
The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

author:Separate fish

Not long ago, the little golden man award ceremony.

A Korean actress makes history.

Yin Ruzhen, 74 years old.

She won Best Supporting Actress for "Minari", becoming the first Korean to win the award.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

After the elegant old lady took the stage, she contributed a very interesting acceptance speech.

First he joked with Brad Pitt.

"Oh, Mr. Brad Pitt, I finally saw you, where were you when we made the movie?"

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

It's cue's boss, because it's Pete's production company that invested in the film.

Incidentally, expose your fandom attributes.

Then he said:

"Actually, my name is Yin Ruzhen, but most Europeans call me Yin Zhen, and some people call me Ruzhen, but tonight I forgive you!" 」

Highlighted his Asian identity and cultural background in a humorous way.

Take the opportunity to eliminate the embarrassment of always being called the wrong name.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Next, she modestly stated that she was purely lucky to win the award.

High emotional intelligence resolved the embarrassment of other nominated actors not being selected.

"I don't believe in the game, how did I win Glenn Cross?" ...... I'm just a little luckier than you guys, or the Academy's hospitality to Korean actors."

Then thanked director Kim Ki-yong, who took her on the film path.

Draught does not forget to dig wells, and after Bong Joon-ho, he once again promoted the Korean director to the world.

Finally, she said:

"Thank you to my two sons, who let me work. So, dear sons, this is the result, because Mom has worked hard."

It also reflects the image of her female struggle for independence.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

A speech, comprehensive, not humble, vivid and humorous, but also a little playful.

In just two minutes, win the full house!

It also aroused the curiosity of many viewers about the old actor.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Today, Uncle Yu will talk to everyone about her——

This actress combines intelligence, charm, cuteness and legend.

Yin Ruzhen

Yoon Yeo-jung

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time
The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Many people think that Yin Ruzhen is a late bloomer and has become famous.

Not really.

As early as 50 years ago, she was a TOP star in the Korean film and television industry.

The story has to start at the beginning.

Yoon Was born in 1947 in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

Originally, her family was not bad.

Unfortunately, his father died young, and the family fell into the middle of the road.

Only the mother has worked hard to pull a few children to grow up, and put her hopes on them.

I hope they study hard, get into college, and find a good job.

And Yin Ruzhen did respond to this good intention and became the object of everyone's envy.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time


She attended the famous Ewha Girls' High School in high school and was subsequently admitted to Hanyang University majoring in language and literature.

If nothing else, the trajectory of life has been fixed, and there is no sign of stepping into the film and television circle.

But as she herself said:

"Most people (actors) fall in love with movies, or they fall in love with theater, and for me, it's just an accident."

Accidents, it really happened.

During college, in order to subsidize her family, Yin Ruzhen began to work part-time in tv stations.

Gradually, he participated in some auditions and gained recognition from the industry.

In the face of the good salary in the film and television industry, she finally decided to give up her studies and devote herself wholeheartedly to her acting career.

Such a choice now seems normal, but at the time it required a lot of courage.

At that time, Korean society was very conservative.

Not only to face resistance from the family, but also to endure the criticism of the people around them.

Acting is a profession that is not favored and respected, let alone a woman who wants to show her face.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

However, Yin Ruzhen did show his talent in this regard.

Soon a road of opening and hanging began.

In 1966, she successfully debuted as an actress in the 3rd open recruitment of TBC (South Korean Toyo Broadcasting Corporation).

The following year, he starred in the first play of his career, "Mr. Bear", which was well received.

In 1969, she moved to MBC (Korea Culture Broadcasting Corporation) and two years later starred in the costume drama "Zhang Xi Concubine".

In the film, Yin Ruzhen plays the evil daughter Zhang Xi Concubine.

The excellent acting skills made her once become an object of disgust by the general audience.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"Zhang Xi Concubine"

In the same year, she was photographed by Kim Ki-young, Korea's top director at the time.

He has starred in "Fire Girl" and "Bug Girl" directed by him, which is a sensation.

Both plays are about young girls who have a relationship with a husband and a wife, which eventually leads to tragedy.

The scale is relatively large.

Not only do you have requirements for acting skills, but you also need a strong psychological support.

Fortunately, Yin Ruzhen withstood the challenge and successfully interpreted the pathology and madness of a lost girl.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Fire Girl

With "Fire Girl", she has only been debuting for two years, and she has won the Great Bell Award for Best Newcomer and the Green Dragon Award for Film Queen.

There is no doubt that a superstar in the film industry is rising.

But the story came to an abrupt end afterwards.

