
Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

author:Peace and credit

A police officer in Maoming, Guangdong Province, died in the workplace

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

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Firefighters, veterans, squad leaders, these are colleagues, friends to Chen Bing's nickname, "veteran" is also his own WeChat name, these names have allusions, origins.

"I grew up under the cultivation of the party, and when I was in the army, I 'worked with a red heart and the party'; after arriving at the Public Security Bureau, the bureau's party committee gave me selfless training and training, and it strengthened my belief in following the party wholeheartedly." Chen Bing served in the army for 3 years, became a squad leader, and joined the party. After retiring from active duty, he worked on the public security front for 27 years.

On July 5, the party's 100th anniversary celebration just came to an end a few days, Guangdong Maoming Xinyi public security organs are still running the second-level service, deployment of services, pick up colleagues, rescue children Chen Bing has been busy until more than 4 a.m. on the 6th to drag the tired body in the unit preparation room to lie down, but never got up again, all 49 years old, enthusiastic, responsible, meticulous, with his life to cast a loyal and vigilant soul.

Chen Bing, deputy captain of the patrol brigade of the Xinyi City Public Security Bureau in Maoming, Guangdong Province, a member of the Communist Party of China, a first-class police chief, a first-class police inspector, has been awarded the third class merit three times, 5 personal commendations, "excellent communist party member", "excellent police skills instructor", "the city's stability maintenance advanced individual", "Xinyi City public security organs large-scale military training advanced individual" and other honors.

The "veterans" withered in the quiet early hours of the morning

On July 5, Chen Bing, who had not rested for nearly a month, was still busy. In the afternoon, after discussing the work arrangements for duty and patrolling with the police officer Lu Dewu, he reminded Lu Dewu, "You go to dinner first, I still have a meeting." ”

After the meeting, because there was a video dispatch meeting about lifting the interprovincial epidemic prevention inspection and control service at more than eight o'clock in the evening, there was no need to take care of eating, and Chen Bing hurried to the Xinyi City Bureau.

At about 23:00, Chen Bing returned to the brigade and asked Qiu Xiaoke to drive a van to pick up the 4 duty personnel at the two inspection stations of Jinya and Cinnabar, but because Qiu Xiaoke was not familiar with the road conditions and was not used to driving a hand wave car, Chen Bing himself sat in the driver's seat.

Jinya, cinnabar two stations close to Guangxi Beiliu, more than 40 kilometers away from Xinyi City, the mountains are steep, and there are no street lights, in the 2020 outbreak of the epidemic, Chen Bing basically drove to these two stations every two days to deliver supplies, so the road conditions are familiar, and everything is smooth on the way back.

The on-duty personnel who picked up the two stations returned to the brigade at more than 1:00 a.m. on the 6th, and Chen Bing, who was rutted and rutted, said: "So hungry, go to eat supper", so Chen Bing, Qiu Xiaoke, and Lu Dewu went out to eat together.

At about 2:40 a.m., at this time, the walkie-talkie carried by Chen Bing sent a warning message, and on the riverside in front of Xinyi Hospital, it was suspected that a 10-year-old boy was going to take his own life.

This police situation was originally another colleague to deal with, at this time ready to return to the brigade to rest them, worried about the party accident, but also immediately drove to the disposal, after patrolling a few large circles did not find the boy, they simply decided to get off the car and patrol, to find the party as soon as possible, to avoid accidents, until about 4 a.m., only to dispose of the police information back to the patrol brigade.

At about 3 p.m. on July 6, 2021, according to the custom, the Guangdong Maoming Xinyi Patrol Brigade must hold a regular meeting every Tuesday afternoon.

In the office of the brigade commander Liang Lin, the deputy captain Chen Bing was not in place, thinking that he worked until more than four o'clock in the morning, Liang Lin did not care, and asked the auxiliary police officer Huang Zhenfeng to go to the preparation room to wake up Chen Bing's discussion.

The spare room is located on the third floor of the office building, transformed from an office, with an area of about 25 square meters, a living room, two rooms, and a bathroom, each with a two-story wooden frame bed, a table, and a stool.

Chen Bing was lying quietly on the wooden bed in the lower middle of the room, his upper body covered with a military quilt, when his mobile phone suddenly rang, but still did not move.

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

Huang Zhenfeng called many times, Chen Bing still did not respond, and then went to the head of the bed and pushed his hand, feeling a little cold, but Chen Bing still did not wake up, so he gently lifted the quilt, touched his forehead, and found that it was also cold.

Huang Zhenfeng, who found that the situation was not right, immediately reported to Liang Lin, and Liang Lin, who was born in criminal police, strode in and found that the carotid artery was cold...

After forensic identification, Chen Bing died at 5 to 6 a.m.

"So young, why is it gone"

Chen Bing's white-haired father Chen Shusen, who is already 80 years old, has a haggard and strong expression of grief, and read to the reporter: "So young, how come it is gone." "The kind of grief that a white-haired man sends a black-haired man fills the space.

