
Which four halls are the "Four Halls of Oracle Bones"? How old is Liu Yan in "The Journey of the Old Remnant"?

author:Old Cao under the locust shade tree

Timeline of Liu Yan (III) (Forward: Original Forward Wenjing Philosophical History, June 12)

Liu Huzu Shang, three generations of jinshi.

Father Liu Chengzhong (1818-1883), zishu, Xianfeng Nonzi Jinshi, stressed the strategy of governing the river, declared obstacles and meritorious deeds, swirled to suppress the labor performance of the promotion of Henan Nanru Guangdao, transferred back to Chen Xu Dao, yi to rule the river as an urgent task, authored the "River Defense Discussion", the capital of the deep instrument. In the first year of Guangxu (1875), he was given the official title of envoy, from Erpin. The eldest son, Mengxiong (Wei Qing), was a candidate to directly subordinate to the prefect of the prefecture, Gongshu, and Actuarial, and the second son, Mengpeng (鹗), was directly subordinate to the Alternate Dao, and also had to write books through Tianshu, Medical Technique, and Jinshi Examination.

Liu Chengzhong is good at river engineering arithmetic and is keen on the emerging science and technology in the West.

Adhering to his family learning, combined with the practical experience of harnessing the Yellow River in Henan, Shandong and other places in 1888, Liu Hu wrote "Five Theories on River Governance", "The Whole Map of the Yellow River in Three Provinces", "Tu Kao of the Changes of the Yellow River in Past Dynasties", and "River Work Manuscript".

Among them, the "Five Theories of Governing the River", "The Whole Map of the Yellow River in the Three Provinces" and the "Tu Kao of the Changes of the Yellow River in Previous Dynasties", plus the arithmetic works "Arc Angle Three Techniques" and "Pythagorean Tianyuan Grass", etc., were published before Liu Hu's death.

These five works made Liu Hu's achievements in river governance initially recognized by the Rulers of the Qing Dynasty, and because of his "academic origins and knowledge of foreign affairs", he was recommended to the Prime Minister's Department of State Affairs for testing, "for the prefect".

Liu Yan, who studied medicine in his early years, once hung a pot in Yangzhou, and wrote "Wen Sick Article Distinguishing Song Tips" and "Asking for Medicine and Supplementation".

Proficient in music, Liu Hu was a descendant of the Guangling Qin School, and once engraved the "Eleven Strings Hall Musical Score" for his violinist, Mr. Zhang Ruishan, and also engraved the "Hand-copied Musical Score of holding the remnants of the Lack of Fasting" (an extant manuscript).

Liu Hu liked to collect guqin, and his collection of Tangqin "Nine Xiao Huan Pei", with huang Tingjian inscription on the surface, was later included in the four famous pianos of the modern era collected by the Palace Museum.

Which four halls are the "Four Halls of Oracle Bones"? How old is Liu Yan in "The Journey of the Old Remnant"?

The most famous surviving guqin in China, the "Nine Nights Ring Pei", comes from the Palace Museum in Tibet during the Tang Dynasty

In addition to busy industry, Liu Hu was also keen to collect antiquities and stele and study three generations of writing. His "Holding the Remnants of the Treasured Tablets", "Holding the First Class Inscriptions of the Missing And Missing Fasts" (fragments), "Holding the Remnants of the Missing Fasts" (fragments), "Holding the Remnants of the Lack of Fasting Calligraphy and Painting Tablets", and the "Holding the Remnants of the Missing Fasts" compiled by his neighbor Bao Ding, although not all of his collection, also shows the breadth and depth of his collection.

Liu Hu became acquainted with Luo Zhenyu in Huai'an at an early age, hired Luo Zhenyu as a tutor, and later married his children. Liu Hu's fourth son, Liu Dashen, married Luo Zhenyu's eldest daughter Luo Xiaoze.

Luo Zhenyu always held a grateful attitude towards Liu Hu. He was nine years younger than Liu Hu, and although his ancestral home was Shangyu, Zhejiang, he was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province.

Luo Zhenyu Dunxian started his family as a master of Shaoxing and lived in Jianghuai, and by the time Luo Zhenyu had passed through the fourth generation, he was a family of Scholars in Huai.

Since his childhood, Luo Zhenyu has been very fond of reading, and he is intelligent and enlightened, and he is loved by his teacher.

At that time, Liu Yan's family was well-off, and Luo Zhenyu's family was poor and heavily indebted when he was a teenager, and he successively coached in the Liu clan and qiu clan in Shanyang.

