
National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

author:Guide tube
National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

This is the last plate we want to terminate after the original number of the guide tube was 404

Since July, more and more activities have been abruptly terminated in various places

But as long as there is 1 game, it can still be continued

The guide tube launched a preview section for film festivals and theme screenings,

Bring together information on the screening of independent films and art films across the country to provide choices for film fans and audiences around the world.

Preview of the 44th National Arts/Independent Film Screening | early August

Since November 2017, the guide has launched a preview section for film festivals and theme screenings, bringing together information on independent film and art film screenings across the country, providing choices for film fans and audiences around the world.

The new version of the National Art/Independent Film Screening Preview is fixed every month for three periods, which is divided into four major sections: top recommendation, film festival recommendation, national/linkage screening recommendation, and regional screening recommendation. Welcome major film festivals, copyright projection agencies and venues to contact the guide tube to jointly enrich this screening preview.

This issue is issue 18 of 2019

Especially recommended

Guiding tube observation: "Shaman of the Blind Country" in the national academic exchange


Special Screening Michelle O'Pitts Documentary "The Shaman of the Blind Country"

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Event Description:

The Shaman of the Blind Nation is a mythological epic documentary about religious healing in a remote region of northwestern Nepal. To document the basic characteristics of local religious practices, the film was filmed for more than eighteen months. Religiously and spiritually, the feature is found in the Siberian region of North Asia and the vast Himalayas, in line with many forms of the typical shamanic traditions of Greater Inner Asia.

The basic conception of the film derives from a basic feature observed among the Maga people. During the time of filming that footage, the life of the Majia people was filled with myths. Whatever people do in their daily lives is thought to be related to the corresponding events sung by their shamans and in the origin stories. In favorable circumstances, the mythical past and the deeds of the mythological protagonists are constantly reproduced: through almost daily healing assemblies, the practice of shamans allows oral traditions to survive in the consciousness of ordinary believers. The chants performed over and over again guide the villagers through chaos and misfortune. To some extent, the interaction between mythological odes and the logic of everyday behavior has survived to this day. Because of the interplay between the mythical past and secular modern life, The Shaman of the Blind Nation was once called a mythological film. And because contemporary people in the film frequently face the heroes in the origin story, "The Shaman of the Blind Country" has also been called an epic movie.

Nanjing/Hangzhou: "The Shaman of the Blind Country" is screened

Chengdu session

Event Details:

Time: August 4 (Sunday) 14:00-18:00

Venue: NU SPACE, No. 9 Kuixinglou Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu Mingtang Creative Workspace Area B

Ticket price: 40RMB / 120 seats only

⬆️ For more details, please scan the QR code

Film festival recommendation

Guide Observation: The 4th Macao International Documentary Film Festival will be held soon

Macau Love & Movie Museum

The 4th Macao International Documentary Film Festival

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The three-week, annual summer Macao International Documentary Film Festival ( MOIDF ) is Macau's first documentary film festival, organized by the Macau Love & Film Museum. Each year, around an "Annual Theme", exciting and innovative documentary films from around the world will be screened, with a focus on promoting and celebrating the creativity and diversity of film documentaries. According to the annual theme, the festival will also invite heavyweight and unique masters to "focus directors" (such as Pedro Costa, Naomi Kawase, Kazuo Hara) in previous editions, and each film festival will also invite directors to come to Macao to hold master classes and post-screening discussions to share their own film aesthetics. MOIDF hopes to bring the film documentary closer to everyone and open up the audience's imagination of the documentary.

More than 20 masterpieces have gathered into this unconventional new life documentary festival

When: August 10 to 31

Location: Macau

⬆️ For more details, please click on the link

National Screening/Linkage Screening Recommendation

Guide tube observation: "Master-apprentice inheritance, predecessors and descendants" Hong Kong Film Festival 16 cities across the country - Beijing Station first. The 14th MFA Youth Film Festival of Hong Kong Baptist University 2019 is on a national tour.

16 cities in the country Hong Kong Film Festival

"Inheritance of Mentoring and Apprenticeship, Descendants of Predecessors" - The 8th Hong Kong Theme Film Festival

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The 8th Hong Kong Themed Film Festival will be held from July 18 to August 4 at the Broadway Film Centre in Beijing and at the Apm Store at Beijing Broadway Cinemas. The national tour exhibition will also open again from Beijing, to Jinan, Tianjin, Chongqing, Wuxi, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Dalian, Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunming, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Ningbo, Changsha a total of 16 cities broadway cinema, there is a national tour city and theater schedule. This year's theme is "Master-Apprentice Inheritance, Predecessors and Future Generations".

