi and Tang Wu Belt, Huguang Xing Zhongshu Province Counselor Governor Zhang Ding, Wu Wei Junda Told Flower Red Busy Ancient Belt. Ji Wei, Song Zhang Shijie, and others used song lords as disciples at Mount Gao. Peng Yin, Jeonju Dong Descending. Zhang Hongfan, the marshal of the Mongol and Han armies, attacked mount Yao from the sea route. Gengchen, the thief Zhang Sanba and Zhang Yan in the prefecture, rebelled, and declared that the gurudwara would only be peaceful. Xin Wei, an envoy of the Annam kingdom.

  Qiu Qiqi used Nong Wu Shuo, Song Hunan to make Zhang Lieliang, Liu Yinglong and other troops raise troops, and Ah Ya Hague won it. Jia Shen (甲申), the capital of the kings' Love YaChi(ai Ya Chi) was established in The Northern Province of Jiangnan, the Province of Guangxi in Lingnan Province, and the Province of Guangdong in Fujian Province. Cheng, Huguanghang Province Zuo Cheng Cui Bin is Jianghuai Province Zuo Cheng, and Zhang Shouzhi, the governor of Huguanghang Province, is the left Cheng of Huguanghang Province. Ding Hai, the water army of Wanhu Zhang Rongshi led the troops to defend the mouth of the river. Bing Shen, Right Chu Ta Chu, Lü Shikui, counselor and governor Jia Juzhen Xing Zhongshu Province in Ganzhou. Ding You, the governor of Jiangxi Province, Li Heng, was appointed as the marshal of the capital, and attacked the Mountain with The Mongol and Han armies. At noon, the Kaiyuan Xuanfu Division was changed to the Xuanwei Division. Dingjiangnan Guanlu Zhitian. Forbidden Jiangnan, Zhejiang west and other places are not rational to harass the people.

  In August, Nong Zi Shuo, Rebbe Shangshu Chai Chun and other envoys to Annam Kingdom, enlisted Chen Guangfang into the dynasty. The Pacification of Zhangzhou caused Shen Shilong to behead Zhang Shijie's pseudo-puppeteer, sit and kill, and use family credit. The emperor said, "What sin Shilong has committed, he will pay it back." "The general manager of the people of this road." Yi Ugly, The Governor of Jinan, Zhang Hongdai, lost the people's endowment, and the silver such as Ali and Atachi could not be repaid, and the edict was suspended according to the custom. The goddess of Fengquan Prefecture is the protector of the country. He was sentenced to death according to the chasi yu wu'er. Xin Wei, Zhao Xing Province, Pu Shou Geng, etc.: "Those who live in the southeast islands of Zhu fan have the heart of mu yi, and can declare their alliance because of the merchants of Fan Fang." Sincerity can come to the dynasty, and the decay will be favored. They come and go from each other, each according to their own wishes. "Fuzhou Province's Zuo Cheng Dong Wen Bing, You Privy CouncilLord, Counselor and Governor Officiate, Pu Shou Geng and Zuo Cheng.

  In September, the Privy Council of the Province of Dongxichuan was divided into the Department of Consolation.

  Winter and October have not yet been, there is something in the Taimiao Temple. Gengshen, the car drove to the upper part. Ding Jiao, the forbidden harvest of the chi mountain field.

  In November, Ding Hai, Lijing Lake North Province Xuanwei Division. Nongchen, Song Cheng Xiang Ma Tingluan, Zhang Jian to Que, not to. Ding You, summoned Zuo Cheng Chen Yan of the Southern Zhun Province to enter the court. Ding Wei, moved south to yushitai to rule Hangzhou. Lihuai Dongdao Xuanwei Division is located in Yangzhou. Zhaohai is connected to the Japanese national market. It was the month when The Crown Prince Xi'an Washu brother stabbed the pawn.

  Leap Moon Geng Shuo Shuo, Luo Shi Barbarian Chieftain Ah Shu, Southwest Fan ChiefTain Wei Changsheng and descended. Koyin, the car driver Yukikorokuji Temple. Jiazi, both Marshal Zhang Hong Fan Ke Zhangzhou. Nong Yin, Zhang Hongfan was awarded the Song Dynasty XiangWen Tianxiang in Wupoling, Chaozhou.

  In December, the great bully fell violently. Peng Shen, Xuzhou Bald Old Barbarian killed the envoys to withdraw from the barbarians, and the Sichuan Province fought for it with soldiers. Feng Boyi was the Duke of Zhaoyi Qinghui, and Shuqi was the Duke of Chongrang Renhui. Strike into the Road TunTian Governor's Office.

