
The meaning of the existence of anything in the universe is that each has its own place

author:Philosophical life is like a shooting star in the sky

The meaning of the existence of anything in the universe is to have its own place, to be in its place, to enjoy itself leisurely, to know and feel its true existence.

How the universe was born, like how man came to be, is the ultimate question that life needs to explore and think about. However, whether it is God's creation theory, or the universe from the Big Bang, etc., it is just an explanation or speculation about the origin of the universe! I am afraid that for a long time, even for the entire duration of human existence, it will not be possible to give a correct answer. However, the exploration and research of human beings to trace the roots will not stop, which is also one of the driving forces of human development. However, as human beings, while studying and exploring the universe, we must pay more attention to the immediate problems, the real problems, and the problems that human beings have the ability to solve and must seriously solve. Because, human beings cannot exist forever, just as a person's life is limited. Therefore, the important mission of people is to first solve their own survival and development problems. Without solving practical problems, empty talk about ideals and infinity often has no value and meaning.

The meaning of the existence of anything in the universe is that each has its own place
The meaning of the existence of anything in the universe is that each has its own place
The meaning of the existence of anything in the universe is that each has its own place

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