
"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

author:Andy brother's kitchen

Today's guide: "three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious bullet teeth, Fu Cai broth sweet and refreshing! In winter, dinner should be eaten like this, insist on a month, skin whitening, women's physique is fine!

The poet's popular love poem "Sweet Revenge": "Add some salt to your shadow / Pickle / Air dry / When you are old / Drink", if there is such an unforgettable love affair, the owner of the shadow may be called "Lucky Dish"!

"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

The Fu cai and sauerkraut families are all salted with mustard greens; but the fu vegetables are dried in the sun and shade to absorb the essence of the earth age.

Cooking soup, rich taste, added scallops and pork and other soups, salty and umami to each other, and then mixed with sweet water chestnut, like the life experience of the three generations of the old, middle and young generations, each has its own strength;

Blessed dishes full of aging charm are especially full of tail charm.

Sauerkraut is marinated and fermented to retain enough water to maintain a soft outer and crunchy taste on the inside.

The distinct salty and sour taste, steamed with the white eel, the fat and slightly river flavored eel meat, can be dissolved and freshened.

White eel is rich in nutrients, strong in vitamins, and has a strong effect on beautification.

The pickling technology of the old ancestors is really forward-looking, and it still shines in the modern era, and the flavor is still there.

Life and the truth of pickles are a bar, and the sauerkraut family is a family.

Ultimately, we need a stable society where we can enjoy three dishes and one soup with our family and friends.

"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > steamed white eel with sauerkraut</h1>


1 piece of white eel, 200 grams of sauerkraut, 1 green onion, (seasoning) 1 tablespoon of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of sweet noodle sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of bean paste, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of taibai powder, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little pepper

Get ready:

Buy white eels and ask the fishmongers to wash them and remove their internal organs


1. Blanch the white eel to remove the mud and cut into the shape of a dragon

2. Dry the white eels

3. Mix the minced garlic, sweet noodle sauce, bean paste, soy sauce, white powder, sugar and pepper and pour over the eel

4. Soak the sauerkraut for 30 minutes

5. Wash and shred the sauerkraut and sprinkle on the eel

6. Steam in water for 20 to 25 minutes and sprinkle with green onions

"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > beans stir-fried beef meat</h1>

300 grams of beans, 300 grams of ground beef, 2 tablespoons of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar

1. Wash the beans, remove the head and tail, and cut into small pieces

2. Mix the beef ground meat with soy sauce, soy sauce and sugar

3. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil and sauté the minced pesto

4. Stir-fry the beans well, add a little water and fry until the beans are half cooked

5. Stir-fry the beef with beans until cooked thoroughly

"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > celery carrot fried dried tofu</h1>

500 grams of celery, 1 carrot, 300 grams of dried tofu, 3 slices of ginger, 1 teaspoon (seasoning) sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon rice wine

1. Wash and cut the celery leaves

2. Peel and cut carrots into strips

3. Dry clean cut of beans

4. Heat 2 tbsp oil and medium heat shredded ginger

5. Stir-fry well with all the ingredients, drizzle with rice wine, then add sugar and salt and stir-fry well

"Three dishes and one soup" sauerkraut family pro, steamed white eel delicious elastic teeth, Foccol broth sweet and refreshing sauerkraut steamed white eel beans fried beef ground meat celery carrot fried beans dried plum water chestnut dried scallop lean broth

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > lean broth of dried plum water chestnut and dried scallops</h1>

180 grams of dried plums, 15 water chestnuts, 10 grams of dried scallops, 300 grams of lean pork

1. Wash the vegetables and scallops

2. Wash the lean pork and blanch it for later

3. Bring 4 liters of water to a boil, under all ingredients, and cook on high heat for about 30 minutes

4. Reduce heat and cook for about 2 hours, season with a pinch of salt