
The Folded Winged Daming Poet - Gao Qi's "Nine Plum Blossom Songs"

author:Xiao Song

We often say "Tang poetry, Song Poetry and Yuanqu", it seems that there were no excellent poets in the Ming Dynasty.

However, this is not the case.

There is such an excellent poet who is called "the first poet of the Ming Dynasty" by the famous historian Zhao Yi.

He is Gao Qi, who is known as the "Four Masters of Wuzhong" together with Yang Ji, Zhang Yu, and Xu Ben.

The Folded Winged Daming Poet - Gao Qi's "Nine Plum Blossom Songs"

In 1336 AD, Gao Qi was born in a wealthy family, and when he was a teenager, he wrote down with a sense of chivalry, "When he was young, he was ambitious, and he did not know sorrow and sorrow." Hu Li shoots the singing geese, deep on the eastern slopes of the mountain".

When he was a teenager, Gao Qi did not like to read, and all day long he only wanted to ride the battlefield and serve the country.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, Gao Qi abandoned martial arts again and turned to serious reading, and he wrote: "Oh Yu Shao Ben good sword dance, learn to learn books late from his father and brother." He was particularly fond of poetry and spent his days chanting.

In the last year of the Yuan Dynasty, when the world was in chaos, Zhang Shicheng was called king of Wu and stationed in Wuzhong Raojie.

Zhang Shicheng had long heard of Gao Qi's talent, and sent people to recruit him many times, and finally Gao Qi agreed to enter the curtain.

A few years later, Gao Qi saw the situation clearly, felt that Zhang Shicheng was not the lord, and was disappointed, so he left for some reasons.

When Zhu Yuanzhang won the world, in the first year of the Ming Dynasty Hongwu (1368), Zhu Yuanzhang recruited talents in the name of "Xiuyuan History", and Gao Qijing recommended him to enter the dynasty as an official. He was full of ambition and rushed to Nanjing. However, after arriving in the capital city of Nanjing, he found that everything was different from what he thought. After serving as a household attendant for less than a year, Gao Qi retreated in a hurry, protected himself from the disaster, resigned his official and returned to his hometown to live in seclusion.

However, suddenly, misfortune descended from heaven, and He thought that Gao Qi's good friend Wei Guan of Suzhou wanted to rebuild the mansion. Wei Guan also specially asked Gao Qi to write a congratulatory letter to commemorate it. No one could have imagined that it was this congratulatory article "Liang Wen on the County" that sent Gao Qi to the guillotine. Because the reconstructed mansion was originally the site of Zhang Shicheng's palace, some people falsely accused Wei Guan of having antipathy, and as a result, Wei Guan was killed. Because there is a word for "dragon and tiger" in the "Liang Wen on the County", Zhu Yuanzhang's big taboo was committed. According to Zhu Yuanzhang's logic, the place where the "Dragon Pan and tiger are standing" should be inhabited by the emperor, and this place is the place where Zhang Shicheng lived. Therefore, Gao Qi was suspected of singing the praises of Zhang Shicheng, and as a result, he was beheaded by the waist.

Gao Qi was only 39 years old when he died, which can be described as a heroic fall, but fortunately, he left many beautiful poems, such as his "Nine Plum Blossom Songs".

Qiongzi is only in Yaotai, who planted everywhere in Jiangnan?

Snow fills the mountains in the high priests, and the moon is shining under the forest.

Cold shadows Xiao Xiao bamboo, spring cover the remnants of the desert moss.

Since going to He Lang there is no good chant, and the East Wind has been silent several times.

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