The 8th Hong Kong Film Festival Film List was announced | Master-apprentice inheritance, the future generation of predecessors

Beijing | the 8th Hong Kong Theme Film Festival

Date: July 18 to August 4 (Beijing Station)

Venue: Beijing Broadway Film Center and Beijing Broadway Cinema apm Store

Ticket purchase will be open soon (see link for details of ⬆️ the schedule)

Multi-city Hong Kong Baptist University in China

This summer's weeds can't burn enough丨 2019 Hong Kong Baptist University's 14th MFA Youth Film Exhibition nationwide tour

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Film as an art, but also a way of communication, audience feedback to make the film complete, this summer, Hong Kong Baptist University Film School MFA young directors will bring their works to meet the audience, the weeds can not burn, for them, the film road has just begun, the next more than a month of national tour.

07.06-07.07 Shanghai Station (Shanghai Vancouver Film Academy)

07.12-07.14 Hangzhou Railway Station (Xixi Creative Industry Park)

08.10-08.11 Chengdu Station (Nu Space)

When: July 6 to August 11

Location: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu

National Five Cities Rainbow Chamber Orchestra

Classic Silent Film Video Concert "Goddess"

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The 1910s and 1930s were an era of vigorous development of silent films in China. At that time, China woke up from feudal society, and the people of Chinese began to really look at the world. At that time, a large number of practitioners of literature, art and art emerged in China, and since then, China has entered a golden age of cultural rise. Thanks to the support of the Jiangsu Arts Fund, we have the honor of bringing the audience back to yesterday's performance viewing experience, and we have selected three works by Nguyen Thi to bring you back to that "modern era" in the theater through re-creation in music and on stage.

When: May 24 to May 26

Location: Suzhou

Regional screening recommendations

Guide Tube Observation: Beijing highlights the UCCA Workshop held by the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art丨 Summer Film Style

Beijing Word Screening @CHAO

Chen Lianhua & An Xu animation works were screened

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Word Screening, in collaboration with CHAO Arts Center, focused on directors Chen Lianhua and An Xu's independent animation works at the Echo Theatre on August 3.

8.3 16:30

"West Lake Vinegar Fish" Animated Short Film / 2008

Winter Solstice Animated Short Film /2008

Mansange Animated Short Film / 2009

Valley Rain Animated Short Film / 2013

"Summer" animated short film / 2014

The Great Cold Animated Short Film /2015

Director Chen Lianhua × Fernach group Zhu Yantong to talk about QA

When: August 3

Venue: Chao B1 Amphitheater Echo Theater, No. 4 Gongti East Road

ShanghART Gallery, Beijing

ShanghART Group Exhibition "Geng Jianyi, Liang Shaoji, Apichatpong Welashaku"

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

ShanghART Beijing will present three important works (series) from three heavyweight artists Geng Jianyi, Liang Shaoji and Apichatpong Welashagu on July 13. This exhibition will present the exploration and challenges of the three artists in different artistic languages in the form of one person and one (series) of works, and try to make them reconnect and dialogue in the unique context of each other.

Time: 07/13 – 08/25

Location: ShanghART Beijing, No. 261, Caochangchang, Airport Auxiliary Road, Chaoyang District

Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing

UCCA Workshop 丨 Summer Movie Style

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The second season of "Summer Film Style" starts at the end of this month, from July 29 to August 4, seven days of production class, editing class, directing class, screenwriting class, sound design class, acting class, photography class.

