
Affection is priceless, so you can put it down at will

author:Veteran God Seven

Someone asked: The matching has been successful, should the uncle donate a kidney to his nephew?

After reading many comments, why do many people now say that they should not, and say that nephews are not close relatives, I feel ashamed, let's first ignore those who donate kidneys for others, even for strangers, people who donate kidneys, talk about their own views on this matter, their own nephews even said that some people are not close relatives? I really can't believe that people's concept of family affection is so weak now, whether they will get kidney failure in the future is still unknown, but the nephew is already in danger, as an uncle how to see death and not save it? Uncles and uncles are also second only to their fathers' closest relatives, and in many places they are called second fathers and third fathers... that is, how can a father give up his son for himself? Imagine that you watched your nephew lose his life youngly with unpredictable things, and can you still live a life that you can calmly think of as happy in the future? I think that if you are a sentient and righteous person, that kind of inner torment you will endure for a lifetime, and it will not help, I hope that you can be reasonable, righteous, and awe-inspiring to be a respectable uncle - Sub-Father.

Finally, I would like to pay high tribute to those who have the noble spirit of donating kidneys for those who need them!