
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

author:Mu Wanli

I haven't made internet celebrity dim sum fairy bean cake for a long time, and I especially want to eat it recently, before I made purple potato filling, this time I will make a red bean filling! Xian bean cake is not only high in appearance, the taste is also superb, the crispy skin is wrapped with soft glutinous sweet red bean paste, red bean paste and then wrapped with salty cheese, a bite to sweet and salty staggered, crispy on the outside, soft on the outside, delicious to stop, really worthy of the net red dim sum!

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

【Xian bean cake】

Ingredients: 150 g of low gluten flour, 50 g of corn starch, 2 eggs (90 g of hulled), 40 g of powdered sugar, 45 g of corn oil, 480 g of red bean paste, chopped cheese to taste.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

1: Beat two eggs into the pot, shell 90g, and stir the eggs with egg soy sauce.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

2: After stirring, pour in 45 grams of corn oil and 40 grams of powdered sugar, stir well, let the egg liquid, corn oil and powdered sugar be fully mixed, and stir until the color is consistent.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

3, 150 grams of low gluten flour, 50 grams of corn starch sifted into the egg liquid, with egg pumping Z shape stirring (this can prevent flour from tendoning, made to make it crisp).

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

4: Stir until there is no dry powder, pinch and grasp by hand, and knead into a smooth dough. Cover the kneaded dough with plastic wrap and let loose for 25 minutes.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

5: Take advantage of the time to relax the dough, take out the red bean paste, divide it into 16 equal parts, 30 grams per portion, and then roll into a round ball.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

6: Prepare an appropriate amount of chopped cheese, take a red bean paste and flatten it, put in some chopped cheese, close and pinch it with the tiger's mouth, and then rub it into a round ball for later.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

7, loose dough do not need to knead, divide it into 16 equal parts, each part is about 23 grams, after dividing into a ball, cover with plastic wrap to prevent dry cracking. Take a dough and press it flat, roll out a thin pancake with a rolling pin with a thick edge in the middle, put on the red bean paste cheese, use the tiger's mouth to round and then knead it tightly, slightly round it, and make it square.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

8, the pan with a low heat heat, put the raw embryo into the pan, burn to the bottom of the shape, turn the noodles to continue to burn, after the stereotype and then burn the third side, all six sides to the finalization, and then re-burn the six sides again, burn to the six sides golden, you can get out of the pot.

The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!
The fairy bean cake with high appearance and good taste, the outside is crispy and the inside is sticky, sweet and salty, and it is not difficult at all!

9, golden color, fragrant red bean cheese fairy bean cake out of the pot, break open can draw Oh! It's crispy on the outside and sticky on the inside, sweet and salty, super delicious!

(The pictures and texts are original)