UCCA "Summer Film Style" Workshop | Guide Tube" special benefits

Time: 7.29-8.4

Venue: UCCA Lecture Hall, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing

Fee: Single ordinary ticket: 350/day Membership ticket: 300/day

VCD August 4 丨 "Agnès' Beach", "You can't always say the sky is wrong"

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The Beaches of Agnès

2008 / French / Chinese and English subtitles / 110min

Returning to the beach he once had in his life, Agnès Varda created a cinematic self-portrait in his usual style. She took film clips, photographs, and documentary footage to the stage, and prepared a gift for her eightieth birthday with her unique humor and emotion. A beach office is set up in the middle of the road, and in the reflection of small mirrors, the story of the director's life unfolds in front of the audience like a children's pop-up book. As the film says, "One Master me, one guest me, even if you pour them all out, you only clean up a little bit." ”

UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

19:30-22:30 "You can't always say the sky is wrong", "The Beach of Agnès"

Guests: Liu Kuan Kiva, Han Xinyi (curator of this season)

When: August 4

Venue: UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Xiamen amphibious screening

The 2nd Film Open Air Screening Conference

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

In August, sponsored by the Office of the Leading Group for Cultural Development and Reform of Huli District, and undertaken by the Party Working Committee of Huli District and amphibious film planning, the second film open-air screening conference of "Light and Shadow Books, Masterpieces" will be used as a series of activities of the 28th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, deeply integrated with the Urban Recitation Festival, and walk into the streets and communities of Huli District to bring a number of classic film films adapted from literary works to fans and friends.

It is particularly worth mentioning that at the opening ceremony of this film screening event, Mr. Cai Guorong, the oscar nominee and screenwriter of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", was invited to the scene and communicate with the audience face to face.

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

When: Friday, August 30, 2019 at 19:30

Venue: Xiamen Dianqian Street - Free Trade Zone Cross-border E-commerce Park

China Film Archive, Beijing

China Film Archive screening in August

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47
National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

In order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a series of screening activities specially planned "Praise for New China - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China" was specially planned. In August, the special topic "Beijing City Affairs" will be exhibited. In the dimension of reality, the pre-action city of the times has brought development and change, from the countryside to the city, from the hutong courtyard to the rows of high-rise buildings, the spatial writing about the city is becoming richer and richer. Beijing, which has a long history and a modern style, has become a big stage to show social life and character emotions in the process of modernization, providing a variety of social perspectives and rich cultural imagination for the film.

When: August

Venue: China Film Archive, Beijing

Beijing Save film

Special screening of films at the French Cultural Centre

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

As the exclusive online ticketing platform of the French Cultural Center, the French Cultural Center × the French Cultural Center continues to bring you a number of wonderful French films this week, each of which is unique and classic.

There are still scheduled films: "Chef's Dream Tazzeka", "Talented Le Brio", "Man's Love L'Amour des hommes", "The Baileyers La famille Bélier", "La Belle saison", "Ouagadougou Girls", "Patients", "Fever Fièvres", "Lamb lamb", "Les parapluies De Cherbourg" "Goodbye First Love Un Amour de Jeunesse"

Venue: French Cultural Center, Beijing

Beijing One acre and three points of land documentary screening

CNEX Retrospective Of "Looking" Re-Screening of "Planting Life"

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Look Love

Director: Ye Yun | 2015 | 146 min

In Shen Congwen's hometown, deep in the mountains of Xiangxi, Hunan, China, there is a boy named Lin Sheng. When Lin Sheng was seven years old, his mother went out to work for the first time and brought him back a bicycle. One morning when he was eleven years old, Lin Sheng met his mother at the entrance of the village, and her mother stuffed ten yuan into his hand and did not come back. Dad forced himself to work on the farm, but he couldn't help but ask everyone about the whereabouts of his lover. At a private boarding school in the capital, Beijing, there is a girl named Xinyuan. Xinyuan's mother grew up in rural Zhejiang, China, and after giving birth to Xinyuan at the age of one, she relied on Xinyuan's father's overseas relationship, and the couple went to Spain to seek a livelihood, and because of economic reasons, they did not return to China for six years. Xinyuan was brought up by her grandparents, until she was seven years old, she really saw her mother for the first time, she is not called "mother", she is called "eh". In order to give her children a better education, her mother took Xinyuan and her brother from rural Zhejiang to her aunt's house in Beijing to study at an expensive private boarding school. From the fourth grade to the sixth grade, the girl's life and emotions are another clue in the film. Life has given this girl what kind of feelings, let her become the future of her, only the life that accompanies Xinyuan can be realized.

Planting for Life

Gu Xiaogang | 2014 | 75

Synopsis: Urban white-collar old Jia gave up urban life and returned to the countryside with his wife to practice the cultivation of natural farming methods. His ideas attracted a group of urban admirers, but the local villagers did not agree. At sunrise and sunset, husband and wife gradually lose their feelings for each other, leaving only the division of responsibilities and obligations, and the family and pastoral life are facing difficulties and rifts. In their stories, there is the cultivation of seeds, the birth of life, the harvest of rice grain, and the betrayal of love, witnessing the non-stop pace of life.

