
Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Xun Chao

September 21, the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is of great significance to Wei Minglun, a famous playwright who has just passed his 80th birthday and is a ghost in Bashu. "In my heart, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the most important festival in the traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, after the Chinese New Year's Eve. Because it represents 'reunion', family reunion. ”

Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

Wei Minglun

Life is full of clouds and clouds

Born on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when there is no bright moon

Wei Minglun was born on the night of the fourteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar in 1941. "I was born in the Mid-Autumn Festival, where there was no bright moon. Why? In 1941, when Japanese planes bombed Uchie, my mother heard the sirens go off, fearing that a plane was about to bomb, and began to flee with a big belly. At that time, Yang Youhe was still called Shinobu Feng, and my mother ran with him when she ran away, because he was very experienced in running alarms. ”

Wei Minglun was born in a Sichuan opera family, his father served as a drum in the Neijiang opera class, and he was a colleague of the Sichuan opera performance artist Yang Youhe, "I was born in the running alarm, so the first Mid-Autumn Festival in my life was spent without the 'bright moon'." Wei Minglun's name "Ming" with "Moon" is also related to the Mid-Autumn Festival. "In our family, my generation is the 'Zhao' generation, and my contemporaries are all 'Wei Zhao X', and I am the only one who is Wei 'Ming' Lun. When I was a child, I was called 'MingWazi' because I was born the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival. ”

Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

In 1950, 9-year-old Wei Minglun performed "Downstream An"

The second Mid-Autumn Festival that impressed Wei Minglun was when he was 9 years old. Only in the third grade of primary school, due to the large number of brothers and sisters in the family, his father did not have a fixed income, and he had to leave the campus for Daoliang. Because he learned to sing with his father since he was a child, he took the stage name of "Nine-Year-Old Boy" and sang on stage, and before the milk smell dried, he supported himself and earned money to support his family. "The first time I took the stage was around the Mid-Autumn Festival." Unlike others who started as dolls, Wei Minglun was the protagonist as soon as he came to power. It didn't take long for the name of "Nine-Year-Old Boy" to sing along the southern part of Sichuan.

However, the third impressive Mid-Autumn Festival was the pain of Wei Minglun's life. At that time, when he was only 16 years old, he left his parents for some reason and went to work in the countryside for three years. "At that time, I knew that the Mid-Autumn Festival had arrived, and I knew that it was a reunion festival, and I was even more homesick." But no matter how homesick I am, I can't go back, and the more I think about it, the more sad I am. This stormy experience made Wei Minglun grow up quickly and become a precocious and precocious person. It also laid a certain foundation for his future theatrical creation. "The moon has clouds and sunshine, and people have sorrows and joys. I am very grateful for these bumpy encounters, which have given me a sense of distress and reverse thinking since I was a child. ”

Wei Minglun's works have written about the Mid-Autumn Festival many times. For example, in the Sichuan drama "Changing Face", the dog baby visits the prison. Floating on the water, he sang: "Little dog baby, Mo Sad, a round of reunion moon outside the iron window." The young and old reunite in prison, alas, the reunion is in the Mid-Autumn Festival! ”

More than 40 years of reform and opening up

Every Mid-Autumn Festival is "haoyue when the sky"

After the reform and opening up, every Mid-Autumn Festival that Wei Minglun passed was "haoyue when the sky was empty". In the early 1980s, Wei Minglun won a high reputation in the literary world with works such as "Easy to Be Bold", "Four Girls", and "Bashan Xiucai". After that, he reread Ouyang Yuqian's old work "Pan Jinlian" written in the 1920s, taking advantage of Mr. Ouyang's gains and losses, and rewriting "Pan Jinlian" from a new perspective in the 1980s, and strived to reveal the tragic theme of Pan Jinlian from simple to complex, from struggle to sinking, from innocent to guilty.

Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

In 1986, Wei Minglun played with the actors who played Pan Jinlian, Jia Baoyu and Anna

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1986, Wei Minglun brought his absurd Sichuan opera "Pan Jinlian" to Beijing to perform, which aroused the enthusiastic attention of the theater industry and became an important topic of discussion in the theater industry that year. "Pan Jinlian is a typical and well-known bad woman in China. But my reverse thinking, the novelty, through the pen in my hand, for Pan Jinlian to sing uneven, in the whole society set off a monstrous wave of the collision of new and old ideas, in the whole country and even in Europe and the United States have attracted attention, the wave of controversy is still enjoyed by the art world today. ”

Recalling the social discussion caused by the play that year, Wei Minglun was radiant, "Its content is subversive, originally a woman's history of decline, I re-represented Pan Jinlian through re-examination, which touched and impacted social nerves in the mid-80s." ”

The moon is the hometown of Ming

The 80th birthday is the biggest surprise

Around 2006, Wei Minglun was invited to visit abroad, "At that time, I went with my wife and was arranged on a luxury cruise ship. There are some of my fans on it, and as you know, I was born the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and a special birthday wish was arranged on the deck, and many people held champagne to wish me a happy birthday. I was very impressed that day, and the moon at night was particularly large when viewed from the sea. But at that moment, I was thinking about the moon in my hometown. No matter what time, it is 'the moon is the hometown of Ming', which is true. ”

Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

Wei Minglun and his wife Ding Benxiu and grandson Wei Rulai

On September 20, 2021, the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wei Minglun celebrated his 80th birthday. This birthday party was also a rare reunion in Sichuan's literary and art circles, with famous writers Alai, painters Dai Wei, Qiu Xiaoqiu, and Li Bing, sculptors Yan Yongming, famous Sichuan opera performance artists XiaoZhou, Chen Zhilin, Chen Qiaoru, Xiao Demei, Cui Guangli, Cai Shaobo, Wang Yumei, Liu Yi, Liu Ping, and Zhang Yan, Sichuan opera face changing artist Peng Denghuai, playwright Yan Xixiu, Sichuan northern lantern opera performance artist Wang Yang, and composers Li Boqing, Shen Fa, Dingdang, and Zhong Yanping all present to celebrate the birthday.

As an indispensable representative symbol in contemporary opera, Wei Minglun also received a special birthday gift on the eve of his birthday - won the honorary title of "Lifetime Achievement Dramatist of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles" in 2021. He is also the first playwright in the Sichuan opera industry to receive this honor. This "birthday gift" that arrived in advance made Wei Minglun happy, "This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I am double happiness at the door, I am really happy. In the 12 years since the establishment of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Drama, for the first time, a Sichuan opera artist has appeared on this altar. I am on behalf of Sichuan opera artists into the ranks of this high-end literary and artistic award, which is the honor of Sichuan opera, the common achievement and common honor of Sichuan opera people. I am happy for Sichuan opera! ”

Our festival oral folklore | from sadness and joy to Haoyue when the "Bashu ghost talent" Wei Minglun shared his Mid-Autumn Festival memories

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