  In the sixteenth year of the QingZheng Moon, he was sent by the Goryeo state envoy He Zhengdan and also paid tribute to Fangwu. Ugly, with Qiongya, Dan, and Wanzhou ping, Ali Hague entered the court. Jiayin, moved to Ganzhou Xingzhongshu Province in Longxing. Xin You, Song Hezhou pacified Wang Li with the city surrender, edicted li, through his home, and pardoned him, thinking that Tongchuan Road pacified the envoy and knew the affairs of Hezhou. Nongshu, Licheng and other roads four road Xuanwei Division. Four holes such as C, fork, and loose hair fell wildly. Zhongshu Zuo Bei Beg Li lost his knowledge of the Privy Council affairs. Jia Shen, Zhang Hongfan defeated Song Zhang Shijie at Yashan Mountain, Song Cheng Xiang Lu Xiufu was defeated by Song Lord Fu and died in the sea, Shi Jie seized the port and fled, drowning in a hurricane. It was the month when King Wang of Goryeo came to the dynasty.

  In February, Peng Yin Shuo, the sacrifice of the first farmer in the field. At noon, he visited Emperor Tongji's descendants, and his nephew Fu Li came to him with a book of secrets. 癸未, placed in the Five Guards Command Division. Jiashen, Jianghuai, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fu built six hundred warships to conquer Japan. It is forbidden for the Ao and the Han people to carry the bow and arrow, go out on the expedition, and lose the official treasury. 癸卯, dispatched Jiading to the land of the new vassal tun tian ti li bo. Kotatsu, the car driving lucky to be on the capital. Yi Mi (乙巳), the Sichuan Dao (Sichuan Dao) was appointed as the Inspector General.

  In March, Peng Shenshuo issued an edict: "Since the soldiers crossed the river, the peasants have lost their jobs. Now that it has been settled, it is advisable to put down the Ben Li Tian, and the officials in charge of the people should advise the lessons from time to time, such as those who are not fruitful. "Nongzi, Nang Jia brought six hundred guihuai back cannon smiths and all the military craftsmen who could make cannons to the Beijing Division. Jia Shu , Shun Yuan , Bafan Barbarians , with its chief Dragon Fang Zero as a pacifying envoy. Taichang Temple compiled the "Zhiyuan County Sheji Tongli", shangzhi.

  In the summer of April, he died, and established the Jiangxi Tea Transport Division and the Zhulu Transport Salt Division. 癸巳, in order to give the matter and the living note to the various divisions to hear the matter. The 20,000 men of the Southern Army in Yangzhou Province served as guards.

  In May Xinhai, Zhaozhang, Quan, Ting, Shaowu and other places and eighty-four officials and people, if the masses come to surrender, the officials are promoted, and the military and the people are blocked as before. Decyl unitary. Wuli Yanghe said: "Give Beijing and Xijing cars and cattle to transport military food." The emperor said: "The hardships of the people, Ru waits and does not ask, but knows the people." If you do everything you can this year, why will you plant the crops in the coming years? That's it. "Jia Shen, Song Zhang Shijie's generals one hundred and fifty-eight people, Such as Lei and Qiong, descended. Ordered the Goryeo kingdom to build warships to conquer Japan, Nongchen, Suffragette of Government Affairs, and Travel to Henan Province to make Kusin the Zhongshu Zuocheng and Xingzhongshu Provinces. 癸巳, do not spend the Sichuan Privy Council affairs to fight for the end of the city walled city. The marshals of Yunnan, Ai Lu, Na Su Thorn Ding Ding, and Qibu Xue, busy wood, jumu bald, and other three hundred villages, the army returned, and offered twelve tamed elephants.

  June Jiachen, free of Sichuan this year's tax difference. Participating in the government affairs and the xingzhongshu province of Bedu Luding was the envoy of Henan and other roads, and Ku Xin was zuo cheng of Hunan Province. The kingdoms of Champa and Ma Ba'er sent envoys to pay tribute to the objects and one to the rhinoceros and elephants.

  In the autumn of July, Zhan Fu of the New Army of the New Army on Ningguo Road plotted rebellion and ambushed him. Strike Nishikawa Line Privy Council. Ding Wei, an envoy of the Annam state to tame the elephant. 癸酉, 八番, 羅氏诸 barbaric descent.

  August Ding ugly, the car to drive to the top of the capital. Gengyin, the commander of the Mongol Army on the Yuanzhou Road, begged to join forces to beg for the tung wooden cage, the fox, and the Bo Zhu man.