Time: Saturday, August 03 18:00-21:30

Location: Dongzhimen, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 2nd Floor Library, MOMA Broadway Film Center

The event is free and you are welcome to parachute in

Shanghai Shangyi Association

Shanghai Art Film Alliance: "Jianguo 70" Film Festival screening in August

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The "Proud of the Motherland - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Shanghai" jointly organized by the Shanghai Art Film Alliance and the Tianshan Cinema-Hongqiao Art Center Flagship Store. The film festival began in June and lasted until the end of December, lasting seven months, showing 70 classic domestic films.

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Venue: Changning District, Shanghai Tianshan Cinema- Flagship Store of Hongqiao Art Center, No. 888 Tianshan Road, Shanghai

Cost: From 60.00 RMB

Ticket shopping app, cat's eye movie app, theater scene

Chengdu Jungle

International Women's Short Film Animation and Ma Weijia's Works Screening Exhibition

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

In order to raise the production cost of Ma Weijia's latest short film project "Riverbank", this women's theme animation short film screening was launched.

Related to the theme of Riverbank, these short films carry the memories of the girls, stories that we can't tell out loud, like a shipwreck moored quietly on the riverbed. Language is the map, and we wear rubber gloves to see the damage that has been done, and those enduring treasures.

- "Dive into the Shipwreck" by Adrienne Richie (1929-2012)

8 high-definition short films screened a total of 77min + one of the curators Li Shanshan on-site exchange + "Riverbank" project introduction

Time: Saturday, August 10 14:00-16:00

Venue: NU SPACE, Area B, Mingtang Creative Workspace, No. 9 Kuixinglou Street, Chengdu

⬆️ For registration details, click on the link

Wuxi OCT

Ancient Canal Literature Film Season – Film Chapter

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Guide cartridges will be available in the near future, so stay tuned.

Period: July to September

Location: Wuxi

Guangzhou, a few words

Contemporary young female directors screening and sharing session

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

The theme of this exhibition and exchange will be "female director and actress", and the term "female director" will be interpreted as "female, self-led, and interpretive life" from an objective standpoint, so that "female director" will be a feature rather than a special case. At that time, three domestic contemporary young female directors will be selected for screening, and the director himself will be invited to the audience to exchange and discuss. This event aims to explore the female directors in different growth backgrounds and different life stages, their perceptions of their own growth process, and the current living conditions of female filmmakers. I hope that through this activity, we can provide more dreamers on the film road, especially young women who are interested in entering the film and television industry, with valuable opportunities for experience exchange, help, and the strength to move forward.

Event Highlights:

1. He gave the first guangzhou meeting and exchange meeting

2. "Passing Stars" and "Boring Movies" are exclusively screened offline

3. "Boring Movie" was screened for the first time in mainland China

4. On-site Q&A communication and interaction

5. Online synchronous live broadcast

Check-in starts at 18:30 and starts on time at 19:00

(For users nationwide, Guangzhou) in the art app mobile app (live content is mainly based on exchange and sharing, the film will be partially live)

Time: August 9, 19:00~21:30

Location: Guangzhou Yanjiyou (K11 store)

⬆️ For more details, please scan the poster QR code

Hong Kong HKIFF Hong Kong International Film Festival

Retrospective of 8 selected films by Pedro Almodóvar

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

A closer look at the classics on the big screen, the highlight of this summer's international film, is a review of 8 selected films by focus director Pedro Almodóvar.

When: August 13-27

Location: Hong Kong

Hainan Hainan Island International Film Festival

2019 "Italian Summer" Film Festival

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

Italian cinema plays a pivotal role in the history of the world, with grand concern for historical changes, delicate dissection of family ethics, tragedies and joys of characters in social change, romantic love on the streets of Rome in summer, or seriousness or humor, all of which have classics left. From July 26 to August 4, the Hainan Island International Film Festival 2019 "Italian Summer" Film Festival event arrived as scheduled.

Hainan | The "Italian Summer" screening list is hot

When: July 26 to August 4

Location: Hainan

⬆️ For more details, please click on the article

National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

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National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47
National Art/Independent Film Screening Trailer | No. 47

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