
Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

author:Dear Lulu

Yuan Na is 22 years old this year, just graduated from college, sensible and well-behaved, actively motivated, passed the teacher qualification certificate, and also passed the professional English level eight, originally she will soon realize her dream of becoming a teacher.

But a physical examination on June 22 completely disrupted her life, and she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and was urgently admitted to the hospital.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Her parents had been taking good care of her, and in order to save money to treat her, they were reluctant to rent a bed, only one, and the other person lay on a chair in the corridor to rest.

The doctor said that Yuan Na's condition is very serious, her number of white blood cells is already ten times that of ordinary people, very dangerous, at any time will endanger her life, what can be done at this stage is to first chemotherapy, and then pay to find the matching bone marrow, so as to carry out bone marrow transplantation.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Yuan Na's father, Yuan Shiming, was a little hesitant to hear the doctor's words, not because he did not love his daughter and did not want to treat her daughter, but because his daughter's life he had been hiding for more than twenty years, and he really did not want to say it at this time.

It turned out that Yuan Shiming and his wife married in 1988 and had no children after marriage, until 1999, when they adopted Yuan Na, who was only more than a month old at the time, through an intermediary.

When Yuan Na was adopted, Yuan Na had a note next to her, writing Yuan Na's birthday and a bag of rice.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Yuan Na's arrival made Yuan Shiming and his wife very happy, for so many years they took good care of Yuan Na, very fond of her, always trying their best to give her the best.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed, Yuan Na has grown up very well, and her character and learning are excellent, but no one thought that at this time, the disease would find this kind girl.

In order to save Yuan Na's life, Yuan Shiming had to tell this secret to his daughter and look for her daughter's biological parents, because only by finding Yuan Na's biological parents could there be any hope of finding the bone marrow that suited her.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Before telling their daughter the secret that had been hidden for many years, the couple lingered outside the ward for a long time, they couldn't bear it, and they were afraid that their daughter would not accept it, but finally they plucked up the courage to go inside.

Hearing such news, Yuan Na could no longer control her tears, she cried and said that her adoptive parents were particularly good to herself, even better than her own children, she had never thought about her adoption, and regretted that she did not listen to her parents well.

Then Yuan Shiming found the middleman of the year, learned that Yuan Na's biological parents were working in Changsha, and asked for the other party's phone number, but at this time Yuan Shiming was a little hesitant.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Because he did not know whether Yuan Na's biological parents would be willing to help with this, after struggling Yuan Shiming still called, and it was Yuan Na's biological father Zhao Lei who answered the phone.

Yuan Shiming and Zhao Lei were on the phone, simply verified the information, and then agreed to meet and talk again.

After meeting, it was learned that Zhao Lei was indeed Yuan Na's biological father, Zhao Lei and his wife had four daughters in total, Yuan Na was the third oldest, because the conditions were not good when Yuan Na was born, and I heard that Yuan Shiming's family conditions were OK, but there had been no children, so he decided to send the third to Yuan Shiming's family to raise.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

After sending the third elder away, Zhao Lei and his wife also regretted it, but later heard that Yuan Na was doing well, and he felt that he had no face to face his daughter, so he never went to see Yuan Na.

After learning the current situation of his daughter, Zhao Lei called his three daughters back, the family went to see Yuan Na together, Zhao Lei and his wife also wrapped a big red envelope for Yuan Na, and the scene after the four sisters met was also very warm.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

In the end, the three sisters were sampled, and I believe that there must be bone marrow worthy of Yuan Na, and Yuan Na's future life path will be very happy, because she has a lot of love.

Her adoptive parents have already stated that the ruin of her family will also cure her illness, and her biological parents and sisters have promised to do their best to save her, such a powerful city of affection, I believe she will be well.

Adoptive parents and biological parents, together to save a 22-year-old girl, only family affection in this world priceless LuLu said:

Yuan Na said that she does not hate her biological parents, is very grateful to them for giving birth to her, and understands their hardships, and in the future, the two families will love each other and live well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Lulu said</h1>:

The thing that can best test emotions when you are sick is that an illness is likely to make love turn against you and break your family, but there are also emotions that can stand the test, that is, family affection.

I dare not say absolutely that other emotions cannot stand the test, but dare to say absolutely that in many cases, family affection is the most powerful backing, because only your relatives will really put you in your heart.

Of course, there are responsible partners.

Life is in the sea, the world is uncertain, may everyone be safe and healthy, bless Yuan Na, she will be fine.

Follow @Dear Lulu to share emotional stories daily.

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