
Chen Jiang, | of the Magic Capital and the New City: Jiading uses the advantages of culture, education and industry to gather and retain people

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Wang Linjie

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Building a nest and attracting phoenixes and developing industries is a means of attracting talents in most regions. The same is true of Jiading. The automobile industry has gathered a large number of outstanding talents for Jiading.

Industry can gather people, and culture focuses on retaining people. In Jiading, the gathering of industry and culture is very important. The cultural and educational traditions in Jiading's genes can be seen everywhere in jiading's urban fabric.

How does the Jiading context continue? How to further give play to Jiading's cultural, educational and industrial advantages and attract more outstanding talents to roost? Chen Jiang, a professor in the History Department of East China Normal University, said that it is necessary to combine cultural advantages with local industries to further gather talents.

The Paper: Jiading has the reputation of "indoctrination city". Talk about your understanding of Jiading's cultural temperament.

Chen Jiang: Jiading originally belonged to the core area of Jiangnan culture, and the cultural temperament of Jiangnan culture, such as tolerance and openness, courage to innovate, keep pace with the times, and change with the trend, these characteristics of Jiading are all there.

Shanghai used to be bounded by the Suzhou Creek, and Jiading has long been subordinate to the Suzhou area and has been influenced by Suzhou more. Therefore, the temperament of wudi culture represented by Suzhou in Jiangnan culture is not only in Suzhou, but also in Jiading.

Moreover, Jiading is originally a place where culture and education are very prosperous, and compared with other regions, I think the Jiading area has more obviously shown a refined and elegant, subtle and gentle temperament.

The Paper: Many cultural celebrities have emerged in the history of Jiading, under what circumstances did these people grow up?

Chen Jiang: Jiading is a cultural highland and a gathering place for talents. This is a long-term formation of history, and it is not achieved overnight. I think there are probably a few factors:

First of all, Jiading has long attached importance to culture and education, and the cultural atmosphere is relatively strong, which has an attraction for cultural people, so it is easier to emerge some cultural families.

From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, until the founding of New China, Jiading region has always attached great importance to the cause of culture and education, and is one of the regions in the Yangtze River Delta that attaches the most importance to cultural undertakings, preserving a lot of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, with a strong cultural atmosphere and forming a certain attraction.

Jiading's most famous cultural family, the Qian family, is a typical example. Starting from Qian Daxin in the Qing Dynasty, qian Mu, Qian Weichang, Qian Xuesen, etc. were all Jiading Qianjia.

Secondly, Jiading and other areas in Jiangnan have the advantages of relatively developed economy and convenient transportation. The economic situation is good, the foreign population lives in this place; the transportation conditions are good, and it is more convenient to go out to study and make friends. Therefore, the literati were able to exert their cultural expertise in this place, which was related to the economy.

Third, the location of Jiading is a core area of the Jiangnan region, which originally has the characteristics of the Jiangnan region, which is more tolerant of foreign culture and foreign talents, and is a place where five parties are mixed. It is easier for the foreign population to take root in Jiading. For example, Cheng Jiaxuan, one of the four literati of Jiading, was originally a native of Xiuning (Huizhou), Anhui, and after leaving Huizhou for Jiading, he felt that Jiading was very good, and settled in Jiading for the second half of his life. These factors made Jiading later a cultural highland. Jiading's later ability to become a highland for gathering talents is related to the fact that its culture itself is more colorful and less repulsive to foreign cultures.

The Paper: How to better continue to carry forward the local characteristics and context of Jiading today, and how to use cultural advantages to gather people?

Chen Jiang: Cultural circles, literati circles or folk customs are all in the same vein as ancient times. Jiading integrates a lot of cultural factors, just said that Jiading and Suzhou are basically in the same vein, it and the past Songnan region, today's Songjiang also has a lot of similarities, so the culture is consistent. By the Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of merchants from Huizhou came to Jiangnan to do business, bringing with them the Culture of huipai. Therefore, the cultural elements of Jiading are very rich.