  In September, Fan Wenhu recommended thirty people who could be the keeper of the order. The edict says: "What is recommended in the future, I will choose it myself." Those who are not diligent in official observance, do not ask the Han people, return to death, and have no home. "Female straight, water Dada army does not come out of the conscription, subordinate to the nationality of the losers." On the afternoon of the fifth day, he sent an envoy to the southwest barbarian chieftain, who could lead the subordinates of the troops, and the officials did not neglect their duties, and the people did not lose their jobs. Yi Ugly, Kublai, and Beisu merged into the capital marshal, and led the troops to shuduancheng. He, Mayang County's Dalu Hua Chi Wu Bo did not spend the guidance officer Tang Wu to plunder Chenxi, Yuan and other prefectures, and ambushed.

  Winter october self-death, there is something in the Taimiao Temple. Ding You, Crown Prince Qiu of Zhao, participated in the government of the dynasty.

  In November, the Rebbe Poetry Book Chai Chun Kai AnnanGuo envoy Du Zhongzan Zhen Xi Shu Annan Shizi Chen Ri bi came to the dynasty. Yi Di, Xi'an Zhengxiang Zhao Bing's impeachment of The Transport, Guo Chun and Lang Zhong ordered Guo Shuyun to embezzle official money, and ordered Shangshu Bald Suo and Shi Guo You to follow it.

  In December, Annam sent tribute herbs. Kashin, edict to the King of Champa to come to the dynasty.

  In the seventeenth year of the Qingzheng Moon, the Goryeo state sent envoy He Zhengdan and tribute fangwu. At noon, Wanhu Gongzhi led his troops to lose eight miles. Chengchen, the Law on The Transfer of Officials and the Various Roads Tax Gap Course. Xin You, Lianzhou pirate Huo Gongming and other ambushes. Ding Di, 畋于 near effect. Wu Chen, released more than 30,000 Song prisoners for the people. Lixing Zhongshu Province is located in Fuzhou. Marshal Zhang Hongfan.

  In February, Zhongshu Right Handi Zhang Yiyan Gao Chu still had secret skills and could serve ghosts as soldiers; Heli and Sun went to the north with Gao Monk. Ding Ugly, Da Li Bu Han Ping Luo Luo, was given the barbarian chieftain Na. It is not rare to return the commandment, and replace it with Ada. Nasu thorn does not recruit Burma with troops. Ugly, kill song system to make Zhang Yu. Xin Ugly, with the guangdong people not talking about life, summoned the province's right Beggar Tower out, the left Cheng Lü Shi Shu Tingzhi, also lost, Jia Juzhen xing Xuansi, to care for his people.

  In March, the car was lucky to be on the capital. Hewei, Ali Hague, etc. used their armies to fight against the Roche Ghost Kingdom. Xin Wei, Shaanxi Yun envoy Guo Chun and others killed Zhao Bing, the prime minister of Xi'an, and Zhao Zhi and others to the Jingshi Tingjuzhi and ambushed him.

  Xia April 癸酉, Nankang Thief Du can be used to falsely call the first year of the ten thousand multiplication, Volta. Gengzi, the right to stop the hundred officials.

  In May, he served as a palace in Tsakhanor. Decameron, medicine thorn sea to Sichuan soldiers and Nasu thorn different conquest of Burmese country. Moved fuzhou province to Quanzhou. Jia Yin, Tingzhou Thief Liao Desheng and others made a rebellion.

  In June, Xin Weishuo took Er kuolan's widow to reclaim Jiangbeitian. Nongshen, summoning the ancient city country. Ding Ugly, summoning The Ghost Kingdom of Roche. Wu Shu, the goryeo state sent envoys to pay tribute. The edict Jianghuai and other places implemented the banknote law and abolished the Song dynasty to feed money. The "Chronological Calendar" is written, and the edict reads:

  Since ancient times, the kings of the herdsmen of the country will take the time given by Qin Tian as the basis for their rule. The Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun, and even three generations, not all of them. Those who are japanese officials keep their profession in the world, and test at any time to be in harmony with heaven. Therefore, the countless more disadvantages of the calendar, and the foundation of the Qin dynasty, every leap at the end of the year, the ancient law cover is ruined. From the two Han Dynasties and two times, the Li Ji Nian Ri Fa is the criterion for pushing the steps, because it is still inherited to this day. The fortune of the husband is endless, and he wants to restrain it with a certain method, and there is no reason why it will not be bad for a long time. The difference must be changed, and the situation is inevitable. The TaishiYuan makes a spiritual platform, makes ceremonial images, and measures the day and the moon to test the truth of its degrees. The accumulation of years and days is not taken, and it is in line with the fate of heaven, and there will never be any harm. The new calendar was completed and given the name "Chronological Calendar", which was promulgated from the first day of the first month of the eighteenth year of the New Year of the New Year. The proclamation is reverent, and the saltiness is known.