Liu Yan saw that Luo Zhenyu's family life was embarrassing, out of sympathy, and at the same time, he also admired Luo Zhenyu's talent, so he hired Luo Zhenyu as a tutor.

Helplessly, Luo Zhenyu's life was stretched, and at the same time, he also made prints for people, but due to the death of his relatives one after another, the career of the embassy was difficult to continue, until Guangxu Yi's life changed in 1895.

Luo Zhenyu learned exegesis from an early childhood, which was a new form of literary criticism. The content includes several aspects of memoirs, monographs and literary criticism.

Luo Zhenyu and the Japanese scholar Naito Hunan, who first came into contact with the oracle bone script, came into contact with the Yin Ruins oracle bone, which was to see Liu Hu's collection.

Greatly influenced by Luo Zhenyu, Wang Guowei, who later married Luo, had a deep friendship with Liu Dashen, the fourth son of Liu Yan, and accompanied Luo Zhenyu to study in Dongying.

Therefore, it can be said that the second hall of the "Four Halls of Oracle Bones" was directly or indirectly influenced by Liu Hu.

The "Tieyun Tibetan Turtle", "Tieyun Tibetan Goods", "Tieyun Tibetan Seal" and "Tieyun Tibetan Pottery" published by Liu Hu, which study three generations of characters, are also representative works of his rubbing and systematic study of ancient characters and their evolution process.

On the eve of the imminent complete demise of the feudal dynasty's rule, Liu Was also uneasy and indignant about the political situation at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

He believes that at that time, "the country was seriously ill, and the people lost their nourishment." The countries regard exploitation as the sect, the imperial court takes the mouth as a matter, the people are overwhelmed, and the people are in distress" (letter to Huang Baonian).

He demanded clarification of the rule of officials and opposition to "harsh government and disturbance of the people" in order to ease class contradictions.

In the case of the influx of Western civilization, his prescription for "supporting the decline and rejuvenation of the country" is to borrow foreign capital to set up industries, build roads and mines, and carry out reform and opening up, so that the people can get rid of poverty and the country will gradually become rich and strong.

In a letter to Luo Zhenyu, he said: "If the Jin mine is opened, the people will be nourished, and the country will be rich." The country has no reserves, it is better to let the Europeans open it, I strictly set its system, so that thirty years and the whole mine road belongs to me. If so, then the benefit of the other is in the moment, and the benefit of mine is in the hundred lifetimes. ”

At the time, this was an advanced business philosophy.

However, under the circumstance that imperialism has stepped up its aggression against China and carried out economic plunder on a large scale, Liu Hu's propositions are like a drop in the bucket and cannot shake the precarious, deteriorating, and precarious "historical situation" of the Qing Dynasty.

Which four halls are the "Four Halls of Oracle Bones"? How old is Liu Yan in "The Journey of the Old Remnant"?

"The Journey of the Old Remnant" is one of the four major condemnation novels of the late Qing Dynasty, and is a representative work of Liu Hu, which has been widely circulated.

The artistic achievements of "The Journey of the Old Remnant" are more prominent in the late Qing novels.

The green shirts and horses were called out, and the shogunate was in a hurry.

As the author said to himself: "Those who are in the wild history, correct the shortcomings of history." Names can be entrusted to all the children, and things must be taken into practice. (13th original review)

The novel takes the travels of an old and disabled person as the main line, and digs deep into social contradictions.

In particular, in his book, he dared to bluntly rebuke the Qing officials for misleading the country and harming the people; he pointed out that sometimes the fainting of the Qing officials was not much better than that of corrupt officials.

This point, the criticism of the Qing court's officialdom, is to the point and unique.

His depiction technique was praised by Hu Shisheng.

The Travels of the Old Remnant was written between the thirty-first year of Guangxu (1905) and the thirty-third year.

According to Liu Dashen, the fourth son of Liu Hu, there were 14 times, and 9 times remain today.

In 1934, it was published four times in the semi-monthly magazine "Human Life"; the following year, Liangyou Book Company published six single editions.

The published "Old Remnant Travels" includes the last 3 times and the first 6 times in the sequel.

Although there are also exposés of the evil deeds of bureaucrats who wantonly trample on women, the main thing is to describe the cold state of the whole society through the love story of The Nun Yiyun of Taishan Douyao Palace and her deep and subtle ideological activities.

The last 3 times are depicted in the old remnants of hell, in order to illustrate his purpose of punishing evil and persuading good.

Other works (to be continued)...

Which four halls are the "Four Halls of Oracle Bones"? How old is Liu Yan in "The Journey of the Old Remnant"?

Forward June 10, 2021

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