
Tao Te Ching: Obey the limits of life, let life return to its place one, two,

author:Guoxue Bookstore
Tao Te Ching: Obey the limits of life, let life return to its place one, two,

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Everything in the world has a certain limit, and the ending of every thing will also belong, what kind of things should a person do? What kind of state will a thing develop into? It was all predestined.

This problem can also be viewed from the perspective of cause and effect, and the result presented by any thing is shaped by its "cause", which is called what kind of "cause" there is, what kind of "effect".

The degree to which a thing develops is set off by the cause behind this thing, and this cause is hidden in places we can't see in addition to the factors we can see.

Therefore, when the "effect" is presented to the extent that the "cause" of the thing is foiled, there will be no more growth, and there will be no other changes, which belongs to the original law of a thing, also called nature.

But man's subjective consciousness, in this natural development process, is always too much interference.

For example, we try to make things develop according to our own consciousness, or try to make the results of things satisfy our never-ending desires, and in the process of this subjective consciousness intervention, we will go against the development of the laws of nature.

Just as the so-called way of saying "those who go along with the flow will prosper, and those who go against the odds will die" and "go against the way", they will eventually have to pay an equal price for their own lives, which is the price of failing to know the way of heaven and conforming to nature.

Tao Te Ching: Obey the limits of life, let life return to its place one, two,

The Tao Te Ching has a passage called:

The Tao is often nameless and simple. Although small, the world is unable to be a subject. If the prince can keep it, all things will be at his own mercy. Heaven and earth are united, and they are self-equalized by the order of the people. The beginning system has a name, the name is also there, the husband will also know the end, and the knowledge can not be destroyed. For example, the Tao is under the heavens, and the Valley of Yuchuan is in the rivers and seas.

The meaning of this sentence is that the Tao is always in a nameless and simple state, and although it is faint, no one under the heavens can command it. If the king-in-waiting can hold on to it, all things will automatically submit, people do not need to command it, control it, it will be very even, just like the combination of heaven and earth yin and yang, can descend to manna. And the Tao creates all things, and all things have names, and after the name is given, we should know that it is appropriate to stop, and if it is appropriate, it will not produce danger. For example, the Tao exists between heaven and earth, just like the rivers and seas and small rivers, and the small rivers all flow into the rivers and seas.

The Tao gives birth to all things, nurtures all things, and all things go according to their own nature, so that they can get what they want.

Although the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching teaches monarchs and kings to govern the world, it can also be universal to life.

If you can be selfless without desire, understand your own limits, and keep the limits of your life, you can make everything in life have its own place, and there is no worry.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng Wugong and Jiang Shi had two sons, Zhuang Gong and Shu Duan.

Duke Zhuang was born with difficulty in childbirth, so his mother Jiang Shi did not like him very much, but favored his younger brother Duan, and asked his father to depose Duke Zhuang as crown prince and make uncle Duan crown prince, but did not succeed.

Tao Te Ching: Obey the limits of life, let life return to its place one, two,

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Later, after the death of Duke Wu, Duke Zhuang succeeded to the throne as Duke Zheng zhuang.

Mother Jiang Shi asked to give Shu Duan an important city, this city is now Xingyang, Henan, but this city is a place where soldiers must fight, and Zhuang Gong has some concerns and does not want to seal the dangerous place to Shu Duan.

So the mother retreated to the second place, asking shu Duan to be given a seal to Jingyi, which was also one of the most prosperous large cities at that time, and Zhuang Gong agreed.

However, Shu Duan was not satisfied with this, and after arriving in Jingyi, he began to build the city wall, and the wall he built was higher and larger than the capital city, which had violated the rules of the Zhou Li.

Some people persuaded Zheng Zhuanggong to quickly cut through the chaos and solve this hidden scourge, and Zhuang Gong said: "If you do more unrighteousness, you will kill yourself, and your daughter will treat it." ”

This means that if you do more unrighteous things, you will inevitably kill yourself, so you can watch.

Later, Shu Duan kidnapped and ordered other cities, but Zhuang Gong once again turned a blind eye and said: "Without justice, you cannot call on people, and although the power is large, it will collapse." ”

Later, Shu Duan colluded with his mother, Jiang Shi, and planned to cooperate with the outside world and carry out a rebellion.

Duke Zhuang only began to order a crusade at this time, and later Shu Duan was defeated and forced to flee to the Communist State.

When Gongshu Duan was initially divided into Jingyi, he had been focusing on developing his own power, but in the end it ended in failure, and Zhuang Gong repeatedly tolerated it, raised troops at key moments to fight, but was able to break the rebellion in one fell swoop, and the different endings created by the two Were in addition to the difference in strength, but more importantly, there was a fundamental difference, that is, one was the defense of the Tao, and the other was the greed of the Tao.

Tao Te Ching: Obey the limits of life, let life return to its place one, two,

If desire is the driving force for the development of life, then wisdom is the most fundamental basis for harnessing this driving force.

If there is no wisdom and allows one's desires to develop, then sooner or later desire will blur the mental consciousness and pull it into the abyss, and only by controlling the desire to a moderate position, and then shaping the process of benign development for life in a way that is in harmony with the Tao, can we finally obtain relatively good results.

There is a saying that although the sun and moon are bright, they are invisible when they are obscured by clouds.

This is like a high-ranking king, when he is deceived by material desires, he is also foolish and confused, so only by controlling desire within a certain limit can he avoid becoming a slave to desire, and thus avoid disaster.

There is a saying in "Lü's Spring and Autumn" that says: Husbands die and die, not from the beginning, but also from the beginning. The same is true for longevity. Therefore the one who has the Word does not observe what is called, and he who observes his calling cannot be forbidden. This argument is not familiar.

The death, calamity, decay and demise of life are not automatically found, but are caused by their own confusion. Longevity is often the case, so the enlightened person does not look at the result, but looks at the cause, then the result cannot be curbed, and this truth cannot be completely understood.

Everything in the world has a cause and effect, no life will appear for no reason, there must be a reason for this sudden, so the so-called flying disaster is usually the result of their own confused words and deeds, because of the confusion leads to violation of the law, naturally suffered from the disaster.

The author | Guoxue Bookstore

Taste the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Studies, feel the culture of the ancients, understand a different world, and see a different life.

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