
Play so fiercely? The vice president shouted "next year's market value will not be 50 billion cut belly", NORD shares received a regulatory letter late at night! Knock on the mountain for A-share executives


It's over, it's over, it's over, Barbie Q, this should be the "most desperate" A-share executive... On October 26, Chen Yubi, vice president of Nord shares, said in the circle of friends, "Please support Nord, next year's market value is not 50 billion, I apologize." The vice president pushed the ticket past the seller, and this remark instantly caused shock to the market. There are many strange remarks in the A-share market, but the supervision is never absent. On the evening of the 26th, NORD shares received a regulatory letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The SSE requires the company to self-check whether all directors, supervisors and senior officials have other improper acts that violate the information disclosure regulations, and if so, please correct them immediately.

At the opening of the market on the 27th, NORD shares opened 0.59% lower. In fact, the lesson of NORD shares has also sounded the alarm bell for all executives in A shares, and it is the right way to be cautious in words and deeds.

Executives push tickets even harder than sellers, what's the point?

"The market value does not have five billion to apologize"! On the 26th, Chen Yubi, vice president of NORD shares circulating on the Internet, "violently pushed" the circle of friends of his own stocks, which caused heated discussion. As of the close of the day, the total market value of NORD shares was 32.9 billion yuan, and there was still more than 17 billion yuan away from the market value of 50 billion yuan.

Play so fiercely? The vice president shouted "next year's market value will not be 50 billion cut belly", NORD shares received a regulatory letter late at night! Knock on the mountain for A-share executives

Screenshot of the circle of friends on the Internet

On the afternoon of the 26th, the representative of NORD Securities Affairs exclusively responded to the "V View Financial Report" (WeChat ID: VG-View) that the company has paid attention to this matter, "(Chen Yubi)'s remarks have not been reviewed and approved by the company, nor have they been reviewed by the company's board of directors, and all the news about the company's long-term planning is not true." The securities representative also said that any news about the company or the listed company is subject to statutory media and announcements.

The "VGuan Financial Report" also asked whether the company would punish the vice president who did not publish the news without compliance procedures, and the representative of NORD Securities said, "This is the company's internal approval process and does not need to be announced to the public." In addition, the other party refused to respond to whether the market value of NORD shares could hit 50 billion.

It is worth mentioning that after the Chen Yubi incident, Ms. Wang Handuo, the secretary of the board of directors of the company, also followed up with a remedy for the circle of friends, saying that Chen Yubi's circle of friends remarks were "deleted after a few minutes of mistaken posting".

According to the official website, NORD Investment Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Changchun Heat Shrinkable Material Factory founded in 1987, and the company's main production bases are national high-tech enterprises. On October 7, 1997, it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, becoming the first listed company in the Chinese Academy of Sciences system. The company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of electrolytic copper foil for lithium-ion batteries, and its products are mainly used in the production and manufacture of lithium batteries.

Chen Yubi is the executive vice president of NORD Shares. According to Wind information, Chen Yubi was the head of copper clad laminate sales in the electronics department of Formosa Plastics Group South Asia Company; the manager of the sales department of Guangzhou Hongren Electronics Industry Co., Ltd.; the general manager of the south China region of Lianmao Electronics Co., Ltd.; and the general manager of Lingbao Huaxin Copper Foil Co., Ltd. He has worked in the electrolytic copper foil industry for circuit boards and lithium batteries for many years, and has rich experience in the international management and systematic operation of large enterprises.

The company clarified that the regulatory letter was issued quickly

On the evening of the 26th, NORD shares issued an announcement to clarify market rumors that at about 10:00 p.m. on October 22, 2021, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, made a mistake in setting up a weChat circle of friends to see a small number of friends, mistakenly sent relevant information about the company's future market value expectations and distributed personal speech posters in a past meeting, which he himself found and deleted immediately in a short period of time.

NORD stressed that the second is that the outlook involving the company's future market value in the screenshot is based on the personal outlook for the securities market of the new sector of the electric new sector, and does not provide investment advice to anyone and does not represent the company's position; the rumors involving the target are affected by various factors and there is a risk that it cannot be achieved, and there are major uncertainties, and investors are reminded of the investment risks.

On the evening of the 26th, NORD received the "Regulatory Work Letter on Matters Related to media Reports of NORD Investment Co., Ltd." issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The SSE requires all directors and supervisors of the company to strengthen the prudence of releasing information, and requires the company to self-examine whether all directors and supervisors have other improper behaviors that violate the information disclosure regulations, and if so, please correct them immediately.

Play so fiercely? The vice president shouted "next year's market value will not be 50 billion cut belly", NORD shares received a regulatory letter late at night! Knock on the mountain for A-share executives

Screenshot of the regulatory letter

The Shanghai Stock Exchange said that some media attention has paid attention to the inappropriate remarks of Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, on the company's market value, which has aroused widespread concern and discussion in the market and investors. The above matters reflect the Company's deficiencies in information disclosure and internal governance.

The SSE pointed out that companies and relevant responsible persons should take this as a warning and attach great importance to the above issues. All directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the company shall strengthen the prudence of publicly releasing information, avoid the release of major and sensitive information, inappropriate remarks that may cause market misunderstandings and affect the company's market image; at the same time, improve the awareness of information disclosure, perform information disclosure obligations in accordance with laws and regulations, and prevent the recurrence of such problems.

According to the financial report, in the first half of the year, NORD achieved operating income of 2.008 billion yuan, an increase of 153.42% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 201 million yuan, an increase of 1238.75% year-on-year. The Company has not disclosed its results for the first three quarters.

This article originates from the V-view financial report

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