In 2017, due to the collapse of the mud brick house in Shuangdi Village, Xinyi Cinnabar Town, the older brother for many years, Chen Bing, as the eldest brother, discussed rebuilding the house in his hometown and decided to pay for a total of one building on average, and the brothers had one floor each.

"I and the second brother do not have a fixed occupation, in the past there were many casual workers, there was no savings, at the beginning I did not want to participate in the construction of the house" The third brother told reporters, "My eldest brother thinks that this is our root, we must build it, and we have to advance most of the money with the current housing mortgage." As a result, Chen Bing owed a large amount of debt, and had to pay off the mortgage every month.

At the end of 2019, the new house was completed, and the father who has been living with Chen Bing directly moved back to his hometown.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Chen Bing, who was already busy with his usual work, was also responsible for the epidemic prevention and control work at xinyi northern boundary, Jinyuan, cinnabar and other inter-provincial joint quarantine inspection sites.

Because he could not go back to visit often, he installed visual monitoring in the living room, observed the living conditions of the old father at any time through the mobile phone, and reminded the father to wear cold and warm clothes in time.

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

"This is the only photo we have taken in front of Tiananmen Square in Beijing in the 28 years since we were married," his wife, Yu Hongyan, told reporters choking up as she held the photo.

Chen Bing after retiring from the army they met and married, due to the needs of work, in 2014 Chen Bing was transferred to Beijing to work, the husband and wife did not meet for a year, Yu Hongyan, who had never been out of Maoming City, resolutely hitched a ride north...

After staying in Beijing for 6 days, Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall have left their footprints, thus leaving a "tourism" group photo that is precious to the husband and wife, which is not a special trip. Yu Hongyan's face darkened, "I remember he told me at that time that he would take me to Beijing for a tour when he had time, and he reneged on his promise!" ”

"I am proud of my father, next year I will choose to take the police academy to become a policeman" Chen Bing's son Chen Rongchang is currently enrolled in the second year of Xinyi Middle School, with excellent academic performance, and joined the Communist Youth League during the first year of junior high school. Her sister, Chen Ying, was admitted to the civil service and is now a new police officer.

Their impression of their father is that they have been soldiers, their temperament is more urgent, but they have never beaten their brothers and sisters, and they will patiently communicate with them about anything, and their father usually chats with him more about the red stories of the party, so Chen Rongchang likes to go to the "Youth Study" regiment organized by the school regiment, "My father most hoped that I would go to a military academy or police academy before I was born, so I will fulfill his long-cherished wish." ”

The "firefighters" are also good leaders of brothers and friends

"Chen Bing is from the army, has been a squad leader, and has a very good set of ideological and political work" Liang Lin, the captain of the brigade, told reporters that "their husband and wife have a good relationship, as an outsider's wife Yu Hongyan is often pulled by Chen Bing to intervene in the brigade's emotional relationship mediation work, the brigade colleagues are very recognized by their husband and wife, and have been treated as their eldest brother and sister, until Chen Da's sacrifice, there are colleagues' wives who take the initiative to participate in helping to take care of the aftermath." ”

Auxiliary police officer Huang Chenglai is a veteran, mainly responsible for internal work, and participates in normal duty preparation work, the work is relatively busy and trivial. Since the wife gave birth to her daughter, because the marriage has not been blessed by the family, the economic conditions are limited and the monthly wife cannot be invited, and the wife in the confinement can only rely on herself to live and take care of the children.

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

(Chen Bing on the right at work)

The pressure of the family made Huang Chenglai frequently walk his heart, and Chen Bing, who was anxious in his eyes, could only rush Huang Cheng to come home to take care of him when he was slightly unprepared.

On July 28, 2020, at about 7 p.m., Chen Bing dragged his wife Yu Hongyan to drive straight to The home of Huang Cheng, Youying Village, a street in Xinyi East Town, 10 kilometers away, to visit their home to resolve their family estrangement.

More than 2 hours later, after Chen Bing reasoned and his wife Yu Hongyan's patient persuasion of feelings, he finally persuaded Huang Chenglai, who had always been suspicious and could not accept Huang Chenglai's wife's parents, and the family's feelings were restored, and the marriage of the husband and wife was also blessed again, so that Huang Chenglai, who had been carrying pressure, finally unloaded the burden.

At 2:40 p.m. on July 6, 2021, Yu Hongyan called Huang Chenglai, who was returning to his hometown in the countryside to visit his parents, and asked Chen Bing if he could answer the phone, and asked him to help see it when he was not at the unit.

At about 5 p.m., Huang Chenglai and his wife received a call from a colleague and learned of Chen Bing's sacrifice and immediately rushed back to Xinyi City. In the local area, some people will be taboo and reluctant to participate in the handling of funerals. Huang Chenglai suggested that his wife go home first, and he rushed back to the brigade to help deal with it, but her wife insisted on going together.