At this time, Yin Ruzhen became acquainted with the popular singer, Zhao Yingnan.

Zhao Yingnan is two years older than her, can speak well, can write songs, and can also draw, which is quite talented.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

In 1973, the two, who were in love, announced their engagement.

In the same year, Zhao Yingnan went to the United States for further study.

And Yin Ruzhenfu sang women and also immigrated to the United States.

Torrent yushi, Aio kyoko.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

The introduction of Yin Ruzhen in "Flower Sister" is by no means an exaggeration

However, this marriage became the biggest pain in her life.

She later summed up the days after marriage this way:

"During the days when I lived in the United States, I cleaned my room and took the kids all day like a maid."

He gave up his acting career, which was at its peak, and devoted himself to taking on the role of housewife.

As a result, it was finally found that this Zhao Yingnan was a scumbag among scumbags.

Although he had two children together, he frequently cheated after marriage.

After being discovered by Yin Ruzhen, he even kicked his nose in the face.

Even the outrageous words such as "can you do threesomes" can be said.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Can this be tolerated?

In 1987, Yin Ruzhen decisively divorced Zhao Yingnan, ending a 13-year marriage.

In order to get custody of the child, she voluntarily gave up her property and returned to South Korea without hesitation.

At another stage of life, 37-year-old Yin Ruzhen lost almost everything.

But they also got the opportunity to start over.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

In order to support her family, Yin Ruzhen was full of ambition and returned to the film world.

But words like "run away for half a life, come back as a teenager" are only chicken soup for the soul after all.

The cold and warm of reality, only I feel it most truly.

When she left, she was a popular actress with invincible youth, and when she returned, she was already a big sister who was almost forty.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Moreover, in South Korea, where the concept of male superiority and female inferiority is deep, it is also full of prejudice against divorced women.

At first, Yin Ruzhen took advantage of her past fame to receive some jobs.

But when someone saw her appear on TV, she actually called the TV station to complain about her bad manners.

The former Queen of the Green Dragon Shadow had to face the situation of being "hidden" and "banned".

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Yin Ruzhen was once disheartened.

I thought, just go back to the United States, at least find a job as a supermarket cashier.

But fortunately, a good friend, the famous screenwriter Kim So-hyun, was dissuaded in time.

"Have you proven yourself, you have been on fire, have you forgotten?"

Therefore, Yin Ruzhen, who was encouraged, adjusted his mentality, found his positioning, and set off again——

"I was 38 years old, and that was a turning point in my life and becoming an actor."

Kim so-hyun has also become a nobleman on her way to a comeback.

In the 90s, she was a sought-after Korean drama screenwriter.

Many of the first batch of Korean dramas that caught fire came from his hands.

And yin Ruzhen's figure can always be found in it.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Screenwriter Kim so-hyun

For example, the 1991 TV series What is Love?

Not only did the ratings in South Korea explode, reaching 64% at its peak.

It also caused a warm response in neighboring countries and was introduced in 1997, which is regarded as the origin of the Korean Wave in China.

And Yin Ruzhen played the mother of the heroine in the play, and there were many scenes.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

What is Love?

Another example is the classic Korean drama "The Men of the Bathhouse Owner's House".

It was also the K-pop of that era.

Yin Ruzhen gave a wonderful performance in the play.

In it, he played the second sister-in-law who dressed fashionably and liked to recite poetry.

Usually bitter and mean, but in her heart is a girl who loves fashion and literature.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"The Men of the Bathhouse Owner's House"

Because the character setting is excellent, coupled with Yin Ruzhen's unique voice, mature acting skills and the femininity accumulated over the years.

The second sister-in-law has become one of the most popular characters in the audience.

Yin Ruzhen, who once swept through the film world, finally fought a beautiful turnaround battle and completely "killed" back.

After entering the new millennium, Ms. Yin has become more and more advanced on the road of senior actors.

Not only did he continue to shine in the field of TV dramas, but he starred in popular dramas such as "Love Hotel", "Come on, Jin Shun", "My Dear Friends" and so on.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"My Dear Friends"

Moreover, it has regained the favor of new film directors.

He has participated in the films of Lin Changshu and Hong Sang-so, two Korean first-line directors, many times.

Frequent landings in major international film festivals have laid a good foundation for today's achievements.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

What's even more surprising is that two magical crossovers have also been completed.

One is to return to the United States and get addicted to American dramas.

Between 2015 and 2017, he made a cameo appearance in the Wachowski sisters' high-scoring sci-fi masterpiece "Super Sense Hunting".

