
Evgeny Onegin: What is the woman who is called the "soul of Russia"?

author:Say no more

Evgeny Onegin is a poetic novel that, as the foundation of Russian realist literature, was called "an encyclopedia of Russian life" by the critic Belinsky.

Evgeny Onegin: What is the woman who is called the "soul of Russia"?

The picture shows the Pushkin Monument

In 19th-century Russia, most women were suppressed by feudal ideology and religious consciousness, and were in a state of extreme scarcity in the spiritual world. Growing up in an environment centered on "male power", their personalities are often submissive, and the shackles of spirit and thought make them never have the right to pursue true love. But Pushkin's portrayal of Dagiana in "Yevgeni Onegin" subverted the traditional image of Russian women at that time, and the pure and simple she would show great enthusiasm and courage when love came, which can be seen as the germ of women's pursuit of free love.

Dagiana is called "the soul of Russia" in the book, and Belinsky once called her "the typical Russian woman, unadulterated with any impurities"; Dostoevsky called her "the icon of the Russian woman", and these praises are still evaluated from the male discourse power, and their focus is still on Dagiana's marriage to a human woman, in the face of Onegin's crazy courtship, although she loves him, she resolutely rejects him because of her responsibility, thus evaluating her as "fulfilling the mission of women". "Noble spirit of self-sacrifice". But the focus of my attention is the daguiana of the girlhood, the brave girl who dares to pursue love.

Evgeny Onegin: What is the woman who is called the "soul of Russia"?

The young girl Dagiana is simple and simple, and she fell in love with Onegin at first sight. When she fell in love with him uncontrollably, instead of avoiding it out of courtesy or shyness like most girls, she wrote him a long love letter expressing her admiration: "This is the will of God, and it is destined that I will always be for you." Everything I have done, my whole life, has guaranteed to meet you, and I know that God sent you to protect me all the way to the edge of the grave... I am waiting; only your gaze can ignite the hope in my heart, or, alas, give me the condemnation I deserve, and let this heavy dream be broken forever!"

Evgeny Onegin: What is the woman who is called the "soul of Russia"?

Dagiana plunged into love, persistently expressing and pursuing her love, reflecting her youth and bravery. But when she realized that the pinning of love on Onegin had become a fantasy rather than a reality, she immediately transformed from a simple girl who did not understand the world to a mature and calm woman. She chose to come to Moscow and marry an old general, and she quickly integrated into high society and became a noblewoman. Even though Onegin looked back for her, she still firmly rejected him, even though she still loved him deeply. It can be seen that Dagiana not only shows strong initiative in love, she is accurate in her positioning, has a clear plan and direction for the future, and takes responsibility for her own choices.

Dagiana's initiative in love only stays in the love period, and once married, she chooses to be absolutely loyal to her husband and family, that is, to return to the traditional female status in the patriarchal society. Nevertheless, Pushkin's village girl Dagiana, who was passionate and courageous, actively pursued love and advocated the liberation of individuality, "exceeded the moral norms of the aristocratic high society of the time and had the ability of modern love". Her yearning and pursuit of free love is rare in Russian literature.

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