
Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

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Life is not a dream, and he is a dreamer. - "Evgeny Onegin"

Pushkin, known as the progenitor of Russian literature, his works, influenced generations of Russians, recently read his famous book "Yevgeny Onegin", personally even more lamented, even two hundred years later, the characters in the book, stories, can still see the shadow of real life, give me inspiration and insight.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Portrait of Pushkin

The "superfluous" Onegin, who was abandoned by the times, actually had a chance.

The protagonist of the story, Onegin, is aristocratic, intelligent and witty, good at socializing, but he is tired of this life, feels bored, and then after reading some books, he wants to become a poet, but he has not picked up a pen to write any words. When his father died and aristocratic life was coming to an end, after the death of his uncle, he unexpectedly gave him a huge inheritance, making him a lord who owned the fields and factories. But even if life is carefree, for him, such a life, such a life, is very boring.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous


When I saw this, my biggest feeling was that this person was very similar to many of us in real life, very similar to myself at some moments, obviously did nothing, but fantasized that my life could be colorful and rewarding, but whenever we wanted to do things, I hesitated and retreated. And such a person, there is only one result, that is, abandoned by the times.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Stage performances

Later, the bored and somewhat cynical Onegin was forced to duel with his friend Lensky, in fact, before the duel he hesitated and wanted to refuse, but just like before, these ideas were left in his imagination and not implemented, and the result of the duel was that he shot his friend and then left Moscow to live a wandering life.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Evgeny Onegin

In my opinion, Onegin's life may be the envy of many of us, a life of great wealth, without having to worry about life, and can do whatever you want. But the most critical problem is that you can do whatever you want to do in your dreams, and the most important thing is to do it! But Onegin's biggest problem was that he only thought about it and didn't do it.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Illustration of the duel

So at the end of the story, whether it is real work, or feelings and life, detached from reality, immersed in the life of his dreams, Onegin, who has no actual execution, no perseverance and perseverance to do any of these things, has become a "superfluous person" abandoned by the times, but before he becomes a dispensable person in society, he has the opportunity to change his fate, and the time is much more than us, much longer, but unfortunately he just thinks, but does not do, does not execute, and finally gives us a back shadow that makes us sigh.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous


The story chooses two kinds of women, so it was in the past, it is so now, and it should be the same in the future.

In "Evgeny Onegin", there are two important female characters, who are known as the model of Russian aristocratic women - Dagiana, and Olga, who is feminine and beautiful and good at grasping people's hearts. Onegin, like all men, clearly preferred the good-looking Olga of the two women, even though she was already Lensky's fiancée. And Dagiana, who has no good character and no appearance as superior as Ogar, is indifferent to Dagiana's confession.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Dagiana and Onegin

And the most ironic thing in the story is also this, two friends, for the woman Ogar launched a duel, two men duel, one shot in the chest, instant death, one with a lifetime of guilt, began his wandering life. And Ogar, who was Liansky's fiancée, turned around and became the bride of an officer when Liansky's bones were not cold.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Dagiana is a model for Russian women

The recent 65-page PPT story has exploded on the Internet, and the moral values of the Xiang Sixing family in the story have stunned the whole network, and some people even shouted what Yu Hongmin said was right. But I would like to say that, in fact, just like the story of Pushkin's masterpiece two hundred years ago, why does everyone focus on the beautiful Ogar? Why not look at the noble Dagjana? After getting married, Dagiana, facing the emotional attack of her former beloved man, still insisted on her marriage vows.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

The strange circle of influencers

Some people say that it is just a story in literature, but in real life, most women are not also sticking to their ordinary lives? Yes, human nature cannot withstand the test, and there are not many people who can face trials and temptations like Dagiana, and still stick to their responsibilities and oaths, but there are really such people in the world.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Plastic surgery for women

Obviously scolding the falsehood of those plastic surgery women, but after the plastic surgery, beautiful women flock to it, only see the appearance and figure, but do not understand the heart and character, such a mistake, two hundred years ago people are like this, two hundred years later people are still like this, the future, I am afraid that there may not be a change.

Reading the famous book "Yevgeni Onegin", people who cannot keep up with the times will only seem superfluous

Pushkin's head

The only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind has not learned any lesson. Pushkin's book Yevgeny Onegin reflects many human problems that still exist today. Wise people will understand and change themselves after reading books, of course, there will be some people who disdain change, disdain to understand, and their lives, in my opinion, are just the mistakes made by previous people in the loop.

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