This is the process of the continuation of Jiading culture in history. Jiading was once a very cultural highland, but it is true that with the change of time, Jiading has lost some advantages.

We were originally called "Great Suzhou, Little Shanghai". However, after 1860, especially after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the area around Suzhou was greatly damaged by war, and Shanghai was a special place for cultural exchanges between China and the West, protected by various conditions, and a large number of talents and funds flowed into Shanghai, forming our later "Great Shanghai".

Now it is "big Shanghai, little Suzhou", and all the advantages of Suzhou have gradually shifted to Shanghai, including the advantages of modern industry and commerce and cultural advantages. In the past 100 years, the economic and cultural center of gravity of the entire Shanghai area has begun to shift to the upper beach - the current Downtown Shanghai. The rise of Shanghai Beach has a certain impact on the surrounding Jiading and Songjiang, and some cultural people may go to Shanghai Beach, which is also an inevitable trend in the current development process.

The traditional cultural advantages of Songjiang and Jiading can be rediscovered and combined with the construction of new cities to produce new plans and ideas, and there will be good development potential here. After all, Shanghai is a point, can we play a multi-point advantage, there can be a difference in the division of labor, for example, Jiading can continue to develop the original cultural and educational strengths.

Although some are unattainable, such as Songjiang has a university town, Jiading does not, but Jiading has an automobile city, our corporate culture, community culture, etc. can be integrated into the original cultural heritage, and then cultivated, on the basis of the development of the automobile city, automobile manufacturing and other colleges and universities can be stationed in Jiading.

Culture and education, including higher education and general education, can continue to grow bigger, corporate culture and community culture can also be done more solidly and better, attract creative talents, after a period of cultivation, Jiading New Town and old city combined, will definitely develop.

Jiading has such a background, so I think that in the process of further development, it can also form a certain cultural circle, and special cultural creation and cultural development centers or sub-centers are possible.

Jiading primary industry agricultural and sideline products and so on have a certain income, secondary industry automobiles have a very great role in promoting the entire economic situation of Jiading, so Jiading economy has been ranked among the best.

Although the Jiading industry has developed very well, it is indeed inferior to Songjiang in terms of people's agglomeration, and it is not as attractive as this culture.

Although Jiading's tertiary industry, culture and tourism have also been carried out well, it can further strengthen publicity and combine with local characteristics. The motor city is very good, but the design concept, sales concept, and corporate culture of the car itself can add some of the human touch and cultural heritage in the traditional culture, which will be different. Even if a craftsman does craftsmanship, culture and culture are not the same, its design, the concept in the production process, and after becoming a product, not only practical, but also ornamental. This is subtle, and the staying power is gradually revealed.

The Paper: Today, Shanghai is building a core circle of Collaborative Innovation at Jiakuntai. Jia KunTai is a cultural and economic circle. What are the cultural similarities between the three places?

Chen Jiang: Historically, strictly speaking, Jiading came out of Kunshan. Kunshan is obviously located between Suzhou and Shanghai, the earliest Qin Dynasty established Lou County, to the Three Kingdoms period changed its name to Kunshan, the Southern Song Dynasty Jiading independent from Kunshan County, named after the era name Jiading at that time. Therefore, the relationship between Jiading and Kunshan is very close, and they are very close to each other in terms of culture, geographical conditions, and production methods. For example, Taicang, Kunshan this area used to be cotton-producing, Jiading is also an important cotton area, producing a large amount of cotton, cotton and trade through this place, cotton cloth, so Nanxiang as one of the most important market towns, for the exchange or settlement of goods, mainly selling cotton and cotton cloth, shipped to the north. Therefore, it is very closely related to Taicang and Kunshan, and has geographical and cultural similarities.

In the middle of Shanghai and Suzhou, whether in the past or now, Jia, Kun and Taizheng are actually the economic and cultural corridors between Shanghai and Suzhou. Before the Qing Dynasty, this area was greatly influenced by Suzhou, and in modern times, it was mainly influenced by Shanghai.