After returning to the brigade, Huang Chenglai and his wife went to Chen Bing's room together to help collect and sort out the relics, and when they heard that they were going to send the police uniforms to the funeral home, the couple hurriedly drove to send them together. "He is a good big brother, a good leader, our husband and wife have always been grateful to him, and his departure makes us very heartbroken" Huang Chenglai, who is not good at words, has red eyes.

The "squad leader" was strong enough to kill a cow

Chen Bing, who has always kept the head of the troop board, is full of anger and has a loud voice, he is more than 1 meter 7 tall, 170 pounds, very strong, strong enough to kill a cow, people who know him have commented on this.

"Chen Da served as a squad leader in the army, and his training was very severe, although the intensity was not as great as that of the troops, but many requirements were strictly implemented according to the troops." Police officer Lu Dewu has experienced it.

The reporter came to the so-called training ground and saw that this was actually the basketball court, and there were more than 10 training tires on the south side, which were all training equipment that Chen Bing found for free through friends.

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

According to colleague Zhang Jiahao, in order to exercise team coordination, and train arm strength, waist strength, leg strength, they have a regular training subject is four people to lift the tire, that is, four people in four corners to carry the diameter of about 160 cm and weigh more than 200 pounds of the largest tire, in the court to walk two back and forth.

In April this year, colleague Qiu Jianhao did not grasp the slippery hand in this corner because of irregular movements, resulting in the instep of his foot being hit, and Chen Bing, who was so angry that he had just returned to the brigade, almost let him continue to go back and forth for two times, after severe criticism, after visiting the party branch of the brigade the next day, a colleague saw that Chen Bing took the fruit basket and "secretly" went to the hospital to visit.

Every Monday and Friday at 9 a.m., the Patrol Brigade has a mandatory training course, that is, to run 7 and a half laps at the Xinyi Gymnasium, just 3 kilometers. More than 40 people ran together, without a reward and punishment mechanism, with the speed and time of elongation, the team also stretched longer and longer, as the first and last places approached to surpass, it was even difficult to confirm the number of individual laps.

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

(The first chen bing on the right is training)

The next day, Chen Bing, who has always wanted to catch the last few extra "plus dishes", bought 10 playing cards, each person ran a circle to issue a total of 8 cards, ended the inventory, the last few additional rewards 50 push-ups, under the pressure of your competition, their brigade's physical ability and long-distance running speed has been rapidly improved.

The bloodiness of the soldiers is still daring to rush

"Xinyi here is basically a major security or arrest work is basically Chen Da responsible for organizing the implementation" Pan Qing, member of the party committee of the Xinyi City Public Security Bureau and director of the Political Work Office, told reporters: "He has the bloodiness of a soldier, he dares to rush forward, and the demonstration role is good, and their brigade has completed many urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks."

Chen Bing: Soldiers' hearts are to the party, and brilliant life casts a loyal and vigilant soul

(Second from the left, Chen Bing at work)

At about 5 p.m. in early July 2020, Chen Bing, who had just received a task from the Xinyi City Public Security Bureau, drove back to the brigade in a van, immediately blew the assembly whistle, put on the equipment, handed in the mobile phone, boarded the car and set off.

Inside the carriage, the air was hot and dull, and more than 20 people stood crowded together, listening carefully to Chen Bing's deployment of police forces. At this time, everyone learned that this mission was to arrest the fake smoke manufacturing den in an abandoned pig farm on a hill in Shuikou Town.

15 kilometers of road, due to the difficulty of the mountain road, and in order to avoid grass snakes, by the other side of the dark sentry and detoured into, usually 40 minutes away, a full hour and a half.

After arriving at the destination, it was already about 7 p.m., the sky was completely dark, due to the dangerous mountain, it was impossible to round up, and there was still a certain distance from the den, with a "rush with me", "Doodang" The cargo compartment door was opened, relying on the flashlight light, Chen Bing was the first to rush in front.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, you can faintly see 7 figures sneaking out of the den near the top of the mountain and scattering in the opposite direction to escape, while acting according to the plan, the overgrown mountain road also seriously affects the speed of arrest.

Chen Bing chased the suspect to the top of the mountain, under the illumination of the flashlight, you can see that there is a shed at the top of the mountain, which has been paved, wires and monitoring equipment, and a box of drinks that have not yet been drunk.

More than 20 minutes later, all the criminal suspects were arrested in place, Chen Bing also walked down from the top of the mountain, under the light of the flashlight, the team members found that Chen Bing's right foot was only socks, the training shoes were missing, and at the tense and solemn arrest scene, the laughter of the team members was immediately heard...

According to statistics, in this operation, 7 criminal suspects were arrested, a production line for making fake cigarettes was destroyed, and more than 100 boxes of finished cigarettes and more than 100 boxes of semi-finished cigarettes were seized, with a total value of more than 1.5 million yuan.

Text: Wang Qizhang

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