  In the autumn of July, he was established in Zhongshu Province in Anxi Province, and Li Dehui was appointed as the governor of the province and also the governor of Qiangu. Tuquan Prefecture is in Longxing. At noon, Zhongshu participated in the governors Hao Zhen and Geng Ren and Zuo Cheng . Open the Jiaolai River. Jia Zi , Sent Prince Chen Ni of Annan. Yi Ugly, the Governor of Jiangnan Wealth. He was a lieutenant who went to Jiangnan to visit Gaoshi.

  In August, the Mongol guards were changed to the commander-in-chief of the pro-army capital, and Peng Yin, Champa City, and Ma Ba'er Kingdom all sent envoys to pay tribute. Instigate all the eight countries such as the Three Buddhas, and do not follow them. Ding Hai, a scholar of Jixian University and a member of the State Son Sacrifice Wine Xu Heng Zhishi. Wu Shu, king of Goryeo Wang Yulai Dynasty. Fan Wenhu, Xin Du, and Hong Chaqiu were Zhongshu Right Ministers, Li Ting and Zhang Batu were the counselors in political affairs, and Zhongshu province was concurrently involved.

  In September, the car drove to the upper capital. 壬戌, also the jin rate of the han shu end. Ding Di, Roche Chief Acha and so on descended. 癸酉, King of Goryeo Wang Yu jia kai fu Yi Tong Sansi, Zhongshu Zuo Cheng Xiang, Xing Zhongshu province. Ding Ugly, ordered Hunan Province to beg for Xi Xi. At noon, Li Shaanxi Sichuan and other places in Zhongshu Province, do not spend for the right Cheng, Li Dehui, Wang Weizheng and Zuo Cheng. They are ugly, and they are all poor and the river is poor. Emperor Xi said: "Yi Xi does not Xue do not give orders, and he is given the title of an official, and no one is honored." When the chieftain comes out, he is a striker. "Proshin, summons the kingdom of Java.

  In November, Ju Lan, Ma Ren'er, Jian Po and other countries sent envoys to the Dynasty. Ding Jiao, Fu Jiaohua, Meng Qingyuan and other eunuchs to occupy the city state.

  In the afternoon of December, he killed Ali Bo, the political minister of Pingzhang in Jianghuai Province, and Cui Bin, the right hand man. Sin Wei, king of Goryeo, led his water army to conquer Japan. The generals marched to Japan to take the road to Goryeo and not disturb their people. Kim Fong-kyung, a goryeo vassal, was made the marshal of the Japanese capital, and Park Qiu and Kim Joo-ding were in charge of the Goryeo state to conquer the Japanese army and give the tiger charm. Yu You, king of Goryeo Wang Yu, was the right minister of the province of Zhongshu. Ding Hai , the fu edict in charge of the civil officials and in charge of the various armies of Oulu. Peng Zi, Zheng Yi Xi did not Xue Jun Shu Luo Gu Dian. Renchen, Chen Guilong rebelled against Zhangzhou. At noon, a new Taimiao Temple was built, and from the old temple, the god was moved to the lord in the chamber and performed a great ceremony. Changed to the governor of wu'er to be the protector of the northern court. Bing Shen, the new army of Liaodong Road, with his wife Yi Ma, ransomed him with the taxes lost this year. Annam came to pay tribute to the taming of elephants. In the same month, Zuo Xiang Ah Shu died in the Bei Lost Eight Mile Army.

  In the spring of the eighteenth year, the first month of the year was awarded, and the "Chronological Calendar" was awarded. The Goryeo state sent an envoy to He Zhengdan and a tribute to Fangwu. Xin Ugly, summoned Ah Shuhan, Fan Wenhu, and The Bag Family to bring in the Hajj. Ding Wei attacked the suburbs. The county officials of the southern prefecture of The Imperial River were both Mongolian and Hui. Feng Xindu and Hong Chaqiu led their troops from Goryeo to Japan, and Fan Wenhu led their troops from Gyeongwon Road to Japan, with Zhang Jue and Li Ting staying behind. Bing Chen, the car driving lucky State.