Therefore, the modern "Haipai culture" and the ancient "Jiangnan culture" have more prominent embodiments in Jia, Kun and Tai, and have formed their own characteristics in the integration.

It is very meaningful to propose to further build the Economic and Cultural Circles of Jia, Kunming, and Taizhou. In the concept of integrated linkage of the Yangtze River Delta, the core is the three major cities of Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou. In the linkage between Shanghai and Suzhou and even many cities in Jiangsu, Jia, Kun and Tai not only have advantages in geographical location, but also have the possibility of forming some new breakthroughs in economic development, cultural creativity and other aspects. For example, since the Yuan Dynasty, Taicang has become an important port to the sea, Zheng He's voyage to the West is used as an anchorage, and since then, the internal driving force of the export-oriented economy has also been continuously enhanced. If we can make full use of the advantages of all aspects, including economic and cultural advantages, relying on Shanghai and Suzhou, this region may be able to form a new development model that is different from Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai in the process of further reform and opening up.

The Paper: Jiading has a Confucius Temple, Guyi Garden, etc., as well as bamboo carvings, paintings and other rich artistic heritage, in the construction of Jiading New City, how to protect and develop and utilize these cultural heritage?

Chen Jiang: There are many ancient buildings preserved in Jiading, that is, there are many tangible cultural relics mentioned today, including temples that are said to be from the Southern Dynasty Liang period, at least two, one in Nanxiang and the other in Waigang.

Jiading's Confucius Temple is very distinctive, it is said that the earliest began to be built during the Jiading period of the Southern Song Dynasty, and later renovated, and now retains the pattern since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the whole specification is very eye-catching. In the past, ancient Chinese history was called the unity of temple learning, and the temple of literature and the auxiliary and county studies of the official schools were combined. As a county, Jiading is not too big from a regional point of view, but its Confucius Temple, the location of the county school, and the scale of the establishment are such a pattern.

Nanxiang Town in Jiading is actually a typical Jiangnan town, leaving a lot of things, you can repair the old street inside, enrich the cultural atmosphere. If its original old street has a stronger cultural atmosphere, it is a very good typical example of the towns in the Gangnam area. Of course, don't be in a hurry, take your time, cultural construction is not achieved overnight.

The most famous of the intangible cultural heritage is the Jiading Bamboo Carving, which is currently a national intangible cultural heritage project, and the entire Shanghai area is the highest level. Of the more than a dozen projects preserved and protected by Jiading's intangible heritage, only bamboo carvings are national-level, which not only has an impact on Jiading, but can also be said to have a national impact, and Jiading bamboo carvings are a very unique gene.

Another point is that Jiading bamboo carving itself is a manifestation of a comprehensive art. It is said that the Ancient Yi Garden in Nanxiang was designed by Zhu Sansong, a famous bamboo carver in the Ming Dynasty, indicating that bamboo carving masters are often not only good at bamboo carving, but also a master of painting. Therefore, as a special memory, bamboo carving itself is a cultural heritage that deserves our attention and protection. Jiading has established a bamboo carving museum, which preserves some treasured bamboo carvings made by ancient and modern arts and crafts artists, which is a very good practice.

Jiading continues to become a famous cultural city, continue to exert the cultural agglomeration effect in history, and bamboo carving can be a focus. Cultural and artistic heritage and connotation are common. Jiading bamboo carvings embody the aesthetics of the whole place. It has a certain edifying effect on the entire popular and popularized aesthetic taste.

For example, can we further exert ourselves to concentrate the ancient Chinese carving art represented by bamboo carving and form a special production base in Jiading, or an art training base and a creative base. At least it appeals to woodcarvers and bamboo carving artists or artists in the Gangnam area, which is something we should do today.

Editor-in-Charge: Tian Chunling

Proofreader: Shi Gong