Although there are not many scenes, it is the key character guiding the plot, cold and mysterious, and it is simply not too cool.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"Super Sense Hunting"

The second is a coincidence and has become a variety show café.

In the variety show "Flower Sister", Luo Zhenxi, the king of Han Zong, befriended Yin Ruzhen.

Then they collaborated together on "Yin Canteen".

Not only did She let Ms. Yin serve as the main MC, but also directly named her surname.

Unexpectedly, it actually created a phenomenon-level explosion.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

《Yin Canteen》

But anyone who has watched the show will be amazed that she is so suitable for this variety show.

Her rich experience in the United States allows her to communicate calmly with various foreign friends.

Her long career as a housewife has given her access to a wide variety of dishes.

Her straightforward and kind personality makes all the guests who work with her admire.

Coupled with the poisonous tongue attribute that loves to spit and does not attract hatred, the sense of variety is full.

Truly a chosen one who fell from the sky!

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

However, for the explosion of the show, she also complained about herself:

"I've been an actor for 50 years, and my masterpiece is "Yin Canteen", which is so humiliating!"

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

That's it

In the seventh decade of her life, Yin Ruzhen transformed again and lived out the most comfortable and vivid appearance.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Although this time Yoon Joo-jeong won the Little Golden Man, creating the history of Korean actors.

But Bong Joon-ho, who had unlimited scenery in the last session, said when congratulating Yin Ruzhen on winning the award:

"This is a victory for Teacher Yoon Yoo-jeong, not a pioneering act in Korean film history."

Uncle Yu thought about it and felt that it was not unreasonable.

If the sweep of "Parasite" is a tribute to Korean cinema, a collective ode.

Then Yin Ruzhen's folding is definitely only because of herself.

From the "desperate housewife" to the "little golden man winner", this is a double span of time and difficulty.

But Yin Ruzhen really did it.

Such a story is too worthy of our repeated recollection.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Looking back at its ups and downs, it is not willing to be an ordinary life.

It is not difficult for us to find that the six-word mantra of "pursuing" and "being yourself" surrounds the whole text.

Let's start with "there is a pursuit."

After becoming popular through Korean dramas, Ms. Yin could have stopped here, determined the direction of "mother professional households", and was at ease to be a special actor.

But she didn't.

On one show, she said:

"There are always traces of success at a young age, either because of talent or because of appearance.

But when you get old, the only weapon is hard work."

Ms. Yin, who has worked hard, has become one of the very few actors who can expand her drama path in her old age.

The larger the scale, the more it must be performed.

In "The Secret Family", she played a mother-in-law who fell back on the back of her husband and the old friend.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"The Secret Family"

In "The Next Girl", she played a very deep, gloomy housekeeper in the city.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

"The Next Girl"

In Taste of Money, she plays a greedy and lustful female chaebol who craves the flesh of a young male secretary every day.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

The Taste of Money

The most impressive one is "Miss Dionysus".

At this time, Yin Ruzhen was nearly 70 years old.

She plays an elderly sex worker.

Walking at the bottom of society, through her perspective, she can see the bitter helplessness of marginalized people.

Ms. Yin's attitude and pursuit of acting can be seen.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Miss Dionysus

Say "be yourself."

After winning the award, some foreign media referred to her as "Meryl Streep of South Korea".

After hearing this, Ms. Yin expressed regret for both sides.

"I don't like to be compared, and I don't want to be a competitor to anyone. I admire her work and everything, but she has her story and I have my story."

Yes, Yin Ruzhen is just Yin Ruzhen.

This frankness and self-confidence are enough to make most people ashamed.

As for optimism, it is another remedy for her.

"If I hadn't met Zhao Yingnan, I might have been a very ordinary actor."

She did not complain a little about the injustices of the past.

Instead, in the light-hearted ridicule of the clouds, it is regarded as part of the experience.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

The world kissed me with pain, but I sang in return.

This poem is best embodied in her.

In the 2009 movie "Actresses", Yin Ruzhen appeared almost in the way of her true colors.

Watching the other young actresses cry about the misfortunes of their respective marriages.

She raised her glass impressively.

"Even if we are hurt a lot, think more about the good times"

"What are you crying?" Drink bar, guys!"

The heroism of it is all in the unspoken.

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

Although Ms. Yin Ruzhen won the best actress this time.

But on her own life path, she is the best heroine deservedly.

I hope Ms. Yin can stay healthy and happy acting.

As she herself said:

"As long as you can still remember the lines, go on and live in the movie." 」

The actress who was banned by the whole country finally won this time

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