  In February, Xin Wei, the car driver lucky Liulin. Yi Hai, Li Shangdu remained in the division. The province of Jinghu was moved to Ezhou, and the Hunan Xuanwei Division was in Jiangzhou. Ugly, edicts such as Uzuna not to invade the Roche barbarians, violators of the Roche chief Ali heard. Yi Wei, Empress Hongji thorn clan collapse. Bing Shen, the car drove to the self-willow forest. Zhongshu Right Cheng and Xingjiang Dongdao Xuanwei made Ah Shihan the Zhongshu Zuo Cheng Xiang and Xing Zhongshu Province, and Jiangxi Dao Xuan Wei envoy and soliciting envoys were also lost as participating in the government affairs and xing Zhongshu province.

  In March 195, Guozi sacrificed wine to Xu Heng. At noon, the car was lucky to be on the capital. Xin You, Li Yan Wen Drum Temple.

  In April, Xia Wei ordered Yunnan Province to ask for Ha Lazhang. 癸酉, fu Chinese and foreign officials.

  In May, Wu'er was deposed and punished according to the Inspectorate.

  In June, Qianzhou weaver was poor, his wife and son, and he was an official and redeemed, and he gave him money. Ji Mi, Xin Du, Hong Cha Qiu, and others fought the Japanese soldiers in Kashima and lost. Gengyin, A thorn rare disease, replaced by Atahi. Zhongshu Zuo Cheng Kudu Timur is Zhongshu Right Cheng and Xing Zhongshu Provincial Affairs, and Yushi Zhongcheng and Xing Yushitai are suddenly pulled out as Zhongshu Zuo Cheng and Xing Shangshu Province.

  In the autumn of July, Ding You, divided anxi xing Zhongshu Province in Hexi. He has been a thorn in the arm. Xin You, give the instigator of the camel to ward off the miasma. The Champa kingdom came to pay tribute to elephants and rhinos.

  At noon in August, busy with ancient belts for Zhongshu Right Cheng and Xing Zhongshu to save trouble. Shen Yan dadu was forbidden to restrain the people from the Terracotta Army and Horse Division of the Governor's Office and the Left and Right Police Patrol Academy. Gengyin, the envoy of the Goryeo kingdom to celebrate Christmas. Renchen, Fan Wenhu, and others were defeated by the hurricane and abandoned their entire army to return, and the left deputy marshal A Thorn Timur and others all drowned.

  At noon in the leap month, the car drove to The upper capital. Ding Wei changed the Sizhou Xuanfu Division to the Xuanwei Division, and concurrently managed the internal pacification envoy. Redundant personnel in Zhongshu Province and various divisions. Including Jiangnan Hukou TaxAtion. Gengshen, an envoy of the Annam kingdom.

  In September, it was found in the suburbs. Nongchen, the Champa state sent envoys to pay tribute.

  Winter October Yi Wei, there is something in the Taimiao Temple, Zhen Zhen Yi Zhao Sheng Shun Tianrui Wen Guang Ying Empress. He was made the King of Annam by his uncle Chen Rixuan. Gengzi, the barbarian chieftain cen of Zhen'an Prefecture, killed Li Xian of Zhizhou from Yi and summoned Yan into the dynasty. Ding Wei, the AnnanGuo Propaganda and Consolation Department, with Bo Yan Timur as the governor of the government affairs, and the envoy of the AnnanGuo Propaganda and Consolation, the marshal Chai Chun and Ku Ge'er were deputies. Nongzi, who gathered hundreds of officials at the Temple of Mercy, burned the Apocryphal Scriptures of the Daozang, and committed the sin of the hidden ones. Feng lost our tooth letter he eight thorns he he hediva as the king of Champa City, Li Xing Zhongshu Province in Champa City, instigated the capital as the right cheng, Liu Shen as the left cheng, also lost as the governor of the government. Geng, Na Chen bequeathed to Annan. Beckoning the country to be dry. Nongzi, changed the tuntian bo lanxi governorate of dayu, Nanyang and other places to the agricultural government. Ugly, crown prince to from the north. Xin You, Shao Wu Thief High Sun New Descent.

  In November, he summoned the Chieftain of the Tan Ma Li Man. Jiazi, Zhangzhou Chengchen hanging eyes ambush. At noon, the king of Guawa was summoned to visit.

  On the afternoon of December, Ou Jilidai was the right minister of Zhongshu. He is in charge of the Japanese Province of Books. Ugly, free of yidu, Zicai and other road kaihefu this year to rent Bin, still give the maid straight. Bing Chen, Fuzhou thief Lin Tiancheng ambushed.

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